Saturday December 2, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

December 2, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God. (Romans 6:13)

U.S. Constitution Article VI, Paragraph 3

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

  1. Serious Problems at the border
  1. Babylon Bee: DeSantis-Newsom Debate sponsored by Uhaul
  1. A Part of the Newsom-DeSantis Debate
  1. Why Tucker Carlson, who voted for Obama, now supports Trump
  1. Some Black Voters Dropping Biden to Support Trump
  1. Navy shoots down drone near coast of Yemen
  1. Man who stabbed Officer Derek Chauvin in prison charged with attempted murder
  1. House Votes to Expel Republican George Santos
  1. Pro-Palestinian Protest At DNC worse than Jan 6
  1. Court Reinstates Trump Gag Order
  1. Sandra Day O’Connor, first woman on the Supreme Court, dies at 93 (
  1. January Iowa Primary a Do or Die for Ron DeSantis
  1. Mark Levin Calls Out Biased Judge in Trump Trial
  1. 15 Representatives Not Seeking Re-election: 11 Democrats, 4 Republicans: Some running for Senate
  1. National Christmas Tree Blows Over: Reset
  1. Court Rules Trump as President not Immune from Civil Lawsuits
  1. Planned Retirement of U-2 Surveillance Airplane: This must be stopped
  1. Two Arizona Officials Charged With Election Crimes  Remember, these two believed there were problems with the voting and refused to certify the election.  The court worked against them.  Now they are charged with a crime.  This will be an interesting case as they were just doing their job and official duties.
  1. Palestinian Terrorists Partly Funded by the US
  1. Border Patrol: Don’t Worry about the Border, but be sure to use correct pronouns.  This is pure nonsense.
  1. Pro-life activist sues FBI over False Arrest
  1. No Official Answer to FBI and January 6 Protest
  1. Will Georgia DA Fani Willis Be Successful Against Trump?
  1. Electric Vehicles Less Reliable Than Gas-Fired Vehicles So, what else is new?
  1. Warmer Weather Sees More Unusual Weather Events
  1. The Newsom-DeSantis Debate Shows that Trump Doesn’t Have a Chance  That is one editorial comment.  There have been many surprises in this contest and there will be many more.
  1. More Detail on Hostages Released
  1. More Hostages Released Watch the video: It appears that the captors have bonded with the hostages.  Interesting. (We are told that the hostages had to look happy to protect family still held by the terrorists.)
  1. Biden Green Energy Program in Trouble
  1. DeSantis-Newsom Debate: Comments
  1. Iowa Health and Human Services Picks on New Mom
  1. Florida Grand Jury Condemns Illegal Immigration: Suggests Action
  1. I Mentioned that gas fired chain saws were not available at Home Depot, and I got this interesting response.  I just bought an electric saw, so we will see how it works.  The salesman said it would not cut large logs; so why a 16” bar if a one-foot bar would be enough?

Dear Jim,

Light duty chainsaws for homeowners have gone from gas to electric, because the electric ones are are far easier to use.  They always start, can tackle some pretty big jobs, and do not annoy the neighbors.

My Stihl Farm Boss gas-powered chain saw is still available for about $100 more than I paid for it.  The entire Stihl line is fully available, because they cater to the logging industry and those of us who have a lot of wood to cut.  Although my Stihl chainsaw currently will not start, because I have not used it for awhile, it is still a fine piece of machinery.  If I had the time, I am sure that I could get it working.

But I too have discovered serious battery-powered chainsaws and use them a lot.  My 16-inch Makita (36 volt) will cut up enough wood to fill the front loader on my John Deere tractor.  I carry a second set of batteries (two 18 volt) to allow me to do additional work.  When I haul the wood back to my house, I charge up the first set of batteries and take a third set with me to get more wood.  By the time I bring the second load of wood back to our house, the first set of batteries will be fully charged.  Hence, I could work forever, if batteries were my only concern.  You can get extra (aftermarket) batteries on Amazon that work better than the originals, because they have a 6 amp-hour capacity rather than just 5 amp-hour.  They cost about half what the originals cost.  A complete Makita set up with 16 inch chainsaw, four batteries and high speed charger will cost you a little less than a Stilh Farm Boss

I also have essentially the same chainsaw in a Milwaukee version (same narrow kerf bar and same Oregon chain) that is adequate but not as good.  It uses just one 18 volt battery and draws twice the current.  Hence, it discharges batteries quite fast and can smoke aftermarket batteries.

