Saturday December 16, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

December 16, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:10)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XII Part One

The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United  States, directed to the President of the Senate:

  1. Florida Backs the Blue: Many Officers Move from Liberal, defund Police, states
  1. Some believe that Speaker Johnson wants a Theocracy: They miss the fact that America was founded by men who believed in God The proof is in the Declaration of Independence, and other documents of our founding.  Even the Supreme Court once said that this is a Christian nation.

            Supreme Court Declares America a Christian Nation    ( Holy Trinity v. United States 1892

  1. Trump Wins Debate Even Though Not On Stage
  1. Hunter Biden did not testify as ordered by Congress: Now thinks if Trump elected he might have to flee the country
  1. Trump Appeal could neutralize Jack Smith
  1. Megyn Kelly: If Trump Jailed before election, all hell will break lose
  1. Chris Christie Takes a Hit from Megyn Kelly
  1. Israel Offers one Million Bounty for identification and arrest of Oct 7 Terrorists Probably will get no takers, as anyone who does so would not live long enough to collect it.
  1. Ramaswamy would arm citizens of Formosa as defense against China
  1. AOC Nuts About Women’s Sports
  1. Kevin McCarthy Endorses Trump: Open to Cabinet if asked
  1. CNN Analyst: Trump Could Win
  1. Gaza: Bodies of two hostages recovered
  1. 23 Police dead in Pakistan Suicide bombing
  1. Tucker Carlson for VP: No, not for any office

            Megyn Kelly Interviews Trucker Carlson: VP?  Carlson has said “no”.

  1. Michigan Court: Trump to Remain on Ballot
  1. Journalist to be arrested over Jan 6 Covereage
  1. Ship in Red Sea Attacked: No damage or injuries
  1. judge orders pause in Trump Trial
  1. COP28 Totally Divorced from Reality: How long will it last?
  1. 9-year-old Girl Tells School Board how it is
  1. New Hampshire Man Threatens to Murder Vivek Ramaswamy: Now in Jail
  1. Moscow Idaho: House where murders took place will be demolished
  1. Mass Arrests in Gaza Causing Fear
  1. Hunter Biden Wants Charges Dismissed
  1. Professor Alan Dershowitz: Harvard President Gay should resign
  1. Oil Refinery in Iran Goes up in Flames

Stephanik Files Ethics Complaint Against DC Judge

Friday December 15, 2023 Attachment

The Freedom of Lie

Brent Regan

The freedom of speech is dead. It has been for a while. If you doubt this, try saying something that is against the progressive woke narrative. The woke social justice Brown Shirts will mercilessly attack you, your employment, your business, and your neighbors with the goal of canceling you,  driving you from the public square or from gainful employment and even into jail. Openly criticize, or even tell an inconvenient truth about a “protected class,” and life, as you know it, is over.

These progressive fascists use the East German Stasi methodology of guilt by association, or even proximity. If someone takes a picture of you with the wrong person in the same frame, you are Guilty! If you don’t denounce whomever they say you need to denounce when they snap their fingers, you are Guilty! If you do accept their narrative and denounce who or what they say, you are Guilty!

However, if you conform to their narrative, which is a lie, you can say whatever you want and be praised by the media. The sheer volume of the mendacity seems to provide its own cover. Listing even a fraction of the lies that were stood up as truth is stunning. Here are some reminders.

Trump didn’t tell people to drink bleach. January 6 wasn’t an insurrection. Brett Kavanaugh wasn’t a gang rapist. Israel didn’t bomb the hospital in Gaza. Derek Chauvin didn’t murder George Floyd. Trump did not call white supremacists “fine people.” Jussie Smollett wasn’t the victim of a hate crime. Trump didn’t collude with Russia.  Men can’t get pregnant. Hunter’s laptop isn’t Russian disinformation. COVID didn’t originate in a wet market. mRNA vaccines didn’t stop the spread. Putin didn’t blow up his own Nord Stream Pipeline. Climate models can’t predict the future.

