Wednesday August 30, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

August 30, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)

“I have so much faith in the general government of the world by Providence, that I can hardly conceive a transaction of such momentous importance to the welfare of millions…should be suffered to pass without being in some degree influenc’d, guided and governed by that omnipotent, omnipresent and beneficent Ruler.” (Benjamin Franklin)

  1. Medicaid is a huge disaster; I trust we will not vote for this, and find a way to reduce it.
  1. OPINION: Affordable Idaho | Coeur d’Alene Press ( Medicaid: Brent Regan, August 25, 2023
  1. Why a teacher who loves teaching quit
  1. Vivek Ramaswamy does not Trust the GOP
  1. Lost Parking Pass because he refused to remove flag from his truck Nothing says America more than the American flag.  So why have to remove it?  This school is way off base.
  1. Liberal Oklahoma School Supt Resigns; sets school on road to health
  1. Reality: Republican or Democrat?
  1. 2024 Democrats Vulnerable on Border Policies
  1. Tucker Carlson: Trump: Life in Danger 46 Min
  1. Trump Mug Shot “Never Surrender”
  1. Soldier Parents Demand Biden Resign Over Loss of 13 Soldiers on Withdrawal
  1. Kevin McCarthy could be in big trouble if he cooperates with Democrats on Spending Plan
  1. Man Jailed Who Threatened Marjori Taylor Greene
  1. Democrat Witch Hunt Against Trump
  1. Democrats, Caught in the Act, Abortion until Birth, or beyond
  1. Possible Fraud in Michigan
  1. Angel Moms Consider Trump and DeSantis on Border Policies
  1. Sebastian Gorka on Trump Mug Shot
  1. Trump Trials: Possible Dates
  1. John Kennedy Talks about Biden
  1. Senator John Kennedy Lectures on privilege
  1. Democrats Concerned about Impeachment possibility
  1. Fires Caused by Government Policies, not Climate Change
  1. There has been some discussion about the Maui Fire and the blocked highway.  One person said that a police car went past him, and then blocked the only exit away from the fire.  Why?  Not sure.  Nothing makes sense.  The man who made the comments went around the barricade and got away, who later came back and rescued several.  Not sure how.  The question has to be asked as to why the people did not remove the barricades.  Were the police protecting them at gun point?  Cars could not go anywhere and were all lined up and burned up in place.  A few ran for the ocean and survived, but not many.
  1. Hi friends,

After viewing the Oppenheimer documentary “To End All War: Oppenheimer & the Atomic Bomb” (Peacock) and after the release of the movie “Oppenheimer” (2023), this interview with “Enola Gay” pilot Paul Tibbets seems fitting.

Thanks to pilot friend Rich Sugden, MD (and former Navy flight surgeon) for sending this two-part interview with Paul Tibbets conducted by Kermit Weeks in 2000. Paul Tibbets, Brigadier General USAF (Ret), (Colonel at the time of the flight) was the pilot of the B-29 Superfortress “Enola Gay”, which carried the first uranium atomic bomb “Little Boy” that was dropped and detonated over the city of Hiroshima, Japan on August 6, 1945.

Part One (20:54 minutes):

B-29 Pilot Enola Gay Part One

Part Two (21:16 minutes):

B-29 Pilot Enola Gay Part Two


Mike Satren

Tuesday August 29, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

August 29, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. (John 3:21)

“[Concerning] my devotion to the Constitution…, I regard it as the work of the purest patriots and wisest statesmen that ever existed, aided by the smiles of a benignant Providence…; it almost appears a divine interposition in our behalf.” (Daniel Webster)

  1. Fires Caused by Government Policies, not Climate Change
  1. Florida Senator Scott Faces Challenge
  1. Possible Charges against Top Democrat Senator
  1. Trump Georgia Arrest Only Building His Support, especially among Black Folk
  1. Bidenomics is Great: Just Ask Him.
  1. Biden Handlers Concerned about Newsom/DeSantis November Debate  
  1. Now In Texas, Kyle Rittenhouse sued by estate of criminal he shot in self defense
  1. Texas County GOP Censures State Rep Andrew Murr
  1. Florida Rubio Comments on Trump Arrest: Watch out when things change, as they always do.   
  1. Mexican Official Comments on Border Policy: Concerned about “rights” of Illegals Rights? What rights?
  1. Chicago ATF Agent Robbed at Gun Point: Who Do You Cheer?  
  1. Second Amendment Case Before Supreme Court: Red Flag Laws  
  1. Jacksonville Dollar Store Murders of 3
  1. DeSantis: To the Very End
  1. Will Americans Accept New Mask Mandates: Epoch Times Many will reject masks, and suffer the consequences.
  1. VP Harris tells Lies to Pressure Women about Abortion
  1. Georgia Republicans may Impeach Fani Willis over Trump Witch Hunt
  1. Fox News Supports Machin: A Democrat
  1. FBI Hides Massive Election Fraud
  1. Epoch Times: Psychiatrist tells truth about gender affirming care 1:11 Hrs

