Wednesday February 28, 2024 New Book: Galatians, Book List

Jim Hollingsworth

February 28, 2024

Dear Friends,

Here is our latest book, a commentary on the book of Galatians.

I will provide the book without charge to anyone who would share the book with a group.  I would just need a name and address.

Here is information about the book.

Galatians: Commentary 2024

No one can be considered truly educated if they have not made a serious study of the Bible. The Bible is the world’s standard for truth. Although the Bible does not answer every possible question about life and the world around us, it always guides us in the right direction to find the truth if we truly want it.

The book of Galatians was written for people who somehow thought that if they just worked hard enough, God would have to bless them. The writer makes it clear in verse after verse that salvation is solely the work of God in saving the sinner. There is simply no work that can earn our salvation.

This commentary on the book of Galatians is written for the sinner who wants to know the truth. It is written for the Christian who wants to know more about what the Bible actually says and who wants to grow in his/her understanding of what the text stands for.

The Greek words are first presented with the various renderings and then some commentary to help the reader better understand what the words actually mean.

It is the hope of the author that the reader will undertake a serious study of all of the Bible, not just what is covered in this short text. Our prayer is that you will find the study very rewarding.

Please see the attached which lists former books, and provides more information.

Thanks so much.

Jim Hollingsworth


  1. Climate Change: A Convenient Truth 2019, Second Edition 2021

Climate Change: A Convenient Truth $17.95

Climate Change: A Convenient Truth Kindle $9.49

Will the World Really End Unless We Spend Billions on Climate Change Policy? The people around us are somehow convinced that the world is about to end unless we stop using fossil fuels. There is no scientific evidence to support this. This book explains why this belief is simply not true in terms anyone can understand. Fossil fuels have made America great. This book explains why we need to keep it that way.

  • Cortez: A Biography 2020

Cortez: A Biography Paperback $23.95

The life of Hernando Cortéz is the story of how one man with a handful of loyal soldiers overcame a progressive Indian culture of over one million.

There was nothing in the character of this young man that set him apart from others, yet once chosen to be the leader of this great Conquest he could move only one direction: Forward. Months of terrible tragedy did not discourage him from the one goal, the Conquest of the Aztec Nation.

Whatever may be thought of the Conquest in a moral view, regarded as a military achievement it must fill us with astonishment. Cortéz and a handful of adventurers, indifferently armed and equipped, landed on the shores of a powerful empire inhabited by a fierce and warlike race, and forced their way into the interior.

This they did without knowledge of the language or of the land, without chart or compass to guide them, without any idea of the difficulties they were to encounter, totally uncertain whether the next step might bring them on a hostile nation, or on a desert, feeling their way along in the dark, as it were. This book, then, details their successes and failures until the goal was reached.

  • The Ancient Culture Of The Aztec Empire 2021

The Ancient Culture of the Aztec Empire Paperback $18.82

It was a culture like no other in North America. Where other tribes were nomadic the Aztec built cities of thousands and suburbs with a large agriculture. They had beautiful gardens with plants from all over their world.

Mexico was a city like no other: paved streets, stone buildings, and large pyramids with temples on top. It had a zoo and an aviary with many birds. It had tanks with both fresh and saltwater for fish. But it had no wagons and no beasts of burden.

Montezuma had subjected most all of the towns around, many with several thousand Indians. In the end, this proved to be his undoing as these tribes, after losing in battle, quickly made league with the Spanish conquerors.

Yet for all their science their religion was totally barbaric. They believed their god, a white man, would one day return, which left them open to the Spanish conqueror. Then, they offered human sacrifices and even cannibalism, a horrible practice.

They were a proud people, in the end refusing to give up until many were dead from starvation. The most advanced civilization in North America ultimately fell to the sword of the Spanish and the Conquest.

  • Abortion Compassion 2022

Abortion Compassion Paperback $5.22

 Abortion Compassion Kindle$9.99

In our society we have always stood for the little guy. No matter the cause we have always come to the defense of those who seemed unable to defend themselves.

So it is truly surprising that we do not come to the aid of those who have no defense at all, the unborn.

After they are born when tragedy strikes we would scoop them up in our arms and protect them from all danger, but before they are born they are just out of sight, out of mind.

I often wonder how many of these little ones would have grown up to be president, or a senator or representative, or a great scientist or astronaut. We will never know as they never had a chance.

Every life is precious, no matter how small. This book provides a dramatic picture of life from conception to birth. No matter our situation can we at least give these little ones the most precious thing of all, their lives?

  • Book of Romans: Commentary 2023

Romans: A Commentary Hardcover $38.41

Romans: A Comnmnentary Kindle $9,99

Without a doubt, the book of Romans is the most important New Testament book for those who seek to understand simple biblical principles as well as something to use in leading others to Christ.

The book displays in dynamic relief the work of Christ who died on the cross of Calvary for sinners.

Not only is the salvation of the sinner clearly presented, but a limited history of Israel is also in view.

There is also plenty of practical information on the Christian’s daily walk with Christ.

No Christian can say he is well taught unless he has made a careful study of the book of Romans. This book is written for those who want to know the truth about Christ as well as those Christians who want their faith increased. There is also plenty of original language material for the serious Bible scholar.

Romans is a book for everyone, unsaved and saved alike. Everyone who reads the book and this commentary will be greatly enriched.

  • Galatians: Commentary 2024

Galatians Hardcover $30.67

Galatians: Kindle $9.99  

No one can be considered truly educated if they have not made a serious study of the Bible. The Bible is the world’s standard for truth. Although the Bible does not answer every possible question about life and the world around us, it always guides us in the right direction to find the truth if we truly want it.

The book of Galatians was written for people who somehow thought that if they just worked hard enough, God would have to bless them. The writer makes it clear in verse after verse that salvation is solely the work of God in saving the sinner. There is simply no work that can earn our salvation.

This commentary on the book of Galatians is written for the sinner who wants to know the truth. It is written for the Christian who wants to know more about what the Bible actually says and who wants to grow in his/her understanding of what the text stands for.

The Greek words are first presented with the various renderings and then some commentary to help the reader better understand what the words actually mean.

It is the hope of the author that the reader will undertake a serious study of all of the Bible, not just what is covered in this short text. Our prayer is that you will find the study very rewarding.