What is remarkable is that not only did the progressive liberal media gaslight the world, but there is a significant fraction of the population that remains convinced of these lies despite them being thoroughly debunked. Once a weak mind has accepted something as “fact,” confirmation bias will reinforce that belief despite significant contrary information.

While all these lies are harmful, perhaps the most pernicious lie is that the 2020 election was the most honest election ever. A Rasmussen poll conducted on 1,085 likely voters (MOE +-3%) released on December 12th is stunning.

“Thirty percent (30%) of those surveyed said they voted by absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 election. Nineteen percent (19%) of those who cast mail-in votes say a friend or family member filled out their ballot, in part or in full, on their behalf. Furthermore, 17% of mail-in voters say that in the 2020 election, they cast a ballot in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident.” “Seventeen percent (17%) of those who cast mail-in ballots in 2020 say they signed a ballot or ballot envelope on behalf of a friend or family member, with or without their permission. All of these practices are illegal, Heartland Institute officials noted.” “More Biden voters (36%) than Trump voters (23%) say they voted by absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 election.”

Of those in the survey 34% admitted they illegally cast ballots due to residency or fraudulent signature issues. Extrapolating to the 155 million ballots cast, 30% or 46 million were mail in. Of those, 34% or 15.8 million were cast illegally and of those, 9.6 million supported Biden and 6.1 million supported Trump. Illegal votes likely amounted to 3.5 million extra Biden votes. The margin of error would be greater than the margin of victory. 

The progressive Democrats, and their supporters in the media, haven’t stopped gaslighting. Fake news stories include claims that the Idaho GOP has been taken over by white supremacists, that the Caucus is a power play by Ted Cruz supporters to deny Trump the nomination, and the voter initiative being marketed state wide will “open” the primaries.

The truth is that the GOP has more grassroots members in leadership than ever before. This irritates the establishment class who correctly see this as a threat to their power monopoly, eliciting accusations of “extremism” and “cabal” from lips formerly calling for “unity” under their rule.

The Caucus is the Republican Party’s fix for the mess created when the Secretary of State, Legislature and Governor passed a flawed bill that eliminated the March Presidential Primary, disenfranchising all Idaho voters. At our Winter Meeting, all 221 state central committee members passed a resolution and rules begging the legislature to repeal the flawed bill. They did not and so the Republican Party responded with a Caucus plan that would re-enfranchise Idaho Republicans.

All Idaho voters who are, or have affiliated before the end of 2023 will be qualified to participate in the Caucus. Unfortunately there is no absentee voting because there is no access to Idaho’s voter signature database for signature verification.

The name “Open Primary” initiative is a lie. If you read the actual ballot language it clearly states “THIS MEASURE WOULD ABOLISH IDAHO’S PARTY PRIMARIES.” An accurate name would be “Abolish the Primary” and proponents of that initiative claim that allowing only Republicans to vote for who will represent the Republican Party in the general election is unfair to members of the Democrat, Libertarian, and Constitution parties as well as unaffiliated voters.

Imagine claiming that limiting who can vote in Kootenai County elections to only people who live in Kootenai County is unfair to people who live in Spokane. That would be crazy, right? But that is exactly what the Open…er… Abolish the Primary proponents are saying.

The initiate would also make lying legal as it would allow anyone to list any party affiliation even if they are not actually affiliated. Here is the exact language from the initiative:


They want to legalize lying. Unless we say no to the lies and embrace free speech our Republic is doomed.

It’s just common sense

Friday December 15, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

December 15, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. (Romans 10:9)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XI

The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State.

