Saturday September 30, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

September 30, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. (John 8:12)

U.S. Constitution: Article I, Section 2, paragraph 5 The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

  1. Senator Diane Feinstein has passed away at 90
  1. Trump Trial Will Remain in Georgia, Not Federal
  1. Trump: None of the Presidential Contenders for VP: I hope he does not pick a woman for VP; not sure America is ready for a woman president.
  1. Is Matt Gaetz Right about Government Funding?
  1. Recent North Idaho College Trustee Board Meeting
  1. Some Thoughts on Ludwig Von Mises, a Truly Great Economist from the recent past.
  1. First Witness in Biden Impeachment Hearing
  1. At War With Ourselves

I am not going to pretend to have answers here this morning, but I am going to     invite everyone to consider that the next time you denounce the “environmental   ramifications” of something, that you consider what life would be like without the         thing you denounce, not just for yourself, but for mankind generally.

            Many things are condemned by the present administration in which they have no idea what they do and how we might live without them.  There are really good reasons for things being as they are. Ed.

  1. Biden Green Policies Under Attack
  1. Prosecution wants gag order against Trump: Unconstitutional?
  1. Biden: They Continue to Prop him up
  1. Biden Vs Trump: Trump appears to be winning
  1. What would life be like without all our modern inventions, conveniences? There have been literally millions of inventions to provide us with all the things we use on a daily basis.  We do not even think about them.  We just take all this for granted.  Then we join forces to have all this eliminated.  This is a modern tragedy.
  1. Even some Democrats Reject Biden Open Border Policy
  1. Senator John Fetterman in trouble Notice that the article says he had a stroke last May.  The date was actually May 2022.  This error has been repeated many times.

            What is clear is that Fetterman hid the severity of his stroke from the voters in             Pennsylvania because he was afraid if they knew the truth it would cost him the    election.

            His fear was well founded. Ed.

  1. Judge Rules Against Trump based on What?  Real Estate Value 17.
  1. Korean War Veteran Kicked Out to make room for illegal aliens    
  1. What is a Woman Question Stirs up Georgetown Panel
  1. Biden Dog Bites Secret Service Agent: 11th incident
  1. Trump Winner of Second Debate
  1. Solar desalination device produces cheap fresh water
  1. Trump Agenda When Elected President  
  1. Hoover Inst Interview of Jordan Peterson
  1. Victor Davis Hanson, the Farmer
  1. Alan Dershowitz defends Trump
  1. Is Trump a Threat to our “democracy”?

Friday September 29, 2023 Attachment

Bob Shillingstad

September 28, 2023

Crazy Times!

Knowing The Time We Are Living In

Do you ever go to bed at night and think that the world is nuts?  Do you ever wonder why is this happening? The Bible has hundreds of prophecies that foretell future events and many people are opening up the Bible to get answers.  Jesus fulfilled at least 300 prophecies in the Old Testament and over 400 are yet to be fulfilled in the second coming.  Many people disregard the Bible saying “it is just a bunch of stories”.  I would disagree-  it is “One Story” that describes creation through the end time events.  Jesus predicted the destruction of the Temple before that generation had passed away but then gave an astounding prediction that Israel would become a nation again and He would return before that generation passed away.   Since Israel became a nation in 1948 and my wife and I are “baby-boomers” that is a very interesting statement that grabs my attention.

But there are many prophecies in the Bible that could apply to many times in world history. For example in 2 Timothy 3:1 it states that “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.”  That is followed by a list of human failures that clearly mark the parade of human breakdown that we see today. “For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!”  Sure that seems to describe our world exactly and we could add some more that describe the crazy times we live.

