Saturday November 4, 2023 Attachment

Jim Hollingsworth

November 1, 2022


Carbon dioxide has been called a poison, yet it is actually the sustainer of all life on Earth.  Plants grow from the carbon in carbon dioxide in the air, and animals grow from the carbon in the plants they eat.  So, carbon dioxide cannot be a poison.

Turn on the television any day of the week and there is apt to be some discussion or news about some aspect of energy use.

All these programs are based on one very important foundation.  That is the belief that as carbon dioxide levels rise the earth will get warmer, and will continue to warm until, with positive feedbacks, it burns up with us on it.

Few have ever taken the time to see if the foundation upon which they were operating was actually true.  Few even dared to ask a working scientist for the Truth  in the matter.

The truth is that carbon dioxide is needed by every plant on the earth.  Trees, bushes and plants of all kinds are made mainly of carbon and hydrogen, and the carbon comes from the tiny amount of carbon dioxide that is in the air.

At the present time our atmosphere is made up of about 417.06 parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide.  That isn’t much, but from that tiny portion comes all the plants we can see around us, from vegetables in our gardens to the trees that shade our yards or the ones on the mountains from which we harvest the lumber to build our homes.

There is no question that carbon dioxide is increasing.  It has been increasing for about 200 years.  The only result has been a greening of the earth.  In fact, with higher levels of carbon dioxide things grow better.  Even the deserts are getting Greener.

Most officials have continued to blame man for increased carbon dioxide and rising temperatures.  It is far more likely that rising temperatures have been caused by changes in the Sun.  Those changes have continued to warm the oceans, and as they have warmed, they have given up quantities of carbon dioxide.  There is about 50 times more carbon dioxide in the Ocean than there is in the atmosphere.  The oceans are very deep and they change temperature very slowly so they will continue to give up carbon dioxide for a very long time.  In fact, there are methane compounds at the bottom of the ocean that include ice.  These are called Clathrates.

They tell us that this year is the warmest the earth has ever been.  Even if that were true (and it is not) it would only amount to a small portion of a degree.  When the temperature goes from 100 degrees in summer to minus 30 degrees in winter, a part of a degree would hardly appear to be a problem.

Not only that, the earth has been a lot warmer in the past with a lot more carbon dioxide.  Even within recorded history the earth has been Warmer in the past. (1936)

Every time there is some kind of a disaster, we are told that it was caused by climate change, and that man is the main cause of climate change.  Even some children have gotten into the act, with one challenging the world with her comments “How dare you”.

 One group of children in Montana sued the state over Climate Change and actually won the case.  This is hard to believe.

The numbers, however, do not support what they have been saying.  None of the natural disasters have increased in recent years.  There have not been More Floods, Hurricanes, Droughts, or Wildfires, in recent history.  These have all gone down in frequency.  Some disasters, like hurricanes, have become more expensive, but that is primarily because many beautiful and expensive homes have been built in the natural paths of these storms.  The storms, themselves, have actually decreased in frequency.

2005 saw one of the worst natural disasters with the Katrina hurricane.  The town of New Orleans was mainly flooded.  Many people lost their lives.  Yet, as far as hurricanes go this one was only a category 3, not one of the worst.  It seemed so bad that even worse storms were predicted for the next year.  But there were actually no more serious hurricanes for the next ten years (Hurricane Harvey, 2017).

It is bad enough that many of these programs have been built on a false foundation, in truth many of them have not been really beneficial.

Large solar farms are built on the desert, but in just a few years the projects have Failed.

Wind turbines wear out, catch fire and break down totally.  They presently cannot be Recycled and must be buried.  The only parts that can be recycled are in the generator itself.

One city bought several electric Buses, but in just a short time quit using them as being impractical.

Electric vehicles may be practical to drive from home to office and back again, but not very practical on long trips.  It is necessary to stop every few hours and charge the batteries, and sometimes it is very Difficult to find a proper charging station.

Those who have lived near the coast have seen their cars flooded with sea water, then their cars caught fire as their batteries shorted out.

Not only that, but the driving range is radically reduced when driving in summer (air conditioning) or when using them in winter (heater).  With an internal combustion engine, the waste heat is removed with the radiator, and that same heat is used to heat the car inside.

Electric vehicles were manufactured about the turn of the Twentieth Century, but people quit using them after the internal combustion engine was invented.

Modern civilization has been built on the wise use of energy.  The first oil that was refined into kerosene maybe saved the whales, since whale oil was no longer needed for kerosene lamps.  (First kerosene made from coal, called “coal oil”.)

Our electricity is primarily produced by hydroelectric, coal, nuclear and natural gas.  Our cars run on gasoline, and we drive across the country without giving it much thought. 