Monday August 28, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

August 27, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. (John 3:19)

  1. Fox Humiliated by Poor Debate Showing
  1. “I’ll be on that debate stage.” Larry Elder with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA First – America First with Sebastian Gorka (
  1. Larry Elder Sues Fox, GOP Larry Elder did all the right things, but denied participation in Fox/GOP debate.
  1. Georgia Trump Mug Shot Helps Trump Within hours of Trump’s mug shot being made public it began to appear on tee shirts and other media.  No matter what the Left does to sink Trump, it only makes him more popular.  The best thing they could do for their cause is to leave him alone.  
  1. Trump’s mug shot released after booking at Georgia jail on election charges | Reuters
  1. Some Paper Straws Not Safe Remember the move to ban plastic straws came about because of plastic in the ocean.  However, Americans are fairly careful with their trash.  Most plastic in the oceans come from Eastern countries.
  1. Drug Bust Turned Tragic: Fleeing on Cycle, Stopped, killed with ice chest
  1. NY Times: Cancel Elections: Now the Truth is Out To Americans, Elections are sacred.  It is what makes us a Republic.  It is part of the democratic process.  They want socialism, or even a dictatorship.  They cannot handle the strong possibility that all their best efforts are not destroying Donald J. Trump.  We the people must keep control of our elections at all levels and insure their integrity.
  1. NY Times: End Elections
  1. Gary Bauer Speaks Up
  1. Trump Lawyer Stands Firm: Stolen Election

Here’s this week’s edition of The Kootenai Journal

Sunday August 27, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

August 27, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. (John 3:19)

  1. Fox Humiliated by Poor Debate Showing
  1. “I’ll be on that debate stage.” Larry Elder with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA First – America First with Sebastian Gorka (
  1. Larry Elder Sues Fox, GOP Larry Elder did all the right things, but denied participation in Fox/GOP debate.
  1. Georgia Trump Mug Shot Helps Trump Within hours of Trump’s mug shot being made public it began to appear on tee shirts and other media.  No matter what the Left does to sink Trump, it only makes him more popular.  The best thing they could do for their cause is to leave him alone.  
  1. Trump’s mug shot released after booking at Georgia jail on election charges | Reuters
  1. Some Paper Straws Not Safe Remember the move to ban plastic straws came about because of plastic in the ocean.  However, Americans are fairly careful with their trash.  Most plastic in the oceans come from Eastern countries.
  1. Drug Bust Turned Tragic: Fleeing on Cycle, Stopped, killed with ice chest
  1. NY Times: Cancel Elections: Now the Truth is Out To Americans, Elections are sacred.  It is what makes us a Republic.  It is part of the democratic process.  They want socialism, or even a dictatorship.  They cannot handle the strong possibility that all their best efforts are not destroying Donald J. Trump.  We the people must keep control of our elections at all levels and insure their integrity.
  1. NY Times: End Elections
  1. Gary Bauer Speaks Up
  1. Trump Lawyer Stands Firm: Stolen Election

Here’s this week’s edition of The Kootenai Journal

Saturday August 26, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

August 22, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are some articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. (Matthew 1:23)

