Wednesday July 5, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 5, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men” (Isaiah 52:14)

  1. Joe Rogan: Trump Plans To End Ukraine War: “Perfect”.
  1. Trump Popularity Stable Even After Endictments
  1. Biden’s Convoluted Plan to beat Supreme  Court Opinion on Student Loan Repayment
  1. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Could Beat Biden
  1. Justice Thomas Sets the Record Straight on Race
  1. Bob Woodson:  Colored Man: I would rather be hated than patronized This older colored man has a very interesting position on affirmative action
  1. Did Garland Lie Under Oath About Hunter Biden Deal?
  1. Heavier EV Damage Roads More than Other Vehicles I do not believe there will be many more electric vehicles in ten years as there are now.  The electric grid just cannot handle them, and batteries are going to get more and more expensive.
  1. Lost at 17: Found Alive After 8 Years
  1. Bing Videos Tucker Carlson last talk, at Heritage Foundation.  This was his last talk before being “fired”.
  1. Testimony: Trans Attacks on Girls
  1. Testimony: Trans Attacks on Girls
  1. Baseball Size Hail Destroys Solar Farm

Tuesday July 4, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 4, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. (John 6:35)

  1. Today is July 4, the anniversary of the founding of America.  I think it is a good time to re-read the Declaration of Independence, and remember what those 56 men sacrificed when they founded America.  We need to be careful that we do not do anything that gives our government more power that is specified by the Constitution. 
  1. Bob Shillingstad: What the Founders Sacrificed for us.
  1. Baseball Size Hail Destroys Solar Farm
  1. Hunter Biden Lawyers Attack Congressional Whistleblowers
  1. A Former Attorney General would consider a pardon of Trump
  1. Democrats go nuts over court decision about affirmative action One colored commentator noted that affirmative action emphasized skin color over personal achievement, ability.
  1. Attacks by Orcas
  1. Anthony Fauci Now Professor at Jesuit University The Jesuits have been known for generations as being among the most liberal of Catholic institutions.
  1. Biden Wants Net Zero Carbon emissions  Biden Plans for Climate Change is Pure Insanity.
  1. The majority of women who receive abortion care are mothers.

—Kamala Harris

She is clearly even dumber than old Loopy – and I thought that was not even possible.

Samit K. Bhattacharyya, Ph.D.,P.E.

President, RENMAR Enterprises, Inc
123 Savannah Pointe
North Augusta, SC 29841

Monday July 3, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 3, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. (Isaiah 41:10)

  1. Net Zero is Simply a Nightmare   Biden Plans for Climate Change is Pure Insanity.
  1. Trump Talk Supports American History 5 min
  1. Conceived in Rape no Reason to Abort Baby This is just one of several pro-life stories of survival found in my book: Abortion Compassion.
  1. Trump only living  president not descended from slave owners
  1. Electric Vehicles: Heavier, hard on Roads One problem that few are talking about is that electric vehicles will be totally useless if there is a disaster and the electricity goes off.  They will have no way to get away from a hurricane or other disaster.
  1. 2 RINOs Kill Good Military Measure
  1. Trump Calls Out Biden for Loan Forgiveness: Biden Says he has Other Plans
  1. Tucker Carlson EP 8 Trans Official 
  1. Feds cut Texas Razor Wire to let Illegals Enter
  1. Teacher: Address Kids with “proper” pronouns, or be fired
  1. Bing Videos Jordan Peterson with Abigail Shrier.  Peterson said this interview made him very nervous as he could lose his license.
  1. Adam Schiff: Pack the Supreme Court
  1. You’re oh-so-right that this KMPO project is very suspicious.  You may want to write about it/share in one of your upcoming daily newsletters. There are several excellent resources but here are a few you might find helpful to start.
  1. July 1 Trump Rally South Carolina
  1. Bing Videos Trump July 1, S Carolina Rally (Best Sound)

Sunday July 2, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 2, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see  the salvation of the LORD, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today, ye shall see them again no more for ever. (Exodus 14:13)

Adam Schiff: Pack the Supreme Court

Louisiana Governor Vetoes Law Protecting Children  

EP 8: Tucker Carlson: Trans Admiral 5 minutes

Attorneys Prosecuting Hunter Biden Donated to Biden-Harris Campaigns

Chris Christie Picks on Trump: is Booed

Arizona Votes Found

Fed Wants to Delay Trump Trial to December, now scheduled for August

Trump Impeachments to be Expunged

Many Young are abandoning Biden?