Our fertilizer, that is so vital for agriculture, is manufactured using natural gas (methane, CH4).  This has allowed our agriculture to soar.  If we quit using natural gas in this way much of the world will simply starve.

They say they want to eliminate fossil fuels.  They do not know what they are talking about.  Someone has documented over 6,000 things made from fossil fuels.  Stand in any isle in the grocery store and imagine no plastic, no plastic containers, no plastic bags, nothing.  Even some of the foods we eat are made from fossil fuels.

Our highways are made from fossil fuels, our roofs covered with tar-based roofing.  Our fences are made of vinyl, our plumbing of vinyl, much of our siding is vinyl, a form of plastic.

Those who want to eliminate carbon dioxide need to find out why carbon dioxide is so important before they try to move ahead.

Jim Hollingsworth is a graduate of Pensacola Christian College with a master’s degree in Biblical Studies.

He has written five books:

Climate Change: A Convenient Truth

Cortez: A Biography

The Ancient Culture of the Aztec Empire

Exposition of Romans

Available where books are sold.

Saturday November 4, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. (Acts 5:29)

U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 10, Paragraph 3

No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

If you live in Idaho don’t forget to vote on Tuesday November 7.  Please support candidates who support America First.  If you live in Kootenai County you can see some suggestions at the end of this message.

  1. Carbon Dioxide: Vital Plant Food – American Thinker Also see the attached.  This message needs to get to every Democrat in the nation, especially in government.
  2. One NFL Team Shows Support for the Flag
  3. Judge’s Clerk Charged with Ethics Violations  (Trump Trial)
  4. Home Schooling On the Rise: Failure of Public Schools the Primary Cause
  1. Muslims Threaten to Drop Support over Biden Support of Israel
  1. Full List of Republicans Opposed to Israel Aid Packages (
  1. President Threatens to Veto Aid to Israel Bill because no aid for Palestine
  1. 14.8 billion for Israel to come from unspent IRS Funding
  1. Israel: No Cease Fire Until the Victory Is Won
  1. Some Muslims Threaten Biden to Withdraw Support over Gaza Policies?
  1. Congressman Ilhan Omar losing fight for Hamas
  1. A New Way of Doing Things  (New Speaker, New Program.)
  1. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) Rips Pro-Israel Group as Racist and Bigoted


  1. Democrats say Carville should stop talking about Biden’s Chances in 2024
  1. Gaza War News
  1. Senator Cruz takes stand against Illegal Biden Appointment
  1. Courts Support Second Amendment 
  1. Mike Johnson a softer-spoken Jim Jordan; but a Jim Jordan none-the-less
  1. Disgraced Liz Chaney for President?
  1. Democrats Would Eliminate the Second Amendment Australia has no Second Amendment like we do, so they lost their right to own guns.  That seems silly for a country like Australia.  Could that happen here?  Only if they eliminate the Supreme Court and the Second Amendment.  Just one more reason not to call for a Constitutional Convention.
  1. Florida Senator Rick Scott Endorses Donald Trump: Calls for Unity
  1. The House spent several weeks in selecting a Speaker.  It did not appear that they would ever select a speaker as there were many holdouts.  Then they did select a Speaker, and it was a unanimous vote; no one voted against him.

            Several Congressmen who have known Mike Johnson a long time really feel good about him.  We have had so many speakers in the past who betrayed the American people, so it was encouraging to have someone as Speaker who

            believed in the founding and the good things in America.

            Mike Johnson appears to be a Christian.  He says the Bible is his platform.  He     appears to stand in all the right places, so that is encouraging.

            Let’s face it.  He hopes to balance the budget.  The Senate will never go for that, so where is this headed?  They have to accomplish a lot by November 17, just   two weeks.  Impossible!

            Now I think it not good policy to follow any politician without question.  One needs to be alert to what he may do.  But we can judge by what he does, not what he            says.

            At least he is saying the right things.  Here are some of those things.

            Just like Newt Gingrich had “The Contract With America”, Mr. Johnson has listed what he has called “Core Principles of Conservatives” or “America’s Principles”.  These are the following seven things:

  1. Individual Freedom
  2. Limited Government
  3. Rule of Law
  4. Peace Through Strength
  5. Fiscal Responsibility
  6. Free Markets
  7. Human Dignity

            Now these sound good to me.  Sure, you can include a lot of things under those   titles so we will have to see what comes.  At least it is something we can pray     about.  Remember that this man is a Constitutional lawyer who has argued cases before the Supreme Court.  Let us give him the benefit of the doubt and work to         help these things come true.