  1. Constitutional Sheriffs Organize
  1. Judge Napolitano to Newsmax: Public Has ‘Right’ to See Trump Georgia Trial |
  1. Court Case on Homosexual Marriage (Obergefell) still active
  1. Biden: The Vacation President
  1. Don’t Drink and Drive Watch what a fast passenger train does to a small car.
  1. Gem State Patriot News – Knowledge is Power as Silence is Consent Lots of good solid information: Get on their mailing list.
  1. Weaponized Justice System Protects Democrats
  1. Georgia Charges Against Trump and 18, could be moved to Federal Court, or dropped.
  1. Adam Schiff let Cat out of the Bag: Get Trump!
  1. Ron DeSantis has a clear Stand on Abortion
  1. Justice Department Has Cozy Relationship with Defendant Hunter Biden
  1. Top FBI Official Gives Damning Evidence Against Biden Family Much testimony has been given against the Bidens, but it appears unlikely that anything will ever be done about it.  It is like the fox guarding the henhouse.  
  1. Some Republican Leaders Support Trump
  1. Pilot Dies in Flight: Flight Diverted.
  1. Trump Won’t Debate: Interview with Tucker Carlson Instead That Trump has a sizable lead in the polls can be concerning.  People have a tendency to follow such a leader without question.  So, we need to stay focused, and keep our eyes open.  We support Trump simply because he supports us.  If he stops standing for truth and common sense, then we need to be prepared.  Right now we need to pray for his safety and survival as the left is determined to destroy him.
  1. First California Tropical Storm in 84 years Creates Very Dangerous Flooding
  1. Biden Uses Pseudonyms to Hide Crimes
  1. Ramaswamy Supports Trump in Fox Interview
  1. Reporter Quits over Anti-Christian Editorial Policy
  1. Smoking Gun Reveals Trump is Right
  1. Fox: Laura Ingraham: Arresting Donald Trump Will Backfire on Joe Biden
  1. RFK Jr. Interviewed by Tucker Carlson: War in Ukraine: Death of JFK
  1. If Trump is Convicted He will Win From Prison; Take the Oath of Office, then Pardon Himself: Walk Out a Free Man? There is a lot in play here.  Mainly it is a very expensive distraction, hindering Trump from campaigning.
  1. Gale Pooley: American Thought Leaders: Super Abundance Gale, who used to work on education issues in Idaho, has written a new book on abundance.
  1. Matt Gaetz: Trump Could Testify: Whistleblower: Given Immunity This principle has never been tested, but it is pretty creative.  If he is given immunity, then they could not proceed with the charges from other prosecutors; that is the thought.  Worth considering.  Will they do it? It would take some courage to do this, so it probably will not happen.
  1. Great Climate Scientists Say EPA Climate Regulations Based on a Hoax These two men are top of the line climate scientists.  Unfortunately, the people who count are not listening to them.  Happer worked for Trump for a year as a science advisor; he had great ideas, but was never able to pull them off.
  1. SOS fines North Idaho Republicans | Coeur d’Alene Press ( They want you to think they are the official Republicans.

Here are the official Republicans, elected by the voters of our county.

The North Idaho Republicans were fined.  Don’t be fooled. 

“The Idaho Secretary of State’s office investigated the complaints, and on Friday fined the North Idaho Republicans for not registering as a political action committee before engaging in political activities, including purchasing an ad in the Coeur d’Alene Press Voters Guide.’

Remember that the North Idaho Republicans would have you believe that they are the real Republican Party in North Idaho.  The real Republicans are those officials who are elected by the voters of Kootenai County and are members of the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee.  This is an official position.  If you want to know who is your precinct committeeman here is the link.

Precinct Committeemen — Kootenai County GOP (

If you do not know what precinct you are in, fill in the box on the vote locator and it will give you all that information; Even a picture of your voting place.

Polling Place Look-Up | Kootenai County, ID (

  1. Ford CEO Has Disappointing Road Trip with EV Truck
  1. Man Abandons $115,000 EV on Road Trip to Chicago
  1. New Abortion Clinic Stopped by Pro-life Workers
  1. Get Trump: Biden Administration Subverts Constiitution
  1. Safer in Iraq than in Democrat Run Cities
  1. Londoners take down surveillance cameras  While I hate to share this because of the language, but you have to see how these people feel about all these cameras.
  1. Letter to the Editor

Justice Jim Jones has been in Idaho politics most of his life.  He should understand the political process.  Yet, he is totally in the dark. 

He cannot understand that the primary election is where the party chooses those who will represent them in the general election.  If there were an open primary, as he requests, then there would be no point in having a primary; everyone could just run in the general November election.

He talks about electing “pragmatic” Republicans, whatever that may be.  He supports a legislator who has a very poor voting record, no matter how you figure it, and calls Dan Forman, a disgrace, while Mr. Forman appears to be a model legislator.

He says that the Legislature is extremist-controlled and wants the voters to vote for open primaries.  This, in fact, is an insane proposal.

The members of the Legislature are elected by you the voters.  So are the precinct committeemen, he seems to have little use for.  He fails to recognize that those officials who have the best voting records are those who support the Idaho Republican Party Platform.

Time for Someone to wake up Justice Jones.

Jim Hollingsworth

Friday August 25, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

August 22, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are some articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. (Matthew 1:23)

