Thursday July 20, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 20, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. (2 Corinthians 1:40

  1. Tucker Carlson: Three Things Not Allowed to Talk About
  1. Trump Targeted by Jack Smith
  1. LA Police Union Official To Policemen: Go where you are appreciated
  1. Fox News Did Not Cover Presidential Interviews With Carlson
  1. Tucker Carlson: Capitol Police Chief: There were Government Agents in the Crowd on Jan 6
  1. Megyn Kelly and Trump Good Meeting They buried the hatchet.
  1. Trump Lawyers Seek to Delay Trial til after Election
  1. Some Returned To Mexico at Border in Texas
  1. Megyn Kelly: Out For Blood: Jack Smith: Take Out Trump
  1. Steve Bannon Predicts Trump Winning Only Begins the Battle Again
  1. Idaho Hitman Finds Christ
 Idaho Hitman Finds Christ
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9, ESV). 
Detective James McParland was a living legend. His adventures as a Pinkerton operative had already earned the admiration of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who used McParland as a prototype for a leading character in one of his Sherlock Holmes novels. But McParland would soon play another leading part—this time in annals of early Idaho history. On a snowy December night in 1905, former Idaho Gov. Frank Steunenberg inadvertently detonated a bomb that someone had rigged to the front gatepost of his Caldwell residence. Stuenenberg succumbed to his injuries later that day, etching his name into history as the first and only Idaho governor ever assassinated.  Attempting to stem rising public outrage, Idaho officials quickly requested the services of the Pinkerton agency, which dispatched Detective McParland. When the famous detective finally arrived in Boise, he quickly set his sights on a key suspect in the investigation named Harry Orchard, the henchman of a revolutionary Marxist labor union with a large presence in the Silver Valley of Idaho. Visiting Harry Orchard, Detective McParland appealed to his guilty conscience. As Orchard later recounted, McParland “spoke of what an awful thing it was to live and die a sinful life, and that every man ought to repent of his sins, and that there was no sin that God would not forgive,” even citing King David and the Apostle Paul as examples of murderers who were reconciled to God through Christ. Coming under the conviction of his sin, Harry Orchard confessed to the assassination of Gov. Stuenenberg as well as the murder of at least sixteen other people under direct orders from union officials. While awaiting his trial, Orchard received a Bible from a missionary society in Chicago. He began searching its pages daily, seeking God in prayer, and attending Sunday services at the penitentiary—eventually requesting a visit from the Rev. Dean Hicks of St. Michael’s Episcopal Cathedral, who assured him that God’s “pardon is full and free,” even for murderers. “This peace crept in a little at a time, and I can hardly tell when or how, but I at last began to realize the change,” Harry Orchard wrote in his autobiography. “Thank God today that I know I am a sinner saved by grace, through no good merits of mine, but all through the blood of Jesus Christ, our blessed Savior and Redeemer.” The confession secured by Detective McParland was used to convict Harry Orchard of his crimes. But just as importantly, God had used this detective evangelist to take the good news to a weary sinner in need of salvation.