Friday June 16, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

June 16, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few messages for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

  1. DeSantis Trip to AZ Border Upsets Biden
  1. DOJ Punishes Political Enemies
  1. 400 Billion of Covid Funds Wasted or Stolen
  1. The Whitehouse had a pride celebration, but was embarrassed by the topless attendees.  The pictures were too graphic to show you.  You can look them up.
  1. If Convicted Trump Could Face Some Jail Time?
  1. Trump Support After Indictment 61%, DeSantis 23%, Scott 4%, Pence 4% others?
  1. Trump Responds to indictment
  1. Here are qualifications for president.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

I wonder if elected if a secret service officer or cabinet member would have to be there with him.  None of what he is charged with would disqualify him from being elected.

  1. Kellogg, ID: Graduating Student Stopped For True Statement on Trans
  1. Children  Were Behind then the pandemic put them really behind This is so senseless.  Many books have been written that demonstrate that learning to read must be taught with phonics.  An excellent program that will self-teach children is  It teaches reading like a game and children beg to play it.  Public schools could learn much from private schools, but they refuse.  This is just plain stupid.
  1. How Kids were hurt during lockdowns
  1. President Biden to Parents: These are not Your Kids
  1. Even though a 2 year old knows what is a Biological Woman, using the term in a class paper gets you a failing grade.  
  1. Senator Crenshaw: No Study shows that Transgender children are helped with therapies and surgeries.
  1. Inflation Easing (meaning prices dropped) just in time for new influx of money (inflation) which will cause a rise in prices.
  1. Impeach Mayorkas: Not Likely, as must pass the Senate: This is Just Talk, Just Press?
  1. Texas Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Ken Paxton must be Fair

We must prioritize fairness and due process, especially in matters as significant as an impeachment trial. Granting the House and Paxton an opportunity to provide input on proposed rules is a crucial step to a fair and impartial trial. By embracing transparent and comprehensive guidelines, Texas can ensure constitutional rights are upheld and unnecessary political acrimony is avoided. Let us stand united in our commitment to justice and to a trial that follows and improves on historical precedent for equitable proceedings in our great state.         

  1. Claiming Tolerance, Rainbow Mafia is intolerant to parents

Parents aren’t making a mountain out of a molehill over these issues. At heart, this is an existentialist argument between leftists with a collectivist view that they absolutely know what’s best for kids and have a right to impose their “best” upon them. On the other side are parents who recoil at this very notion and refuse to surrender their parental authority and responsibility to the collectivist state.

  1. Large Fishing Boat Sinks Near Greece: Some rescued, 79 found dead These were migrants.
  1. British Farage: Climate Lockdowns are Coming: Much More

Canada: Black Live Matter Official Charged with Hate Crime

Thursday June 15, 2023 Attachment

Jim Hollingsworth

June 12, 2023


Education was once a very noble profession, in fact the best.  So where did we get off base?  We got off base when the National Education Association ceased to be a professional association which sought to improve education, to one that simply lobbied for more money for teachers.

Education hearkens back to the great philosophers of the past.  Men like Aristotle and Plato are just historical examples of men whose goal was to educate all those who would listen.  The Founders of America were well acquainted with the works of these great men and many of their ideas were included in our founding documents.  Even Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence, was the architect of the University of Virginia, and first rector of the Board of Visitors (the governing body).  This was in March of 1819.

Historically education was the job of parents.  The apostle Paul, a Jewish Pharisee, was trained in the Jewish tradition, (Acts 22:3).  Later, after he was saved on the Road to Damascus, he was taught be Jesus, Himself (1 Corinthians 15:8, Galatians 1:12). In fact, the apostle Paul did not consider himself very important as a teacher.  He called himself “the least of the apostles” because he persecuted Christians (1 Corinthians 15:9).

The Jewish tradition made it clear that it was not the duty of the priesthood, or the chief executive, the king, (or the president) but it was the duty of parents to educate their children. The Jewish parent was taught that the word of God was to be paramount in their teaching and they were to “teach them diligently unto thy children” and bind them “as frontlets between thine eyes” (Deuteronomy 6:7-8).

In the Christian tradition the apostle Paul taught that fathers had the chief responsibility in the education of their children, for we read: “And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4).