Ford Losing Money on Every Electric Vehicle Produced: It is time to recognize that electric vehicles have no future without subsidies  

Supreme Court: Student Loan Forgiveness, Dead: Ramifications of Dissent Biden seeking a way around court opinion.

Testimony against Trans Action

Four Arrested over Tractor Trailer Deaths one year ago   Tractor Trailer of Immigrants parked in the heat and abandoned.  Why? No clear.  Why they could not break down the door.  Many died.

Saturday July 1, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 1, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

But sanctify the Lord God in your heats: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: (1 Peter 3:15)

  1. Please see the attached article concerning the task before us by Bob Shillingstad.
  1. Also, child patriot with the National Anthem.
  1. Four Arrested over Tractor Trailer Deaths one year ago
  1. Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s reasonable positions upsetting to some Democrats
  1. Cause of Forest Fires Not climate change.
  1. Sweden Drops Climate Agenda: Watch Video at the End
  1. Arizona Governor Bans Enforcement of Abortion Laws
  1. Supreme Court: No Student Loan Forgiveness
  1. Witness not permitted to testify about Hunter Biden
  1. Trump Supports Protecting the Unborn
  1. Topless Women Legal in Madison, Wisconsin
  1. Earth Wobble Not Man Caused: A Natural Result over Thousands of Years
  1. Reality: Electric Vehicles Have No Future: They Require Subsidies to Survive  
  1. Tulsa Cannot Enforce Laws against any native American This is probably a violation of the Civil Rights Act.
  1. EPA Policies on Electric Vehicles Electric Vehicles will be stalled if the electric service goes down in emergency etc.  Electrical vehicles will be useless in any disaster affecting local, or even national power.
  1. Testimony Riley Gaines held for Ransom.
  1. Some Supreme Court Cases: Decided and Pending
  1. Trump Lawyers for Coming Trial
  1. Harrison Ford and Indiana Jones Latest Movie
  1. Steve Bannon Comments on Trump Charges

Friday June 30, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

June 30, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few messages for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Wherefore the Lord said,  Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: (Isaiah 29:13)

  1. Watch the attached to the end.  One very patriotic one year old
  1. Supreme Court Cancels College Affirmative Action
  1. Kari Lake for Vice President?  Not the best choice I honestly believe Kari Lake was elected as governor of Arizona.  I think she would make a great governor, or even a good senator, but I do not believe America is ready for a woman president.
  1. McCarthy: Cancel both Trump Impeachments
  1. Jack Smith Pressures Witnesses
  1. 66% Believe There will be Cheating in 2024 Election We have had considerable evidence that there was cheating in 2020, 2022, and we expect the same in 2024.  The question is, what are we doing to prevent it?
  1. Biden Health Issue: Sleep Apnea
  1. 250 Celebrities Support Mutilation of Children
  1. Summer Meeting IDGOP
  1. Biden: Not Practicing Catholic: Most pro-abortion president in history
  1. Biden, A Practicing Catholic, Strongly Supports Abortion
  1. Pelosi, 30 Catholic Democrats support abortion
  1. DeSantis: Strongly Pro-life
  1. Trump: We Terminated Roe v. Wade
  1. 14-year-old boy kills man who attacked his mother
  1. Whistleblower: Hunter Biden paid prostitutes as business expense
  1. When Dad Comes to Christ First, 93% of rest of family will follow
  1. Human remains and debris from sub returned to land after fatal implosion near Titanic site (