  1. Please See Attached: Brent Regan: The Freedom of Lie
  1. 1 in 5 Mail-In Voters admit to some sort of Election Fraud in 2020 Election
  1. Federal Judge Pauses Trump Jan 6 Case
  1. Tucker Carlson Announces Impending Launch of Subscription Streaming Site
  1. Trump: Chris Christie Not Fit for Office
  1. Greg Wrightstone: CO2 Coalition: Warm is Better than Cold
  1. Canada: Freedom Convoy Lawyers ask for dismissal of 290 Million Class-action lawsuit: Anti Free Expression
  1. Vivek Ramaswamy takes strong stand against Nikki Haley: Calls her Corrupt
  1. Biden Relation with Israel Cooling: Plus Other Newsmax News, Video Will Hunter Biden Ever Be Arrested?  Hunter a victim?
  1. Is Mitt Romney really a Democrat?
  1. Present Biden Border Policy Having Devastating Affect Border Port is Closed in Arizona.  People on both sides of the border use this port daily for work etc.
  1. Impeachment Inquiry Vote Passes in House
  1. Rep Meuser: Hunter must be arrested for not obeying subpoena This needs to be a public display.
  1. James Comer: Impeachment Vote Busts our Legal Standing
  1. Hunter Biden: Father Not Involved Financially in his Business The narrative keeps changing, but the truth cannot be hid.
  1. DOJ Memo: Police, Watch School Board and Parent Claims
  1. New Poll: Favors Trump: Leaves Biden in the Dust
  1. Why They Fight: Hard to listen to Sebastian’s Description of what he saw 11 minutes (Caution: No pictures, but graphic description of what happened in Israel on October 7.)
  1. America First: Sebastian Gorka: Lee Smith on Biden Corruption 30 Minutes
  1. Patrick McHenry, Temporary House Speaker, Is Going to Retire
  1. Trump Says the idea he would be a dictator is a hoax.  He strongly supports the constitution.
  1. Jack Smith May Use Trump Cell Phone Data in Trial
  1. Rule to Prevent Christians who do not support LGBTQ Lifestyles from being foster parents.

            Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has joined 18 other state attorneys general    in opposing a recently proposed rule that would prevent Christians who do not    affirm LGBTQ lifestyles from becoming foster parents.

Thursday December 14, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

December 14, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: (Romans 9:6)

U.S. Constitution Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

  1. Convention of the States: Background: Just to be clear, I do not support this convention. There is just too much danger: they could eliminate much of the Bill of Rights and change other provisions.  Better to handle one issue at a time as has been done in the past.  Plus, if the left does not follow the present Constitution, they will not follow a revised one.  With the Left in control of so much of our government at the present time, this is just not the right time for a Constitutional Convention.
  1. Babylon Bee: Harvard President Clauding Gay, who plagiarized earlier, now gives her “I have a Dream” speech.  Moving.
  1. Super RINO Liz Chaney: Democracy in Danger if Trump Elected
  1. Marjorie Taylor Greene to Trump: Maga Republicans would revolt if Nikki Haley included in administration
  1. S Dakota Governor Kristi Noem: Time to unify behind President Trump
  1. Biden Support for Israel is Cooling
  1. Speaker Johnson: We have to follow the law Impeachment of Biden must go ahead.
  1. Speaker Mike Johnson: Here is evidence against Joe Biden
  1. 32-Year-Old Social Worker Poses as Teen special needs foster child
  1. House Freedom Caucus has New Leader
  1. Rubin Report: Jordan Peterson to Joe Rogan: Things happen a little at a time.  You wake up one day and you are under a dictator, and can do nothing about it.  Watch Carefully so that does not happen to us.
  1. John Fetterman Does not support Democrat Border Policies
  1. VP Harris Brings out Democrat Division over Gaza Policies
  1. Hunter Biden: Won’t Testify Behind Closed Doors: Resists Subpoena  Will they send the sergeant of arms to arrest him if he does not show up?
  1. Netanyahu: Surrender of 100 Terrorists sign of the beginning of the end
  1. Liz Chaney: Don’t Vote for Trump Under Any Circumstances She never gives up.
  1. Liz Chaney Tells The Truth: And It is not Pretty
  1. Ramaswamy Calls out Democrats over their plan to change the country through unlimited immigration
  1. Tucker Carlson: Not interested in any political office, including VP
  1. COP28 Complete Failure Over Fossil Fuel Debate Some oil rich countries want no part of the suggestion to end fossil fuel use.
  1. COP28: Phase Out Fossil Fuels This is international madness.  No one has ever proved that carbon dioxide causes the temperature to rise, and carbon dioxide is needed by every plant for growth; the more carbon dioxide the better.
  1. Israel Pumping Sea Water Into Some Gaza Tunnels
  1. Nine Soldiers Killed in Gaza Fighting
  1. Laura Trump Suggests Nikki Haley possible Running Mate for Trump  Since Haley is a well-documented RINO, this does not seem likely.
  1. Nikki Haley in Trouble over previous comments about policies
  1. House Rejects Biden EV Plan
  1. Nancy Pelosi Lies about Trump
  1. Lies of Joe Biden
  1. Expert Witness Clears Trump in NY Sham Trial Unfortunately this non-jury trial was decided before it even started.
  1. House Impeachment Vote
  1. NZ Man arrested for telling the truth about covid jabs 1 hour Video
  1. Live Updates | Fighting outside Gaza’s Largest Hospital Prompts Thousands to Flee |