In early America there were no public schools, but every parent understood that they were to educate their own children.  Every parent took this responsibility seriously and as a result a very high percentage of children grew up being good readers and well educated.

Thomas Jefferson, our third president, was well educated, as evidenced by the writing of the Declaration of Independence.  He had an unusual attitude concerning education.

Thomas Jefferson believed only educated citizens could make the American experiment in self-government succeed. He proposed a system of broad, free, public education that was radical in his day and his founding of the University of Virginia partially achieved his larger goals.

President John F. Kennedy had this to say about the talent of Thomas Jefferson:

In a famous toast at a White House dinner in honor of 49 Nobel Prize winners, Kennedy said, “I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered together at the White House, with the possible exception of when  Thomas Jefferson dined alone”.

As a result of our great history children just naturally grew up being good readers and good citizens.  Understanding both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution was just basic to American education.

But this tradition was very gradually set aside, here a little, there a little.

In 1857 the National Education Association was founded; first as the National Teachers Association.  It had very worthy goals.

In Philadelphia, one hundred educators meet to form a national body. Its mission is “to elevate the character and advance the interest of the profession of teaching, and to promote the cause of popular education in the United States.” It is named the National Teachers  Association  (NTA).

The National Teachers Association later became the National Education Association (the NEA), and while it continued many years as a professional organization it ultimately became a union with greater emphasis on what helped teachers, rather than what was in the best interest of children.  It has grown to be the largest professional union in the United States.

That alone would not be a negative factor, but the NEA was gradually taken over by the Democrat Party and their liberal agenda, a form of Marxism.

That agenda has become more liberal as time has gone on until today the only things they seem concerned about are transgender justice, and more pay for teachers.

America was founded as a Christian nation, and most of our state criminal laws are based on the precepts of the Bible.  But gradually prayer and Bible reading were removed from the schools and there were no moral principles to take their place.

However, in Pierce v. Society of Sisters the Supreme Court made it clear that the control of children’s education belonged to the parents.

Associate Justice James Clark McReynolds wrote the opinion of the Court. He stated that children were not “the mere creature[s] of the state” (268 U.S. 510, 535), and that, by its very nature, the traditional American understanding of the term liberty prevented the state from forcing students to accept instruction only from public schools. He stated that this responsibility belonged to the child’s parents or guardians, and that the ability to make such a choice was a “liberty” protected by the Fourteenth Amendment.

The situation gradually changed until today parents who attend school board meetings and complain about conduct in the schools have been called “Domestic Terrorists

Although the role of the NEA has gradually changed by the middle of the 1950s the organization had ceased to be just a professional organization for educators and had become a full-blown teacher’s union.  It is now the largest union in the country, and most of the things they support are pretty radical.

Here is an interesting article that shows how Teacher Unions are destroying public education.  Although the teachers union pretends to be independent, the author insists that they are just a radical arm of the Democrat Party. 

With achievement levels the lowest they have ever been the only answer the union has is to spend more money.  Unfortunately, this is only a half truth, and a lot of quality education takes place at a much lower cost.  It is not the funds that make the difference, but the quality of the materials, and the quality of the teachers.  It is unfortunate that many teacher colleges are Marxist, and teachers trained there find it hard to overcome that training. 

Many people have complained about the public schools, but because they were single mothers, they did not feel they could do anything about it.  Truth is, if you are desperate enough you will find a solution.  I know one family where the father took his son to work with him every day.  Many mothers work at home with their children with them.

One solution is for a group of mothers to band together.  Each mother would teach one day, and then work five days.  Thus, in six days wholesome private education takes place.

If we expect to remain free, we will have to retake control of our education system.

Jim Hollingsworth is a graduate of Pensacola Christian College.  He has written five books with a sixth with the publisher.

Climate Change: A Convenient Truth

Cortez: A Biography

The Ancient Culture of the Aztec Empire

Abortion Compassion

Book of Romans: Commentary

Book of Galatians: Commentary (with the publisher)

Available wherever books are sold.

