Monday June 26, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

June 26, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; (Ephesians 1:7)

  1. Leftism and the Enemies within the Church – American Thinker This is my most recent article published by American Thinker, also as an attachment.
  1. Tucker Carlson reveals the ‘precise moment’ Washington decided to send Donald Trump to prison (
  1. Americans Believe Election Fraud in 2024: Will anything be done about it?
  1. Transgender: Judge Affirms Tennessee Law Against Changing Birth Certificates
  1. Yellowstone: Train Derails; Bridge Collapses
  1. Update: Russian Rebellion
  1. Two Dead, Several Injured: Street Shooting
  1. Details emerging after 4 people found dead in Kellogg, Idaho (
  1. OPINION: Wannabe Republican | Coeur d’Alene Press ( Brent Regan
  1. Children Thrown to the Wolves: Transgender Issues Discussed By Medical Doctor
  1. VP Harris is in Trouble Some have wondered why the Democrats don’t dump Biden.  The truth of the matter is that then Harris would be president, and she is far worse than even  Biden.
  1. FBI Finally Admits the Truth About January 6: It was Not an Insurrection.
  1. Actor James Wood Calls Out Fox News For Moving Left
  1. Trump Prosecutors Seek to Delay Trial
  1. Steve Bannon: The War Room.
James O’Keefe EXPOSES BlackRock Employee, Revealing “Evil” Intentions Of Global Ruling Class Episode 2822: Congresswoman Boebert Drafts Articles Of Impeachment Episode 2823: Child Exploitation And Corruption In Mexico; The Destruction Of Pornography WarRoom Battleground EP 317: Sound OF Freedom: A Sit Down With Jim Caviezel Episode 2821: Blinken Grovels In China Bannon: The CCP’s Dominating America To Degree Soviets Could Only Wish For Episode 2820: The End Of The Golden Age Of Americana; Misdirection Play By Delaware And The Media Episode 2819: The Mocking Of American Values; Rise Of The Second Opium War

Sunday June 25, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

June 25, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6)

  1. Sebastian Gorka Interviews Donald J. Trump
  1. Saying Heat is Leading Cause of Death is Totally False More people die from cold than from heat.
  1. Judge Jeanine Pirro Calls Out Biden over Open Border Policies
  1. Florida over California
  1. rebellion in Russia

Mutiny In Russia?

  1. Texas Voter Fraud Now a Felony
  1. Biden Bribery Scandal
  1. (317) Titanic: The Facts Told By Real Survivors | British Pathé – YouTube
  1. WH Press Sect Karine Jean Pierre Violated the Hatch Act
  1. Digital Currency Opposition is Growing
  1. FBI Knew in 2019 The Truth about Hunter’s Laptop before 2020 Election
  1. Speaker McCarthy: expunge Impeachment Trump Records
  1. Trans Legislator Arrested for Child Abuse
  1. Sebastian Gorka With Newt Gingrich: Where are we Headed?  44 minutes
  1. Tucker Carlson EP 6: 18 Min;  Bobby Kennedy Comes Out On Top   
  1. Hit Piece on Casey DeSantis Makes Her look like our kind of husband and mother.
  1. Prager U News; 6 Minutes
  1. Real Justice in America Depends on who you know.
  1. David….this is hilarious, mainly because it is so true!    I found myself laughing out loud as I read.    Thanks for sending.

            Kenny Moore    

Beer and Wheels

The two most important events in all of history were the invention of beer and the invention of the wheel.

Beer required grain and that was the beginning of agriculture. Neither the glass bottle nor aluminum can were invented yet, so while our early humans were sitting around waiting for them to be invented, they just stayed close to the brewery. That’s how villages were formed.

The wheel was invented to get man to the beer and vice versa. These two were the foundation of modern civilization and together were the catalyst for the splitting of humanity into two distinct subgroups:

1. Liberals.

2. Conservatives.

Some men spent their days tracking and killing animals to BBQ at night while they were drinking beer. This was the beginning of what is known as the Conservative movement.

