Friday July 14, 2023 Attachment

Jim Hollingsworth

July 13, 2023


When Biden became president America was on a solid footing, inflation was under control, we were energy independent, the price of gasoline was under $2.00, and things in America were great.  Now most of that has been undone, and nothing is being done about it.  This is like a nightmare in which you are terrified only to awake and be thankful it was only a dream.  But the present nightmare is no dream, and things are only getting worse in America.  Will someone please wake me from this nightmare?

While Trump was president nearly 500 miles of wall were built and immigration was controlled.  Biden has opened the border and invited all to come, and they are coming by the millions

When Biden became president America was energy independent and we were even selling energy abroad.  Biden stopped construction of oil pipelines, stopped drilling on public lands, and began a campaign against fossil fuels, the very product that has made America great.  Will someone please wake me from this nightmare?

Trump appointed constitutional judges around the country, and three great judges to the Supreme Court.  They have protected life by reversing Roe V.  Wade.  Biden, a Catholic, is the most pro-abortion president in recent history.  Protestors at abortion clinics have been assaulted and prolife clinics and churches have been attacked.

When Trump left office, everyone knew what was a woman and there was no question but that God had created only men and women.  Biden has continued to promote the idea that people who say they are transgender need our support, even to puberty blockers and radical surgeries that injure children for life.  Now men undress in women’s locker rooms, and compete in women’s sports, destroying the incentives of women who have trained all their lives for success. 

While Trump was in office you were pretty much permitted to say whatever you knew to be true and free speech was not hindered.  Now, under Biden, you can be fired for simply pointing out something destructive, but which you know to be true.  This includes issues about climate change, the value of masks and vaccinations, and other so-called health measures.  Will someone please wake me from this nightmare?

Biden has made it clear that he supports going to zero carbon emissions which would eliminate all use of coal, and fossil fuels.  Natural gas is used to make fertilizer, which is very important to agriculture.  And, over 6000 things that we use on a daily basis are made from oil.  Wind and solar will never take the place of coal-fired, or natural gas-fired energy generation.  Electric cars will soon be a national disaster because they are useless during a time of disaster with no electricity available.  It is not possible to build batteries large enough to carry a city during times when the sun does not shine or the wind blow. 

Several have testified that the Bidens received 5 million, 10 million from foreign governments, which is illegal, but nothing has been done about it.  Hunter cheats on his taxes and lies on his application for a gun permit, yet he only gets a very light sentence.  There seems to be a two-tier justice system.  Will someone please wake me from this nightmare?

There is considerable evidence that the past two elections were rigged against Republicans, yet no measures are taken to insure this does not happen again.  If this is not corrected it could spell the end of our constitutional republic. 

Under Trump there was little inflation, prices were fairly stable.  Biden has spent billions by just printing the money.  This is classic inflation and is hurting everyone with higher prices for everything from food to hardware.  This is especially true for gasoline, the price of which is also affected by the Biden energy policies. 

Under Trump religious expression was protected.  Now under the Biden Administration we see FBI agents infiltrating Catholic churches and reporting on “un-American” activities. Freedom of religion is attacked on several fronts.  Our clear First Amendment Rights are not protected.  Will someone please wake me from this nightmare?

In one town people rode bikes through town totally naked.  With prayer and Bible reading no longer permitted in our schools, our schools no longer have a moral compass.  What has historically been considered a disgrace is now just another person’s freedom of expression.  This is madness.

Not long ago most Americans were very patriotic.  Now statues of Americans are being torn down for very light reasons.  The American flag is defaced and no longer respected.  A pride flag is displayed above the American flag at the white house.  Children no longer pledge to the flag in our schools.  None of this can be considered constructive action.

Patriotic Americans have protested over various policies, spoken up at school board meetings and taken stands for righteousness, and these have been called domestic terrorists by our government.  Others, such as those in Black Lives Matter, have destroyed businesses and burned down whole sections of town, and these are called peaceful protestors.  Some have even been arrested and their bail paid by some Democrats.  This is insane.

Most of our schools were shut down during the recent pandemic, and children lost time that will never be made up.  Academic achievement has stalled and the only answer educators seem to know is to just spend more money on education.  They do not seem to consider that quality education is taking place at a much-reduced price.  Our schools have lost any clear moral direction.  Even worse, our children are taught to hate our national heroes.