Wednesday December 13, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

December 13, 2023

Dear Friends.

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39)

U.S. Constitution Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

  1. Please see the attached with information about the dangers of electric vehicles.
  1. Historian Victor Davis Hanson: How the Universities were Lost 
  1. Impeachment Vote Set
  1. Plutocratic Communism Runs America
  1. Russia Blows up its Own Tank
  1. Haley/DeSantis disagree on child abuse
  1. Over 100 Hamas Terrorists Surrender to Israel Army
  1. Steve Bannon: War Room: Dr. Gay, President of Harvard plagiarized dissertation from Dr. Carol Swain
  1. Michelle Obama for President?
  1. Muslims Organize Abandon Biden Campaign
  1. Paul Ryan Endorses Nikki Haley for President: Two of a kind
  1. A Vote for Joe Biden is a vote for Kamala Harris for President: Going from one disaster to another.
  1. Fox Source: Carlson Fired over Stand on Open Border
  1. Biden Press Secretary, Karene Jean-Pierre broke the law using forbidden words
  1. Finding: Times when no sun and no wind Here in Idaho right now it has been cloudy, raining or snowing for about three weeks.  Also, when it gets cold often the wind does not blow.  It is madness to abandon coal and natural gas.  There is also a movement to remove our impressive dams.  This is pure liberal madness.  Congress should have something to say about all this, but apparently, they do not.
  1. Judicial Watch: DC Removing 103,000 ineligible names from voter rolls  
  1. Megyn Kelly Scores One Against California Governor Gavin Newsom
  1. Masks Not Effective
  1. Biden: Little support from Pennsylvania, where he once lived
  1. The Republican Party Needs New Leadership
  1. President Biden will not help Guatemala secure its border
  1. Santos Out, new possibility to take his place

            Kellen Curry | Honest Leadership for NY-3 Republican NY 3

  1. Judge: Trump Probably could not be tried in Georgia if he wins the election
  1. Ron DeSantis, A Catholic, Explains how prayer and their faith carried them through some really tough times.
  1. Steve Bannon, War Room, Every Town a Border Town 48 Minutes
  1. NZ Man arrested for telling the truth about covid jabs 1 hour Video
  1. Israel Begins Pumping Seawater Into Hamas’s Gaza Tunnels (
  1. United Nations General Assembly votes to demand immediate ceasefire in Gaza | CNN
  1. Overcrowded hospitals, few supplies causing ‘complete collapse’ of Gaza health system (

Tuesday December 12, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

December 12, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? (Romans 8:35)

U.S. Constitution Amendment VIII

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fine imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted.