  1. Constitutional Sheriffs Organize
  1. Judge Napolitano to Newsmax: Public Has ‘Right’ to See Trump Georgia Trial |
  1. Court Case on Homosexual Marriage (Obergefell) still active
  1. Biden: The Vacation President
  1. Don’t Drink and Drive Watch what a fast passenger train does to a small car.
  1. Gem State Patriot News – Knowledge is Power as Silence is Consent Lots of good solid information: Get on their mailing list.
  1. Weaponized Justice System Protects Democrats
  1. Georgia Charges Against Trump and 18, could be moved to Federal Court, or dropped.
  1. Adam Schiff let Cat out of the Bag: Get Trump!
  1. Ron DeSantis has a clear Stand on Abortion
  1. Justice Department Has Cozy Relationship with Defendant Hunter Biden
  1. Top FBI Official Gives Damning Evidence Against Biden Family Much testimony has been given against the Bidens, but it appears unlikely that anything will ever be done about it.  It is like the fox guarding the henhouse.  
  1. Some Republican Leaders Support Trump
  1. Pilot Dies in Flight: Flight Diverted.
  1. Trump Won’t Debate: Interview with Tucker Carlson Instead That Trump has a sizable lead in the polls can be concerning.  People have a tendency to follow such a leader without question.  So, we need to stay focused, and keep our eyes open.  We support Trump simply because he supports us.  If he stops standing for truth and common sense, then we need to be prepared.  Right now we need to pray for his safety and survival as the left is determined to destroy him.
  1. First California Tropical Storm in 84 years Creates Very Dangerous Flooding
  1. Biden Uses Pseudonyms to Hide Crimes
  1. Ramaswamy Supports Trump in Fox Interview
  1. Reporter Quits over Anti-Christian Editorial Policy
  1. Smoking Gun Reveals Trump is Right
  1. Fox: Laura Ingraham: Arresting Donald Trump Will Backfire on Joe Biden
  1. RFK Jr. Interviewed by Tucker Carlson: War in Ukraine: Death of JFK
  1. If Trump is Convicted He will Win From Prison; Take the Oath of Office, then Pardon Himself: Walk Out a Free Man? There is a lot in play here.  Mainly it is a very expensive distraction, hindering Trump from campaigning.
  1. Gale Pooley: American Thought Leaders: Super Abundance Gale, who used to work on education issues in Idaho, has written a new book on abundance.
  1. Matt Gaetz: Trump Could Testify: Whistleblower: Given Immunity This principle has never been tested, but it is pretty creative.  If he is given immunity, then they could not proceed with the charges from other prosecutors; that is the thought.  Worth considering.  Will they do it? It would take some courage to do this, so it probably will not happen.
  1. Great Climate Scientists Say EPA Climate Regulations Based on a Hoax These two men are top of the line climate scientists.  Unfortunately, the people who count are not listening to them.  Happer worked for Trump for a year as a science advisor; he had great ideas, but was never able to pull them off.
  1. SOS fines North Idaho Republicans | Coeur d’Alene Press ( They want you to think they are the official Republicans.

Here are the official Republicans, elected by the voters of our county.

The North Idaho Republicans were fined.  Don’t be fooled. 

“The Idaho Secretary of State’s office investigated the complaints, and on Friday fined the North Idaho Republicans for not registering as a political action committee before engaging in political activities, including purchasing an ad in the Coeur d’Alene Press Voters Guide.’

Remember that the North Idaho Republicans would have you believe that they are the real Republican Party in North Idaho.  The real Republicans are those officials who are elected by the voters of Kootenai County and are members of the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee.  This is an official position.  If you want to know who is your precinct committeeman here is the link.

Precinct Committeemen — Kootenai County GOP (

If you do not know what precinct you are in, fill in the box on the vote locator and it will give you all that information; Even a picture of your voting place.

Polling Place Look-Up | Kootenai County, ID (

  1. Ford CEO Has Disappointing Road Trip with EV Truck
  1. Man Abandons $115,000 EV on Road Trip to Chicago
  1. New Abortion Clinic Stopped by Pro-life Workers
  1. Get Trump: Biden Administration Subverts Constiitution
  1. Safer in Iraq than in Democrat Run Cities
  1. Londoners take down surveillance cameras  While I hate to share this because of the language, but you have to see how these people feel about all these cameras.
  1. Letter to the Editor

Justice Jim Jones has been in Idaho politics most of his life.  He should understand the political process.  Yet, he is totally in the dark. 

He cannot understand that the primary election is where the party chooses those who will represent them in the general election.  If there were an open primary, as he requests, then there would be no point in having a primary; everyone could just run in the general November election.

He talks about electing “pragmatic” Republicans, whatever that may be.  He supports a legislator who has a very poor voting record, no matter how you figure it, and calls Dan Forman, a disgrace, while Mr. Forman appears to be a model legislator.

He says that the Legislature is extremist-controlled and wants the voters to vote for open primaries.  This, in fact, is an insane proposal.

The members of the Legislature are elected by you the voters.  So are the precinct committeemen, he seems to have little use for.  He fails to recognize that those officials who have the best voting records are those who support the Idaho Republican Party Platform.

Time for Someone to wake up Justice Jones.