The Greenworks 80v chainsaw (sold by Costco) that is supposed to be the full equivalent of a gas chainsaw is not.  The first time it binds in a cut is the last.  It does not have a quick shutoff, like the Makita, and the motor dies.  RIP.

I am not saving the climate with electric or gas chainsaws.  My interest is saving me with the most efficient tools for my jobs.

Gordon Fulks

  1. Here is a letter from a friend, Adrian Arp, PhD

Greetings Senator Winder:

As a 52-year citizen of Idaho who has worked to produce the highest quality potatoes on the planet, I am concerned about your demoting Constitutional conservatives from their chairmanships in the Idaho Senate. How can you justify your decision? Are you a phony Republican who supports the liberal, socialist agenda that is destroying California, Oregon, Washington and New York? 

My grandfather immigrated from Germany when the Fabian Socialists destroyed the European economy. He challenged me to uphold our God inspired US Constitution and work to prevent Socialism from destroying liberty and freedom in America. Unfortunately, even in Idaho I see socialism’s destructive agenda taking root.

Do you want Idaho to become another blue state? Your demoting Constitutional conservatives indicates you favor Idaho to become another blue state. For example, during the last session, only 12 senators voted for parental choice of their children’s education. I have an Idaho university professor friend who has told me that incoming students largely believe in Socialism. Why do we still have Common Core being taught to Idaho students? Common Core comes from the anti-American, pro-Communist United Nations via the US Dept.of Education.

When will you lead to eliminate Common Core in our state? It is the propaganda that is convincing students to support Socialism and refute our free enterprise capitalistic economic system. Students are also being taught to support the unsustainable wind and solar green agenda which is based on the lie that Carbon Dioxide from fossil fuels is killing the planet.

Are you supporting the US Constitution like those who you demoted? Shame on you for your decision. Please reconsider where our state is heading. Right now I feel you desire that Idaho become a liberal, freedom restricting state that will lead to Idaho to becoming another blue state. 

I would appreciate your reasoning for the demotion of pro-Constitutional senate members. Socialism is a failed political system that destroys individual liberty and freedom and historically always ends in death or slavery. Do you want that for Idaho? Your actions seem to indicate that is what you favor. I would appreciate your response. Thanks.

A very concerned citizen, Adrian Arp, Ph.D. 

Friday December 1, 2023 Attachment Libertarian Facist

Libertarian Fascist Brent Regan

In politics, if you are effective you get called a lot of names. The reason is simple, if you are wrong, people simply could point out that you are wrong. However, if you are right, and effective, and you have a persuasive argument, then critics need to devolve to the next lower level of argumentation, name calling. Ad hominem attack: if you can’t fight the argument, attack the man.

The ongoing success of grassroots conservative Republicans has put progressive Republicans and their Democrat allies in a bit of a lather and the name calling has gone from amusing to pathetic. The traditional tropes of racist, white supremacist and extremist have been leveled with such banal repetition as to have lost all effectiveness. New invectives are needed but these midwits lack the required creativity so they fall back on uttering random “bad” words in a pale aping of Orwellian Newspeak resulting in bastardizations such as “Libertarian Fascist.”  Let’s examine this nonsensical epithet.

Generally speaking, I like libertarians. I have many libertarian friends. They make good neighbors because they understand that their rights end where mine begin and that government should be as tiny as possible. A society composed entirely of Libertarians would be a nice place to live with people respecting each other and generally getting along despite their differences.

Unfortunately, having a Libertarian only society is not practical because Libertarian ideals depend on personal responsibility with minimal coercion. If you throw one irresponsible person into the mix the resulting chaos is highly disruptive. Solzhenitsyn observed that the line between good and evil runs through the center of every man’s heart so removing evil is impossible. Evil can only be managed, which is what society attempts to do with the law.