Thursday June 15, 2023

June 15, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I wlll raise him up at the last day. (John 6:44)

  1. Education: A Once-Noble Profession – American Thinker Jim Hollingsworth (See also the attached.)
  1. Trump Pleads Not Guilty
  1. Trump: Indictment a Continuing Witch Hunt: Election Interference
  1. Trump Comments After Indictment
  1. Trump Responds to indictment
  1. Marjorie Taylor Greene Lays it on the Line for Biden But, will anything come of it?
  1. SC Passes Bill to Outlaw Abortions After 6 Weeks: Probable Governor Signature
  1. Biden Compromised
  1. Biden: I’m Making Sure Trump Does Not Become President: Old Message
  1. Perry Vindicated: Bragg will lose this one
  1. Sick: Biden Pride Flag over U.S. Flag
  1. Tucker Carlson’s Last Speech
  1. Tucker Carlson Third Monologue
  1. Tucker Carlson Defends Trump After Indictment: Sins are Minor
  1. Political Comments About Trump indictment
  1. DeSantis Responds to Trump indictment
  1. DeSantis: Take On The Press
  1. Transgender Issues losing support
  1. Comments on Trump Indictment
  1. OPINION: Primary solution | Coeur d’Alene Press ( Brent Regan June 9, 2023
  1. Hunter Biden Could Face Jail, Unless???
  1. MY TURN: Betrayal of our military codes and creeds | Coeur d’Alene Press (
  1. Maine: Ranked Choice Voting Ranked choice Voting sounds great.  Get the second person you support.  Unfortunately Alaska demonstrated that the system can work against the best interest of the voters, so several states have outlawed the process.

Report: The Failed Experiment of Ranked-Choice Voting | Alaska Policy Forum

  1. Southern Baptist Convention Votes Saddleback out This is an interesting point.  The convention has a position that only men can be pastors.  Saddleback has some women pastors.  In the Bible there are many women who were much used of God.  At times when there were no spiritual men,  God used women.  But the Bible is a masculine book: God is the Father, a man.  Jesus, the Son, is a man.  All 12 apostles were men.  Timothy and Titus were men and others in the New Testament were men.  I know God does use some women where the men are not effective, but I do not think it is His best.  Rick Warren has had a successful ministry and wrote The Purpose Drive Life.  It is too bad he did not see the point.  I am confident that this move by the SBC will have no affect on their ministry.  People have a tendency to follow a leader, whether right or wrong.
  1. Coming Soon to Your City
  2. Epoch Times: Documentary: 2 Hours
  1. James Lindsay: Movie: The Reformers   American Thought Leaders: Epoch Times: James Lindsay
  1. Bannon: We are going on the Offense
  1. Mike Davis: FBI Redacted References To Recordings In Biden Allegation ‘Insurance Policy’
  2. Episode 2800: The Military Industrial Complex Is Failing In Ukraine
  3. Episode 2799: Breaking Down The Biden Laptop
  4. Bannon & Giuliani Blast Bill Barr For ‘Treason.’
  5. BREAKING: Garrett Ziegler Reveals Identity Of Second IRS Whistleblower On Biden Family Corruption.
  6. Episode 2798: Live From Young Women’s Leadership Conference Day 2 Cont.
  7. Episode 2797: Live From Young Women’s Leadership Conference Day 2
  8. “The Unabomber” Ted Kaczynski Pulls the Plug
  9. WarRoom Battleground EP 310: Take Down The CCP
  10. Episode 2796: Live From Turning Point Young Women’s Leadership Summit

Wednesday June 14, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

June 14, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few messages for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

The LORD is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works.

The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. (Psalm 145:17-18

Today is “Flag Day” a day we pay  tribute to our flag, and the sacrifices made for it and for what it stands.

  1. Biden: I’m Making Sure Trump Does Not Become President: Old Message
  1. Southern Baptist Convention: Women as Pastors???
  1. Patriot Front suspects appear in court | Coeur d’Alene Press ( Pictures of the 31 men and biased report.

Since these 31 men were arrested on June 12, 2022, I have seen nothing in the press about  a trial, or trials.  If you know any more I would appreciate knowing it.  Looking at their web site they sound fairly conservative.

