Sunday December 31, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

December 31, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. (1 Corinthians 3:16-17)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XVII Paragraph 3

This amendment shall not be construed as to affect the election or term of any Senator chosen before it becomes valid as part of the Constitution.

  1. Hybrid Car Owner Shocked at cost of replacement battery.
  1. The Press is not Kind to Melania Trump
  1. Over 6 million illegal immigrants in the United States; more than the population of some states.
  1. Oscar Blue Ramirez: Crisis at the border: Steve Bannon, War Room 9 minutes: Look at the picture; thousands of immigrants headed for the U.S.  We have to find some way to stop them.
  1. While we concentrate on Gaza, the war in Ukraine continues.  Steve Bannon with Ben Harnwell 18 Minutes It is very possible that there will not be any more money for Ukraine.
  1. Boebert of Colorado campaign in trouble: Some of her own making, I think.
  1. Joe Biden Responsible for War in Ukraine, and deaths of many.
  1. Both Blue and Red states persecute religious schools, and charities
  1. Hamas Using Hospital for Military Headquarters
  1. Special Counsel Jack Smith Unconstitutional
  1. Caravan of 15,000 headed to border, some armed
  1. What States have the Worst Debt?
  1. Moon: Idaho Candidates
  1. Heroic Teen Shot, saves her friends She died at the scene.
  1. Billions Authorized, only a couple EV charging stations built.
  1. Mark Houck sues Fed over trauma of arrest
  1. Buttigieg predicts few gas-fired cars by 2050  I predict that, without a subsidy, few electric cars will be sold.  They are just not practical, and further, there is no demonstrated need.  Maybe Trump will reverse this trend.
  1. Texas Arrests 10,000 at border Why arrest anyone.  Just close the border and keep them out.
  1. Biden threatens to sue over Texas Border Law Texas should stand firm; let the fed send the marshals to enforce breaking the law.
  1. Colorado Sect of State: Trump to remain on ballot while we wait on Supreme Court
  1. Biden Approves Federal Pay Raise
  1. Voter to Nikki Haley: You Sound like a Democrat
  1. Hunter Biden: If Trump Elected, he may leave the country That is, of course, if he is not arrested first.
  1. Al Gore on Climate Change Predictions
  1. Special Counsel Jack Smith Unconstitutional
  1. Palestinians stream into a southern Gaza town as Israel expands its offensive – Los Angeles Times (
  1. “Scientists” believe 2023 the beginning of the end for fossil fuel era  This is utter nonsense.  They have no idea for what fossil fuels are used.  We would go back to the stone age. These people have no idea what they are talking about.

“A growing number of climate analysts believe that 2023 may be recorded as the year in which annual emissions reached a pinnacle before the global fossil fuel economy begins a terminal decline.

            The milestone is considered a crucial tipping point in the race to drive emissions to net zero. But for many climate experts it’s an inflexion point that was due years ago and which, although encouraging, falls far short of the rapid reduction the world needs.