Republicans believe in protecting individual rights. A Republican form of government, guaranteed by our Constitution, is a system of laws that provide for the administration of justice. Laws protect the individual from the menace of the herd by standing between the individual and the “will of the people.” Unfortunately we have been witnessing the rapid decay of law in the face of public opinion and we must work to reconstitute law and order if our society is to survive.

Fascism emerged in the early twentieth century and shares many totalitarian characteristics of socialism and communism. Fascist dictator Mussolini and National Socialist dictator Hitler were allies. Some of the key attributes of 20th century fascism include government control or regulation of industry, government control of education, that children belong to the state and not their parents, government control of the media, government censorship of speech, government establishing Ministry of Truth to control information so that it complies with the official position, political crimes selectively prosecuted in criminal courts, political prisoners incarcerated without trial, strict gun control including confiscation of firearms from individuals, demand strict adherence to the official narrative or ideology, elevation of “group rights” above individual rights, and the overarching justification that these actions are required for the “greater good of society.”

Clearly if the Republican Party Platform were to be subjected to a Fascism Test, it would fail absolutely. Republicans believe in the free market, school choice, minimal regulation, are pro family, pro free speech, believe in equal protection under the law, that all political power rests with the individual, that it is an individual’s right to bear arms, that laws should protect the minority from the majority, and that a healthy society is based on the freedom of the individual.  If you believe in these things you are likely a Republican and not a fascist.

Those that try to tie Republican to fascism use sophistry, arguing that Republicans have laws and fascists have laws so they are the same. This completely ignores the diametrically opposed nature of those two groups of laws. The better explanation is that the accusers are students of Saul Alinsky and are exercising one of the Rules for Radicals; accuse your opponent of the crimes you commit.

So in the 21st century, where has the ideology of fascism settled? We don’t need to look far as there is a party that embraces the policies and features of fascism. Policies and features that include the heavy regulation of industry and production to the point of extinction, government schools with zero accountability and forced attendance, diminishment of parental rights, forced speech by making the incorrect use of preferred pronouns criminal, government control of media, government regulation of social media,  “Fact Checkers,” strict gun control and regulation,  promotion of Cancel Culture, promotion of Social Justice for the punishment of those that stray from the official narrative, the unequal application of the law, use of the legal system to prosecute political opponents, strict adherence to the official narrative regardless of how ridiculous and absurd, and the overarching justification that these measures are needed for the collective good and to be “kind” to the “oppressed.”

The reasoned conclusion is both clear and inevitable. The twenty first century progressive Democrats, and their allies, have become the vessel of modern fascism.

When a Democrat calls you a fascist, just smile knowing that they are accusing you of the crimes they commit.

It’s just common sense.

Friday December 1, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

December 1, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. (Romans 6:6)

U.S. Constitution Article VI, Paragraph 2

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

  1. Please see the attached column by Brent Regan, Common Sense: Chairman Kootenai County Republican Central Committee.
  1. Biden inappropriate Comments to a little Girl
  1. First Hospital in Nation to Require Vaccines, no longer Requiring them: Texas Law
  1. Trump Gag Order Reimposed
  1. Trump Wants Biden to take a cognitive test
  1. Arrested for making fun of Hillary Clinton 26 Minutes with Tucker Carlson
  1. Day 6, 8 Hostages Released (One source said 16 released.)
  1. Suit Filed over House Mask Mandate
  1. Rep Santos Refuses to Resign Vote to expel coming.
  1. Joe Biden: What Are His Chances?
  1. Home Depot Founder Would Support Trump Even if Convicted
  1. Speaking of Home Depot, I found out today that the more common chain saw manufacturers are no longer making gasoline chain saws.  This will be hard for those who go to the woods to cut firewood; they would need a 20-mile-long extension cord.  Those chainsaws still on the market are a lot more expensive than they were last year.
  1. Vehicle Processing Suspended or Halted at Select Texas and Arizona Ports of Entry
  1. Tucker Carlson – Steve Bannon Respond to Irish Attack 23 Minutes
  1. Trump Takes Media to Court
  1. Greta “How Dare You” Thunberg shows her true Marxist Colors
  1. Prosecutor Jack Smith seeks list of Trump Supporters
  1. Democrats: Press needs to smear Donald Trump More
  1. Some Democrats Threaten Biden with loss of support unless he supports Palestine
  1. Trump Attends College Football Game to Loud Cheers
  1. Trump: Biden has a sick deal with Hamas: No Americans Released: No Respect
  1. Texas Plans to bus 70,000 immigrants to Democrat run cities This is madness.  They will not stay in those cities, and the opportunities are mainly in the Republican states.  Abbott has the ability and he should stop them at the border.
  1. Newsom-DeSantis Debate Thursday Night
  1. Henry Kissinger Dead at 100
  1. Turkey President Tayyip Erdogan Stands Against Israel Netanyahu

