Thursday February 22, 2024

Jim Hollingsworth

February 22, 2024

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God. (2 Corinthians 5:20)

Declaration of Independence Paragraph 2C

But when a long train of and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such |Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.—Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.  The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.  To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

  1. McConnell in trouble over recent Senate Border Bill This was not a good bill, and would do nothing to solve the border crisis.  It appears to be dead in the House.
  1. Supreme Court Opinion could change end for Jan 6 defendants  This could include Donald Trump and Jack Smith.
  1. Tail Pipe Emissions: Biden Administration Relaxes Requirements
  1. Biden Pulls Back on Support for Electric Vehicles
  1. Biden Defies Supreme Court to forgive Student Loan Debt
  1. Haley will fight to the bitter end (A friend has suggested that Liz Chaney should run for president, and Haley for vice president.  Since Wyoming kicked Chaney out of the state, that would be an interesting contest.)
  1. Biden Stamina an issue: Stumbles on Airforce One Stairs
  1. Pregnant Woman Lied to by Abortion worker: Devastated
  1. Destruction of California would be destruction of America if Newsom were president.
  1. Teenage Prank against LGBT Symbols earns felony charge
  1. Is Obama running the country with Biden as  Front Man? After the Hur report that made light of Biden’s ability, it ought to be clear to everyone that Biden is not running the country.  But, who is?  Some say Obama.
  1. Border Crisis could sink Biden
  1. Harris is ready to serve as president: Unfortunately few feel she is qualified
  1. Will Judge Disqualify Fani Willis over her relationship with attorney on staff?  Not likely.
  1. Was  America Founded as a  Christian Nation?

            The Supreme Court Declares America a Christian Nation: Booklet             ( 1892 Holy Trinity v. United States

  1. DeSantis Press Secretary sets record straight concerning Black History Month
  1. Senator J.D. Vance Defends Trump at Munich Security Conference
  1. Trump Endorsements against RINOs in Texas
  1. Newsmax Interview with Bill O’Reilly 4 minutes
  1. Airstrikes Continue 4 minutes
  1. Arab American Voters Turn Against Biden
  1. How Good Americans fall for Kremlin Spin Gorka visited Kootenai County Central Committee, Lincoln Day Dinner: Best organized ever 7 Min
  1. Sebastian Gorka with Rich Baris and Presidential Polls 22 Min
  1. Ex Border Chief Tells the Truth about the border 24 Minutes

Wednesday February 21, 2024

Jim Hollingsworth

February 21, 2024

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. (2 Corinthians 5:19)

The Declaration of Independence, Paragraph 2B

–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute now Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its power in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.  Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Government long established should not be changed for light and transient causes, and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

1. Epoch Times: Border Crisis an agenda 24 Minutes

2. Babylon Bee: Democrats believe Biden may be too old to finish destroying the country

3. Truckers consider boycott of New York because of Court decision against Trump

4. Harris could use the 25th Amendment, but Democrats know that even with all her mental powers she is no better than Biden

5. Trump calls various trials election interference; they must end

6. Supreme Court lets court decision stand against Sidney Powell and others

7. If Trump Wins, McConnell will not be supportive in the Senate

8. NY Fraud Case: Trump to post 400 million bond while appeals judgment

9. Idaho: Save the Constitution: Don’t be Conned by Con Con Con artists

 10. Donald Trump and Adam Schiff

11. Trial Date Set over Trump charge of payment to Stormy Daniels

12. Alabama Supreme Court: Frozen embryos are children under state law

13. Dolton Illinois Mayor accused of being South American Style dictator

14. Israel accused of blowing up two Iranian Gas Pipelines

15. Fani Willis in trouble with Congress, State of Georgia Legislature

16. Man sleeping in his truck kills car thief

17. Dershowitz; James should be brought before the bar

18. RF Kennedy not for VP, Wife says This only confirms what I have said before: Kennedy, a Democrat, is a breath of fresh air, but he has two things working against him: 1) He will always be a Democrat with many of the Marxist programs that go with that, and 2) he is a Kennedy, and what the name has meant historically.