Other men who were less skilled at hunting (called ‘vegetarians’ which was an early human word meaning ‘bad hunter’) learned to live off the Conservatives by showing up for the nightly BBQ’s and doing the sewing, fetching, and hairdressing. This was the beginning of the liberal movement.

Some of these liberal men “evolved” into women. Others became known as girlie-men. Some noteworthy liberal achievements include the domestication of cats, the invention of group therapy, group hugs, and the concept of democratic voting to decide how to divide the meat and beer that Conservatives provided.

Over the years Conservatives came to be symbolized by the largest, most powerful land animal on earth, the elephant.

Liberals are symbolized by the jackass for obvious reasons.

Modern Liberals like special flavored beer (with lime added), but most prefer white wine spritzers or imported bottled water. They eat raw fish but like their beef well done. Sushi, tofu, and French food are standard liberal fare. Another interesting evolutionary side note: many liberal women have higher testosterone levels than their men.

Most college professors, social workers, personal injury attorneys, journalists, film makers in Hollywood, group therapists and community organizers are liberals. Liberals meddled in our national pastime and invented the designated hitter rule because it wasn’t fair to make the pitcher also bat.

Conservatives drink real beer. They eat red meat and still provide for their women. Conservatives are members of the military, big game hunters, rodeo cowboys, lumberjacks, construction workers, firemen, medical doctors, police officers, engineers, corporate executives, athletes, airline pilots, and generally anyone who works productively. Conservatives who own companies hire other Conservatives who want to work for a living.

Liberals produce little or nothing. They like to govern the producers and decide what to do with the production. Liberals believe Europeans are more enlightened than Americans. That is why most of the liberals remained in Europe when Conservatives were coming to America. They crept in after the Wild West was tamed and created a business of trying to get more for nothing.

Here ends today’s lesson in world history. It should be noted that a liberal may have a momentary urge to angrily respond to this post.

A Conservative will simply laugh and be so convinced of the absolute truth of this history that it will be shared immediately to other true believers and also to just irritate a bunch of liberals. And there you have it. Let your next action reveal your true self, I’m going to grab a few beers and grill some steaks!

  1. Hello Coeur d’Alene Parents’ Rights in Education friends and neighbors!

There are a few items that I want to ensure you are aware of:

  1. Monday, 6/25 Special Board Meeting: Budget Adoption & Superintendent Contract Approval
  2. Finance Subcommittee – Smarter School Spending Program
  3. Trustee Election Updates
  4. Items open for public review and comment – Policies and Curriculum Materials
  5. CDA School District Library Books
  6. Next Regular Board Meeting – July 10th
  7. Parents Rights in Education Social Media & Your Parents’ Rights in Education Membership
  8. Special Board Meeting – Monday, June 25th, 5:00, 1505 N. 5th Street
    • The Agenda includes the adoption of the budget and approval of Dr. Hocker’s contract.
  1. Will the board try to move to a supermajority to terminate the contract?
  2. Why do they update a three year contract every year? Why is the contract extension approved and then new terms negotiated? 
  3. Finance Committee – Smarter School Spending Program 
    • At the last regular board meeting, the district discussed a new program called Smarter School Spending which includes community involvement. If you might be interested in participating in this finance subcommittee, please let me know and also email 
  4. Trustee Election Updates 
    • We continue to look for candidates for both zones!
    • Matt Blatt is running for Zone 3 and is working through the vetting, recommendation and endorsement processes for various groups. 
    • The potential candidate for Zone 2 that we were aware of is no longer able to run, so we need people from Zone 2 to seriously consider running!
    • Spread the word! Talk to your friends, family and neighbors. Post a flyer! Make this an announcement at church or community meetings! 
  5. Items Open for Public Review and Comment
    • REVIEW OF POLICY UPDATES: The Coeur d’Alene School District is seeking public comment on revisions to the policies listed below. Please click ‘Link to Public Comment Form’ to provide comments via Google Forms. The comment period will close July 3, 2023 at 4:00 PM
  1. CDA School District Library Books
    • I recently asked Dr. Hocker for an update on the book review for “Identical” and “Tricks.” Here is his reply:
  2. During the May 8th regular school board meeting, we asked the school board to grant a temporary waiver of Policy 2530 (which is the original policy regarding a book challenge and generally takes 6-8 weeks to complete each book review).  They granted this waver. This waiver allows us to take the book list and cross-reference them to three nationally recognized book ranking systems, Common Sense Media,, and GoodReads and identify those books that would be rated as “adult”, or “18+” on any of those three book review sites.   

