Monday July 31, 2023
Jim Hollingsworth
July 31, 2023
Dear Friends,
Here are a few articles for your consideration.
Jim Hollingsworth
Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? (1 Corinthians 3:16)
- Spy Hub Proposed for Kootenai County, Idaho.
Spy Hub Proposed
Show-up, Speak-out, Say No
August 3rd, 5:30 to 7:30
Post Falls
Host by Director of KMPO Glenn Miles
Black Bay Depot, 1211 E. 3rd Avenue
Coeur d’Alene
Hosted by Idaho Transportation Department, Damon Allen
CDA Public Library, Community Room, 702 E. Front Ave
- Fox supporting DeSantis, Now Not sure DeSantis is a great governor and would make a great president. But things are tough right now. He needs to withdraw and support Trump, then run in 2028. Florida needs him where he is.
- Biden Economic Claims are Nonsense: Even his Advisors are under his spell. The increase in inflation may be down a little because he has not recently injected a lot of paper money into the market. Most of his comments are pure fiction.
- New York: No Plastic Spoons, Knives, Forks: Great Advance: Eat Like Pigs People will soon adjust. When they go out of state they will buy many containers of plastic utensils, or they will carry their own with them, or they will just quite buying takeout food. The government seems to have all the answers. Most plastic problems are in the East. Most Americans handle their trash
- Woman Sues Doctors over Gender Mutilation Doctors who prescribe life changing drugs, and mutilating surgeries are going to have to pay the price, and find something else to do with their time. They are making a lot of money off children with serious mental health issues. States need to pass laws against doctors providing any kind of “gender care”. Some of the “medicines” cause bodily changes that can never be corrected and leave adults to lead their lives as children.
- School Board Adopts New Bathroom Policy: Use Restroom of Birth SexFrom the Report: (This is concerning: Every student needs to feel cared for, no matter their propensity. But, we do not have to accept false notions of gender any more than we have to believe that a student is Washington, just because he may claim to be. Our care of LGBTQ students ought to be a loving assistance in helping them to understand the error of their thinking. This is false teaching and children need to be guided in becoming successful adults, not disfigured non people.
“I’m concerned that the handbook combined with two other policies you are considering tonight will create a hostile environment for our LGBTQ students and will lead to an atmosphere where even well-meaning teachers and administrators are unable to support these marginalized students,” said Francis. “If you pass these measures tonight, you will be sending the message that only some students are valued.”
Sunday July 30, 2023
Jim Hollingsworth
July 30, 2023
Dear Friends,
Here are a few articles for your consideration.
Jim Hollingsworth
I am the living bread which came down from haven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. (John 6:51)
- Powerful Testimony: Why would anyone Trust a Trans Doctor for Anything: Protect your children. What they are doing to our young people is criminal. They lie to the parents so they can take control of their kids, who are maimed for life. This has to stop.
Saturday July 29, 2023
Jim Hollingsworth
July 29, 2023
Dear Friends,
Here are a few articles for your consideration.
Jim Hollingsworth
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. (John 6:47)
- McCarthy Promises Impeachment: House GOP Hopes for Follow Through All this will do is make a lot of noise, as the Senate is controlled by Biden.
- Time to End Birthright Citizenship: You come here illegally you have no right to citizenship for your kids born here. Read the Fourteenth Amendment; notice the words “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof”. If you are here illegally then you are not subject to the jurisdiction of America. This needs to be remedied. This would also be true for any diplomat from a foreign country.
- DeSantis Would Consider RF Kennedy, Jr. for a role in health, but not other role. Many consider Robert Kennedy a breath of fresh air, especially compared to Joe Biden. In the end, however, he has two things working against his possible success: 1) He is a Kennedy, and 2) He is a Democrat. That is a lot to overcome.
- I understand that there are presently 13 people who are running for president as Republicans. Right now, Donald J. Trump is way ahead of all the rest, with Vivek Ramaswamy and Ron DeSantis tied at 12% for second place. I believe Trump is the most qualified mainly because he has gained some experience in the office, plus he at least made an attempt to keep the promises he made.
That being said, we do need to continue to keep Trump accountable. Over the years he has made a number of mistakes, especially as regards his reaction to the pandemic. It would be very dangerous for us to follow a leader without thinking. That is what happens in most cults and why they get into so much trouble.