19. Julian Assange in news: Extradition? Pardon?

20. ‘Take Our Border Back’ convoy ends with rallies in 3 states – FreightWaves

21. Marjorie Taylor Greene believes Fani Willis violated Georgia Election Law

22. One Woman Shares her tragedy over the abortion pill

23. Has DA Bragg Stretched the Truth about Trump?

24. Why Media Excluded from Idaho Presidential Caucus

25. J.P. Morgan quits Climate Action 100 +

26. Idaho House passes Bill prohibiting government from requiring health masks Must pass the Senate next.

27. Tucker Carlson: Life could be in danger because of left-wing propaganda

28. Joe Biden, trying to comfort grieving family, lied about how his son died

29. Oakland In-N-Out Burger Gone

Tuesday February 20, 2024

Jim Hollingsworth

February 20, 2024

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; (2 Corinthians 5:18)

The Declaration of Independence Paragraph 2A

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness—That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

  1. Commentary: Fani Willis on the witness stand 22 minutes
  1. Testimony of father of Fani Willis: 39 Minutes

            Fani Willis’ father testifies he didn’t know until recently about her relationship with prosecutor | PBS NewsHour

            How does a man who has to use a magnifying glass to read his driver’s license     get a license to drive?

  1. Trump recently met with former Hawaii Congresswoman – and U.S. Army Reserve member – Tulsi Gabbard about how to structure the Pentagon in a second Trump administration.

“The talks with Gabbard — who has staked out a role as an outspoken critic of aid to Ukraine and U.S. military interventions overseas — are part of a broader conversation about how Trump would manage the Pentagon differently if voters award him a second term. Trump has repeatedly told advisers and donors in recent months that one of his biggest mistakes was his personnel choices at the Pentagon, where he says he was stymied by officials with diverging opinions,” The Washington Post reported.

            Trump meeting with Gabbard also raises the possibility of putting Gabbard on the ticket as her status as a female veteran could help Trump appeal to suburban swing voters.

            The fact that Trump is meeting with ideologically aligned allies like Tulsi Gabbard who share his America First agenda to draw up a gameplan to turn the MAGA policies into reality should reassure Americans that Trump’s new administration won’t look or function anything like his first.

            Trump Meets with Tulsi Gabbard: VP Material?? Administration Material?

  1. Another Minnesota city disbands police force: contracts with sheriff’s department for protection etc.
  1. South Carolina boy viciously mauled by pack of dogs near school bus stop, bit 60 times: Ate all the muscle out of his leg: Serious trauma
  1. Two Minnesota police officers and a paramedic were shot and killed, responding to a domestic disturbance
  1. Harvard Professor: Study shows no racial bias in police shootings: Report causes attack on professor
  1. Can we ever end our use of fossil fuels?  Not on the short term.  The question is not so much can we, but why should we?  There is no climate emergency, and true science makes it clear that carbon dioxide and fossil fuels are beneficial so why stop using them?   Having fossil fuels and not using them is like having a car with a full gas tank, but still insisting on pushing the car to avoid pollution.  Wind and solar will never fill the need.  Here in North Idaho we have months of cloudy weather, and the wind often does not blow when it gets real cold.  You cannot build a battery that large, and batteries have a fairly short life.  The solution is to recognize that this is not a climate emergency, but a matter of control.  They want to control how we live and this seems the easiest way at it; control the climate.

            Monday December 18, 2023 Attachment – Patriots Reporter 6,000 things

  1. Tucker Carlson with Mike Benz: Do we still have free speech 1:04 hours
  1. 90-year-old fired over pronouns

Monday February 19, 2024

Jim Hollingsworth

February 19m, 2024

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

The Declaration of Independence, Paragraph 1

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the cause which impel them to the separation.