We read the Bible in an English translation that doesn’t always give us an accurate meaning. The word “perilous” in the above quotation is from the Greek word “chalepos” meaning “fierce, or harsh or difficult”. But this doesn’t get to the heart of what Paul is trying to say in this prophetic warning.  What does, in fact, illustrate the power of his statement is that this Greek term is used only once in the New Testament.  It is found in Matthews gospel, where Jesus and his disciples sail across the Sea of Galilee and are confronted by two insane men, who are possessed by demons and extremely aggressive. They are described in the following sentences:

When He had come to the other side, to the country of the [a]Gergesenes, there met Him two demon-possessed men, coming out of the tombs, exceedingly fierce, so that no one could pass that way. And suddenly they cried out, saying, What have we to do with You, Jesus, You Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time?”

            Here the expression,  exceedingly fierce is a translation from the same Greek word that Paul used in his letter to Timothy. Again we find the word “chalepos”  used to describe two insane and aggressive madmen coming out of the tombs in a state of horrifying aggression. In other words, Paul is warning Timothy (and us) about a coming age that is possessed by “raging insanity”!  It seems that we are already there.

            Remember several decades ago that we are told that we had to recognize homosexuality because folks were “born that way” and couldn’t help who they were sexually.  Some how this didn’t apply to kleptomaniacs or serial killers – only to sexual proclivities. Now we are told that they were born with the wrong sex.  Now they needed us to change their pronouns while they had meatball surgery and a double mastectomy along with drugs to make the transition to the real person they were meant to be.  Sounds crazy?  Yes it is.

            We were told that pedophilia and sexual crimes against children should be punished. Capital punishment, according to a civilized society would be too kind.  Now we are including sexual instruction for elementary children in schools and libraries to prepare them for a smorgasbord of sexual proclivities.  We now celebrate mentally deranged men dressed up as women reading books to little children and asking them to celebrate with them as they and their teacher decide which gender they are.  Not content with grooming children there are groups like LAMBDA who want to drop the age of consent to age 12 or younger.  This is raging insanity.

            If you want to put in a septic tank on your property – do a perc test and get a permit.

If you want to live in a tent on a city sidewalk and defecate on the sidewalk or street – that is your right of course according to the courts, no permit required.  Open borders that allows all comers to come and live in our country is just fine. In just four years this invasion will be a least three times the population of Idaho – maybe four or five.  We have no idea.  The family definition that we lived by for millennia is gone, the state will take control of parenting.  Two winos in a boxcar or a group of mentally ill people living in a tent in the park are defined as “family”.  All of this is insane. Predicted by the Bible?  In detail.  Maybe time to read the rest of prophecy about pandemics, world government, digital banking and control of the population and more.  We are going to see more control and insanity.   Place your faith in the author and creator.

Friday September 29, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

September 29, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come  unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. (John 6:65)

Constitution:  Article I, Section 2, Paragraph 4 When vacancies happen in Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies.

  1. Please see the attached by Bob Shillingstad
  1. Also see the attachment, 5 year old girl sings the National Anthem.
  1. DeSantis, Newsom November Debate DeSantos says many people have voted with their feet, leaving California’s disaster, and moving to friendly Florida.
  1. Tim Scott has a simple solution to the Border Crisis
  1. General Milley statement on Trump 
  1. Case against Planned Parenthood
  1. Pro-life workers headed to prison This has to be a great tragedy, and a travesty of justice.
  1. Senator John Fetterman continues to be in trouble
  1. Court rules against LA Unified School District Mandates
  1. New Electrical Generation Mainly Wind and Solar
  1. Offshore Wind Making Things More Expensive
  1. Democrat Congressman Complains about Border Policy
  2. Woman Senator Calls out Press on border crisis
  1. Texas Senator Ted Cruz fights illegal immigration
  1. Matt Schlapp of CPAC, We need a Reagan Philosophy
  1. Victor David Hanson 8:48 minutes
  1. Biden blocks oil drilling on 10M acres in Alaska, including leases Trump sold – POLITICO This is a little hard to understand.  Look at the picture of the Alaska plain.  This is where drilling would take place, and no one lives there.  Cutting off drilling at a time when we need the oil is just Biden madness.
  1. Full Speech: Former President Trump Speaks At Michigan Auto Supplier During Second GOP Debate | Video | RealClearPolitics One Hour
  1. Fox Business Second Republican Presidential Primary Debate ( 2:36 Hours
  1. Presidential Debaters Pick on Trump
  1. Letter sent to Congress

            Dear Legislator,

            Please do not be afraid to hold the line on spending.  Cut the budget to less than it was last year.  Don’t be afraid of a shutdown and we will stand with you.