            Jim Hollingsworth

23.Here is some information about elections in Kootenai County, Idaho November 7, 2023

Kootenai County Republican Voter Guide: Print this out and share with your friends.

Sample+Ballot+Download+Nov-2023.pdf (

Alan Davis is running for Mayor of Hayden, Idaho.  He lists the following groups who support him.

Luke Sommers is running against Davis.  I have known Luke for many years and believe he is the best candidate.  Do we always agree?  Probably not, but looking at the alternative he is obviously the better choice. 

Here are some of the people who have endorsed  Alan Davis for Hayden Mayor.

Note where these people stand who have endorsed Alan Davis.

(You might want to save this information just in case anyone asks you about any of these groups.)

North Idaho Republicans would have you believe they are the true Republicans in our county.  However, they were not elected like the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee, and have no official status.  There are a few good people in the group, but most are just weak Republicans.

North Idaho Republicans

Founding Members (

Citizens to Elect Qualified Experienced Candidates (CEQEC)


2021 Ballot — CEQEC ( You will notice that not one of those supported by the official Kootenai County Republicans is supported by this group.  Seems fairly liberal.

Save North Idaho College, Save NIC This group is against the present leaders who are attempting to bring the college to be more in line with the citizens of Kootenai County.

Nonpartisan Doctors of Coeur d’Alene (NDOC)


NDOC announces candidate endorsements | Coeur d’Alene Press ( These candidates are among the more liberal.

Here is a little history so you can who they supported in the past.

Physicians endorse Broschet, Corkill and Zimmerman | Coeur d’Alene Press (

Democrats and Republicans Together

Democrats and Republicans Together (DART) — Idaho ‘Non-Partisan’ Group Seeks to Subvert Local Elections — Idaho Tribune

According to the Tribune the Democrats and Republicans Together is a far left, Democrat Group.  Not really non-partisan.

In Idaho, Non-partisan means Left Wing Democrats. Tribune.

More information about DART.

DART takes election aim | Coeur d’Alene Press (

Friday November 3, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

November 3, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye.

For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.  (Acts 4:19-20)

U.S. Constitution: Article I, Section 10, Paragraph 2

No State shall, without the Consent of the  Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it’s inspection Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Controul of the Congress.

  1. Judge Blocks Democrats over Gun Control Law
  1. New Ambassador to Israel is Anti-Israel
  1. Major Off Shore Wind Developer Abandons two Projects
  1. Trump Files Lawsuit to stay on the Ballot in Michigan
  1. New Oregon Standards: No Reading, Writing, Math: Alex Newman: Can Graduate
  1. Remarkable Criticism of Speaker Mike Johnson
  1. US, China Relations
  1. Some Senators Stand Against Senator Tuberville and his stand against Military Abortion Policies
  1. Senator Tuberville: No Military Confirmations Until Abortion Policy Changed
  1. First Gaza Refugees Allowed Into Egypt
  1. ACLU Supports Trump Free Speech
  1. Large Demonstrations in Arab Countries; Cut Ties with Israel
  1. Intel Community to be investigated
  1. House Votes Not to Expel NY Santos
  1. Here is a letter I sent to a few Congressmen yesterday.


            The Federal program to close off parts of the West must be stopped Now.


            Jim Hollingsworth

            Stop Closure of Western Lands

  1. Conservative School Boards Under a Lot of Pressure We have seen it here in Kootenai County, Idaho.  The left does not give up easily, especially as involves children.  If they can condition them to be socialists, by the time they graduate our country will be lost.  School board elections are among the most important in the nation.   The National Education Association is anti-education and must be stopped.
  1. Trial To Remove Trump from Ballot in Colorado  This is most interesting.  Did they confiscate guns from the Jan 6 demonstrators?  Did a policeman lie under oath about his injuries?  This trial is on pretty shaky grounds as Trump was never convicted, or even charged with “insurrection”.
  1. Alabama Withdraws from Marxist American Library Association Some have insisted that these books should not be in the children’s section of a library.  I happen to disagree.  I believe there is no redeeming quality to the books in question and there can be no justification for having them in the library: period.  There are literally millions of good books in print; why should we spend money on junk and make it available?  Many of these books if they were on your computer could get you arrested for having pornography.  It makes perfectly good sense therefore to just not carry these books.  Libraries make choices and there is no reason they should not make great choices.
  1. NASA Scientist Issues Grim Warning Dr Hansen made a “grim warning” in 1988.  He was wrong.  In 2009 he published a most interesting book: Storms of my Grandchildren: The Truth About The Coming Climate Catastrophe And Our Last Chance to Save Humanity.  He was wrong then, and he is still wrong.