Trump had plans to leave Afghanistan in an orderly fashion.  Biden abandoned our military airport, left Afghanistan without telling our allies, was responsible for the death of 13 of our soldiers, and left behind billions in state-of-the-art military equipment.  Even some Americans were left behind.  This was a serious crime.

President Trump strongly supported the Second Amendment, but Biden has worked hard to undermine our Second Amendment Rights.

I worked with many Democrats for several years and considered them to be both logical and sane.  Yet, what is happening in America right now in mostly Democrat led states and cities is neither logical nor sane.  It has to be obvious to any thinking person that if America continues down our present path, we will be easy game for a foreign power, and our great republic will be destroyed.  This has to stop, and it begins with some patriotic American Democrats re-taking control of their party and stop this madness. 

This is not just a nightmare that will go away when we awake.  This is a terrible national condition that must be remedied before it is too late.  Things are moving so rapidly toward destruction that we may not survive until the next election.  We have to wake up from this madness.

Jim Hollingsworth is a graduate of Pensacola Christian College with a master’s degree in Biblical Studies.  He has written five books:

Climate Change: A Convenient Truth

Cortez: A Biography

The Ancient Culture of the Aztec Empire

Abortion Compassion

A Commentary on the Book of Romans

A Commentary on the Book of Galatians is with the publisher.

Available where books are sold.

Friday July 14, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 14, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. (Matthew 4:4)

My latest from American Thinker. American Thinker: Will Someone Please Wake Me From This Nightmare

  1. Montana Library Association leaves national group over Marxist Lesbian President
  1. Human Trafficking: It is worse than you might think  
  1. Tucker Carlson: There Were Government Officials in Crowd on Jan 6 There is some evidence that some of these officials actually helped demonstrators to enter the building.
  1. Shot Trooper Saved by Vest Trooper made a traffic stop.   The driver shot the trooper in the chest, but he was saved by a safety vest.
  1. In England Man Fired For Holding Christian Positions
  1. Former Trump Supporter Supports DeSantis It is unlikely that DeSantis Can beat Trump.  However, if he should endorse Trump, it would place him in an excellent position for 2028.  He would also make a great vice president.
  1. Democrats Support Abortion up to birth At birth a baby is a person with all the protections of the Constitution.  One minute before, it is just something to be aborted.  To understand more of the truth, get a copy of my book Abortion Compassion.
  1. House Documents Biden Corruption, but will anything come of it? For several years Americans have known about corruption in the Biden family, but nothing has been done about it.  It is like a fox guarding the hen house.  The Department of Justice is not going to move against the Bidens; that is pretty clear.
  1. DeSantis Makes Some Great Promises, But Can He Keep Them?
  1. Smart Cities Surveillance Program Coming to a town near You
  1. Update on House Investigation of Biden Finances
  1. Biden in Europe still confused
  1. Sound of Freedom: Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard Interview with Matt and Laurie Crouch with TBN Networks
  1. Sound of Freedom 22 Minute interview
  1. Ramifications of Sound of Freedom Movie 
  1. Sound of Freedom Commentary: 1:10 Hours 
  1. Trump signs pledge protecting women and babies
  1. One preacher lays it on the line More information follows the short video.
  1. McConnell Shares about Supreme Court, and Congress. 
  1. Trump Hearing Moved to July 18
  1. Former Texas Republican Congressman Wants Her Seat Back 
  1. Possible Florida McDonalds for Trump Vice President Candidate  
  1. Opinion: Power vs. Base: Coeur d’Alene Press Brent Regan Friday July 13, 2023 Column: When The Democrats lean too far left Some Democrats Call themselves Republicans: But their philosophy changes little.  Thus, bigger government.

Thursday July 13, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 13, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name.  But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay. (Jeremiah 20:9)

  1. Trump signs pledge protecting women and babies
  1. Medical Abortion Doctor couple turn pro-life
  1. Boy in Israel head to neck reattached after accident
  1. Ohio to put pro-abortion constitutional amendment on November Ballot
  1. NY AG Calls Pro-life protesters terrorists  
  1. Mar-A-Lago Case Against Trump Could be Dropped for technicality
  1. Hoard of Civil War Gold Coins Found in Corn Field
  1. Jan 6 Defendants May Get Their Day In Court Remember that some of these people have been held in jail for more than a year without being charged, with the crime of trespassing.  This is criminal.
  1. Georgia Rep Switches to Republican
  1. Judge Could Reject Sweet Hunter Biden Plea Deal
  1. Tucker Carlson to Host First Republican Debate; 5 Candidates; Friday July 14
  1. RF Kennedy on Border
  1. Justice Thomas Belongs to a group that supports kids: Wow  
  1. Value of Raising Corn for Biofuel is Questioned
  1. UFO Discussion I admit that UFOs are possible, but in all these years and so many sightings it seems strange that we have no pictures, or even one that has been shot down.  I will believe it when I can “see” it.
  1. Floating Border Wall in Texas