  1. Jews Blessed America: Bob Shillingstad
  1. Idaho Republican Chairman Dorothy Moon Talks about the Presidential Caucus March 2, 2024, Saturday.
  1. Have a Blessed Christmas: Jim Hollingsworth
  1. why there has been no constitutional convention for 236 years
  1. Tucker Carlson says he was fired by Fox because he rejected the common narrative of January 6
  1. Impeachment of Joe Biden finally Moving forward
  1. Have Republicans Lost their Marbles?
  1. Supporters of Hamas are abandoning Biden
  1. Tucker Carlson did not support the common narrative concerning January 6, and it cost him his job at Fox News
  1. These Grammar School Kids are getting a practical, strong, pro-life message
  1. Thoroughly Confused Liz Chaney continues to get press Chaney says Trump Republicans don’t support the Constitution, but she has yet to say what part of the Constitution they do not support.  This is interesting in view of the fact that many Democrats have neglected to follow the Constitution at every turn.  The president, especially, is doing many things that are the responsibility of the Congress.  And, he refuses to enforce the law, especially to protect our borders.  Maybe Liz ought to think about that.
  1. Nancy Pelosi Never Gives Up: Trump would be a dictator: But what are the Democrats Doing?
  1. Declining Universities: Require Presidents to Resign over antisemitism: DeSantis Plus

            Watch second message with Ron DeSantis: I think he ought to run for Vice President.  I know Trump would have to change his mind, but it could happen.  Show me anything DeSantis believes that is Un-American, or Anti-Republican.

  1. Trump says he will not testify again on Monday, before a biased judge and a political witch hunt
  1. Many Students at Yale Receive Unearned “A” Grades
  1. Haley in serious trouble for some policy positions of the past
  1. Court Permits Lawsuit against permitting white Minneapolis teachers to be fired first
  1. Planned Parenthood fighting serious fraud charges In Texas.
  1. Jim Jordan Opposes extension of law to permit monitoring of messages

Monday December 11, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

December 11, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? (Romans 8:32)

U.S. Constitution Amendment VII

In Suits at common Law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

  1. Israeli Tanks reach center of Khan Younis
  1. Kevin McCarthy Endorses Trump
  1. Biden’s Hometown is Rejecting Him
  1. Trump Calls Attention to some of Nikki Haley’s Policy Positions: Not square with Republican Policies
  1. Ukraine Aid Bill Blocked: More funds for our own border. I am not sure we need more money for the border, except maybe to finish the wall.  We just need to allow the border Patrol to do their job.
  1. NY Mayor fights low Poll Numbers
  1. Ted Cruz calls Jen Psaki’s Bluff
  1. Guatemala wanted help to close border: Biden said “No”
  1. Trump Prediction: Biden will not be running in 2024: Health Issues
  1. Hunter Biden may go to jail: Some Day
  1. Trump: Viewing Artist’s Sketches of him in courtroom says: “I am going to have to lose some weight”.
  1. Georgia Willis promises to put Trump and Allies in Jail  It would not seem impossible for Willis, herself, to go to jail for false arrest.  No matter what she does surely this case will be reversed on appeal.  This case is purely political.
  1. NYU Student Suspended for Tearing Down Hostage Pictures

Monday December 11, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

December 11, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? (Romans 8:32)

U.S. Constitution Amendment VII

In Suits at common Law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

  1. Israeli Tanks reach center of Khan Younis
  1. Kevin McCarthy Endorses Trump
  1. Biden’s Hometown is Rejecting Him
  1. Trump Calls Attention to some of Nikki Haley’s Policy Positions: Not square with Republican Policies
  1. Ukraine Aid Bill Blocked: More funds for our own border. I am not sure we need more money for the border, except maybe to finish the wall.  We just need to allow the border Patrol to do their job.
  1. NY Mayor fights low Poll Numbers
  1. Ted Cruz calls Jen Psaki’s Bluff
  1. Guatemala wanted help to close border: Biden said “No”
  1. Trump Prediction: Biden will not be running in 2024: Health Issues
  1. Hunter Biden may go to jail: Some Day
  1. Trump: Viewing Artist’s Sketches of him in courtroom says: “I am going to have to lose some weight”.
  1. Georgia Willis promises to put Trump and Allies in Jail  It would not seem impossible for Willis, herself, to go to jail for false arrest.  No matter what she does surely this case will be reversed on appeal.  This case is purely political.
  1. NYU Student Suspended for Tearing Down Hostage Pictures

Sunday December 10, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

December 10, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Now we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

U.S. Constitution Amendment VI

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defence.