            Jim Hollingsworth

  1. The Story of “The Blind”

            Long before Phil Robertson became a reality TV star, he fell in love with Miss       Kay and started a family, but his demons threatened to tear their lives apart. Set      in the backwoods swamps of 1960s Louisiana, “The Blind” shares never-before-          revealed moments in Phil’s life as he seeks to conquer the shame of his past, ultimately finding redemption in an unlikely place. This stunning cinematic      journey chronicles the love story that launched a dynasty, the turmoil that nearly     brought it crashing down, and the hope that rose from the ashes to create a             foundation for generations to come.

            Watch the Trailer

  1. Hi friends,
    After knowing and working with Brent Regan (on Burt Rutan’s SkiGull airplane) beginning almost a decade and a half ago, I really did not know much about him or his resources until today’s “Opinion: Fact Check” article in the Coeur d’Alene Press.

            That’s because Brent didn’t talk about himself. Rather he immersed himself in the             project at hand and proved to me that he was an out-of-the-box innovator, capable of exquisite design work carried out in record time that worked.

            If you haven’t seen his article yet, look below.

            Mike Satren

            OPINION: Fact check Coeur d’Alene Press

            “The mission of the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC) is to enhance freedom and prosperity by promoting fiscally and socially        conservative candidates who will implement the Idaho Republican Party Platform            as policy.”

            — KCRCC Mission Statement My job as chairman of the KCRCC is to run the       meetings toward the objective of our mission; maintain decorum, and ensure the        minority has its say while the majority has its way. Those that claim I am a “would          be dictator” or fascist, racist, monarchist, etc., are either epically ignorant or deliberately mendacious. The fact that the KCRCC functions so well with a high           degree of cooperation proves this.

            Republicans, especially conservative Republicans, have an adverse reaction to    being told what to do or how to think. The only management style that works well        with them is to be a facilitator, not a dictator. I help members of the committee do those things they want to do because people tend to be good at the things they            like doing. By working together we can tap the consensus intelligence of the         members.

            While one member may be the smartest person on the committee, nobody is         smarter than the entire committee.

            We have empirically demonstrated that the “wisdom of the crowd” is real.

            As for the “crowd,” each member of the KCRCC hails from a different precinct       making the committee the most diverse and representative political organization            in the county. Other groups like DART, NIR, Chamber of Commerce, and the         Realtor Association have memberships that are self-selecting. They do not          require that each member is from a separate area or precinct within the county.

            Progressives are often mystified when Republicans work together. In their experience, cohesion only happens when directed from authority so when they   see others working together their only conclusion is there must be a dictator with     an iron fist whipping the members into conformance.

            Psychologists call this phenomena “projection,” where the subject projects their    life experience onto others. It is not in their experience to build consensus from           the bottom up.

            You can’t expect a fish to understand fire.

            This also explains why Biden supporters accuse Trump of the crimes Biden           appears to have committed.

            Similarly one would not expect unsuccessful people to understand how       successful people operate. If they did, they would be successful too.

            Criticism of successful people invariably comes from people who are less   successful.

            Psychologists call this the Dunning-Kruger Effect; where low proficiency      individuals have an inflated sense of self-confidence.

            They don’t know enough to know they’re incompetent.

            When these two effects combine, Dunning-Kruger and Projection, you get some   interesting, even laughable criticisms. A local Biden supporter and political gadfly          characterized me as a silver spoon trustfunder carpetbagger white supremacist.        Wow.

            Anything else?