Wednesday July 12, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 12, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

  1. British Coal Plants to be Shut Down Before Winter
  1. Border Patrol Agents Help Illegal Migrants Enter the Country
  1. Biden Whistleblower Arrested
  1. Sound of Freedom: Producer Speaks
  1. Jordan Peterson, Tim Ballard and Jim Caviezel Talk “Sound of Freedom” and Expose the Child sex trade – Bing video 26 Minutes
  1. Sound of Freedom: Jordan Peterson With Tim Ballard and Jim Caviezel, of Count of Monte Cristo fame 1:36 Hrs
  1. Senator Chuck Grassley seeks answers from Hunter Biden Prosecutor
  1. Biden Whistleblower in hiding This man has been in hiding for several years.  What he says may be true; watch the video.  One has to wonder how he is surviving.
  1. UFO Discussion I admit that UFOs are possible, but in all these years and so many sightings it seems strange that we have no pictures, or even one that has been shot down.  I will believe it when I can “see” it.
  1. Stop Smart Cities Now

Hi All,

Welcome to all those new to Stop Smart Cities Idaho (SSCI)!  Lots to cover since the last Kootenai Metropolitan & Planning Organization (KMPO) meeting on June 8th.


On June 28th SSCI had a great turnout for a Town Hall presentation on the Traffic Management Center (TMC) proposed for North Idaho. Over 300 residents attended, 11 elected city and state representatives as well as the Chair of the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC).  Four of 11 KMPO commissioners participated in the Town Hall to include Jeff Tyler, Sandy White, Dan Gookin and Bruce Mattare.  In addition, we had over 600 viewers watching on Erin Barnard’s Facebook live-stream, Kootenai County Spectator.

Many of our elected officials spoke in opposition to the proposed TMC and Brent Regan, the Chair of KCRCC, publicly stated that the KCRCC had unanimously voted in opposition of the TMC.  A video of the Town Hall is attached below.


1.  On July 13th SSCI will be hosting a presentation on the TMC at LYFE Coffee and Public House, 116 E. Lakeside Ave., CdA at 6:30 pm.  Come with your questions and get ready to learn a little more about the bigger picture.  For those unable to attend Erin Barnard will be live-streaming from her Kootenai County Spectator Facebook account. See flyer below and please share!

NOTE:  The KMPO monthly meeting scheduled for July 13, 2023, at the Post Falls City Hall Chambers at 1:30 pm has been CANCELLED because according to KMPO Chair, Vice Chair and the Director there was no business to conduct.

2.  KMPO announced that they will be hosting two outreach sessions at the CdA Library and an undetermined location in Post Falls on August 3rd.  No further information at this time.

3.  SAVE THE DATE!  KMPO will be voting on cancelling the proposed TMC on AUGUST 10th at 1:30 pm at the Post Falls City Hall Chambers, Post Falls.  We need a huge turnout to let the 11 commissioners know that North Idaho is opposed to this smart city infrastructure. A flyer for this event will be coming shortly.


SSCI is a grassroots organization that depends on donations from the community. The donations are used to pay for our billboard on Seltice and Heater, banners, signage, flyers and more with the purpose of educating the residents of North Idaho on smart cities/15 minute cities. Please go to our website at to make a donation so we can spread the word and grow this movement.


Thanks to all who have come together to Unite! Stand Up! Speak Out!  Visit our website at to learn more and keep up with our events and calls to action.