Thursday June 29, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

June 29, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. (Isaiah 26:3)

  1. When Dad Comes to Christ First, 93% of rest of family will follow
  1. OPINION: Wannabe Republican | Coeur d’Alene Press ( Brent Regan, June 23 ,2023.  What is a Republican?
  1. Robert F. Kennedy is a Breath of Fresh Air For Democrats I have to say that I appreciate Kennedy, but he has two things working against him: 1) He is still a Democrat which holds some positions that are pretty anti-American, and 2) He is a Kennedy and they have been mainly Marxist for over half a century
  1. Free Speech dying on college campuses in US
  1. New Biden Immigration Policy could cripple our economy
  1. Abortionist Runs over pro-life man with car; breaking his leg
  1. Student Loan Forgiveness is a Vast Redistribution Program
  1. If Elected Trump Will Protect the Border
  1. Electric Vehicles Damage Roads More than Gasoline Vehicles Do How long will it take for it to be evident that electric vehicles have no future; that they do not last, and that they cost more to produce and maintain than they are worth.  To expect all cars to one day be totally electric is just engineering folly.  Some day this will all come back to bite us.
  1. What Happened to the Bodies When Titan Imploded? They have now recovered most of the wreckage.  No bodies are mentioned.
  1. FBI Threatened to Fire Employees who Questioned Treatment of Riots and Jan 6
  1. Bank Records Convict Bidens
  1. Testimony of Unidentified Flying Object, UFO
  1. Prosecutor Not Permitted to Charge Hunter Biden
  1. Trump Reacts to Tape of Document Discussion
  1. Good Guy with Gun, Takes out Bad Guy with Gun
  1. Attorney: Good defeats evil | Coeur d’Alene Press ( There is no question that the Aryan Nation was wrong in what they did, but the case would have meant more had not the Southern Poverty Law Center been involved.  The group does a lot of pro bone work, but in the process they raise millions.  If you check out their list of “terrorists” you find many Christian pro-America groups.  The Southern Poverty Law Center is a Marxist group, and strongly anti-America.  There were some in the Aryan group that were good citizens, but they were led astray by Richard Butler, who entertained some very confusing ideas about right and wrong.  I had friends involved with his group, and some of them did not believe that Negroes were human.  What they believed was pretty sick, yet they could be a real encouragement and act as good citizens.  Had the press not made a big deal of their presence they would never have been noticed.
  1. Founding Members ( North Idaho Republicans would have you believe they are the only true Republicans in North Idaho.   The fact is that they are a self-perpetuating organization, like the Lions or Eagles.  The official Republicans are central committee members elected by the citizens of our county.  They represent you.  The members of North Idaho Republicans represent themselves.  There are some really good people listed in this group.  There are also some which would have to be classified as Republicans in Name Only (RINOs).  Unfortunately their literature would have you believe they are the real Republican party, but they are not.

About us (  What North Idaho Republicans believe.  It looks like this was taken from the official Idaho Republican Party Platform.

2022-24-Idaho-Republican-Party-Platform-1.pdf ( Here is the Idaho Republican Party Platform for comparison.

May Primary ( Candidates endorsed by North Idaho Republicans.  Notice the format is very similar to that of the official Kootenai County Republican Central Committee.  Some have commented that these are the same ones endorsed by the Democrats.

Rating & Vetting — Kootenai County GOP ( Keeping  Democrats out of the Republican Party: The vetting process.  Notice how similar the North Idaho Republican literature is to the of the official Kootenai County Republican literature.