            On Wednesday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan labeled Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “the butcher of Gaza” and accused him of leveraging antisemitism to suit his gain.

  1. Kevin McCarthy endorses Nikki Haley for Vice President
  1. Judge Orders FBI to release information on death of Seth Rich, Clinton Ally

Thursday November 30, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

November 30, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For if by one mans offence death reigned by one: much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:17)

U.S. Constitution Article VI, Paragraph 1

All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

  1. Opinion: Trump Did a Great Job, but at 77 he is too old: Drop out and let a younger man win This is why I suggest Ron DeSantis as Vice President.  Having him as vice president answers all the objections of this writer.
  1. Banks Not Injured by Trump Loans
  1. Biden Administration Helps Unions
  1. Some Released Hostage Photos, stories
  1. DOJ Seeks Trump Twitter Posts, Re-posts
  1. National Archives: Biden Aliases in Emails: Hundreds of Files
  1. New York: Unchecked Immigration Cools NY Relationship with Biden
  1. Interview: Harris picked for VP because she is a black woman
  1. Some Actors, Who Usually Vote Democrat, Thinking of Voting for Trump
  1. Economy Worse Under Biden: But He Doesn’t Think So
  1. Trump: Double Standard in Court Cases
  1. Georgia DA Fani Willis Determined to Jail Trump
  1. World’s Largest Solar Farm Completed It is amazing how much we will spend to solve a manufactured crisis. Carbon dioxide is a benefit to all plants.
  1. 41 Tunnel Workers Rescued: All Okay
  1. Some Details of Tunnel Rescue
  1. More Aid for Gaza
  1. Pause Extended: Fifth Hostage Release: Now at 100: Hope for More
  1. US Military Aircraft Crashes Near Japan: At Least One person confirmed Dead
  1. Tucker Carlson 2024 Will be Very Tough Year 2024 is shaping up to be one of the wildest and most consequential years in American history.
  1. Black Lives Matter Drop Democrats, support Trump
  1. Not All Squad Members Agree on Gaza War
  1. Alberta Fights Against Federal Overreach

Mistreat the Police, and Many decide to leave the Force

Thursday November 30, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: (Romans 5:12)

U.S. Constitution Article V

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the  Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of it’s equal Suffrage in the Senate.

  1. Free Movie The Fall of Minneapolis reveals the truth about the death of George Floyd
  1. Did the FBI have agents on the ground on January 6?
  1. Trump DA Fani Willis Tries to Hide the Truth
  1. Soros Funded DAs not popular
  1. Trump to Visit Argentina\
  1. NY Times Won’t Admit Truth About Hospital Bombing
  1. Trump Gag Order Lifted
  1. Trump: Release of January 6 Tapes a good idea
  1. The Democrats Don’t Want to talk about Kamala Harris
  1. Rescue of 41 Tunnel Workers in India getting close’