  1. Biden lies about son’s death
  1. Biden Defies Supreme Court
  1. Law Professor calls into question demeanor of Fani Willis in courtroom
  1. Where is Smith’s Trial Against Trump Going?
  1. Secret Service Guards stairs of Air Force One, to protect the President
  1. Hit and run driver an illegal alien, killed 10-year-old boy, previously deported
  1. Who brought up death of President’s Son?
  1. Joe Biden has a very fuzzy memory: Can’t Remember his son’s death
  1. Trump, and America’s future, in hands of the Supreme Court.
  1. Will Fani Willis continue on Trump case?
  1. Old Story: Man who stormed out of airplane supported by rest of  passengers
  1. Matt Rosendale ends bid for Montana U.S. Senate: Trump Endorsed Opponent
  1. Trump Visits With Tulsi Gabbard: Ex Hawaii Democrat Congressman: VP? She is no longer a Democrat, so anything is possible.
  1. Alvin Bragg: Soft on Crime, felons released: Affects Trump case
  1. Judge: Fani Willis could be disqualified in Trump Case because of her personal relationship with her attorney Wade
  1. Congressman who oversaw impeachment of Mayorkas will retire.  He sees Congress as dysfunctional.
  1. Democrat Congressman: Johnson not really speaker of the House
  1. Border chief, Acting Deputy Chief of border patrol removed for misconduct No details are given.  We remember that the border union has supported Texas.  Could it be that these men also fought against the administration and their disastrous open border policy? Maybe Trump will hire them back.
  1. Senator Joe Manchin definitely not running for president Manchin had to understand that running, even as a third-party candidate, would hurt the Democrat (Biden?).
  1. Nightmare Judgment against Trump I am fairly confident that this court decision will be overturned on appeal.  But is there no punishment for a judge who decides that a man is guilty even before the trial, and does not allow for a jury?  This is madness.
  1. Ten things change without fossil fuels

            Fossil fuels are what lifted us as a world out of the stone age.  Life was about the same for thousands of years until the discovery of fossil fuels.  Without them we will once again be living in the stone age.

            There are over 6,000 things made from fossil fuels.  Things like: pavement, tires, vinyl siding, vinyl fences, almost all grocery store packaging, roofing, plumbing pipes etc.  For a list of at least 1,700 items that I thought up see my list.

            Monday December 18, 2023 Attachment – Patriots Reporter 6,000 things

  1. Pipe Bomb Truth 33 Minutes
  1. Judge to Rule next week: Keep Trump on Ballot in Illinois
  1. Trump Vindicated in Russian Hoax
  1. Judith Curry goes from alarmist to denier on climate 43:12 Minutes
  1. Will Happer: CO2 and Climate 1.5 hours
  1. Climate Change Deniers 47 Minutes Michael Shellenberger interview.

Sunday February 18, 2024

Jim Hollingsworth

February 18, 2024

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For we must all appear before the judgment seal of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. (2 Corinthians 5:10)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XXVII

No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.

  1. 2024 Election Victor Davis Hanson: What is coming: 10 Minutes
  1. Manchin-Romney 3rd party candidates Manchin said he is not running: Old message, or he changed his mind.
  1. Convention: Dorothy Moon for Idaho GOP Chairman 7 minutes
  1. Montana U.S. Senator Election
  1. Harris says she is ready to step in and act as president if need be I can’t help but feel that having Kamala Harris for vice president is assurance for Biden, as she, even knowing what she is doing, would be even worse, and the people know it.
  1. Payments to Biden Brother, James, raises serious questions
  1. Doomsday for Donald Trump
  1. Judith Curry goes from alarmist to denier on climate With John Stossel43:12 Minutes
  1. Meet Ryan – Binkley For President 2024 ( There are  three running for president in Idaho: Trump, Haley and Ryan Binkley.  He sounds good.  Trump should talk to him about a role in his administration.

            I strongly support Donald Trump and make America Great Again, but it never hurts to look at others.