                Brent Regan

            Common Sense

            Well, it is true that I was born into great wealth and opportunity.

                I’ll explain. When my parents met they were Canadian Nationals of Italian              descent. At that time, Italians were considered in the bottom ethnic class,         definitely not supreme. In the late ‘30s, my grandfather was struggling to provide            for the family so he had my father drop out of high school, change his name from               Zamboni to Regan and go to work in the family blacksmith and machine          business. By operating under the name “Regan” they were able to secure         contracts that were otherwise unavailable to someone named Zamboni. Facing                 discrimination and wanting more for their children, my parents sold the Vancouver, B.C., house they themselves built and with $1,500 in hand packed               my brother, sister, and all their belongings in the family car and immigrated to           South San Francisco where my father had secured a job at the Schlage Lock as      a supervisor on their electroplating line. The day they arrived, my parents applied        to begin the five-year process of becoming U.S. citizens.

            Soon I arrived, the first American in the family and born on the Fourth of July. My father left Schlage after nearly being killed in a boiler explosion and while         recovering in the hospital from third-degree burns, decided to start his own       business. His new company and I would grow up together.

            Silver spoon or mop handle? My father worked 10 hours a day, six days a week    and when I was old enough I would go with him to work on Saturdays. At 7, I got           my first paying job with a time card to punch. I was paid the princely sum of 50   cents per hour to mop floors. When I was off the clock he would teach me how to         use a lathe, mill, welder and other tools.

            My father insisted that no matter what I was doing I should strive to be the best.

            At 13, I started my first business, turning scrap lead into weights for the local         scuba diving shop. At 17, I built a road licensed electric car. At 18, I earned an       associate’s degree in electronics and decided to start another business setting        the goal of being a self-made millionaire by 36. I married at 27 and co-founded a       robotics business which quickly grew to over 70 employees and 90% of the world         market in subsea telemanipulators. At 33, I had a seven figure net worth, three         years ahead of my goal. At 35, we sold the robotics business and I started Regan           Designs, specializing in mechatronics. Since then we have helped several             successful startups, creating hundreds of jobs. For example, in 2008 we helped    start Liquid Robotics, which sold to Boeing in 2016 for $300 million.

            Trust funder or trustee? My mother is 96 and still gets a few dollars monthly           pension from the Canadian government for my father’s service in their army. My      older brother, who passed away in 1993, appointed me as trustee for his orphaned daughter’s trust. I managed that trust for 22 years, never taking a dime.    My niece is now happily married with two daughters living in a house her beloved        father, through me, was able to buy for her.

            Carpetbagger? I have lived in Kootenai County for over 25 years, twice as long     as anywhere else.

            There is no evidence that the ZIP code of your birthplace imparts any local             wisdom.

            I was born into great wealth, but not the monetary kind. I was born a citizen of the             greatest country on Earth to parents that loved me. My father was the         personification of the American Dream and he taught me perseverance, hard    work, and the value of being the best you can be. He taught me the true secret to       success.

            It’s just common sense.


            Brent Regan is chairman of the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee.

Thursday September 28, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

September 23, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. (John 6:44)

“The good sense of the people will always be found to be the best army.  They may be led astray for a moment, but will soon correct themselves.” (Thomas Jefferson: National Center For Constitutional Studies)