In an additional safeguard, we have added additional titles beyond those you identified, adding suggested reviews from the Idaho Association of School Administrators and American Library Association. If we had any of those books available in our libraries, we have moved them to this reserved section behind the library desk and we now require parent permission before a student could check out the book.  We have also removed each of these books from Sora (our eBook platform). 

Additionally, beginning in the 2023-2024 school year, parents will be notified by email of the books and resources their child has checked out of their school library (Destiny) and any instructional resources or technologies checked out to their student. This practice, in addition to requiring parent permission before check out of any book tagged as “adult” or 18+, coupled with helping parents understand how they can opt their children out of Sora if they wish, supports recent Idaho legislative changes found in HB163. This bill reinforces the fundamental rights and responsibilities of parents or legal guardians as primary stakeholders to make decisions regarding the upbringing of their child.  

Our intent is to finish reviewing all of these books by September. At that point in time, we will make a recommendation to the board as to the recommendations from the book review committee and return to following Policy 2530 in its entirety. 

  1. This policy still allows our schools to provide students with sexually explicit and pervasively vulgar materials to our students.  
  2. This only seems to address books that are appropriate for 18 yrs of age and older. What about content that is not age appropriate for our middle school or high school students but it not classified as adult or 18+ material by the organizations that Dr. Hocker is referencing?
  3. This plan does nothing to address new books that come into the district. 
  4. The next regular school board meeting is scheduled for July 10.
  5. Parents’ Rights in Education Social Media & Memberships
  • Parents’ Rights in Education is on Twitter!
  • If you are on Facebook, please make sure that you are following both our state and national pages and have joined the local school district group/s. Currently, we have groups for CDA, Post Falls and Lakeland. Please invite your friends too!
  • It is critical that we have you signed up as a Parents’ Rights in Education Member! Sign Up – PARENTS’ RIGHTS IN EDUCATION
    • The free membership will give you access to news and education. This also allows us to make sure that we can stay in communication with you from a local to national level!
    • You can also support Parents’ Rights in Education by becoming a 12×12 Member! Sign up to donate $12/month and you will get increased access to news, education, resources and support as well as some welcome swag! Parents’ Rights in Education is growing and needs financial support. The stronger and more active we are locally, the more support we will be able to receive from a national level. Please consider signing up today! Club 12 x 12 – PARENTS’ RIGHTS IN EDUCATION
    • If you have a skill or passion that you think could help advance our local efforts, please reach out and let us know! This is truly a grass-roots effort and we are fortunate to have national level support. However, local expertise and boots on the ground are critical!

Thank you!

Erika Doud 

Parents’ Rights in Education 

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 


Saturday June 24, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

June 24, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made  unto salvation. (Romans 10:9-10)