Wednesday June 28, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

June 28, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers:

But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: (1 Peter 1:18-19)

  1. Good Guy with Gun, Takes out Bad Guy with Gun
  1. Naked Bike Riders: Open Minded, or Satanic?? In a civilized society there can be no excuse for the acceptance of this kind of action.
  1. Naked Bike Riders: Open Minded, or Satanic??
  1. Tucker Carlson  EP 6 Bobby Kennedy
  1. Prosecutor seeking death penalty if Bryan Kohberger found guilty of murdering students in Moscow, Idaho
  1. Whistleblower: Not Permitted to Ask Who was the “Big Guy”.
  1. Letters with white powder sent to lawmakers in three states
  1. A Call for Impeachment.? Where is this headed?  Sure, Biden needs to be impeached.  However, though this gets the information out there, there is zero chance of it passing in the Senate.  And, if Biden is impeached Harris would then be president, and how long would she last?  She is actually worse than Biden.
  1. Swedish Roller Coaster Accident: One Dead, 9 injured
  1. Straight Woman Attacked by LGBTQ Mob
  1. DeSantis beats Biden in Fund raising: Why would any rational person support Biden?
  1. Could Trump Actually Go to Jail? ? Since Trump enjoys a lot of support, putting him in jail would affect a lot of people; then what would happen?   Unless they should convict Trump of a serious crime, many would work to protect his freedom.
  1. Two Whistleblowers Confirm Garland Corruption

Tuesday June 27, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

June 27, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. (John 5:24)

  1. Life Without Medicaid: IFF
  1. Congressman Boebert: Impeach Biden I am not sure what she hopes to gain by this action.  The president would be tried by the Senate, and it takes a 2/3 vote to convict; something that would never happen. 

Also, Senator Ted Cruz is calling for impeachment.

  1. Idaho Presidential Primary Cancelled
  1. John Kerry’s Lies About Climate Will Catch Up with Him. Climate scientists have made it very clear that there is no climate emergency, that fossil fuels have made America great, and that carbon dioxide is needed by all plants for growth; the more the merrier.  
  1. Trump Prosecutor Jack Smith has biased past
  1. Steve Bannon Supports Kari Lake for Vice President Candidate Kari Lake is a great person and stands in all the right places.  She would have been a great governor, or even now a senator.  But, I do not think America is now ready for a woman president, and if anything should happen to Trump, that is what you would have.  A better choice would be Ron DeSantis, if he and Trump could accept that.
  1. A Little Truth About Fox and  Tucker Carlson
  1. Little of Massive Infrastructure Bill spent on Infrastructure
  1. Joe Biden Will Not Recognize His Grandchild?
  1. No Justice for Hunter Biden
  1. Russian Rebellion Ends
  1. Naked Bike Ride Legal in Wisconsin: What is this world coming to? It used to be that you could be arrested for urinating beside the highway.  Now it appears that anything goes. 
  1. THE MOVIE – Grid Down, Power Up (

Thank you for your interest in viewing “Grid Down, Power Up” 1 Hour: This movie deals with the vulnerability of our power grid.

To watch the movie online right now, click here

– The Paul Revere Films Team

Monday June 26, 2023 Attachment

Jim Hollingsworth

June 20, 2023


There is a new documentary out, Enemies Within The Church, which documents the decline of evangelical Christianity and the rise of liberalism within the church.  Every Christian who is concerned about liberty needs to watch this film and share it with your friends.

The film makes the point that the modern church has neglected any teaching about the law.  Truly, the Ten Commandments were given to Israel, but they are important to the Christian church as well.

Although no one was ever saved by keeping the law, the Ten Commandments were important to the founders of America. The men who founded America knew their Bibles well.  They knew the importance of the Ten Commandments, not only in God’s relationship with Israel, but as a foundation of law in any community.  This evident fact was so important that in time the Ten Commandments became the basis of criminal law in every state of the Union.

While the law is important, the idea of keeping the law leading to salvation is contrary to the Christian narrative.  The early evangelists preached the importance of repentance.  Their message was repent and believe the gospel. 

Repentance is a change in thinking, and before anyone can believe the truth about what Christ did on the cross of Calvary, they have to change their thinking.  Our salvation depends on believing in what Jesus did in bearing our sins on the cross. 