  1. Coeur d’Alene Library: Not the Library of Ben Franklin
  1. Keri Lake for Arizona Senate?
  1. RF Kennedy, Jr. would ban fracking Like I said: Kennedy is like fresh air among Democrats,  but he will not succeed because of two realities: 1) He is and always will be a Kennedy, and 2) He is and always will be a Democrat.  He may be right about a few things, but in other things he is a Marxist just like the rest of them.
  1. Biden Press Secretary does not answer question about border invasion
  1. Karine Jean Pierre is either lying, or very confused about border policy 
  1. Joe Biden Concerned about Hunter’s Future
  1. Melania Trump Back in the Saddle
  1. Melania Trump: A Calm Port in a Stormy Sea
  1. Freshly Acquitted Ken Paxton may run for Senate
  1. More problems at the border
  1. Trump Prosecution: Did Smith Break the law?
  1. Trump to skip debate to visit with auto workers  
  1. Republican Candidate for Penn Senate
  1. Woman convicted of violating the FACE act wants to live like a cloistered nun in her cell Several women who have protested at abortion clinics were arrested and convicted under the FACE act.  They have been found guilty and are awaiting sentence.  This is a great travesty of justice and a violation of the First Amendment.  I hope they appeal.
  1. McCarthy losing control of the House: May cut spending?  
  1. Judge gives Trump big win in Georgia Trial
  1. A President DeSantis would nominate justices like Clarence Thomas
  1. Pastor Jack Hibbs; Chino Hills Calvary Chapel: Church to blame for post Christian USA
  1. DeSantis to Congress: Cut Funding or else
  1. Support Only Constitutional Article I, Section 8 spending: Cut spending drastically
  1. Fake Climate Narrative easily debunked
  1. Carjacking in their own driveway
  1. Biden Admin Cutting Rasor Wire at S. Border: Will we enforce the laws?
  1. General Mark Milley’s Scathing Unreleased Resignation Letter to Trump (
  1. Protecting Children – American Thinker Jim Hollingsworth September 20, 2023 (See attached for complete, unedited article.)
  1. Gregory Wrightstone Penn Testimony about CO2 and Fossil Fuels
  1. (486) Wrightstone Testimony PA House EREC Hearing 2022-10-24 – YouTube
  1. Climate protesters around the world are calling for an end to fossil fuels as Earth heats up | AP News These protesters don’t know anything about fossil fuels.  It is not so much a movement to save the Earth, but a movement to destroy civilization.  Modern civilization and progress is based on wise use of fossil fuels.  Without them we will live in cold dark homes.  Solar and Wind will never be viable solutions because the sun does not shine at night, and there are times when the wind does not blow.  It is not possible to build batteries large enough to handle the lull in energy production, and here in Idaho there are often weeks when the sun does not shine or the wind blow.

Wednesday September 27, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

September 27, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. (John 6:54)

Constitution: Article I, Section 2, Paragraph 2 No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. (In other words, to be a Representative you have to be at least 25 years old, a citizen of the United States, and seven years an inhabitant of the state you would represent.)

  1. Senate Dress Code For Fetterman Not Acceptable to Many Senators
  1. German Home-school family, here for 15 years, being deported
  1. Trump Argues Abortion Limits
  1. Democrats panic over recent poll
  1. Lack of Roads Prevent Energy Projects in Alaska
  1. McCarthy Supports Trump for President
  1. Democrats Want to Eliminate Strongly Constitutional Justice Clarence Thomas
  1. Communist Goals for U.S. having success: Wake Up America
  1. McCarthy not committed to help Zelenskyy and Ukraine: Need Accounting of Money spent  
  1. McCarthy worried about possible shutdown
  1. NY Attorney General Candidate would fight crime and protect Police
  1. General Mark Milley stands against Trump
  1. Biden Trying to Silence Conservatives for 2024 Election
  1. Texas Democrat mayors sound the alarm on border crisis If they can provide buses to take illegals elsewhere one has to wonder why they cannot simply send them back across the border, or haul them to a legal border crossing and send them back.  Seems like a simple solution.
  1. Texas GOP Calls for legislative action over illegal alien settlement (A settlement for illegal aliens.)
  1. Here is a letter I just sent to Congress

            Dear Congressman,

            I understand that the government of California is removing the dams on the           Klamath River in Northern California.  This is madness.  This is total foolishness.

            Is there nothing that Congress can do to stop this madness?

            Thanks so much.