            Here is what I wrote about Dr. Hansen and his book in 2010.  What Dr Hansen      predicted with some urgency did not happen.  He still believes it will happen. But        he is dead wrong.  We need to share this information broadly.

            (Book Review) James Hansen’s “Storms of My Grandchildren: The Truth About the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity” (alarmism on steroids) – Master Resource

21.Here is some information about elections in Kootenai County, Idaho November 7, 2023

Kootenai County Republican Voter Guide: Print this out and share with your friends.

Sample+Ballot+Download+Nov-2023.pdf (

Alan Davis is running for Mayor of Hayden, Idaho.  He lists the following groups who support him.

Luke Sommers is running against Davis.  I have known Luke for many years and believe he is the best candidate.  Do we always agree?  Probably not, but looking at the alternative he is obviously the better choice. 

Here are some of the people who have endorsed  Alan Davis for Hayden Mayor.

Note where these people stand who have endorsed Alan Davis.

(You might want to save this information just in case anyone asks you about any of these groups.)

North Idaho Republicans would have you believe they are the true Republicans in our county.  However, they were not elected like the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee, and have no official status.  There are a few good people in the group, but most are just weak Republicans.

North Idaho Republicans

Founding Members (

Citizens to Elect Qualified Experienced Candidates (CEQEC)


2021 Ballot — CEQEC ( You will notice that not one of those supported by the official Kootenai County Republicans is supported by this group.  Seems fairly liberal.

Save North Idaho College, Save NIC This group is against the present leaders who are attempting to bring the college to be more in line with the citizens of Kootenai County.

Nonpartisan Doctors of Coeur d’Alene (NDOC)


NDOC announces candidate endorsements | Coeur d’Alene Press ( These candidates are among the more liberal.

Here is a little history so you can who they supported in the past.

Physicians endorse Broschet, Corkill and Zimmerman | Coeur d’Alene Press (

Democrats and Republicans Together

Democrats and Republicans Together (DART) — Idaho ‘Non-Partisan’ Group Seeks to Subvert Local Elections — Idaho Tribune

According to the Tribune the Democrats and Republicans Together is a far left, Democrat Group.  Not really non-partisan.

In Idaho, Non-partisan means Left Wing Democrats. Tribune.

More information about DART.

DART takes election aim | Coeur d’Alene Press (

Thursday November 2, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

November 2, 2023  

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; (Acts 3:19)

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 10, Paragraph 1

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

  1. At Least 500 Americans Trapped in Gaza
  1. Congressman to Testify in Colorado Trump Ballot Trial
  1. 82,000 emails uncovered where Biden used false names  That seems like a lot of emails.  Could Biden have actually done that?
  1. Dallas Mayor, formerly Democrat, Now Republican: Tough on Crime Pays
  1. New Country Declares War on Israel
  1. Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) / X ( Check it out: Lots of Carlson posts.
  1. New Deal for Tucker Carlson
  1. Biden Press Secretary Seems to be Always in Trouble
  1. Whistleblowers Back “Police State” D’Souza Film From the maker of 2,000 Mules, the Election Fraud Movie
  1. America Is At War: Ralph Ginorio
  1. Wind and Solar are Not Sustainable   Nearly everyone knows this, but that does not stop the government from moving ahead with this insanity.
  1. Attack on Our Military
  1. Man Accused of Attempting to Murder Justice Kavanaugh may not stand Trial
  1. Gun Sales Rise in Israel
  1. Court: Leave Border Barrier in Place: For Now
  1. Biden: The Smoking Gun
  1. Israel Kills Top Hamas Commander
  1. Is the World About to End Because of Climate Change?  Not Hardly!
  1. Tucker Carlson: Autopsy Report Indicates George Floyd was not Murdered Will the police officers ever be freed, and find justice?  A new trial is needed.
  1. Coal to Liquid Hydrocarbons  First kerosene was made from coal, so it was called “coal oil”
  1. Liquid Hydrocarbons from Coal 37 pages
  1. Leaving California, Moving to Florida
  1. Israel Strikes 150 Hamas Tunnel Sites
  1. Dozens of Foreign Passport Holders Leave Gaza For Egypt
  1. What is the Judeo-Christian Tradition?
  1. Arizona Kari Lake For Senate: America First, Sebastian Gorka   8 Minutes
  1. Liberals Hate the Truth: Speaker Johnson Says Bible is his platform: Pray it will Last Johnson may not do any better than others, except at least he is saying the right things.
  1. Thank God For the Constitution
  1. Will Joe Biden Get us into War in the Middle East?