  1. Action – Patriot Front
  1. Trouble for Biden
  1. House (Congress) Integrity: Reestablish Long Standing Rules
  1. Lawsuit: Bitcoin Value Collapse
  1. Senator Grassley: FBI Must Turn over unredacted 1023 to Congress 10 Min
  1. Form 1023 Incriminates the Biden Family: Will Congress ever get it? 10 Min
  1. Navajos blockade road, protest Oil Leasing Ban
  1. Tribal Lands: An Overview ( Most Indian tribes do not own their tribal lands, but they are held in trust by the Federal Government.  Maybe this should change for the benefit of the natives.
  1. Students Boo Pride Film: Teacher Threatens Saturday School
  1. Vivek Ramaswamy teaches CNN Reporter about Trump Indictment Ten Minutes Video
  1. Steve Deace Talks Nefarious Movie | Pastor Mark Driscoll – Bing video
  1. Senator Mike Lee, UT.  Debt Bill a bad bill
  1. Taiwan sends war plans to counter China planes in their air space
  1. Biden Administration Complains about bussing of immigrants
  1. Trucker Tells Story of Ballots hauled from NY to Pennsylvania

Tuesday June 13, 2023 Attachment

Bob Shillingstad

June 8, 2023

The Power of One Person

We The Patriots USA Conference

Last weekend Jane and I attended the National Conference of “We The Patriots USA”  in Boise with several hundred fellow patriots.  This organization has moved their headquarters from Connecticut to the Boise area to escape as other refugees have done moving out of the coastal areas. It was a great conference that included Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, Charlie Kirk, Steve Deace and many other speakers.  If there was one consistent message throughout it was this: Be courageous and don’t be silent no matter the cost, you can make a difference.

We saw this even in Kellogg, Idaho with Travis Lohr a high school senior denied the right to walk in high school graduation with classmates.  His crime? He spoke to the students in the lower grades the truth that “boys are boys and girls are girls”.  Physicians like Dr. McCullough and Dr. Cole have paid a higher price professionally for speaking out.  When asked if he would do it again, Dr. Cole responded, “In a heartbeat”.

It is incumbent upon all of is to speak out against the insanity but to frame it in light of God’s truth, ultimate truth.  The truths that our founders anchored our founding documents in. We need to be bold in our witness of the gospel.   Some may ask the question, “What good can one person do?”  There are dozens of examples in the Bible but also so many examples in our country’s history.  Let me tell you about two men you may have never heard of but their story should be taught to our children and grandchildren.  A free black man in the early 19th century who went by the name of “Black Harry” and another man by the name of Jeremiah Lampier who lived in the middle of the 19th century.

Black Harry, his preferred name, was born in North Carolina around 1750. After being converted, he discovered an immense preaching gift. Francis Asbury answered the call of John Wesley to advance the Methodist movement in America, and Black Harry was his traveling partner. Eventually Harry himself started preaching, often to groups of slaves and later to white churches.  He went off by himself to the “Northwest Territory” of the Ohio River region visiting communities and preaching in areas that would later become Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and other states.  Many years later travelers coming through this area would comment on various communities that they were “different”.  Nice settlements, few taverns and many churches.  When they asked about what made these places so different the answer was, “they are just a bunch of Hoosiers.”  You see “Black Harry’s” last name was Hoosier.  Now you know who made that difference and where the name “Hoosier” came from— especially in Indiana!

If you don’t know about Jeremiah Lampier you will be amazed what this layman accomplished by starting a simple prayer meeting in New York City.  The stock market crashed  and the panic of 1857 caused some to commit suicide, but others knew where to go to pray.  Slavery had deeply divided the nation. This prayer revival became the “third great awakening” in America. The unity among believers was simply amazing.  Pastors wept as they watched, for they were not the leaders but their job was to oversee what God had done.  One traveler reported that he had come from Omaha, Nebraska and encountered prayer meetings continuously for two thousand miles to the East Coast!  In three years one million out of a population of 28 million (4%) were saved in America alone.

The country still went through a terrible civil war and the division was deep as slavery was abolished.  What was the purpose of this revival?  Did it prepare us for the testing that lay ahead?  Out of this prayer revival did come leaders like Dwight Moody after the war and others who brought about much needed social change.

Our country in the same ways is facing another deep division and dividing into tribes. We saw hundreds of people volunteer to defeat library boards who wanted to groom our children. More work is needed this fall to reform school boards. The election in 2024 may be our most important since 1860 to save our country.  But the reminder is before us that one person, trusting in God, proclaiming truth, filled with His spirit, can effect much change.  Be bold, have courage and don’t be cowed into compromise.