            Jim Hollingsworth

  1. Epoch Times Documentary: No Farmers, No Farms, No Food
  1. No Farmers, No Farms, No Food: Eat Bugs
  1. Impeachment progress
  1. Alex Newman Speaking CDA Resort October 3, 7:00.

            To Christian Patriots,

            Alex Newman, author, educator, foreign correspondent and Senior Editor for The New American magazine is coming to the Spokane area to speak on the WEAPONIZATION OF RELIGION!

            In Matthew 24 Jesus warns us “Take heed that no man deceive you. For many      will come in my name and shall deceive many.”

            There are powerful people who believe the mission of the Church should be to      save the planet rather than the Great Commission in Mathew 28.

            How is it that environmentalism has crept into the Christian Church worshipping    the creation rather than our Creator?

            Why is it that the globalist rulers of the world are promoting this?

            Find out Tuesday, Oct. 3rd at 7:00 PM at the Coeur d’Alene Resort to help take     back America!
            Tickets are $15 at the door; under 18 FREE.

            See attached flyer.

            In God we trust. All others, today, we must vet.
            Rich Loudenback
            208 755-7717

Tuesday September 26, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

September 24, 2023

Dear Friends,
Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. (John 6:44)

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. (Preamble to U.S. Constitution)

  1. Colorado Rep Lauren Boebert in Serious Trouble
  1. News With Views Time to Resist the Evil Before Us
  1. Rep Gaetz: Shutdown may be solution to spending
  1. Texas Takes Strong Stand against Border Invasion The Biden Administration says they are taking strong measures to stop the invasion at the southern border, which is a barefaced lie.  They are actually encouraging illegals to  come to America and caring for them when they get here.  This has to stop.
  1. Fatal NY Bus Crash
  1. Three found guilty of violating FACE act sent immediately to jail These grandmothers must be considered real terrorists; they had to go to jail immediately.
  1. Students Walk Out over school Trans Restroom Policy
  1. Senator John Fetterman Hates to Admit he is still suffering from the stroke a year ago
  1. Trump not worried about going to jail
  1. Congressman Corrected on Fossil Fuels
  1. Curtis Bowers, Former Idaho Legislator, CIA Thugs
  1. I wrote to the legislature asking them to pass laws against transgender issues.  Here is one of the answers I got back.  Interesting.


            Idaho has laws forbidding everything but your #1.  Your #8,9&10 are covered by   our parents are primary stakeholders bill passed last year which Senator Toews             & I carried in our respective chambers.

            Federal Judge Winmill has blocked our no boys in women’s sports law which is     your #5. Your 2,3,4 are in a law last year which has also been blocked in federal       court.

            Your 6&7 was passed last year.

            Judy Boyle

            On Sep 20, 2023, at 3:26 PM, James H. Hollingsworth <> wrote:

            Jim Hollingsworth


            September 20, 2023


            If you have not already done so, would you please consider passing legislation to             stop transgender activities.

            No use of preferred pronouns; use only the pronouns they are born with.

  1. No puberty blockers.
  2. No male genital removal.
  3. No mastectomies
  4. No biological boys competing with biological girls.
  5. No boys in girls rest rooms; no girls in boys rest rooms.
  6. No boys in girls showers or locker rooms; no girls in boys showers or locker rooms.
  7. No boys sleeping with girls on outings; no girls sleeping with biological boys on outings
  8. No school or psychologist or social worker to advise a child to yield to their inner person to change their gender
  9. No keeping from parents any trans desires of their children

Anyone who gives these medicines or performs surgeries on a child will be guilty of a felony.  Parents may not give permission to mutilate their child any more than they would be able to give permission to murder the child.

Thanks so much for your consideration.