            All 41 India Tunnel Workers are rescued

  1. Mother Comments on Stabbing of Officer Derek  Chauvin in prison New evidence makes it clear that Chauvin did not kill George Floyd.  He needs a new trial.   This is a national tragedy.  Floyd is made to be a national hero, when he is a criminal.
  2.  Congress Must Investigate Sect of State, Anthony Blinken
  1. Journalist Jailed in Israel for Pro-Hamas Reporting
  1. Warmer Climate Causing Increasing Rainfall  We have more floods because we have more area that is covered over: House roofs, driveways, highways: The rain just runs off, rather than soaking in, and this increases flood risks.
  1. DC Mayor Having to Live With Her Failed Law Enforcement Policies
  1. Mexico President Praises Biden for Open Border Policy
  1. Senator Tommy Tuberville Holds UP Appointments for change in Pentagon Abortion Policy
  1. Biden Judicial Nominee fails to answer basic Legal Questions
  1. North Korea Satellite Photos   
  1. Cease Fire Extended to Release More Hostages
  1. Speaker Johnson Meets with Trump at Mar-A-Lago
  1. Close Ally to Nancy Pelosi is Retiring
  1. Dan Bongino: Biden is Worse Every Day
  1. Terrorists who tried to hijack tanker are captured
  1. Terrorists Fire Missile at Ship in gulf
  1. Trump: Back on the NY Witness Stand December 11
  1. Trump: If Elected: Would Try Again to Replace Obamacare
  1. Gaza: One Hostage Gives Her Account
  1. Even Argentina Has Had Enough of Pope Francis
  1. Elon Musk Visits Israel: Offers to Help Rebuild Gaza after Destruction of Hamas

Wednesday November 29, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: (Romans 5:12)

U.S. Constitution Article V

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the  Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of it’s equal Suffrage in the Senate.

  1. Free Movie The Fall of Minneapolis reveals the truth about the death of George Floyd
  1. Did the FBI have agents on the ground on January 6?
  1. Trump DA Fani Willis Tries to Hide the Truth
  1. Soros Funded DAs not popular
  1. Trump to Visit Argentina\
  1. NY Times Won’t Admit Truth About Hospital Bombing
  1. Trump Gag Order Lifted
  1. Trump: Release of January 6 Tapes a good idea
  1. The Democrats Don’t Want to talk about Kamala Harris
  1. Rescue of 41 Tunnel Workers in India getting close’

            All 41 India Tunnel Workers are rescued

  1. Mother Comments on Stabbing of Officer Derek  Chauvin in prison New evidence makes it clear that Chauvin did not kill George Floyd.  He needs a new trial.   This is a national tragedy.  Floyd is made to be a national hero, when he is a criminal.
  2.  Congress Must Investigate Sect of State, Anthony Blinken
  1. Journalist Jailed in Israel for Pro-Hamas Reporting
  1. Warmer Climate Causing Increasing Rainfall  We have more floods because we have more area that is covered over: House roofs, driveways, highways: The rain just runs off, rather than soaking in, and this increases flood risks.
  1. DC Mayor Having to Live With Her Failed Law Enforcement Policies
  1. Mexico President Praises Biden for Open Border Policy
  1. Senator Tommy Tuberville Holds UP Appointments for change in Pentagon Abortion Policy
  1. Biden Judicial Nominee fails to answer basic Legal Questions
  1. North Korea Satellite Photos   
  1. Cease Fire Extended to Release More Hostages
  1. Speaker Johnson Meets with Trump at Mar-A-Lago
  1. Close Ally to Nancy Pelosi is Retiring
  1. Dan Bongino: Biden is Worse Every Day
  1. Terrorists who tried to hijack tanker are captured
  1. Terrorists Fire Missile at Ship in gulf
  1. Trump: Back on the NY Witness Stand December 11
  1. Trump: If Elected: Would Try Again to Replace Obamacare
  1. Gaza: One Hostage Gives Her Account
  1. Even Argentina Has Had Enough of Pope Francis
  1. Elon Musk Visits Israel: Offers to Help Rebuild Gaza after Destruction of Hamas

Tuesday November 28, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

November 28, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. (Romans 5:10)

U.S. Constitution Article IV, Section 4, Paragraph 1

The United States shall guarantee to every State in the Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