Tuesday June 13, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

June 13, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few messages for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

I WAS glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD. Psalm 122:1

  1. Please see the attached article by Bob Shillingstad.
  1. Biden Administration Complains about bussing of immigrants
  1. Huge Tanker Fire Under Bridge: Bridge Collapses
  1. Picture: Philadelphia Bridge Collapse
  1. Congressman, former WH Doctor, Ronny Jackson, Biden Not Physically able to continue being President
  1. Parents protest removal of Bible from School Libraries
  1. Australian Bus Crash Kills 10, Injures Others
  1. News With Views – Where Reality Shatters Illusion This is a web site with a lot of good information.
  1. Tucker Carlson, Ron DeSantis to speak at Family Leadership Conference in Iowa July 14
  1. British History of Wind should stop our own plans
  1. Chris Christy, Presidential Candidate: His Words Will Bite Him
  1. Chris Christy: Not George Washington Policy, But Woodrow Wilson, a loser
  1. Supporting EV; Chevy to Produce Last of a Popular Model
  1. FBI Makes Document Against Biden Available to Congressional Committee
  1. Rep Jim Jordan Defends Trump in CNN Interview
  1. AZ Governor Hobbs Vetoes Anti-transgender Bills
  1. OPINION: Primary solution | Coeur d’Alene Press ( Brent Regan Commentary.
  1. Florida Mayor Charged with Election Fraud  
  1. South Korean Plans to go for Net Zero will leave many in the dark
  1. Arnold  Schwarzenegger may have been a California governor; he may even be a good movie star, but he knows nothing about climate science, and could lead many to their deaths
  1. OPINION: A documentary to watch | Coeur d’Alene Press ( Patrick Whalen: Commentary on Film: “What is a Woman?”
  1. When being examined to be a justice on the Supreme Court, one judge could not answer the question “What is a woman?”  Here is a documentary with Matt Walsh.  Be warned: there is some graphic medical language in the video and some graphic interviews and a lot of craziness.  Video 1.5 hours

What is a woman? – Full Documentary ( This is the full documentary with Matt Walsh

  1. Jordan Peterson: Matt Walsh: What is a Woman This is an interview/commentary on the film “What is a woman?”  This also has some graphic medical language.
Democrats in the Senate have introduced legislation to make Washington DC a state and they’re seeing OVERWHELMING SUPPORT.

This is NOT a threat to be taken lightly. DC is a FAR LEFT stronghold. Should it become a state, it would PERMANENTLY give Democrats two more far left Senators that they could use to transform America BEYOND RECOGNITION. 

The following Democrats are in FULL SUPPORT:
  Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) 
Tom Carper (D-Del.)
Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.)
Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) 
Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) 
Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.)
Cory Booker (D-N.J.)
Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) 
Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.
Ben Cardin (D-Md.)
Bob Casey (D-Pa.) 
Chris Coons (D-Del.) 
Catherine Cortez Masto (D-N.M.) 
Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.)
Richard Durbin (D-Ill.)
Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) 
John Fetterman (D-Pa.) 
Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.) 
Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) 
John Hickenlooper (D-Colo.) 
Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii)
Tim Kaine (D-Va.)

  Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.)
Ben Ray Lujan (D-N.M.)
Ed Markey (D-Mass.)
Bob Menendez (D-N.J.)
Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.)
Chris Murphy (D-Conn.)
Patty Murray (D-Wash.)
Jon Ossoff (D-Ga.)
Alex Padilla (D-Calif.)
Gary Peters (D-Mich.)
Jack Reed (D-R.I.)
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)
Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii)
Tina Smith (D-Minn.)
Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.)
Mark Warner (D-Va.)
Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.)
Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)
Peter Welch (D-Vt.)
Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.)
Ron Wyden (D-Ore.).

The Democrats are in FULL CONTROL of the Senate and the White House. Chuck Schumer wants this to happen. Joe Biden wants this to happen. 

A Republican House is the LAST line of defense. 

Democrats know they can’t win with standard tactics so they’re making a power play by trying to flip the game board to their advantage! 