Jennifer Noel

Tuesday July 11, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 11, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few messages for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:

And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:

Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me. (Job 19:25-27)

  1. Sound of Freedom: Jordan Peterson, With Tim Ballard and Jim Caviezel, of Count of Monte Cristo fame
  1. Press Critical of Sound of Freedom Movie
  1. Some suggest that Sound of Freedom, on Child Sex Trafficking, is pure propaganda.  Is it?
  1. Dorothy Moon: Successful Summer Central Committee Meeting
  1. Trump Responds to Cocaine Found in White House: Biden’s??
  1. Wisconsin Moves Against Election Violations
  1. Indiana Supreme Court Upholds Abortion Ban
  1. Tucker Carlson Against Electronic Voting Machines
  1. Alex Newman with Lawyer For Donald Trump, Sydney Powell
  1. California to Require More Electric Trucks by 2035: Not Practical
  1. Public Comments on Actions of Supreme Court
  1. Nuclear Sub Near North Korea
  1. Shooter on Scooter shoots several
  1. 9 Injured in Cleveland Shooting

Monday July 10, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 10, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven:  for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.  (Matthew 5:11-12)

  1. There has been a lot of discussion this past week about the 2024 election.  Some feel that it may be our last opportunity to see a Republican elected anywhere.  Some believe that even if we elect a Republican President, it will still be the last.  I would advise anyone who feels that way to make a careful study of the book of Judges.  In that case Israel fell into sin, they experienced serious severe circumstances, they prayed for help, and God sent a deliverer, in the person of a judge.  As long as he was alive things went along fairly well, but after he died the nation fell into sin again, with terrible conditions.  As before they prayed for help and God raised up a judge to deliver them.  This is repeated several times.

The problem we face today is not so much what God can do, it is more what He will do.  And since we have kicked God out of our public life we cannot expect much help from Him.  Our task is first of all to lead many to Christ and the Bible, and then beyond that to convince many that America is under serious difficulties.  The present administration is working against America in too many ways to mention.  If you cannot find good answers on the internet,  drop me a note and I will help.  If our constitutional republic is destroyed it will only be because we did not do what was expected of us.


  1. New Film, Sound of Freedom, child sex trade

Some suggest that Sound of Freedom, on Child Sex Trafficking, is pure propaganda.  Is it?

CNN Disputes Child Sex Trafficking and Movie Sound of Freedom

Epoch Times interviews actor in Sound of Freedom Movie

  1. Campaign to give it back to the Indians backfires: Plus, the “ownership” of America has changed over thousands of years.
  1. Smith’s Case Against Trump has already cost over 9 million
  1. Appeals Court Upholds Tennessee Law preventing Transgender treatments
  1. Supreme Court Rules Affirmative Action Unconstitutional, but Universities will find a Way to circumvent the ruling.
  1. The Flags Tell the Story?
  1. Trump: Guilty of Crimes, or Political Witch Hunt??
  1. Trump-DeSantis Feud not productive Debate?
  1. President maybe plans to definitely visit East Palestine Disaster,  sometime.?
  1. Republicans could win Ohio Senate in 2024: Close
  1. Conservative Justices Targeted
  1. Kudlow, Former Trump Official, calls out Biden Economics
  1. Ben and Jerry’s Return Stolen Land to Natives: And Where did those natives get the land?
  1. Mother Duck Saves Duckling Mother duck works to save her young, while some American mothers work to kill their own children before they are born.

Sunday July 9, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 9, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. (1 John 1:7)

  1. Mother Duck Saves Duckling
  1. Marco Rubio’s ‘Decades Of Decadence’ Is Not A Beach Read (
  1. Kootenai Journal This Week
  1. Chris Christie Most  Unpopular Candidate for President
  1. Many Protest Biden Plan to Limit Gas-fired Automobiles on Highways Electric Vehicles make very little sense.  Even now there is not enough electricity to support them.  They are useless in a disaster with no electric grid.  They are deadly when caught in a snow blizzard.  Unless forced to do so few Americans will ever choose to purchase an electric vehicle.
  1. Supreme Court Supports Free Speech: Democrats Upset
  1. Justice Thomas Talks about Affirmative Action
  1. Democrats Can’t Beat Trump: Unless they Cheat
  1. Administration prevented attorneys from charging Hunter Biden
  1. Very Few Americans See Any Future with Electric Vehicles

This is likely due to continued issues such as a lack of charging stations, demand on the electrical grid that is dangerously close to overload, exploding batteries, poorer than expected mileage on a battery before charging, and damage being done to the roadways by the much heavier EVs.