  1. (In looking at the above one has to wonder how many of the January 6 people who have been held without speedy trial or other conditions; this appears to be unconstitutional, yet no one is doing anything about it.)
  1. Melania Trump Wants Tucker Carlson as Vice President It would be a steep learning curve for Tucker, but I believe he, at least, has the right attitude.
  1. Court Halts Dissolution of Trump NY Properties
  1. Official Ordered to Leave White House for Support of Hamas
  1. Lawmakers Demand Resignations of University Presidents over antisemitism

In the letter, Republican Representative Elise Stefanik and Democratic Representative Jared Moskowitz demanded that the board of governors at Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology oust their presidents or risk committing “an act of           complicity in their antisemitic posture.”

  1. Liz Magill, President of University of Pennsylvania, resigns after failure to condemn antisemitism. It is interesting that all three presidents of institutions are women, and not any of the three would give a yes or no answer as to what constitutes harassment.
  3. Trump endorses Abe Hamadeh for Arizona 8th Congress This is confusing, except the video clip was from 2022 when he ran for attorney general.  Blake Masters is also running for District 8 in Arizona
  1. Texas court puts hold on abortion for woman
  1. Trump Banker Testimony: Not only did Trump not defraud the bank, but the bank actually sought him out as a good investment  This deal paid the bank, not thousands, but paid millions.
  1. NY Sisters of Life Winning Pro-life battle in New York
  1. Congressman Thomas Massie Lowers the Boom on Biden assault on free speech
  1. Left Wing Jesuit Priest implies Trump is Antichrist
  1. FBI Sued over seizure of contents of safe deposit boxes
  1. Indian Baby with Down Syndrome adopted by American Family: Brings much joy

            US Woman Who Adopted Child With Down Syndrome From India Celebrate Their Journey – News18 This appears to be the video that went viral.

  1. Trump asks Supreme Court opinion on Gag Order
  1. Tucker Carlson Supports Trump
  1. Congressional Squad Support Palestine; do not condemn violence against women
  1. White House Interns Support Palestine
  1. Monica Lewinsky, former Clinton Mistress, wants self-pardons banned
  1. Climate Scientists warn that several tipping points about to be reached  No one has ever successfully proven that tipping points actually exist.  The climate has always changed and always will.  It has been much colder and much warmer in the past.
  1. Steve Bannon, War Room, Every Town a Border Town 48 Minutes
  1. North Korean Leader Begs Mothers to have more babies
  1. Governors request Fed crack down on Chinese ownership of American Real Estate
  1. Trump Georgia Case: Developments
  1. Charge from the Left: Trump would be a Nazi Dictator
  1. Illegal Aliens very thankful for Joe Biden
  1. Gaza | Today’s latest from Al Jazeera (This is a Palestinian web site, so some biased.)
  1. Israel Hamas war, humanitarian crisis worsens in Gaza (

Saturday December 9, 2023 Attachment

Threat to Democracy Brent Regan

Democracy is where a society is ruled by the people. It was understood by our founders that a pure democracy is an unstable form of government because as soon as the majority appreciates that they can vote for the seizure of wealth and property from the minority, revolution and chaos are only a matter of time. Our Founders’ solution was to give us a Republic in which the people vote for their elected officials to represent them and then the officials pass laws to govern society.  

The democratic component of a Republican form of government depends on the integrity of the voting system: one man, one vote. It is essential this democracy not be polluted with illegitimate votes or voters and that the tabulation of votes is accurate and auditable. It is vital that candidates for office are unfettered by prosecution for political motives and that justice and politics remain in their separate camps.