  1. Biden Administration sued over John Kerry’s alleged actions
  1. House Democrat Leader to step down
  1. UPS Driver Challenges pro-lgbt work environment
  1. Will our Republic survive attacks from the left?
  1. Former Environmentalist: five reasons he gave up on green policies
  1. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Joe Biden will not drop out

“I think right now when it comes to the President’s age, folks are talking about how he’s 81, but we have to look at first of all, Donald Trump is around the same age. He is 77 years old. They could have gone a (sic) high school together. Beyond that, Donald Trump has 91 indictments and what I know is who I’m going to choose. It’s going to be one of the most successful Presidents in modern American history,” Ocasio-Cortez stated.

            “We need to protect our democracy and ideally it’s going to be on progressive values,” Ocasio-Cortez concluded.

            Many well-meaning public figures call America a democracy.  We are in fact a republic, as guaranteed by the Constitution.  In the pledge to the flag we say “and to the republic for which it stands”, but we forget this so quickly. 

  1. Met Office cannot back up claims of senior meteorologists on increasing storms
  1. Jordan Peterson to the Pope: Saving souls, not climate change, most important work
  1. Climate Agenda Affecting Food Prices Rising prices are caused by inflation; the government simply printing more money.  Since the government has not recently passed any new spending bills prices have begun to come down; there has been less inflation.  If Congress can hold the line on spending, then we should see more improvement.
  1. Doctor’s Diagnosis just domed Biden’s 2024 Campaign 9 Minutes
  1. Trump: Ridiculous Judgment: 4 Minutes
  1. Donald Trump Jr: Court Decision is Insanity 4 minutes

Saturday February 17, 2024

Jim Hollingsworth

February 17, 2024

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:18)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XXVI, Section 2

The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation

  1. Fani Willis Testimony Suddenly Halted
  1. 14 Staff Members leave RF Kennedy Campaign
  1. Senator Joe Manchin not running for President
  3. Illegal Immigration 1988  Bill Jasper:  The New American 1 hour
  1. Should Willis remain on Trump Prosecution?
  1. Small Device saves 90% on electric bills This does not seem likely.  It takes a certain amount of energy to do a certain amount of work.  Musk could be on to something, but this looks like a scam, like the small heater that was supposed to heat a room, which could not heat more than a very small space.  If he is on to something I would like to see the detail of the science involved.  If you know more, please tell me.
  1. Senate Border Bill: Read the Fine Print: No help at the border
  1. FBI Informant lied about Hunter Biden and Burisma
  1. Texas Lt Governor Patrick and Governor Abbot endorse 4 candidates for Texas House
  1. Much needed leadership change at the Republican National Committee (RNC)
  1. Putin Critic Dies in Russian Prison He was 47
  1. Is Fani Willis in serious trouble over Attorney Wade?  Not likely.
  1. Did Fani Willis lie to court?
  1. Climate Protestors pour red liquid on Constitution Display: No Damage
  1. Why she moved from California to Florida
  1. Response to Hur Report about Biden

February 16, 2024 Attachment: The Media and the Caucus: Brent Regan

The Media and the Caucus

As we approach the March 2nd Presidential Preference Caucus the amount of misinformation being generated by the media and talking heads is stunning. At the Republican Party headquarters literally half the staff’s time is being consumed correcting this misinformation.

Part of this effort is to be expected because the caucus process is new and people have legitimate questions. Many of these questions can be answered at the website. I have also attempted to explain the process in my previous Common Sense articles.

The latest dustup is over media access to the caucus sites and IDGOP headquarters during the actual caucus. Let’s examine the claims.

Starting with the headline from the Idaho Capitol Sun which reads “Idaho GOP won’t allow news media inside upcoming Republican presidential caucus” followed by the claim “Chairman Moon’s decision to block press access to the presidential caucus and the official tabulation of votes betrays the presumption of openness that inheres in our democracy.”

This borders on journalistic malpractice. Chairman Moon is simply following the rules set forth by the 225 members of the Republican State Central Committee. Also, balloting REQUIRES a degree of secrecy to preserve the voter’s privacy and prevent intimidation by bad actors, including members of the media.