That is true for all those running for office: we need to be sure what they do matches what they said they would do.
There are some great people running for office, but none have the experience that Trump has. But something could happen to Trump, and we need a backup plan. In the third world if people did not like their mayor or police chief they were shot, so it can be very dangerous to be right.
None of that ought to distract us from the fact the Trump appears to stand exactly where he needs to stand for us to be able to reclaim American. We need to continue to pray for his survival, especially against a government that is terrified that he may regain the office. The House has some control, if they will use it. They control the purse, and they need to insist they will not approve another budget item until the witch hunt ends.
Jim Hollingsworth
Friday July 28, 2023
Jim Hollingsworth
July 28, 2023
Dear Friends,
Here are a few messages for your consideration.
Jim Hollingsworth
While I was with them, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled. (John 17:12)
- DeSantis Would Consider RF Kennedy, Jr. for a role in health, but not other role. Many consider Robert Kennedy a breath of fresh air, especially compared to Joe Biden. In the end, however, he has two things working against his possible success: 1) He is a Kennedy, and 2) He is a Democrat. That is a lot to overcome.
- MY TURN: VP selection and the consequences | Coeur d’Alene Press ( My Turn, July 21, 2023, Bob Hollingsworth.
- Joe Biden gets “help” from Nancy Pelosi She is almost as confused as he is.
- Jordan Peterson Ordered to Take Re-Education for public comments Jordan Peterson is one of the most down to earth clinical psychologists in North America, and they cannot allow that. It will be interesting to see how this turns out.
- Shoplifting in California on Rise Some places have made it illegal to try and stop shop lifters.
Thursday July 27, 2023
Jim Hollingsworth
July 27, 2023
Dear Friends,
Here are some articles for your consideration.
Jim Hollingsworth
Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. (John 15:16)
- DeSantis Losing in the Polls DeSantis is doing a great job as governor of Florida. He needs to drop out, endorse Trump, and wait for 2028. That would be a very successful move.
- Idaho judge sentences 5 from white nationalist group to jail for conspiracy to riot at Pride event ( What, exactly, was their crime?
A federal judge on Tuesday voided a 2017 court-martial conviction against Bowe Bergdahl, an Army sergeant who walked off his post in 2009 only to be captured by the Taliban and spend five years as their prisoner.
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani told Newsmax on Tuesday that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., “better” follow up on comments he made earlier that day, that GOP probes into the business dealings of President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, are reaching levels of an “impeachment inquiry.”
Wednesday July 26, 2023
Jim Hollingsworth
July 26, 2023
Dear Friends,
Here are a few articles for your consideration.
Jim Hollingsworth
And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up on the last day. (John 6:39)
- Steve Bannon and the War Room
- Hello Jim,
An Ada County jury just awarded more than $50 million to the plaintiffs in their case against Ammon and I. It truly is amazing considering it all started off as being just $50,000, but then corrupt Judge Lynn Norton allowed them to amend their complaint (i.e. lawsuit), 4 times until ultimately they were asking for $7.5 million by the final amended complaint.
But once the trial began, they opened it up to “punitive damages” which basically means there is no limit to how much they can try to get. In the end, St. Luke’s attorney, dirty Erik He/Him/His Stidham stated that they would accept $37 million, but the jury basically said, “Nah, let’s do more than $50 million.” Because you know, this is Ada County we’re talking about.
As you can imagine, I’ve finally been contacted by multiple news agencies today, (although not one of them contacted me for comments before today), and here is the comment I have provided them. Which, obviously, not a one of them is going to reprint:
The purpose of this frivolous and fraudulent lawsuit was to financially destroy Ammon and I in order to strike fear in the hearts of the public so that they never fight back against tyranny. It is called a “SLAPP” suit which stands for strategic lawsuit against public participation, and it is illegal in many states, but not so in Idaho where the “Good Ol Boys Network” always protects itself and it’s power.