“The Biden team appears to be betting that the new war between Israelis and             Palestinians could be a kind of tipping point — the president prefers the term             “inflection point” — that changes the political calculus at home. The new Middle    East crisis comes amid the ongoing Ukraine war and rising Sino-U.S. tensions   over Taiwan, along with a growing sense that Beijing, Moscow and Tehran are      increasingly aligned against Washington and gloating over Biden’s problems at     home and abroad,” POLITICO reports.

  1. Even with carbon emissions cuts, a key part of Antarctica is doomed to slow collapse, study says | Hosted Associated Press: 10-23-23

            “Though the full melt will take hundreds of years, slowly adding nearly 6 feet (1.8 meters) to sea levels, it will be enough to reshape where and how people live in           the future, the study’s lead author said.}”

            “Researchers used computer simulations to calculate future melting of protective ice shelves jutting over Antarctica’s Amundsen Sea in western Antarctica. The    study in Monday’s journal Nature Climate Change found even if future warming was limited to just a few tenths of a degree more – an international goal that     many scientists say is unlikely to be met – it would have “limited power to prevent       ocean warming that could lead to the collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.”

The people who make these pronouncements appear to be scientists, yet if this is true, they lack any understanding of basic science.  Even a Third-grade science student knows that ice floats on water because it is less dense, and that when it melts it does not raise the water level.  You can see this for yourself: fill a glass with water and then put an ice cube on top.  Then fill it the rest of the way until it is totally full.  Now let the ice melt and see what happens.  The glass does     not overflow.  That is just basic science.

Wednesday November 1, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

November 1, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.

Jim Hollingsworth

Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain: (Acts 2:23)

U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person  holding any Office of Profit or Trust under  them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

  1. Hundreds of Americans Trapped in Gaza
  1. Texas Judge Refuses to Perform  Same Sex Wedding: Punished  
  1. General Boykin (Ret) Hamas Tactics Left Unchecked Now Guarantees Future Barbarism
  1. Kevin McCarthy Has Primary Opponent
  1. Ann Carson Could Lose Her  Salary
  1. Barron Trump
  1. Thank God For the Constitution
  1. Biden Energy “Dream House” would Cost $9,100 to comply  The question you have to ask is: “Will we last to the end of this administration?”.  Most of what the Biden Administration seems to want leaves personal choice and the free market out of the mix.  Everyone needs to get serious about the kinds of people elected next year.  And that includes state and local elections as well as federal.  We need clear energy standards that anyone can live with, and which save us money.  These energy standards are just a part of the program to tyranny.
  1. Jordan Peterson’s Wife Becomes a Catholic
  1. Fuel from Carbon Dioxide?
  1. Ted Cruz Taught Coca Cola a Lesson about going Woke
  1. Tucker Carlson: George Floyd was not murdered, but died of an Overdose This information was available to anyone who wanted it at the time of his death, and it is surprising that this was not made clear to the jury.  Will they now ask for new trials for these police officers and give them their jobs back?  It will be interesting to see.
  1. The True Cost of Owning an Electric Vehicle
  1. Israel: Special Weapon to Deal With Gaza Tunnels
  1. Large Caravan Headed to US from Mexico
  1. House: Fund Israel, defund IRS
  1. Ilhan Omar Vs. Marjorie Taylor Greene
  1. The last Christians in Gaza lock themselves in a church to avoid bombs and exile: ‘Our place is here’ | International | EL PAÍS English (

Tuesday October 31, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

October 31, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.

Jim Hollingsworth

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Acts 2:21)

U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 7        

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

  1. Success of Duck Dynasty “The Blind” Movie
  1. Israel Pushes deeper into Gaza: Rescues one Soldier
  1. Last Christians in Gaza Lock Themselves in a Church
  1. Ben Carson Endorses Trump  
  1. Trump upset with left-wing judge
  1. Trump gains approval at Las Vegas Jewish Event
  1. New York City: Fights for Illegals
  1. Cruz Challenger Makes No Sense
  1. Georgia DA Fani Willis and Purpose of Plea Deals
  1. NRA Civil Rights Battle of Today
  1. Conservatives Not Happy with One Johnson Interview
  1. Senator Tommy Tuberville: Bidens Need war in Ukraine to distract from their own corruption
  1. Protection of Whistleblowers Demanded
  1. Paul Driessen and why Net Zero is Insanity Most Democrats and a few RINO Republicans believe we are headed for a world climate disaster.  There is absolutely no evidence for this.  We will soon have no energy, as they follow their useless programs.  If there are energy needs the market can handle it.  Going for wind and solar, and electrical vehicles are just about 500 years out of date.  Fossil fuels have made this nation great, and fossil fuels will keep it that way if we let it.  Let California push this folly and let the rest of us trust the science.  Want to know more?  Check out the CO2 Coalition online.
  1. Invention of the Auto freed the world: EVs are not part of the mix.  Failing future predicted
  1. Tim Scott Insists Democrat Programs are Hurting Blacks especially
  1. Many Americans Struggle to Make Car Payments
  1. Israel Military Assures Public it can stop Hamas and rescue Hostages: Families not so certain
  1. 7,000 anti-Israel protesters on Brooklyn Bridge
  1. One Democrat Pollster Attacks Biden
  1. Russian Mob Attacks Jews Arriving From Israel by Plane
  1. Nicaragua Pressures U.S. on Immigration Biden’s Open Borders Policy is leaving it open for many South American Countries
  1. Fox approves Biden Support for Ukraine  There is growing resistance to giving more aid to Ukraine, especially this100 billion proposal with 60 billion for Ukraine.  Even trouble in the Senate.
  1. Trump Beats Biden in a Democrat Poll
  1. Judge Fines Trump $10,000 for violation of Gag Order
  1. ACLU Defends Donald Trump: Sort of.
  1. Biden Has Serious Challenge for 2024
  1. Tucker Carlson: Christians Persecuted in Ukraine
  1. Here is an article posted in Global Warming Realists: Interesting.