  1. Several Candidates for Republican Vice President
  1. Sweetheart Deal, But Hunter Biden Still in Trouble
  1. Hunter Biden Deal may not be a Done Deal
  1. Cocaine in White House: Ramifications
  1. DeSantis, if elected, would eliminate several agencies, refocus others I still say he would make a great Vice President.
  1. Ranked Choice Voting Has Serious Problems
  1. RF Kennedy: What is the White House Hiding?
  1. Eastern Washington a New State? Since this has to be approved by the state legislature and Congress, it does not seem likely with the Left in control, but anything is possible.

I am working on an article dealing with our present situation.  Each of us needs to make up his mind not to help the liberals gain more control over our lives.  We must ensure that our elections are secure and that nothing prevents folk from voting.  We also need to continue to teach our neighbors the importance of the American system and to do what we can to make America great again.  We can start over if we are still a country in 2025.

Saturday July 8, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 8, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. (John 1:11)

  1. Eastern Washington a New State? Since this has to be approved by the state legislature and Congress, it does not seem likely with the Left in control, but anything is possible.
  1. 4 found dead in Rio Grande River
  1. Vivek Ramaswamy rising in polls Ramaswamy has no history, but he sounds good.  He is another that might be a good choice for Vice President.  Note the rest of the candidates in these polls.
  1. AG Garland in Trouble over Hunter Biden Crimes
  1. Tucker Carlson EP 7  
  1. Poll: Trump 7 Points Ahead of Biden
  1. DeSantis Comments on Jan 6: Response
  1. Colorado Store Employee fired for filming shoplifters  
  1. Root Pretty Discouraged, but Maybe He is Right  
  1. A Trump-Appointed Judge Just Handed Right-Wingers a Huge Victory in Their Fight Against Purported Social Media Bias | Vanity Fair

The injunction, which will limit the administration from communicating with social media companies about their content, was the result of a lawsuit launched by the Republican attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana, who accused the administration of waging a “federal censorship enterprise.” The sweeping preliminary injunction—effective immediately—specifically named Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, and the FBI and Justice Department, with the ruling saying they cannot contact social media companies with “the purpose of urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner the removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content containing protected free speech.”

  1. New Florida Law Causing Immigrants to Leave the State  
  1. Jan 6 Prisoner tortured wants to testify
  1. OPINION: Republican summer meeting | Coeur d’Alene Press ( Brent Regan June 30, 2023
  1. OPINION: Power vs. Base | Coeur d’Alene Press ( Brent Regan July 7, 2023

Friday July 7, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 7, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? (Esther 4:14)

  1. Justice Thomas Sets the Record Straight on Race
  1. Texas Anti-abortion Law Has Saved 10,000 babies in one year
  1. Those who attend climate conferences are the worst hypocrites If these really believed their actions could cause the world to end they would eliminate the annual conferences that produce nothing to help the climate, which is a non-problem to begin with.  They could start by reading my little book on climate, Climate Change: A Convenient Truth.
  1. Is Smith Indictment of Trump Justified?
  1. Abortion Doctor Runs Over Pro-life Worker with Car
  1. Tucker Carlson EP 7: Future Plans: Ukraine Democracy?
  1. Public Nudity Accepted We used to put people in jail for public nudity.  Where are we headed?   This is pure madness; we have no reason to accept any of this radical agenda.  These people are sick, no matter their political persuasion.
  1. Man with gun stops personal attack in NY
  1. Saved by a good guy with a gun 
  1. Duck Survival: Unbelievable.

Thursday July 6, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 6, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

BEHOLD, the LORD’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:

But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. (Isaiah 59:1-2)

  1. Texas Anti-abortion Law Has Saved 10,000 babies in one year
  1. Mount Rushmore Independence Day Fireworks 2023 | Live Stream, TV, Schedule ( National Park Service says no fireworks celebration at Mt Rushmore again this year.
  1. Post Abortion Woman Has Help for others who feel shame for their abortion
  1. Trump: America on the Edge of Tyranny
  1. Grounds to dismiss Mar-A-Lago case against Trump
  1. Jordan Peterson gets his day in court
  1. Judge Rules Against Trump Prosecutor Smith
  1. Unborn with Down Syndrome:  Mother drives to other state for abortion
  1. Whitehouse Press Secretary In Over Her Head
  1. Confused president is still confused about Constitution
  1. Dangerous Defect in Support of Roller Coaster Ride
  1. Trump Now Polls Stronger Than Biden Based on the 2016 election you can see that polls don’t mean much.
  1. Personal Merit, or Victimhood?

Joe Rogan: Trump Plans To End Ukraine War: “Perfect”.