Democrats accuse Republicans of being against democracy, but what is the truth? Who really is the enemy of democracy?

Internationally the Democrats universally support the war in Ukraine claiming that it is essential to preserve democracy, yet in Ukraine president Zelenskyy has suspended elections, outlawed or assassinated political opposition and banned an orthodox Christian faith. Giving Ukraine billions of dollars is degrading democracy. Not protecting it.

Nationally, consider the Democrats and their allies in the media have been consistently pushing a narrative with the objective of “Hitlerizing” Donald Trump. They are essentially engaged in mass brainwashing of millions of people into believing that Trump is an existential threat to democracy.

Even Joe Biden has repeatedly and directly pushed the narrative. At a recent speech he said  “Let there be no question: Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans are determined to destroy American democracy,” a claim so absurd that even the liberal fact check organization  Snopes called it out as False. Biden has since said “We cannot let him win” indicating he doesn’t think the voters will be deciding.

What we are witnessing is a slow motion assassination attempt. Most people agree that it would have been justifiable to kill Hitler to prevent him from coming to power. Democrats are trying to convince millions of people that Trump is effectively the next Hitler, and there is a near certainty that one of those millions will act on their belief.

This is too prevalent to be an accident. Democrat legislator Daniel Goldman even spoke the quiet part out loud when he said that former President Trump must be eliminated. He later retracted his words but you don’t say things like that unless you are thinking them, and the Democrats are obviously thinking those thoughts.

Democrats have also weaponized elements of the justice system against their political opponents. There is now sufficient evidence to support the conclusion that January 6th was an operation designed to entrap Trump and Trump supporters. The fallacy that it was an attempted takeover of the government by unarmed citizens sauntering through the nation’s capital (a public space) and then characterizing that fallacy as an “insurrection” is pushed by Democrats and their allies to this day.

When presented with evidence that Obama was a naturalized, not a natural born US citizen, Democrats chanted “Let the voters decide!” and indeed we did. But now the Democrats have engineered dozens of politically motivated indictments against Trump to thwart the people’s ability to decide.

Attempting to assassinate and ensnarling your political opponent in endless politically motivated litigation is a tactic typical of third world banana republics and not the free world’s flagship of the democratic processes.  Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin are laughing at the hypocrisy of the Democrats.

Democrats like to talk democracy but in practice they consistently fall short. For example, we are about to have our Presidential Caucus or Primary, during which delegates will be selected to attend the party’s national convention. At the Republican Convention all 2,469 delegates have an equal vote on who will be the next Republican Party nominee for president.

The Democrat convention has delegates elected from the grassroots but they also have Super Delegates who are party bosses and officials that are not pledged to any particular candidate. There are enough Super Delegates to control the outcome of any convention vote. Just ask Bernie Sanders. Oh, and if you have ever expressed support for a candidate from another party you cannot be a Super Delegate.

In reality the Democrat Convention is nothing more than an arena sized smoke-filled room where party bosses, not the grassroots, select their next candidate.  It is all Kabuki Theater and any resemblance to one man one vote democracy is coincidental.

Democrats are not concerned with the integrity of the vote either. They chant “Count every vote” notably not “Count every legitimate vote” and indeed they promote election rules that invite cheating. Mail in voting, automatic voter registration, no ID voting, non-citizen voting, ballot harvesting, and unmonitored ballot collection boxes are all ripe for voter fraud. Vote early and vote often seems to be the Democrat motto.

Following the idea that if you can’t win under the rules, change the rules, the Democrats are pushing for Jungle Primaries and Ranked Choice voting. This initiative will destroy your right to associate with friends of similar views and obliterate the one man one vote bedrock principle of democracy.

Democrats say they want a world safe for democracy but their actions tell us they are only using “democracy” as a facade to camouflage an unbridled quest for power and control.

It’s just common sense.