The charge of defamation against Ammon and I is, and always was, absurd and ludicrous because the legal standard that must be met in order for someone to be found guilty of defamation is that:
1. The information published by the defendant has to be false AND
2. The defendant had to know it was false or should have reasonably known it was false.
In this case, every claim that I made against St. Luke’s was and still is absolutely true. They (St. Luke’s) are participants in a government subsidized child trafficking ring. They are financially incentivized to refer children to CPS as they make money off of those children once they are medically kidnapped by police agencies and put into St. Luke’s possession. Those are still facts. St. Luke’s has never disputed the fact that they get paid when children from CPS are in their possession. And they can’t dispute it because it is factual.
Every other claim I made is still true, or something that I still believe to be true, so defamation is an impossible conclusion to reach.
However, Ada County and its judges have once again proven themselves to be one of the most corrupt and tyrannical courts in the nation by ensuring that this case could never be won by Ammon and I, even if we had the money to defend ourselves.
When the trial began last week, I was not allowed to dispute any of the members of the jury, nor was I even allowed to know who they were. Though I know factually that at least 30 members of the jury pool were extremely biased against Ammon and I. This includes prospective jurors being actual employees of St. Luke’s hospital, spouses of St. Luke’s employees, and even an employee of the Bureau of Land Management/BLM (who brutally attacked Ammon’s family in 2014).
The jury was also told that I “chose not to participate in this case” which is a 100% complete lie. I filed over 20 documents in this case including a detailed 49 page response to the complaint, discovery requests, documentation demonstrating the judge’s misconduct, and I even sat for a deposition. However, Judge Lynn Norton filed an order striking all of my answers from the record so the jury was never allowed to hear the other side, and she also made an order prohibiting me from providing any evidence to the case. How is that justice? How is that moral? How is that allowed in America? The average American can’t even believe that this is possible, but it is. It happened. And we have the documents published online to prove it.
Simply put, the judge lied. She also used her power to prevent me from having a voice or from providing my own evidence. The jury, assuming they are not all St. Luke’s employees, will now have to make a decision without hearing the other side of the story. They are being forced to make decisions based on false allegations meaning they have to assume that every lie they were told was true. They have been given instructions to act specifically in that manner.
Not a single news outlet has reported on any of this. And any news outlet who has followed the case should know these facts. The fact that they have not published it shows their complicity with a one-sided narrative that seeks to undermine justice and freedom and to protect tyrants and corruption.
This entire lawsuit is a slap in the face to everyone who cares about freedom and the Constitution, as our Constitutional right to Freedom of Speech and to just plain TELL THE TRUTH about how St. Luke’s participated in the wicked and evil kidnapping of my grandson, which they financially profited from, is being violated by a fake legal system that has been weaponized against the American people.
No matter if the final judgment is for a billion or a gazillion dollars, I will not cease to publish the truth at and at
Diego Rodriguez
Freedom Man Press
P.S. Fear not, this is not over. I’ve got plenty more to publish and much more to explain about the unbelievable corruption and tyranny that was on display in this lawsuit. I will keep you all informed…
Tuesday July 25, 2023
Jim Hollingsworth
July 25, 2023
Dear Friends,
Here are a few articles for your consideration.
Jim Hollingsworth
For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. (1 Thessalonians 4:14)
- Earlier I shared a video of an EV which had a wreck and exploded. One of my readers took the time to research the event and found a video of the event which took place ten years ago. It was not an electric vehicle, but most probably a truck load of propane tanks, based on the material ejected. This video is longer and you can see more. Thanks for those who check on stories.
This message is from a friend.
I watched the video and have personally witnessed battery thermal avalanche failure. The video is NOT an electric vehicle fire. Judging by the explosions and the cylindrical object ejecta, I guessed it was a truck carrying propane tanks. A quick search on YouTube found this 2013 video:
2. McCarthy: Trump Not Guilty of any Crime on January 6
3. Greta Thunberg Arrested in Sweden
6. Woman Sues Doctors who removed her healthy breasts
7. McCarthy: Trump Not Guilty of any Crime on January 6
8. RF Kennedy, Jr. Investigate Biden Family Finances
9. Religious Freedom Dead in Canada
10. Cancellations start for John Clauser, Nobel Prize Winner, after comments on Climate Change
11. Bidens Implicated: So Far At Least We Believe that Bank Records do not Lie
12. Why Should the Supreme Court Have anything to say about a pipeline? I have not followed this one, but usually the administration has supported the “no more pipelines crowd”, so this is a little confusing.