Jim Hollingsworth

Thursday August 24, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

August 22, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are some articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. (Matthew 1:23)

  1. Constitutional Sheriffs Organize
  1. Judge Napolitano to Newsmax: Public Has ‘Right’ to See Trump Georgia Trial |
  1. Court Case on Homosexual Marriage (Obergefell) still active
  1. Biden: The Vacation President
  1. Don’t Drink and Drive Watch what a fast passenger train does to a small car.
  1. Gem State Patriot News – Knowledge is Power as Silence is Consent Lots of good solid information: Get on their mailing list.
  1. Weaponized Justice System Protects Democrats
  1. Georgia Charges Against Trump and 18, could be moved to Federal Court, or dropped.
  1. Adam Schiff let Cat out of the Bag: Get Trump!
  1. Ron DeSantis has a clear Stand on Abortion
  1. Justice Department Has Cozy Relationship with Defendant Hunter Biden
  1. Top FBI Official Gives Damning Evidence Against Biden Family Much testimony has been given against the Bidens, but it appears unlikely that anything will ever be done about it.  It is like the fox guarding the henhouse.  
  1. Some Republican Leaders Support Trump
  1. Pilot Dies in Flight: Flight Diverted.
  1. Trump Won’t Debate: Interview with Tucker Carlson Instead That Trump has a sizable lead in the polls can be concerning.  People have a tendency to follow such a leader without question.  So, we need to stay focused, and keep our eyes open.  We support Trump simply because he supports us.  If he stops standing for truth and common sense, then we need to be prepared.  Right now we need to pray for his safety and survival as the left is determined to destroy him.
  1. First California Tropical Storm in 84 years Creates Very Dangerous Flooding
  1. Biden Uses Pseudonyms to Hide Crimes
  1. Ramaswamy Supports Trump in Fox Interview
  1. Reporter Quits over Anti-Christian Editorial Policy
  1. Smoking Gun Reveals Trump is Right
  1. Fox: Laura Ingraham: Arresting Donald Trump Will Backfire on Joe Biden
  1. RFK Jr. Interviewed by Tucker Carlson: War in Ukraine: Death of JFK
  1. If Trump is Convicted He will Win From Prison; Take the Oath of Office, then Pardon Himself: Walk Out a Free Man? There is a lot in play here.  Mainly it is a very expensive distraction, hindering Trump from campaigning.
  1. Gale Pooley: American Thought Leaders: Super Abundance Gale, who used to work on education issues in Idaho, has written a new book on abundance.
  1. Matt Gaetz: Trump Could Testify: Whistleblower: Given Immunity This principle has never been tested, but it is pretty creative.  If he is given immunity, then they could not proceed with the charges from other prosecutors; that is the thought.  Worth considering.  Will they do it? It would take some courage to do this, so it probably will not happen.
  1. Great Climate Scientists Say EPA Climate Regulations Based on a Hoax These two men are top of the line climate scientists.  Unfortunately, the people who count are not listening to them.  Happer worked for Trump for a year as a science advisor; he had great ideas, but was never able to pull them off.
  1. SOS fines North Idaho Republicans | Coeur d’Alene Press ( They want you to think they are the official Republicans.

Here are the official Republicans, elected by the voters of our county.

The North Idaho Republicans were fined.  Don’t be fooled. 

“The Idaho Secretary of State’s office investigated the complaints, and on Friday fined the North Idaho Republicans for not registering as a political action committee before engaging in political activities, including purchasing an ad in the Coeur d’Alene Press Voters Guide.’

Remember that the North Idaho Republicans would have you believe that they are the real Republican Party in North Idaho.  The real Republicans are those officials who are elected by the voters of Kootenai County and are members of the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee.  This is an official position.  If you want to know who is your precinct committeeman here is the link.

Precinct Committeemen — Kootenai County GOP (

If you do not know what precinct you are in, fill in the box on the vote locator and it will give you all that information; Even a picture of your voting place.

Polling Place Look-Up | Kootenai County, ID (

  1. Ford CEO Has Disappointing Road Trip with EV Truck
  1. Man Abandons $115,000 EV on Road Trip to Chicago
  1. New Abortion Clinic Stopped by Pro-life Workers
  1. Get Trump: Biden Administration Subverts Constiitution
  1. Safer in Iraq than in Democrat Run Cities
  1. Londoners take down surveillance cameras  While I hate to share this because of the language, but you have to see how these people feel about all these cameras.
  1. Letter to the Editor

Justice Jim Jones has been in Idaho politics most of his life.  He should understand the political process.  Yet, he is totally in the dark. 

He cannot understand that the primary election is where the party chooses those who will represent them in the general election.  If there were an open primary, as he requests, then there would be no point in having a primary; everyone could just run in the general November election.

He talks about electing “pragmatic” Republicans, whatever that may be.  He supports a legislator who has a very poor voting record, no matter how you figure it, and calls Dan Forman, a disgrace, while Mr. Forman appears to be a model legislator.

He says that the Legislature is extremist-controlled and wants the voters to vote for open primaries.  This, in fact, is an insane proposal.