  1. Gaza: Cease Fire Extended: Hostages Released 
  1. Electric Vehicles in India, not pollution free
  1. Are We Really Headed For A Climate Disaster?  Not Likely: Not worth spending any money to stop a non-problem.
  1. Trump to Visit Argentina
  1. Will Manchin Run for President?
  1. Manchin Running for President would really Hurt Biden
  1. Some Idaho Legislators Understand Fires
  1. AOC Hard Choice for Automobile
  1. Much of Northern Gaza an Uninhabitable Moonscape
  1. Gaza Upscale Rimal laid waste
  1. Stories of 4 Hamas Survivors
  1. Hamas Seeks to Extend Cease Fire, release more Hostages
  1. Spies Daily Risk Their Lives to Know the Truth: two shot, hung on electrical tower; crowd cheers
  1. Congressman Doctor Ronny Jackson, Presidential Doctor: Biden Failing Rapidly: Border 4 minutes
  1. The Pope is Confused about Traditional Catholic policy and what the Bible Says About Sexual Practices  We are told that the Pope is very weak, and could not read his recent sermon.
  1. One Democrat Said He Wanted Trump Eliminated, then Backtracked
  1. Trump Guilty of Insurrection? One Judge Seems to Think So
  1. Democrat Congressman to Resign, challenge Joe Biden
  1. Climate Reparations This for a non-existent problem.  This looks like a treaty and would have to be approved by the Senate.
  1. Democrat Texas Judges Fight Texas Immigration Law
  1. Democrats Worry About Joe Biden’s Message
  1. Sebastian Gorka: International Issues 2 Hours

Monday November 27, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

U.S. Constitution Article IV, Section 3, Paragraph 2

The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State.

  1. Mike Johnson: Supreme Court Thomas is Right
  1. November 26 | First release of American hostages arrives Sunday as Israel-Hamas cease-fire holds: Report | Live Updates from Fox News Digital
  1. Biden Press Secretary Tells Outrageous Lie about price of Turkeys
  1. Pete Buttigieg new salary: one dollar a year, total. Can they do that?
  1. I Stand with Chip Roy Roy said: “runaway spending spiked inflation”.  This is what is wrong with the narrative.  This is totally backwards.  Runaway spending does not spike inflation; inflation spikes runaway spending.  Inflation causes prices to rise.  Inflation is the printing of more money and only the federal government can print money, so they are the only cause of rising prices.  Congress must stop spending more than is taken in and do so now.
  1. Some of the 40 workers trapped in India tunnel collapse get sick as glitches delay rescue – ABC News ( They have gotten food and water through a narrow opening, too small to crawl through.

            Why can’t trapped tunnel workers dig from their side of cave in – Search Videos    (

            Uttarakhand tunnel collapse: Rescuers to dig by hand to rescue trapped workers ( Indian Tunnel Rescue Set to Take Much Longer After Drill Damaged (

            41 Tunnel Construction Workers in India Trapped for 12 Days While Rescue Efforts Continue They have food and water and drilling continues to reach them.

  1. Hunter Biden Sues Trump: Crazy
  1. Will Senator Manchin Run for President?
  1. Biden Ticking Time Bomb over Commercial Real Estate
  1. Naked Boys Held in Horrible Conditions
  1. Biden Press Secretary Caught Stretching the Truth’
  1. Megyn Kelly: Democrats Walked Into Trump Trap
  1. Democrats are Clueless about their own Get Trump Hypocrisy
  1. Texas Lawsuit Against Planned Parenthood for Fraud
  1. Ron DeSantis Not Gaining on Trump, Even in Iowa I think Ron DeSantis is a great governor.  He needs to stop now, endorse Trump, and wait for his own day in the sun.  He is doing a great job as governor of Florida and he needs to stay there.
  1. Trump Shares a Message of Hope for the Future
  1. Pope Decree about Transgender Baptism not Popular with Catholics
  1. Biden Not Happy With Impeachment Query
  1. President of Mexico Praises Biden for Open Border Policy

Sunday November 26, 2023 Attachment Caucus

Caucus Confusion

What is up with Idaho’s Presidential Primary or Caucus? Are we having one or not? When is it? Where do I go? When is the deadline to affiliate with the Republican Party?

All good questions.