13. New Developments in Artificial Reproduction: What next?
14. Update on Impeachment of Texas Conservative Attorney General Paxton
15. Religious Expression Not Safe in Canada
16. Congress: It is Clear: They Can Reveal the Truth: They Cannot Prosecute: What Comes Next?
17. 17 Millions for Bidens with No Recourse
18. Lowes Fires Woman Trying to Stop Shoplifters
19. The Left Thinks DeSantis Far More Dangerous Than Trump This could be a tremendous recommendation for DeSantis.
20. Is The Supreme Court Democratic?
21. Twitter: New CEO, New Direction Also, new Logo, black X.
22. Gorka Interview of Jim Jordan: 50 depositions, but no criminal charges
24. Trump Wins Polls Again Trump may be the favorite of many because of his proven leadership, but let us treat DeSantis with great respect for the good job he is doing in Florida.
Monday July 24, 2023
Jim Hollingsworth
July 24, 2023
Dear Friends,
Here are a few articles for your consideration.
Jim Hollingsworth
Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. (Philippians 2:12-13)
- Mark Levin Exposed Fatal Flaw in Joe Biden’s Scheme to Arrest Donald Trump Everyone who is not brain dead knows the problem, but what to do about it no one seems to have a good idea.
- Texas Withdraws from ERIC Voter System Electronic Registration Information Center: Supported by the Left
- Electric Vehicles Have No Long-Term Future If you want to see what happens to an EV in a crash, see the attached video of yesterday’s mailing. Huge explosions. (Here it is again as an attachment in case you missed it.)
- Radical Dr. Birx of Trump Administration now CEO of Drug Company You remember Dr. Birx; she was confederate with Dr. Fauci.
- Biden Ignores Supreme Court, Congress, on Student Loan Forgiveness When you are the king you do whatever you want to. Someone needs to remind Biden that America is a republic.
- If Trump indicted over January 6, it will cause a constitutional crisis There are a few Trump supporters who are pretty unstable. They might not take kindly to this action and might pursue a dangerous course.
Sunday July 23, 2023
Jim Hollingsworth
July 23, 2023
Dear Friends,
Here are a few messages for your consideration.
Jim Hollingsworth
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)
- If you want to own an electric vehicle, then watch the attached video and see what happens in a wreck. It appears that the people on the other side had the good sense to stop, because look at how far junk was thrown. And what about the car that was just sitting there. Maybe no one was in it. And the driver of the EV? What happened to him.
- OPINION: Ad Hominem Ad Nauseam | Coeur d’Alene Press ( Brent Regan Column Friday July 21, 20023 Ad Hominem Attacks: That is all they have.
- OPINION: Time to recognize the truth | Coeur d’Alene Press ( Here is a column by Christa Hazel. You decide who is right: The North Idaho Republicans, or the Official Kootenai County Republican Central Committee, of which I was once a member.
- FBI Biden Document Finally Made Public Everyone now knows the truth about the Biden activities, so will anything be done about it? Don’t hold your breath.
Several States Stop support for the Marxist American Library Association over pornographic books
Saturday July 22, 2023 Attachment No 2
Jim Hollingsworth
July 13, 2023
When Biden became president America was on a solid footing, inflation was under control, we were energy independent, the price of gasoline was under $2.00, and things in America were great. Now most of that has been undone, and nothing is being done about it. This is like a nightmare in which you are terrified only to awake and be thankful it was only a dream. But the present nightmare is no dream, and things are only getting worse in America. Will someone please wake me from this nightmare?
While Trump was president nearly 500 miles of wall were built and immigration was controlled. Biden has opened the border and invited all to come, and they are coming by the millions.
When Biden became president America was energy independent and we were even selling energy abroad. Biden stopped construction of oil pipelines, stopped drilling on public lands, and began a campaign against fossil fuels, the very product that has made America great. Will someone please wake me from this nightmare?
Trump appointed constitutional judges around the country, and three great judges to the Supreme Court. They have protected life by reversing Roe V. Wade. Biden, a Catholic, is the most pro-abortion president in recent history. Protestors at abortion clinics have been assaulted and prolife clinics and churches have been attacked.
When Trump left office, everyone knew what was a woman and there was no question but that God had created only men and women. Biden has continued to promote the idea that people who say they are transgender need our support, even to puberty blockers and radical surgeries that injure children for life. Now men undress in women’s locker rooms, and compete in women’s sports, destroying the incentives of women who have trained all their lives for success.