The members of the Legislature are elected by you the voters.  So are the precinct committeemen, he seems to have little use for.  He fails to recognize that those officials who have the best voting records are those who support the Idaho Republican Party Platform.

Time for Someone to wake up Justice Jones.

Jim Hollingsworth

Wednesday August 23, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

August 22, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are some articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. (Matthew 1:23)

  1. Constitutional Sheriffs Organize
  1. Judge Napolitano to Newsmax: Public Has ‘Right’ to See Trump Georgia Trial |
  1. Court Case on Homosexual Marriage (Obergefell) still active
  1. Biden: The Vacation President
  1. Don’t Drink and Drive Watch what a fast passenger train does to a small car.
  1. Gem State Patriot News – Knowledge is Power as Silence is Consent Lots of good solid information: Get on their mailing list.
  1. Weaponized Justice System Protects Democrats
  1. Georgia Charges Against Trump and 18, could be moved to Federal Court, or dropped.
  1. Adam Schiff let Cat out of the Bag: Get Trump!
  1. Ron DeSantis has a clear Stand on Abortion
  1. Justice Department Has Cozy Relationship with Defendant Hunter Biden
  1. Top FBI Official Gives Damning Evidence Against Biden Family Much testimony has been given against the Bidens, but it appears unlikely that anything will ever be done about it.  It is like the fox guarding the henhouse.  
  1. Some Republican Leaders Support Trump
  1. Pilot Dies in Flight: Flight Diverted.
  1. Trump Won’t Debate: Interview with Tucker Carlson Instead That Trump has a sizable lead in the polls can be concerning.  People have a tendency to follow such a leader without question.  So, we need to stay focused, and keep our eyes open.  We support Trump simply because he supports us.  If he stops standing for truth and common sense, then we need to be prepared.  Right now we need to pray for his safety and survival as the left is determined to destroy him.
  1. First California Tropical Storm in 84 years Creates Very Dangerous Flooding
  1. Biden Uses Pseudonyms to Hide Crimes
  1. Ramaswamy Supports Trump in Fox Interview
  1. Reporter Quits over Anti-Christian Editorial Policy
  1. Smoking Gun Reveals Trump is Right
  1. Fox: Laura Ingraham: Arresting Donald Trump Will Backfire on Joe Biden
  1. RFK Jr. Interviewed by Tucker Carlson: War in Ukraine: Death of JFK
  1. If Trump is Convicted He will Win From Prison; Take the Oath of Office, then Pardon Himself: Walk Out a Free Man? There is a lot in play here.  Mainly it is a very expensive distraction, hindering Trump from campaigning.
  1. Gale Pooley: American Thought Leaders: Super Abundance Gale, who used to work on education issues in Idaho, has written a new book on abundance.
  1. Matt Gaetz: Trump Could Testify: Whistleblower: Given Immunity This principle has never been tested, but it is pretty creative.  If he is given immunity, then they could not proceed with the charges from other prosecutors; that is the thought.  Worth considering.  Will they do it? It would take some courage to do this, so it probably will not happen.
  1. Great Climate Scientists Say EPA Climate Regulations Based on a Hoax These two men are top of the line climate scientists.  Unfortunately, the people who count are not listening to them.  Happer worked for Trump for a year as a science advisor; he had great ideas, but was never able to pull them off.
  1. SOS fines North Idaho Republicans | Coeur d’Alene Press ( They want you to think they are the official Republicans.

Here are the official Republicans, elected by the voters of our county.

The North Idaho Republicans were fined.  Don’t be fooled. 

“The Idaho Secretary of State’s office investigated the complaints, and on Friday fined the North Idaho Republicans for not registering as a political action committee before engaging in political activities, including purchasing an ad in the Coeur d’Alene Press Voters Guide.’

Remember that the North Idaho Republicans would have you believe that they are the real Republican Party in North Idaho.  The real Republicans are those officials who are elected by the voters of Kootenai County and are members of the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee.  This is an official position.  If you want to know who is your precinct committeeman here is the link.

Precinct Committeemen — Kootenai County GOP (

If you do not know what precinct you are in, fill in the box on the vote locator and it will give you all that information; Even a picture of your voting place.

Polling Place Look-Up | Kootenai County, ID (

  1. Ford CEO Has Disappointing Road Trip with EV Truck
  1. Man Abandons $115,000 EV on Road Trip to Chicago
  1. New Abortion Clinic Stopped by Pro-life Workers
  1. Get Trump: Biden Administration Subverts Constiitution
  1. Safer in Iraq than in Democrat Run Cities
  1. Londoners take down surveillance cameras  While I hate to share this because of the language, but you have to see how these people feel about all these cameras.
  1. Letter to the Editor

Justice Jim Jones has been in Idaho politics most of his life.  He should understand the political process.  Yet, he is totally in the dark. 