            “Between 1993 and 2010, the tilt of the Earth shifted by 31.5 inches, corresponding with people’s worldwide withdrawals of underground water.  Researchers published the findings in June in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.”

  1. Speaker in Las Vegas: Plan to Support Israel 2:38 Minutes  
  1. No Climate Crisis: James Taylor: Heartland Institute video 23 Minutes
  1. Canada Trucker Convoy

Monday October 30, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

October 30, 2023

Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. (Acts 2:41)

U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 6

No Preference shall be given by any  Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one State over those of another: nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another.

  1. Hamas Ready for Peace Talks
  1. Marjorie Taylor Greene: More Financial Evidence Against the Bidens We have known many of these things for a long time, but what can be done about it?
  1. Georgia DA Fani Willis campaign against Trump, may not succeed
  1. Fani Willis Hopes You Don’t Notice
  1. Can Colorado Keep Trump From Ballot?
  1. A Lesson from Louisiana Governor Race: Pro-life Program Wins
  1. Ten Americans Unaccounted For In Israel-Gaza Conflict
  1. Senior Hamas Commander Killed in Airstrike I never cease to be amazed at how Israel can find these people and then eliminate them.  You would think they would have enough sense to get away.
  1. Judge Orders Ivanka Trump to Testify in Trump Fraud Case
  1. Christian College Professors Side With Local Library No one is really seeking to ban books, but it makes sense for libraries to be subject to the same laws that govern outside the library; no exceptions.  If you can go to jail for having these images on your computer there is no reason to promote them in our libraries.  Our sheriff has said that if an adult checked out one of those books, and then gave it to a minor outside the library he would be guilty of a crime.
  1. Is RINO Mitt Romney secretly a Democrat? Sure glad he never got elected president.
  1. Resolution to Remove George Santos: Now What?
  1. Total Cost of Owning an Electric Vehicle Not immediately Evident
  1. Tucker Carlson Raises a red flag: Scary

          One reason Joe Biden’s approval numbers are so low is the public can see Biden doesn’t care about anything remotely connected to their own lives and is instead most worried about securing the border in Ukraine.

  1. Rep Majorie Taylor Greene seeks to censure Rashida Tlaib for Antisemitic Remarks
  1. Mike Pence Suspends Campaign for President

Sunday October 29, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

October 29, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. (Acts 2:38)

U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 3-5

No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken.

No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State.

  1. Fani Willis’ Plot is failing
  1. Georgia, Fani Willis: Why the Plea Deals?
  1. DeSantis: Support for Israel, but no boots on the ground
  1. Rep Ilhan Omar: Israel Bombed Baptist Hospital in Gaza Although it is hard to be sure, but it appears that the rocket was a Hamas rocket, it hit the parking lot of the hospital, none were injured in the hospital, and only 100 to 200 were killed.  Omar was just repeating the claims made by Hamas.
  1. Fani Willis had plea deals with Trump associates; no success  AG Willis believed these would testify against Trump, but apparently, they have nothing to say.  Interesting.
  1. More Than 100 Black Pastors Stand Against Ohio Abortion  Bill 7.;
  1. Democrat Claim about Pro-life Centers
  1. Travel Money seized at Atlanta Airport
  1. Chinese Wind profits drop dramatically
  1. New Action on Gaza Front
  1. Israel Targets Gaza
  1. Senator John Fetterman Supports Ukraine Funding I am not sure about funding the war in Ukraine.  One thing should be obvious: There is no reason we ought to borrow money, or print more money (inflation) to give to them.  If Ukraine needs money let them borrow it themselves.
  1. Biden Plan makes Illegal Immigration Worse
  1. Press lies about border
  1. Biden in Trouble over EV Requirements Some say Electric Vehicles are the wave of the future.  They are not.  They may be used on a limited basis for some time, but they will never be practical for a lot of reasons, not the least the source of their power.  People don’t want them and sales are seriously lagging.  Electric Vehicles were sold at the beginning of the Twentieth Century, but after internal combustion engines were invented, sales declined.
  1. Suspect in Maine Shooting Is Found Dead, Ending Sprawling Manhunt – The New York Times (
  1. Maine Sens. Collins, King react to mass shooting suspect found dead: ‘Collective sigh of relief’ (
  1. Story: One Survivor of the Holocaust
  1. Separation of Church and State Video 16 Min
  1. Colleges Today: Indoctrination, not Education
  1. Speaker Mike Johnson Strongly Pro-life
  1. Michael Cohen Contradicts his story in Trump Trial
  1. John Fetterman Opposes J.D. Vance
  1. Michigan Election Victory
  1. Here is a letter I sent to Congress yesterday.

