Sunday February 11, 2024

Jim Hollingsworth

February 11, 2024

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: (2 Corinthians 4:3)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XXV, Section 2

Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

  1. Sent to the Idaho Legislature Yesterday.

Just a reminder that voting for an Article V Constitutional Convention or a convention of the states, would be a disaster for the country.  My short thoughts are below.


Jim Hollingsworth

Convention of the States: Background: Just to be clear, I do not support this convention. There is just too much danger: they could eliminate much of the Bill of Rights and change other provisions.  Better to handle one issue at a time as has been done in the past.  Plus, if the left does not follow the present Constitution, they will not follow a revised one.  With the Left in control of so much of our government at the present time, this is just not the right time for a Constitutional Convention.  This would be very dangerous.

  1. Government action on President’s classified documents 4 minutes
  1. Senate Republicans who voted for disastrous border bill: Some surprises
  1. Willis in trouble
  1. My perspective.

Jim Hollingsworth

Can we ever end our use of fossil fuels?  Not on the short term.  The question is not so much can we, but why should we?  There is no climate emergency, and true science makes it clear that carbon dioxide and fossil fuels are beneficial so why stop using them?   Having fossil fuels and not using them is like having a car with a full gas tank, but still insisting on pushing the car to avoid pollution.  Wind and solar will never fill the need.  Here in North Idaho we have months of cloudy weather, and the wind often does not blow when it gets real cold.  You cannot build a battery that large, and batteries have a fairly short life.  The solution is to recognize that this is not a climate emergency, but a matter of control.  They want to control how we live and this seems the easiest way at it; control the climate.

  1. Law and Order in Florida keeps crime down
  1. Is Michael Mann a Fraud?  I have followed this man for many years and cannot see how a court could side with him.  He is a science disaster.
  1. Island Volcano Erupts for third time launching lava into air near emptied towns
  1. Trump wins large victory in Nevada
  1. Evacuate Rafah in Gaza ahead of expected invasion
  1. Governor DeSantis: No flags but U.S. and Florida flag on public buildings
  1. Dr Jackson: Biden Doctor not to be trusted
  1. Biden Climate Requirements going the wrong direction
  1. Gorka/Epshteyn: Supreme Court Hearing on Ballot issue
  1. Biden will not face charges over classified papers, says ‘memory is fine’ | Reuters Too old and feeble to be charged, yet he is fine to run the country.  Either it was a crime or it wasn’t.
  1. Biden won’t be charged in classified docs case; special counsel cites instances of ‘poor memory’ (