He cannot understand that the primary election is where the party chooses those who will represent them in the general election.  If there were an open primary, as he requests, then there would be no point in having a primary; everyone could just run in the general November election.

He talks about electing “pragmatic” Republicans, whatever that may be.  He supports a legislator who has a very poor voting record, no matter how you figure it, and calls Dan Forman, a disgrace, while Mr. Forman appears to be a model legislator.

He says that the Legislature is extremist-controlled and wants the voters to vote for open primaries.  This, in fact, is an insane proposal.

The members of the Legislature are elected by you the voters.  So are the precinct committeemen, he seems to have little use for.  He fails to recognize that those officials who have the best voting records are those who support the Idaho Republican Party Platform.

Time for Someone to wake up Justice Jones.

Jim Hollingsworth

Monday August 21, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

August 22, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are some articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. (Matthew 1:23)

  1. Constitutional Sheriffs Organize
  1. Judge Napolitano to Newsmax: Public Has ‘Right’ to See Trump Georgia Trial |
  1. Court Case on Homosexual Marriage (Obergefell) still active
  1. Biden: The Vacation President
  1. Don’t Drink and Drive Watch what a fast passenger train does to a small car.
  1. Gem State Patriot News – Knowledge is Power as Silence is Consent Lots of good solid information: Get on their mailing list.
  1. Weaponized Justice System Protects Democrats
  1. Georgia Charges Against Trump and 18, could be moved to Federal Court, or dropped.
  1. Adam Schiff let Cat out of the Bag: Get Trump!
  1. Ron DeSantis has a clear Stand on Abortion
  1. Justice Department Has Cozy Relationship with Defendant Hunter Biden
  1. Top FBI Official Gives Damning Evidence Against Biden Family Much testimony has been given against the Bidens, but it appears unlikely that anything will ever be done about it.  It is like the fox guarding the henhouse.  
  1. Some Republican Leaders Support Trump
  1. Pilot Dies in Flight: Flight Diverted.
  1. Trump Won’t Debate: Interview with Tucker Carlson Instead That Trump has a sizable lead in the polls can be concerning.  People have a tendency to follow such a leader without question.  So, we need to stay focused, and keep our eyes open.  We support Trump simply because he supports us.  If he stops standing for truth and common sense, then we need to be prepared.  Right now we need to pray for his safety and survival as the left is determined to destroy him.
  1. First California Tropical Storm in 84 years Creates Very Dangerous Flooding
  1. Biden Uses Pseudonyms to Hide Crimes
  1. Ramaswamy Supports Trump in Fox Interview
  1. Reporter Quits over Anti-Christian Editorial Policy
  1. Smoking Gun Reveals Trump is Right
  1. Fox: Laura Ingraham: Arresting Donald Trump Will Backfire on Joe Biden
  1. RFK Jr. Interviewed by Tucker Carlson: War in Ukraine: Death of JFK
  1. If Trump is Convicted He will Win From Prison; Take the Oath of Office, then Pardon Himself: Walk Out a Free Man? There is a lot in play here.  Mainly it is a very expensive distraction, hindering Trump from campaigning.
  1. Gale Pooley: American Thought Leaders: Super Abundance Gale, who used to work on education issues in Idaho, has written a new book on abundance.
  1. Matt Gaetz: Trump Could Testify: Whistleblower: Given Immunity This principle has never been tested, but it is pretty creative.  If he is given immunity, then they could not proceed with the charges from other prosecutors; that is the thought.  Worth considering.  Will they do it? It would take some courage to do this, so it probably will not happen.
  1. Great Climate Scientists Say EPA Climate Regulations Based on a Hoax These two men are top of the line climate scientists.  Unfortunately, the people who count are not listening to them.  Happer worked for Trump for a year as a science advisor; he had great ideas, but was never able to pull them off.
  1. SOS fines North Idaho Republicans | Coeur d’Alene Press ( They want you to think they are the official Republicans.

Here are the official Republicans, elected by the voters of our county.

The North Idaho Republicans were fined.  Don’t be fooled. 

“The Idaho Secretary of State’s office investigated the complaints, and on Friday fined the North Idaho Republicans for not registering as a political action committee before engaging in political activities, including purchasing an ad in the Coeur d’Alene Press Voters Guide.’

Remember that the North Idaho Republicans would have you believe that they are the real Republican Party in North Idaho.  The real Republicans are those officials who are elected by the voters of Kootenai County and are members of the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee.  This is an official position.  If you want to know who is your precinct committeeman here is the link.

Precinct Committeemen — Kootenai County GOP (

If you do not know what precinct you are in, fill in the box on the vote locator and it will give you all that information; Even a picture of your voting place.