The short answers are: YES, there will be an Idaho Presidential Caucus that will be held on Saturday, March 2nd starting at 11:00 AM Pacific, 12:00 PM Mountain Time. It will be a “Firehouse Caucus” which is basically a primary election with extras that is run and paid for by the Republican Party instead of the state. To participate, you must be affiliated with the Republican Party by the end of this year.

Earlier this year, the legislature with the approval of the governor, disenfranchised ALL Idaho voters by deleting the March 2024 Presidential Primary. House Bill 138 was supposed to move the Presidential  Primary to May so it would be held the same time as the May Idaho Legislative Primary, but the bill was badly drafted so it eliminated the Presidential Primary altogether, and they passed it anyway.

There are two very good reasons why a May Presidential Primary is bad. One is because the Republican National Convention was moved up from September to July 15th causing the deadline to submit the delegate list to the RNC to move to May 31st, the same day the May primary results would be officially announced. This leaves ZERO days to hold a convention and certify the Idaho delegates.

The second reason is that by May all but 5 states have chosen their delegates for the Republican National Convention and so the race for the nomination would already be decided and nobody would care what Idaho does. We would get zero candidate attention for Idaho issues and concerns.

For these reasons the Idaho Republican Party (IDGOP) opposed moving the primary to May but the leadership in the legislature pushed the flawed HB 138 forward and onto the Governor’s desk where it was signed into law. No more Presidential Primary for Idaho.

The IDGOP lobbied to repeal HB 138 to restore the March Presidential Primary and even called for a Special Session of the legislature to re-enfranchise Idaho voters but the establishment leadership would not budge.

At our Summer Meeting, the IDGOP voted that if the March Presidential Primary was not restored then the IDGOP would conduct a statewide Firehouse Caucus to re-enfranchise Idaho Republican voters. The party was not willing to allow Republican voter’s voices to be silenced.

Some of you may remember that in 2012 the IDGOP held a Presidential Caucus. This was a classic style caucus where there were multiple rounds of voting until a single winner emerged. Multiple rounds meant that it took FOREVER and those that stuck around till the end were exhausted.

This time we will have a Firehouse Caucus which is a lot more like a primary but is held by the IDGOP instead of the state. There will be a single round of voting so it will go a lot faster. If you have affiliated with the Republican Party before the end of this year then here is what you should expect.

In mid-February you will receive a post card from the IDGOP that will list the time and location of the caucus for your precinct. Save this card and take it with you because you will need to know your precinct when you check in.

On Saturday March 2nd at each caucus location the doors will open at 11:00AM Pacific time, 12:00PM Mountain time. When you arrive a greeter will help you find the correct line for your precinct. You will show your photo ID, sign a poll book next to your name and receive a stamp on the back of your hand.

At 12:00 (1:00 Mountain time) the Caucus Captain will begin the program. The empty ballot box will be displayed, the tabulators will be selected and presentations from the candidates will be given. After the presentations, about 5 minutes each, the balloting will begin.

To vote you will show your hand stamp, receive a second stamp to cancel the first, and then be given a ballot. There will be a privacy area where you can go to mark your ballot and then deposit it in the ballot box. You can stay to watch the tabulation or leave at your option.

If you arrive late, check-in will close at 12:30 (1:30 Mountain Time) but as long as you are in line you will be able to vote. Caucus locations will have provisions to accommodate handicapped voters. There will be no mail-in voting.

Once everyone has voted, the tabulation will begin. The Caucus Captain and Tabulators will open the ballot box in front of witnesses. The ballots will be sorted into piles by vote and then each pile will be counted at least twice until the count is the same twice in a row. The tabulation results will be entered onto a tabulation sheet which will be signed by the Caucus Captain and Tabulators. The Caucus Captain will also report the results to state party headquarters.

The Ballots, tabulation sheet and poll books will be sealed in a box and returned to state party headquarters so the results can be canvased. Unofficial results should be reported Saturday night with official results being issued within 10 days.

More information is available at

There are 976 precincts in Idaho serving nearly 600,000 Republican voters. Organizing a state wide effort is a huge undertaking by thousands of volunteers at no cost to the taxpayer. All the costs are being paid for by the state Republican Party and your own County Republican Central Committee. Please consider helping out by donating some time or money.

It’s just common sense.