Jim Hollingsworth

Monday September 25, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

September 24, 2023

Dear Friends,
Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. (John 6:44)

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. (Preamble to U.S. Constitution)

  1. Colorado Rep Lauren Boebert in Serious Trouble
  1. News With Views Time to Resist the Evil Before Us
  1. Rep Gaetz: Shutdown may be solution to spending
  1. Texas Takes Strong Stand against Border Invasion The Biden Administration says they are taking strong measures to stop the invasion at the southern border, which is a barefaced lie.  They are actually encouraging illegals to  come to America and caring for them when they get here.  This has to stop.
  1. Fatal NY Bus Crash
  1. Three found guilty of violating FACE act sent immediately to jail These grandmothers must be considered real terrorists; they had to go to jail immediately.
  1. Students Walk Out over school Trans Restroom Policy
  1. Senator John Fetterman Hates to Admit he is still suffering from the stroke a year ago
  1. Trump not worried about going to jail
  1. Congressman Corrected on Fossil Fuels
  1. Curtis Bowers, Former Idaho Legislator, CIA Thugs
  1. I wrote to the legislature asking them to pass laws against transgender issues.  Here is one of the answers I got back.  Interesting.


            Idaho has laws forbidding everything but your #1.  Your #8,9&10 are covered by   our parents are primary stakeholders bill passed last year which Senator Toews             & I carried in our respective chambers.

            Federal Judge Winmill has blocked our no boys in women’s sports law which is     your #5. Your 2,3,4 are in a law last year which has also been blocked in federal       court.

            Your 6&7 was passed last year.

            Judy Boyle

            On Sep 20, 2023, at 3:26 PM, James H. Hollingsworth <> wrote:

            Jim Hollingsworth


            September 20, 2023


            If you have not already done so, would you please consider passing legislation to             stop transgender activities.

            No use of preferred pronouns; use only the pronouns they are born with.

  1. No puberty blockers.
  2. No male genital removal.
  3. No mastectomies
  4. No biological boys competing with biological girls.
  5. No boys in girls rest rooms; no girls in boys rest rooms.
  6. No boys in girls showers or locker rooms; no girls in boys showers or locker rooms.
  7. No boys sleeping with girls on outings; no girls sleeping with biological boys on outings
  8. No school or psychologist or social worker to advise a child to yield to their inner person to change their gender
  9. No keeping from parents any trans desires of their children

Anyone who gives these medicines or performs surgeries on a child will be guilty of a felony.  Parents may not give permission to mutilate their child any more than they would be able to give permission to murder the child.

Thanks so much for your consideration.

Jim Hollingsworth

Sunday September 24, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

September 24, 2023

Dear Friends,
Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. (John 6:44)

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. (Preamble to U.S. Constitution)

  1. Colorado Rep Lauren Boebert in Serious Trouble
  1. News With Views Time to Resist the Evil Before Us
  1. Rep Gaetz: Shutdown may be solution to spending
  1. Texas Takes Strong Stand against Border Invasion The Biden Administration says they are taking strong measures to stop the invasion at the southern border, which is a barefaced lie.  They are actually encouraging illegals to  come to America and caring for them when they get here.  This has to stop.
  1. Fatal NY Bus Crash
  1. Three found guilty of violating FACE act sent immediately to jail These grandmothers must be considered real terrorists; they had to go to jail immediately.
  1. Students Walk Out over school Trans Restroom Policy
  1. Senator John Fetterman Hates to Admit he is still suffering from the stroke a year ago
  1. Trump not worried about going to jail
  1. Congressman Corrected on Fossil Fuels
  1. Curtis Bowers, Former Idaho Legislator, CIA Thugs
  1. I wrote to the legislature asking them to pass laws against transgender issues.  Here is one of the answers I got back.  Interesting.


            Idaho has laws forbidding everything but your #1.  Your #8,9&10 are covered by   our parents are primary stakeholders bill passed last year which Senator Toews             & I carried in our respective chambers.

            Federal Judge Winmill has blocked our no boys in women’s sports law which is     your #5. Your 2,3,4 are in a law last year which has also been blocked in federal       court.

            Your 6&7 was passed last year.

            Judy Boyle

            On Sep 20, 2023, at 3:26 PM, James H. Hollingsworth <> wrote:

            Jim Hollingsworth


            September 20, 2023


            If you have not already done so, would you please consider passing legislation to             stop transgender activities.