Dear Legislator,

Several months ago I asked what you were  doing about the move to digital money and was informed that there was no truth to it.  Read the link below and you will see that Idaho Representatives are concerned about digital money.  There must be some truth to it.

Banks have always had the ability to transfer money digitally.  If that is what they want, that is fine.  But not for the rest of us.  Some people do not use credit cards or write checks, and for them paper dollars and coins are essential.

You must do what you can to stop the move to digital money.  This would be madness for our country, and even the rest of the world.

Thanks so much.

Jim Hollingsworth

Legislators cite 2024 priorities | Coeur d’Alene Press (

Saturday October 28, 2023 Attachment

Virginia – Don’t follow net-zero lemmings over the energy cliff

States that link climate and energy policies to California and ‘climate crisis’ will pay high price

Paul Driessen

Seventeen states – including Virginia – tie their vehicle emission standards and electric vehicle sale mandates to California, the most climate-centric state in the Union. Unless current laws change, by 2035 all their new cars, pickups and SUVs must be electric (or hydrogen-powered).

In further obeisance to California, most of these states also require that their utility companies generate 100% of their electricity from “renewable sources” by 2045 or 2050. They and the federal government also mandate that electric models replace gas-fueled furnaces, water heaters, driers, stoves and ovens within a decade or less. 

This means electricity demand will double in the near future – at the same time that reliable, affordable fossil-fuel (and nuclear and hydroelectric) electricity generation plummets. Charging massive batteries to ensure power on windless, sunless days would double demand yet again.

Home, hospital, school and business lighting, heating, cooling, cooking and computing costs will likely double or triple, hitting poor and minority families hardest. Blackouts could become commonplace.

No wonder citizens in European countries are revolting against net zero laws, forcing politicians to delay or terminate their green dictates.

And yet Democrats in Virginia and elsewhere have refused to budge. They’re so convinced that climate cataclysms are imminent – and government mandates will magically usher in a renewable energy era – that they are willing to compel families and businesses to follow them and other virtue-signaling lemmings off the net-zero cliff.

That’s why – even with attention now focused on Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan and other global hot spots – voters also need to think long and hard about looming US energy cataclysms.

Democrats, some Republicans, and their media and environmentalist allies are determined to sweep vitally important energy realities under the rug. Voters mustn’t let that happen.

Not one village on Earth – much less a city or state – has shown that wind and solar power backed up by grid-scale batteries can enable them to function normally … or merely survive …  for even a week, winter or summer. And yet President Biden and the Climate Industrial Complex want to impose an all-electricity “green energy transformation” on the entire United States.

This total transformation would require literally millions of wind turbines, billions of solar panels, and tens of thousands of miles of new transmission lines. Billions of Tesla-EV-equivalent battery modules would be needed to stabilize increasingly large and complex electricity grids … and back up sporadic, weather-dependent electricity … to prevent repeated and widespread blackouts.

Building this equipment would involve billions of tons of steel, aluminum, copper, cobalt, lithium, concrete, plastics and other materials; hundreds of billions of tons of ore and overburden from thousands of mines; fossil fuels for mining, processing and manufacturing; and unprecedented greenhouse gas emissions, toxic air, water and ground pollution, and wildlife habitat destruction.

Installing all that equipment would impact thousands of square miles of habitats, scenic areas and croplands – decimating wildlife all across rural America – to serve major urban areas that have the votes to impose their views, but not the room or desire to have those impacts in their own backyards. Disposing of worn out and broken solar panels and wind turbine blades would require hundreds of huge landfills, also in rural America’s backyards.