It is IMPERATIVE that we stop this radical power grab right here and now. If the Dems get away with this, NOTHING. ELSE. MATTERS.    Thank you, 
Kevin McCarthy; US House Speaker

Monday June 12, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

June 12, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few messages for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. (Psalm 119:15)

  1. Someone recently asked me why I am still supporting Donald J. Trump for president.  For me it is fairly simple.

First off, as of today there are 15 people running for president.  Outside of Governor Ron DeSantis, who is America’s governor, none of the rest are getting much traction.  However, if people vote for any of them it helps to split the vote and so helps Trump.

I support Trump because he made some promises and he kept those promises.  I do not think I would want him for a friend, nor would I want him for pastor of my church, but I think he is ideal for president.  For one thing he has the experience; we know what he would do because we saw what he did.  None of the rest really have any of that experience, except for the possibility of Mike Pence.

If you want to know what is important to Donald Trump, just follow Joe Biden, as he set out to undo every good thing that Trump did.

More than anything he set out to make America great, and he had some success.

Did he do some things with which I disagreed?  You bet.  For one thing he had Dr Will Happer, a great climate scientist, for about a year and gave him little support.

For another thing he should have fired Dr. Fauci, and put Dr Scott Atlas in his place.  After six months Dr. Atlas just gave up trying to reach the other doctors with the truth.

Finally, he made a grave error pushing the vaccine.  He should have consulted some doctors who are real professionals in their field and they would have told him that it takes ten years to prove a vaccine.

Anyway, I will continue to support Trump until someone proves to be better.  There are some really good people running, but they are not getting much traction.

  1. Trump’s Support of Vaccines and his refusal to fire Fauci; are tough skeletons
  1. Jim Jordan: Do No Reauthorize Section 702 Surveillance
  1. Hijacked Turkish Cargo Ship Rescued
  1. Arnold  Schwarzenegger may have been a California governor; he may even be a good movie star, but he knows nothing about climate science, and could lead many to their deaths
  1. Pro-life students who were forced to support Planned Parenthood have sued their professor
  1. If Even Socialist Countries can ban Transgender mutilations, what about the more conservative world?
  1. California Democrat Lawmakers are Insane: Proposed law would make it illegal to confront shop lifters When will the citizens of California wake up and put some real Americans in office?
  1. Tucker Carlson: Talk of Russian Dam Destruction caused his firing
  1. Republican James Comey Supports Joe Biden for 2024
  1. Proof: Biden Guilty of Crimes: Will he be prosecuted?  Don’t Hold Your Breath.?
  1. Insane Climate Policy
  1. Who is More Pro-life: Trump, DeSantis?
  1. Plain Clothed Police in Crowd Jan 6
  1. Early Risers are More Blessed,  survey shows
  1. Barney Frank: It Was a Mistake to indict Trump
  1. Ann Seddon talks about wind energy.  Wind machines wear out but not fossil fuels
  1. When being examined to be a justice on the Supreme Court, one judge could not answer the question “What is a woman?”  Here is a documentary with Matt Walsh.  Be warned: there is some graphic medical language in the video and some graphic interviews and a lot of craziness.  Video 1.5 hours

What is a woman? – Full Documentary ( This is the full documentary with Matt Walsh

  1. Jordan Peterson: Matt Walsh: What is a Woman This is an interview/commentary on the film “What is a woman?”  This also has some graphic medical language.

Sunday June 11, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

June 11, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;

Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses.

Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! (Psalm 107:2, 5, 8)