The caucus is being conducted at 210 locations. Under state party rules “Only eligible voters and their minor children shall be admitted into the caucus. No other guests will be permitted.” Even without that rule, would you like to have reporters and cameramen inside your polling location, recording you as you cast your private vote? Probably not, because it would be an invasion of your privacy and also a security issue. Reporters are typically stationed outside a polling location where they can ask questions and conduct exit polling.

Just because random members of the media are not allowed inside the caucus location does not mean the tabulation is done in secret. Again, state party rules specify that “Each candidate or their designee may observe the tabulating process.”

Tabulation is done by at least two tabulators who shall be appointed by vote by the assembly at each of the 210 caucus location. Results will be announced by the Caucus Captain to the witnesses and any voters who want to stay and watch the counting. The results will then be transmitted to IDGOP headquarters by both the Caucus Captain and the Caucus Coordinator.

At IDGOP headquarters, the 420 results, two from each the caucus captain and caucus coordinator of the 210 locations, will be entered by two staff members into a tabulation spreadsheet while being observed by the campaign designated witnesses. Once the data is checked and cross checked, the current totals will be updated on the IDGOP website. 

The article implies that because some caucus locations are in public buildings the press should be allowed. This is a false argument. According to the Idaho Attorney General, private organizations, like the IDGOP, can control who may attend their meetings even if they are held in a public building. (AG Opinion 23-03).

The reporter goes on to claim “Idaho Republican Party officials plan to close the state party’s headquarters in downtown Boise while they tabulate results that are called in from each of the 210 caucus sites.”

The caucus is on a Saturday and the headquarters are always closed on a Saturday. Also, the headquarters are just a few offices and there isn’t the physical room to accommodate flocks of reporters milling about. Furthermore, if one news agency is allowed access then all news agencies must also be allowed.

In most government election offices there is a defined area, usually behind glass, where the tabulation occurs and the press must remain outside. The notion that reporters can be in the tabulation area poking around is sophistry. For the caucus the media also will be limited to being outside the glassed in area.

When a reporter urges “Idaho GOP leaders to reverse their decision” knowing full well it is specified in the rules and not a “decision,” followed by saying “What are they trying to hide,” it’s a clear manifestation of an acute lack of situational awareness.

The freedom of the press comes with a responsibility to the truth; to present the unbiased facts free of speculation so that the citizen can be better informed. Sadly, we are far away from that condition. Democracy demands the rational evaluation of candidates based on fact. For members of the media to try to tip the scales of that evaluation with biased reporting is the true threat to democracy.

It’s just common sense.

Friday February 16, 2024

Jim Hollingsworth

February 16, 2024

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us with you. (2 Corinthians 4:14)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XXVI, Section 1

The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.