Polling Place Look-Up | Kootenai County, ID (

  1. Ford CEO Has Disappointing Road Trip with EV Truck
  1. Man Abandons $115,000 EV on Road Trip to Chicago
  1. New Abortion Clinic Stopped by Pro-life Workers
  1. Get Trump: Biden Administration Subverts Constiitution
  1. Safer in Iraq than in Democrat Run Cities
  1. Londoners take down surveillance cameras  While I hate to share this because of the language, but you have to see how these people feel about all these cameras.
  1. Letter to the Editor

Justice Jim Jones has been in Idaho politics most of his life.  He should understand the political process.  Yet, he is totally in the dark. 

He cannot understand that the primary election is where the party chooses those who will represent them in the general election.  If there were an open primary, as he requests, then there would be no point in having a primary; everyone could just run in the general November election.

He talks about electing “pragmatic” Republicans, whatever that may be.  He supports a legislator who has a very poor voting record, no matter how you figure it, and calls Dan Forman, a disgrace, while Mr. Forman appears to be a model legislator.

He says that the Legislature is extremist-controlled and wants the voters to vote for open primaries.  This, in fact, is an insane proposal.

The members of the Legislature are elected by you the voters.  So are the precinct committeemen, he seems to have little use for.  He fails to recognize that those officials who have the best voting records are those who support the Idaho Republican Party Platform.

Time for Someone to wake up Justice Jones.

Jim Hollingsworth

Monday August 21, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

August 20, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good: and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? (Micah 6:8)

  1. Mike Lindell Election Summit: We The People
  1. Biden to Visit Maui: Not All Are Happy About It.
  1. Trump: Biden Comment on Hawaii Fire: “No Comment”: Sick
  1. The Blue Often Stand Between Us and Death: Body Cam Footage
  1. MY TURN: Stemming global warming begins at home | Coeur d’Alene Press ( Bill Irving has been at it for a long time.  For a long time we had a running debate on the issue until he asked I not communicate any more with him.
  1. Clear Explanation of Cause of CO2 Levels: 30 Sec: CO2 Coalition
  1. Home – CO2 Coalition Lots of great information about CO2 in the atmosphere.  I am a member of the CO2 Coalition
  1. Brent Regan Column August 18

MY TURN: Response to Regan | Coeur d’Alene Press (

  1. Hawaii, Almost 100% Democrat, Gets No Help From Democrats in Maui Fire
  1. Court of Appeals Strikes Down Some Sentencing Combinations in Jan 6 Cases
  1. Proud Boys Jan 6 Conviction: Possible 33 years in Prison: For a misdemeanor?  He was not even at the capitol These Jan 6 cases are really putting a damper on free speech issues if you are not allowed to express your opinion by being anywhere.  This goes on while those who burn and pillage run free.
  1. Liberals Fed Up with LA DA; Property Crimes are Soaring
  1. Childish Body Language of Trump DC Judge
  1. While the Numbers Appear Suspect, Chris Christie Supported by More Democrats than Republicans: It figures
  1. Georgia Legislators Call for Special Session to Impeach DA Who Prosecuted Trump: Political Exercise
  1. Multiple Fires from EV Batteries
  1. Confused Press Secretary
  1. FBI Agent Killed At Shooting Range: An Accident?
  1. Are There Two Joe Bidens?
  1. Demonstration at California Capitol Gains Little Official Criticism
  1. The Border: Some Numbers: Month after Month, Nothing is done
  1. Biden: Creepy Actions Around Children
  1. Former Capitol Police Chief Tells Truth about Jan 6, BLM Riots

Here are more complete copies of the interview.

Tucker Interviews Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, Exposes What Really Happened On Jan 6 – Bing video 38 Min

Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund: “It Doesn’t Seem Like People Want To Get To The Bottom” Of January 6 | Video | RealClearPolitics 55 Min

  1. Is Trump Winning the War With Fox News? Fox wants Trump at the Aug 23 debate because it would mean more people would watch it.  But Trump has already said he could not pledge to support certain candidates, so it is unlikely he will be there.  He has said he wants to watch the debate to see if he wants one of them for VP.  I think he should bury the hatchet and pick DeSantis.
  1. Even Biden Lawyer Critical of Title of Special Counsel, and person
  1. Appointment of Special Counsel Worst Choice Possible: No Action Likely
  1. Appointment of Special Counsel only confirms Statements of Whistleblowers
  1. US House Joins Free Speech Case, Missouri v. Biden
  1. Ramaswamy Interview; 50 Minutes
  1. Senator Kennedy Asks Secretary a Straight question, gets the run around.
  1. Not Enough Power for EV
  1. House Transportation Committee: Testimony: What is level of CO2 in Atmosphere? They complain about the level of CO2 in the atmosphere, but have no idea what it is.
  1. Ford CEO Has Disappointing Road Trip with EV Truck