  1. Barney Frank: Mistake to indict Trump
  1. Second Talk: Tucker Carlson
  1. Trump Mar a Lago indictment unsealed’
  1. McCarthy Appears to be Winning the Battle Even a blind person can see that McCarthy gave away much more than he got from the Biden Administration.  Republicans control the house; they should have made better use of that fact.  Now what is going to happen with digital money in July?  Congress does not seem to be concerned about it.
  1. AI: Every time a new labor-saving item is produced many job losses are predicted. Labor has always complained about any labor-saving device, yet history indicates that all have benefited from these devices.  Think locomotive and cars as against covered wagons.  I will have to be shown that this new thing is a detriment to industry.
  1. Judge Jeanine Pirro: Trump Indictment: Today I am ashamed of American  Jurisprudence  
  1. Marjorie Taylor Greene: FBI Has two more Biden 1023 Files
  1. FBI to be Charged: Contempt of Congress: Deliver the Form
  1. Here’s a list of Republican 2024 presidential candidates : NPR Everyone who runs for president is just one more vote for Trump.  There are now 15 running; see the list.
  1. GOP presidential candidate Doug Burgum, governor of North Dakota, makes Iowa debut (
  1. Governor Newsom Threatens Kidnapping Charges Against Governor DeSantis: Plane load of illegals
  1. Kidnapped Woman Rescued by Officer at Traffic Stop
  1. Highly Talented Asian-American Rejected by Prestigious Universities: If you are Asian and apply; no photo, don’t  answer ethnic questions
  1. Biden Calls Bribery Charge a Bunch of Malarky
  1. Trump Indictment Doesn’t Pass Nixon Test: Keep Watching: Biden

Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz says Trump’s indictment doesn’t pass the Nixon test.

  1. Trump Calls Smith a psycho: Keep Watching: Biden Lies   
  1. Trump Says DOJ is Corrupt: indictment
  1. RF Kennedy Jr Called a Republican
  1. Parents protest removal of Bible from School Libraries
  1. Casey Whalen with Trevor Loudon: Marxism in our communities, government, churches and schools

Saturday June 10, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

June 10, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

MAKE a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.

Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.

Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise;  be thankful unto him, and bless is name.

For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations. (Psalm 100:1-5)

  1. Jordan Peterson: Matt Walsh: What is a Woman
  1. Parents protest removal of Bible from School Libraries
  1. Judge Blocks enforcement of Florida law against transgender procedures
  1. FBI Agrees to let committee see Report on Biden: Cannot have a copy?
  1. Possible Contempt of Congress for FBI Leader
  1. Looks Like Biden Guilty of Treason: But Nothing will be done about it.  The FBI has the evidence, but they are not about to share it and had it not been for the whistleblower Congress would not even known about the evidence.  They may be held in contempt, but they still will do nothing.  If anything does come forth it will be heavily redacted.
  1. President Biden’s Air Force Academy Fall further proof he is not qualified to be president: Dr.  Ronny Jackson (Former Whitehouse Doctor.  The press loves to comment and comment on the physical failures of the president.  Well, anyone can fall, even at 18.  All this discussion hides his dismal failure in Afghanistan, his policies on inflation and energy, as well as LGBTQ+, and the war in Ukraine.  That is where the true failures lie.
  1. Lightning strikes historic church; burns to the ground
  1. Another Republican Enters Presidential Race: The More who run the better for Trump as it divides the vote.?
  1. Trump: No Justice for Republican Candidates, politicians
  1. News Maricopa County Arizona Election
  1. Robert F. Kennedy, right about guns, drugs, wrong about other things.  Kennedy is a breath of fresh air among Democrats, but we do have to keep in mind two things; 1) Kennedy is still a Democrat, and 2) he is still a Kennedy.  It will be very hard for him to accept most American Freedom agenda items.
  1. RF Kennedy Jr, Serous Challenge to Joe Biden: Close Border, End Ukraine War Robert Kennedy sounds good.  He sounds good even as a Democrat.  Plus, he is in trouble with his Kennedy family.  Still, one has to recognize that he is still a Democrat, and still a Kennedy.  What does he really believe?  He has taken a strong stand against drug companies.  Compared to other Democrats he is a breath of fresh air.
  1. Dick Morris on Trump Endictment
  1. Tucker Carlson What he said.
  1. Tucker Carlson on Twitter: Sued: Ukraine Dam, UFOs, Controlled News
  1. No Free Speech at University of Pittsburgh, and they bill the speakers $18,734 for security
  1. From Carol Goodman, sent by her grandson. The baby does not want to be called a Democrat.

Tre Pennie, Ed.D, M.A. on Instagram: “Well… At least “the baby” gets it! Nobody wants to be a Democrat!🤣”

  1. California again leading the way in destroying America!!

          Shoplifting made legal in CA.

Under the guise of a workplace “safety” law, CA just passed Senate Bill 533 that requires employer’s to have a plan that forbids employees from stopping or confronting shoplifters. IN other words, it will now be a CRIME to confront shoplifters.  And EMPLOYERS will be liable if employees try to stop shoplifting.