While Trump was in office you were pretty much permitted to say whatever you knew to be true and free speech was not hindered. Now, under Biden, you can be fired for simply pointing out something destructive, but which you know to be true. This includes issues about climate change, the value of masks and vaccinations, and other so-called health measures. Will someone please wake me from this nightmare?
Biden has made it clear that he supports going to zero carbon emissions which would eliminate all use of coal, and fossil fuels. Natural gas is used to make fertilizer, which is very important to agriculture. And, over 6000 things that we use on a daily basis are made from oil. Wind and solar will never take the place of coal-fired, or natural gas-fired energy generation. Electric cars will soon be a national disaster because they are useless during a time of disaster with no electricity available. It is not possible to build batteries large enough to carry a city during times when the sun does not shine nor the wind blow.
Several have testified that the Bidens received 5 million, 10 million from foreign governments, which is illegal, but nothing has been done about it. Hunter cheats on his taxes and lies on his application for a gun permit, yet he only gets a very light sentence. There seems to be a two-tier justice system. Will someone please wake me from this nightmare?
There is considerable evidence that the past two elections were rigged against Republicans, yet no measures are taken to insure this does not happen again. If this is not corrected it could spell the end of our constitutional republic.
Under Trump there was little inflation, prices were fairly stable. Biden has spent billions by just printing the money. This is classic inflation and is hurting everyone with higher prices for everything from food to hardware. This is especially true for gasoline, the price of which is also affected by the Biden energy policies.
Under Trump religious expression was protected. Now under the Biden Administration we see FBI agents infiltrating Catholic churches and reporting on “un-American” activities. Freedom of religion is attacked on several fronts. Our clear First Amendment Rights are not protected. Will someone please wake me from this nightmare?
In one town people rode bikes through town totally naked. With prayer and Bible reading no longer permitted in our schools, our schools no longer have a moral compass. What has historically been considered a disgrace is now just another person’s freedom of expression. This is madness.
Not long ago most Americans were very patriotic. Now statues of Americans are being torn down for very light reasons. The American flag is defaced and no longer respected. A pride flag is displayed above the American flag at the white house. Children no longer pledge to the flag in our schools. None of this can be considered constructive action.
Patriotic Americans have protested over various policies, spoken up at school board meetings and taken stands for righteousness, and these have been called domestic terrorists by our government. Others, such as those in Black Lives Matter, have destroyed businesses and burned down whole sections of town, and these are called peaceful protestors. Some have even been arrested and their bail paid by some Democrats. This is insane.
Most of our schools were shut down during the recent pandemic, and children lost time that will never be made up. Academic achievement has stalled and the only answer educators seem to know is to just spend more money on education. They do not seem to consider that quality education is taking place at a much-reduced price. Our schools have lost any clear moral direction. Even worse, our children are taught to hate our national heroes.
Trump had plans to leave Afghanistan in an orderly fashion. Biden abandoned our military airport, left Afghanistan without telling our allies, was responsible for the death of 13 of our soldiers, and left behind billions in state-of-the-art military equipment. Even some Americans were left behind. This was a serious crime.
President Trump strongly supported the Second Amendment, but Biden has worked hard to undermine our Second Amendment Rights.
I worked with many Democrats for several years and considered them to be both logical and sane. Yet, what is happening in America right now in mostly Democrat led states and cities is neither logical nor sane. It has to be obvious to any thinking person that if America continues down our present path, we will be easy game for a foreign power, and our great republic will be destroyed. This has to stop, and it begins with some patriotic American Democrats re-taking control of their party and stop this madness.
This is not just a nightmare that will go away when we awake. This is a terrible national condition that must be remedied before it is too late. Things are moving so rapidly toward destruction that we may not survive until the next election. We have to wake up from this madness.
Jim Hollingsworth is a graduate of Pensacola Christian College with a master’s degree in Biblical Studies. He has written five books:
Climate Change: A Convenient Truth
Cortez: A Biography
The Ancient Culture of the Aztec Empire
Abortion Compassion
A Commentary on the Book of Romans
A Commentary on the Book of Galatians is with the publisher.
Available where books are sold.