  1. Please see the attachment: The Media and the Caucus by: Brent Regan
  1. Please see the attachment: Resolution in support of Israel by: Art Macomber
  1. Carlson Interview with Putin
  1. 1988: Bill Jasper: Border Invasion: 59 Minutes
  1. Adrian Arp: Climate Change: The Big Lie
  1. Trump: VP Choice; not Haley: Praises Tim Scott
  1. Is Willis in trouble over relationship with Attorney Wade? 
  1. Is Biden Mentally Qualified?  Where is the Evidence?
  1. Justice Brett Kavanaugh told Jack Smith how to stop Donald Trump
  1. Trump Hush Money Trial to begin March 25
  1. Georgia DA Fani Willis on the Witness Stand
  1. Idaho House Changes Leadership
  1. Trump Hearing
  1. One shooter tackled at Kansas City parade
  1. Unpopular VP Harris insurance that Joe Biden will not drop out of the race
  1. Biased Journalism on Climate Science
  1. Trump may go to trial in NY Criminal Case
  1. Israel airstrike kills 10 in Lebanon
  1. Will Happer, Greg Wrightstone of CO2 Coalition share with Wyoming Senate Climate Change is not a crisis.
  1. Wyoming Governor and Climate
  1. Push to connect Texas to National Electric Grid
  1. John Fetterman does not always follow the Democrat Party Line
  1. Donald Trump: RNC Chairman: Whatley, Lara Trump
  1. Donald Trump and VP ideas In choosing a VP Trump has said he wants to be sure they would make a good president.
  1. Historical Study of Life on Earth
  1. New Study shows that Trump almost certainly won in 2020
  1. Judge: Willis could be removed from the case: Hearing Feb 15
  1. Shooting at Kansas City Parade: 1 dead, 15 Injured
  1. 10 shot near Kansas City
  1. Plot to assassinate President Bush
  1. Senate funding for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan supported by Senator Cornyn, Opposed by Senator Cruz We are told that this bill is dead on arrival at the House.  It actually makes it easier for illegal aliens to enter the country.  We do not need additional funding; we just need to enforce the law to protect our border.  Many states have sent National Guard, so the task is simplified.   Stop feeding them and caring for them and they will quit coming.  Biden just needs to enforce the law.  It is shameful to leave the border open and even oppose Texas’ efforts to close the border.  We need to stop selling wall materials, buy back what we can, and complete the contracts issued earlier to build the wall.
  1. Justice Thomas asked for an example of President charged under the Fourteenth Amendment No examples were given simply because there are none.
  1. Putin and Tucker Carlson
  1. Fifty Dollar Minimum Wage: Just do the Math: 47 Minutes: California If 50 dollars is so great why not go for 100?  There are some economic principles to consider.
  1. American Policy concerning Hamas: Free the American Hostages First, then negotiate other things. 3 minutes
  1. Trump: Choices to lead the Republican National Committee: Trump 16 Minutes
  1. Polar Bears Losing Weight The authors say this is because of climate change.  However, there have been polar bears for thousands of years, and the bears wait patiently at the shore in the spring for the ice to break up.  Plus the fact that polar bears can hunt seals in open sea means they can survive without ice.  Still, there is plenty of ice.  I would really like to see their data.  I wonder what Susan Crockford thinks of this article.

            National authority on Polar Bears, Susan Krockford, responds to article  

  1. Mayorkas impeached by House

Thursday February 15, 2024 Attachment is Support of Israel

Submitted at the February 27, 2023 Meeting
by Art Macomber, Precinct Committeeman for Precinct 407

WHEREAS, Israel has been threatened with or engaged in war since the beginning of her existence. Her early history is well-documented in the Bible, where present and future wars are also predicted – and now Israel faces the conflict triggered by the October 7, 2023 terror attacks by Hamas on the innocent peaceful citizens of southern Israel;

WHEREAS, on November 7, 2023, the editors of the American Magazine reported, “On Oct. 7, Hamas militants stormed into southern Israel, torturing, raping and murdering over 1,400 innocent men, women, teenagers, babies and grandparents who were celebrating Simchat Torah. In the month since the attack, countries around the world have reported a sharp rise in antisemitic incidents,” and the United States has seen protests in favor of the Hamas action;

WHEREAS, a large population of Kootenai County Republican voters are Christians of many denominations, but all abhor and reject the brutal barbarity of the October 7, 2023 attacks by Hamas; this Central Committee recognizes many Kootenai County citizens believe that God promised to keep Israel and has guaranteed her future existence. Moreover, Scripture declares that Israel shall be exalted to the head of all the nations (Deuteronomy 28:13);

WHEREAS, Christians are compelled to support Israel, even as we may question her present rebellions and blindness. Thus, we pray for her peace, and seek to bless her in every way possible (Genesis 12:3). We seek and demonstrate our love for God’s Chosen People by missionary effort and material support, especially during these times of war and strife;

WHEREAS, on February 2, 2024, Pope Francis responded to more than 400 Jewish rabbis and scholars, stating that since October 7, 2023 the Holy Land “has been cast into a spiral of unprecedented violence . . . [which] has also produced divisive attitudes in public opinion worldwide and divisive positions, sometimes taking the form of anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism . . . [Catholics recognize Israel as], the ancient people of the covenant, [and] reject[ ] every form of anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism, unequivocally condemning manifestations of hatred towards Jews and Judaism as a sin against God;”