  1. Hit Piece on Casey DeSantis Makes Her look like our kind of husband and mother.
  1. Tucker Carlson EP 6: 18 Min;  Bobby Kennedy Comes Out On Top   
  1. Prager University News; 6 Minutes
  1. Tucker Carlson EP5 13 Minutes: Forgotten Joe Biden Interview
  1. Real Justice in America Depends on who you know.
  1. Mary White: What is a Republican? There are some, even here in North Idaho, who claim to be official Republicans, but in fact are not.  They usually support the same people and issues that the Democrats support, so what does that tell you?
  1. Sebastian Gorka, Who worked for Trump,  Interviews Donald J. Trump
  1. Saying Heat is Leading Cause of Death is Totally False With the use of air conditioning heat death have declined in recent years.  Truly, more people die in cold weather than in warm weather.
  1. Biden Corruption bigger than laptop
  1. A Native of India Calls Out Hypocrisy of Al Gore on Energy Use
  1. Judge Jeanine Pirro Condemns Biden Border Policies
  1. What happened to the Titanic Sub? The latest news seems to say that the sub imploded; possibly before hitting the sea floor.  Debris found 1600 feet from Titanic.  No humans found so far.  Noises heard now thought to have come from other ships on the scene.
  1. After Pandemic, Test Scores Drop
  1. Joe Biden May be Implicated in Hunter’s Crimes The Democrats and the Press are working overtime to be sure you never know the truth about Biden or his family.
  1. DeSantis Sues Fed Dept of Education Over University Accreditation Policies
  1. Law Against Forced Transgender Procedures Will Stand: No Appeal
  1. School Reported parents to the FBI for questioning curriculum, finances, lawsuit says
  1. Here are some comments from my friends at Global Warming Realists.

Dear Chuck,

You are spot-on!

From news reports, the manufacturer was obviously cutting corners on safety.  That is not something that you as an airline pilot would ever want to hear.

Submarine tragedies have routinely occurred at far lesser depths, where the pressure on the hull is still massive but not incredible.

I am strongly in favor of unmanned ‘research’ vehicles to be used at great depths in the oceans or in deep space.  That way, we need not risk humans or even need to provide for their well-being.


P.S. I have copied a retired US Navy Captain who once commanded Los Angeles-class nuclear submarines.

Obviously devastating news for the families of the five that perished.

I never thought much about this until I looked into where the wreckage of the Titanic lies on the sea floor of the North Atlantic. The reported depth of that wreckage is 12,500 ft below sea level. So that means any vessel that submerges like the Titan was doing would have a pressure exerted on the vessel of 378.2 Earth atmospheres (5,560 lbs per square inch) or 4.06 Venus atmospheres. 

That is a very high pressure to encounter and you would think that the manufacturer would have rigorously tested the bulkhead and all the operating systems and done the R&D to get design engineers to sign off on it for this sort of a trip. But I also understand that the company did not do this, so it is unlikely the vessel was tested to this external operating pressure. Why the company or the pilot would not have wanted to do this for safety is beyond me, and if I was asked to pilot such a ship, I would have flatly refused without proof that at this depth, the vessel is operating inside the safety margin design.

 I also understand that all the passengers had to sign liability waivers to go on this trip with OceanGate Expeditions at a cost of $250,000 dollars per passenger.

I feel truly sorry for those that perished in this tragedy. It sounds like there was little information if any given on the operating limitations of the vessel that it had actually been tested to and there may have even been some untrue statements made to the passengers about the tested limits and potential hazard of using this vehicle for this sort of an expedition. 

According to the US Coast Guard, the debris found made them conclude the bulkhead of the vessel collapsed under this pressure causing the entire vessel to implode.

Chuck Wiese

19. Steve  Bannon: The War Room

James O’Keefe EXPOSES BlackRock Employee, Revealing “Evil” Intentions Of Global Ruling Class

Friday June 23, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

June 23, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

But Godliness with contentment is great gain.

For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.

And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. (1 Timothy 6:6-8)

  1. Executive Order on Election an abuse of Executive Powers
  1. House Votes to Censure Adam Schiff
  1. Censure for Adam Schiff the Bare Minimum
  1. Sebastian Gorka on Bill Bar Gorka is not happy with Bill Bar.
  1. Hunter Biden Got off easy: It is not over yet Do you think that Hunter Biden will ever be brought to justice?
  1. Here are the speakers at the recent We The Patriots Boise Conference.  Watch the ones you most appreciate; Especially don’t miss Charlie Kirk, of Turning Point USA; he has a very positive attitude and has a lot of energy.