            No use of preferred pronouns; use only the pronouns they are born with.

  1. No puberty blockers.
  2. No male genital removal.
  3. No mastectomies
  4. No biological boys competing with biological girls.
  5. No boys in girls rest rooms; no girls in boys rest rooms.
  6. No boys in girls showers or locker rooms; no girls in boys showers or locker rooms.
  7. No boys sleeping with girls on outings; no girls sleeping with biological boys on outings
  8. No school or psychologist or social worker to advise a child to yield to their inner person to change their gender
  9. No keeping from parents any trans desires of their children

Anyone who gives these medicines or performs surgeries on a child will be guilty of a felony.  Parents may not give permission to mutilate their child any more than they would be able to give permission to murder the child.

Thanks so much for your consideration.

Jim Hollingsworth

Saturday September 23, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

September 23, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. (John 6:44)

“The good sense of the people will always be found to be the best army.  They may be led astray for a moment, but will soon correct themselves.” (Thomas Jefferson: National Center For Constitutional Studies)

  1. Coeur d’Alene Library: Not the Library of Ben Franklin
  1. Keri Lake for Arizona Senate?
  1. RF Kennedy, Jr. would ban fracking Like I said: Kennedy is like fresh air among Democrats,  but he will not succeed because of two realities: 1) He is and always will be a Kennedy, and 2) He is and always will be a Democrat.  He may be right about a few things, but in other things he is a Marxist just like the rest of them.
  1. Biden Press Secretary does not answer question about border invasion
  1. Karine Jean Pierre is either lying, or very confused about border policy 
  1. Joe Biden Concerned about Hunter’s Future
  1. Melania Trump Back in the Saddle
  1. Melania Trump: A Calm Port in a Stormy Sea
  1. Freshly Acquitted Ken Paxton may run for Senate
  1. More problems at the border
  1. Trump Prosecution: Did Smith Break the law?
  1. Trump to skip debate to visit with auto workers  
  1. Republican Candidate for Penn Senate
  1. Woman convicted of violating the FACE act wants to live like a cloistered nun in her cell Several women who have protested at abortion clinics were arrested and convicted under the FACE act.  They have been found guilty and are awaiting sentence.  This is a great travesty of justice and a violation of the First Amendment.  I hope they appeal.
  1. McCarthy losing control of the House: May cut spending?  
  1. Judge gives Trump big win in Georgia Trial
  1. A President DeSantis would nominate justices like Clarence Thomas
  1. Pastor Jack Hibbs; Chino Hills Calvary Chapel: Church to blame for post Christian USA
  1. DeSantis to Congress: Cut Funding or else
  1. Support Only Constitutional Article I, Section 8 spending: Cut spending drastically
  1. Fake Climate Narrative easily debunked
  1. Carjacking in their own driveway
  1. Biden Admin Cutting Rasor Wire at S. Border: Will we enforce the laws?
  1. General Mark Milley’s Scathing Unreleased Resignation Letter to Trump (
  1. Protecting Children – American Thinker Jim Hollingsworth September 20, 2023 (See attached for complete, unedited article.)
  1. Gregory Wrightstone Penn Testimony about CO2 and Fossil Fuels
  1. (486) Wrightstone Testimony PA House EREC Hearing 2022-10-24 – YouTube
  1. Climate protesters around the world are calling for an end to fossil fuels as Earth heats up | AP News These protesters don’t know anything about fossil fuels.  It is not so much a movement to save the Earth, but a movement to destroy civilization.  Modern civilization and progress is based on wise use of fossil fuels.  Without them we will live in cold dark homes.  Solar and Wind will never be viable solutions because the sun does not shine at night, and there are times when the wind does not blow.  It is not possible to build batteries large enough to handle the lull in energy production, and here in Idaho there are often weeks when the sun does not shine or the wind blow.