Love is an important part of the message of the film.  The world would have us believe that love is the only message of importance.  They, therefore, insist that we love them enough that we will accept their deviant lifestyle; that we accept their sin.

But the Bible has a contrasting message.  We are told not to love as the world loves.

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.  If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. (1 John 2:15)

Love is rarely found in the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, but it is found often in the writings of the apostle, John, and throughout the New Testament.  It begins with God’s love for the world and demonstrating that love by giving His son to die for our sins.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

God loved us and He gave us His son.  We are to demonstrate that same love to one another.

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. (John 13:35)

It is love that distinguishes the Christian from others.  The film laments the fact that many in the church have emphasized love to the exclusion of other very important teaching.

After John 3:16 we are told some other things that explain what is happening in our world today.  First, Jesus did not come to condemn, but to save. (John 3:17) Then the one who believes is not condemned but the one who does not believe has already been condemned. (John 3:18)

The development ends with this verse which describes our present age and what is happening in the church.  “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” (John 3:19) Evil has entered the church and masqueraded as truth.  Many have fallen into sin because of it.

Love is an important teaching of the New Testament.  In fact, the apostle Paul spends most of First Corinthians Chapter 13 talking about the importance of love, translated as “charity” in the King James Bible.  The Bible teaches the importance of love all through the rest of the New Testament.

The message of the film is an important one.  Marxism in all its forms has made a strong entrance into the organized church.  Many parents have sent their kids off to seminary or Bible school, only to have them come home and deny God.

This movement called “liberalism” began at the beginning of the Twentieth Century.  Church groups that stood squarely on foundational principles gradually became more liberal.  Some even denied that the Bible was true.  As noted in the film, some believed that the Old Testament were just a collection of myths.

There are important changes that have taken place over the past twenty-five years.  This has been helped along by some decisions by a more liberal Supreme Court.  One example is the Bible’s position on homosexuality. 

Some have claimed that homosexuals (gay men) are just born that way and there is nothing they can do about it.  In actual fact people grow up with all sorts of native sins, homosexuality being just one of them.  One man in the film, who was molested as a young man and grew up believing he was gay, came to Christ and ultimately got away from the gay lifestyle.  He later married and raised a family.  The Bible teaching is clear, yet the modern church has made excuses for gays.  Some churches have even ordained gay pastors as well as women, which is contrary to sound biblical teaching.

The transgender issue has brought most of this to a head.  Committed Christians began to realize that all this is wrong.  It gradually became clear that there are some who would subvert the basic science of biology, claiming that there are multiple genders.

Facts, are stubborn things.  And the fact is that God only created two sexes, male and female (Genesis 1:27), and that is evident in every cell of our bodies.  Doctors can mutilate a person’s body, but they can never change the sex of an individual.

June has been called “pride month”.  We are supposed to support gays and transgender people.  But this is a great evil.  The church must take a principled stand against this evil.  While these conditions are very attractive to certain people the end result is the destruction of the church.

Churches need to have clear doctrinal statements and work to ensure that they do not deviate from the teaching of the Bible.  Now some who have stood for truth have lost their jobs or their positions.  These were following the clear teachings of the Bible.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. (1 Corinthians 15:58)

 The first disciples knew the truth and what God required of them.

Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. (Acts 5:29)

Some churches have preached that the Christian should not have anything to say about the government, yet a careful study of the Old Testament indicates that the prophets spent a lot of effort condemning the established authority.

We need to be careful that we do not accept a watered-down message so that we can accept the gay or LGBTQ+ lifestyle.  It is time for the church to stand for truth without wavering.

Jim Hollingsworth holds a master’s degree in Biblical Studies from Pensacola Christian College.  He has written five books.

Climate Change: A Convenient Truth

Cortez: A Biography

The Ancient Culture of the Aztec Empire

Abortion Compassion

Book of Romans: Commentary

A sixth book: Commentary on the book of Galatians is with the publisher.