WHEREAS, the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee supports Article XVII of the Idaho Republican Platform, which states, “The Idaho Republican Party believes in peace through strength, and that having and keeping the strongest military in the world is essential to preserving our liberties,” and that this Party supports “efforts to combat terrorism within the scope of the constitution, including the use of military force,” and that these principles require allies across the globe to join the United States in condemning the recent Hamas terror attacks upon Israel and its citizens;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The Kootenai County Republican Central Committee hereby states its categorical moral and political rejection of the brutal and barbaric attacks on the State of Israel and its citizens by Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023, and hereby publicizes that condemnation in order to affirm its firm moral and political stance against such terror and barbarism;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee Chair shall convey this Resolution to the Chairs of all Idaho Republican Party Central Committees and to all members of the Idaho legislature and the Governor, and to Idaho’s two federal Representatives and Senators with a strong recommendation to continue to provide the encouragement and resources needed to defend Israel, protect Jews and Christians in Israel, and to recover all hostages being held by Hamas in the current war.

— END —
KCRCC Resolution in Support of Israel – Page 2 of 2

Thursday February 15, 2024

Jim Hollingsworth

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;

Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;

Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. (2 Corinthians 4:8-10)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XXV, Section 4, Paragrah 2, section B

If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.

  1. 10 shot near Kansas City
  1. Plot to assassinate President Bush
  1. Contractor Steals FBI Vehicle
  1. Senate funding for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan supported by Senator Cornyn, Opposed by Senator Cruz We are told that this bill is dead on arrival at the House.  It actually makes it easier for illegal aliens to enter the country.  We do not need additional funding; we just need to enforce the law to protect our border.  Many states have sent National Guard, so the task is simplified.   Stop feeding them and caring for them and they will quit coming.  Biden just needs to enforce the law.  It is shameful to leave the border open and even oppose Texas’ efforts to close the border.  We need to stop selling wall materials, buy back what we can, and complete the contracts issued earlier to build the wall.
  1. Justice Thomas asked for an example of President charged under the Fourteenth Amendment No examples were given simply because there are none.
  1. Putin and Tucker Carlson
  1. Fifty Dollar Minimum Wage: Just do the Math: 47 Minutes: California If it is that easy why stop at 50?  Why not make it $100?
  1. Mayorkas impeached by House
  1. Please see the attached article about Israel by Art Macomber.

            My Turn: Firmly Against Barbarism

            Over the last four months the State of Israel has once again been fighting a war    for its survival. No civilized person was untouched by the barbaric attacks by        Hamas on October 7, 2023. With that in mind, as a precinct committeemen in the    Kootenai County Republican Central Committee, I wrote the resolution below for        submission to the committee this month. For a committee that exhibits true           Republican values and principles, public policy should never be far away and should always be loudly proclaimed. To that end, I drafted the attached resolution             and also submitted it to this newspaper for the purpose of encouraging other             organizations in Kootenai County to join the KCRCC in standing firm in our             commitment and support of Israel. Any other organization may use its wording,     but I hope ALL of Kootenai County joins me in lighting a candle in the anti-Israel          terrorist darkness that is now swirling fiendishly in the Middle East.


            Art Macomber, Attorney

            Law Office of Arthur B. Macomber

            P.O. Box 339

            Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816-0339

            Telephone: 208-618-8686


  1. American Policy concerning Hamas: Free the American Hostages First, then negotiate other things. 3 minutes
  1. American Policy concerning Hamas: Free the American Hostages First, then negotiate other things. 3 minutes
  1. Polar Bears Losing Weight The authors say this is because of climate change.  However, there have been polar bears for thousands of years, and the bears wait patiently at the shore in the spring for the ice to break up.  Plus the fact that polar bears can hunt seals in open sea means I would really like to see their data.  I wonder what Susan Crockford thinks of this article.

            Here is Susan’s  Answer

            Paper is propaganda

            A lot would depend on when the bear was weighed, as their weight differs a lot      over the year.