The costs would be astronomical. Net Zero Reality Coalition experts have calculated that grid-balancing and backup batteries alone would cost up to $290-trillion, depending on which capital cost, hourly or daily or weekly electricity generation data, and other factors are employed.

The wind industry loves to say such-and-such wind or solar project has the “capacity” to power 100,000 homes. That may be true – when the wind is blowing or sun is shining at optimal levels. However, that rarely happens. On an annual basis, those unreliable systems would likely generate electricity 20-40% of the year, in short intervals, at totally unpredictable times.

Since the Biden Administration and environmentalists steadfastly oppose mining in the USA, most resource extraction will be done overseas. The raw materials will mostly come from or through China, which often employs slave and child labor, zero to minimal environmental standards, subpar wage and workplace safety standards, and minerals as a political weapon.

That means wind, solar and battery power is actually the antithesis of clean, green, renewable, sustainable and ethical. All the dirty, evil, unsustainable activities just get done in faraway places, where they can be ignored; so they needn’t be mentioned in slick product and campaign ads.

An all-electric economy also requires that home, neighborhood, local, state and national transmission systems be significantly upgraded to handle the massive additional electric loads. That’s more trillions of dollars, further increasing the cost of electricity and every product and service.

Personal needs and choices will disappear. You will be told what cars you can buy and how far you can drive them; how big your home can be, and how warm or cool you can keep it; how often and how far you can travel on vacation; even what foods you can eat.

Where’s the beef? Not on the menu. And just imagine being in your EV, in a massive traffic jam, during a blizzard or a hurricane evacuation. But as California goes, so will you if your legislators demand it.

Delving into specifics: President Biden wants 30,000 megawatts of offshore wind electricity by 2030. That would require 2,500 gigantic 12-MW wind turbines. But even if the wind is blowing optimally, their output would barely meet New York State’s peak summertime electricity needs – today, prior to its transformation to a fossil-fuel-free, all-electric economy.

Equally crazy, New York’s plan for 24,000 megawatt-hours of battery storage would provide backup for barely 45 minutes on a sweltering windless day – with today’s power demands. And even that minuscule storage would require 300,000 Tesla 80-kilowatt-hour battery modules.

The 2020 Virginia Clean Economy Act requires that utilities have 3,100 megawatt-hours of electricity storage. If that’s provided with 19-MWh Tesla Megapack battery modules, costing $10-million apiece, Virginia taxpayers and ratepayers would have to lay out $1.6 billion. For that they’d get one-half-hour of statewide windless/sunless day backup!

Ask your elected officials how many offshore turbines would be needed to power your state – or the entire USA. How many onshore turbines with a nameplate capacity of perhaps 6 MW. How many solar panels sprawling across vast scenic areas, croplands and wildlife habitats – in sunny Arizona or frosty Wisconsin. How many battery modules for a full week of backup storage.

Demand to know how much all this will cost – and how much mining, processing, manufacturing, toxic pollution, CO2 emissions, slave and child labor, and habitat destruction would go into making all that equipment. Watch the politicians bob and weave, run for cover, or have the police remove you for asking such impertinent questions.

Mandates for electric vehicles, wind and solar power, and a magical transition to a fossil-fuel-free energy utopia are critical issues this year and in 2024. Think carefully about them before you head to the polls.

Your vote – and whether you help your friends vote wisely – will determine whether we end this insanity … or must live beneath the iron fists of increasingly oppressive climate authoritarians.

Paul Driessen is senior policy analyst for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow ( and author of books and articles on energy, environment, climate and human rights issues.

Saturday October 28, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

October 28, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.

Jim Hollingsworth

Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain: (Acts 2:23)

U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 9 Paragraph 2

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

      Please see the attached article by: Paul Driessen on climate change.  The administration would have you believe that wind and solar are the wave of the future.  The reality is that it would be impossible to provide batteries large enough to provide for even a small city, when the sun does not shine for weeks on end.  This is administrative foolishness.

  1. Climate Extremism: Letter: Marvin George Miller, Coeur d’Alene
  1. Michael Cohen Gives Conflicting Testimony in Trump Trial
  1. Biden Open Border Policy Killing Thousands with Fentanyl
  1. Governor Pritzker pushes for Abortion in all 50 states
  1. Dean Phillips: Democrat for President
  1. Maine Shooter Still at Large
  1. Larry Elder Withdraws, Supports Trump: Biden Strategic Oil Reserve
  1. Israel Kills Hamas Commander
  1. Biden in Trouble We have known all these things for years, but what can be done about it?
  1. Some History on Speaker Vote: Rep Shouts “shut up” to reporter
  1. Mike Johnson has a black son with different challenges