Because that will “prevent” violence.

You know, the violence that criminals do when confronted while shopfliting.


You know where this goes:

This will create a shoplifting CRISIS in California.

And the Democrats will EXPLOIT this crisis to take away rights of non-criminal citizens in favor of those poor, poor, neglected criminals that keep pouring out of CA’s school system.

But, hey.

I need a new $15,000 carbon fiber mountain bike for a trip I’m taking in the Fall, so I’m looking at bike stores close to the AZ border so I can visit and get one for free.

Samit K. Bhattacharyya, Ph.D.,P.E.

President, RENMAR Enterprises, Inc
123 Savannah Pointe
North Augusta, SC 29841

  1. Climate Activists deflating tires on SUVs; radical action explained

The only thing working against statements made by climate activists like Al Gore is the truth.  It appears that telling the truth has never been necessary for Al Gore.

“In fact, former Vice President Al Gore claimed in 2009 that “man-made global warming” would cause the polar ice caps to be completely melted during the summer months by 2013 – spoiler alert: a 2022 study conducted by the NOAA revealed that Antarctic sea ice has increased in size since 1979.”

  1. Southern Poverty Law Center Labels Moms for Liberty as Extremists It would not make any difference what the SPLC believed, except that the Federal Government considers them to be on the up and up, so they listen.  Take a few minutes and look them up online and see how they collect millions supporting pro bono lawsuits.
  1. Here is just one article about the Southern Poverty Law Center.  There is more information when you study the divorce of Morris Dees, the director of SPLC.
  1. Southern Poverty Law Center Transfers Millions in Cash to Offshore Entities (
  1. Oregon Legislative Update
Oregon Legislative Update Hello, Welcome back to my newsletter, and thank you for reading. Senator Daniel Bonham, District 26. Democrats are Holding the Session Hostage My colleagues and I are willing to return to the Legislature to work on bipartisan bills and the state budget. But the Democrats in control would rather sacrifice bipartisan legislation on wildfire, behavioral health, housing, and education in favor of an agenda that is unlawful, uncompromising, and unconstitutional. HB 2002 is an attack on the innocence of children and Oregon families. They are holding the issues that matter most to hard-working Oregonians hostage. My quote in a recent New York Times article about the walkout: “‘Taking this stand was a moral obligation for me,’ Mr. Bonham said. He said that when he left the Senate chamber, he purposely left a Bible on his desk there, open to a passage in which Jesus says that anyone who causes a child to stumble should perhaps be drowned with a millstone around his or her neck.” The Bible does not mince words in Matthew 18:6, for a reason. Children must be protected. In walking out, I am fighting to protect Oregon children and families, and the rights of parents and guardians

Samit K. Bhattacharyya, Ph.D.,P.E.

President, RENMAR Enterprises, Inc
123 Savannah Pointe
North Augusta, SC 29841

Friday, June 9, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

June 9, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few messages for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

But godliness with contentment is great gain.

For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.

And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. (1 Timothy 6:6-8)

  1. Dick Morris on Trump Endictment
  1. Canadian Media Blame Climate Change for Fires, even though several arsonists have been arrested
  1. The Common Narrative is that the world is about to end because of climate change.  The truth is that there is a tiny portion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and man controls a tiny portion of that.  
  1. Crowded Presidential Field Helps Trump
  1. RF Kennedy at Border: Trump Pressure
  1. Newsmax: Fox: Tucker Carlson Violated Contract: Other Newsmax Stories
  1. Newsom of California threatens to arrest DeSantis over a few illegals dropped at his doorstep
  1. University stirs up protest against campus event: demands payment for security
  1. House conservatives seek revenge over Debt Limit Bill signed by Biden
  1. One solution to the border crisis  
  1. Some Poll Numbers: With election 1.5 years away there seems to be a lot of attention, Now.
  1. The Federalist: Washington Post Smears Home-schooling; but it won’t stop loss from Public School Indoctrination

To the Post, helping subvert a Christian family is all in a day’s work. And herding Christian kids into public schools is a major part of that self-righteous effort. But it’s not going to work, because far too many parents view The Washington Post’s bankrupt moral outrage against their choices as a badge of honor.