Conference Videos – We The Patriots USA, Inc

  1. One Company Rewards those who Shun Abortions: $5,000.00 per child
  1. Biden Challenged by Third Party Candidate
  1. Fraudulent Scientific Papers
  1. Ethics in the Government: Does It Exist?
  1. OPINION: Too far | Coeur d’Alene Press ( Brent Regan Column: They have gone too far.
  1. Historical Bison in Europe
  1. New Candidate For President
  1. Here’s a list of Republican 2024 presidential candidates : NPR

With Hurd, looks like 17 Republicans running for president.

  1. AZ Governor Hobbs: Fraud
  1. John Durham Testimony at Congress With Democrat
  1. Missing Titanic Submarine Keep in mind that the Titanic is down in the ocean two miles, so at that depth the pressure must be terrific.  Banging sounds have been detected, however.
  1. Debris from sub found 1,600 feet from Titanic after “catastrophic implosion” ( This is a terrible tragedy with loss of life.  All knew at the start that this was a risky venture, like climbing  a very high mountain.
  1. Here the Global Warming Realists, Scientists, discuss what could have happened with the tourist submarine to the Titanic.

Dear Chuck,

You are spot-on!

From news reports, the manufacturer was obviously cutting corners on safety.  That is not something that you as an airline pilot would ever want to hear.

Submarine tragedies have routinely occurred at far lesser depths, where the pressure on the hull is still massive but not incredible.

I am strongly in favor of unmanned ‘research’ vehicles to be used at great depths in the oceans or in deep space.  That way, we need not risk humans or even need to provide for their well-being.


P.S. I have copied a retired US Navy Captain who once commanded Los Angeles-class nuclear submarines.

On Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 02:01:09 PM PDT, ‘Chuck Wiese’ via Global Warming Realists

Obviously devastating news for the families of the five that perished.

I never thought much about this until I looked into where the wreckage of the Titanic lies on the sea floor of the North Atlantic. The reported depth of that wreckage is 12,500 ft below sea level. So that means any vessel that submerges like the Titan was doing would have a pressure exerted on the vessel of 378.2 Earth atmospheres (5,560 lbs per square inch) or 4.06 Venus atmospheres. 

That is a very high pressure to encounter and you would think that the manufacturer would have rigorously tested the bulkhead and all the operating systems and done the R&D to get design engineers to sign off on it for this sort of a trip. But I also understand that the company did not do this, so it is unlikely the vessel was tested to this external operating pressure. Why the company or the pilot would not have wanted to do this for safety is beyond me, and if I was asked to pilot such a ship, I would have flatly refused without proof that at this depth, the vessel is operating inside the safety margin design.

I also understand that all the passengers had to sign liability waivers to go on this trip with OceanGate Expeditions at a cost of $250,000 dollars per passenger.

I feel truly sorry for those that perished in this tragedy. It sounds like there was little information if any given on the operating limitations of the vessel that it had actually been tested to and there may have even been some untrue statements made to the passengers about the tested limits and potential hazard of using this vehicle for this sort of an expedition. 

According to the US Coast Guard, the debris found made them conclude the bulkhead of the vessel collapsed under this pressure causing the entire vessel to implode.

Chuck Wiese

  1. Thinking Smartly About Climate Change | Imprimis ( Bjorn Lomborg at Hillsdale College
  1. “You let the country down”: Matt Gaetz compares John Durham to Washington Generals at hearing – Bing video

Thursday June 22, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

June 22, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Better is it that thou shouldest not vow, than that thou shouldest vow and not pay. (Ecclesiastes 5:5)

Hunter Biden Got off easy: Not over yet

Even Moslems Don’t Accept Woke Philosophy

China: Builds New EV Cars, lets them rot This seems so unlikely that I have to wonder if it is really true, or just made up.

IRS Raid on Montana Gun Store has heavy Ramifications: This must stop.

Newsmax: Hunter Biden Guilty; 9 Fox Employees Move to Help Tucker Carlson

Root: If Elected, Trump Should Appoint Robert F. Kennedy, Jr to investigate Drug Companies and vaccines

Attack Video of Pro-lifers at Planned Parenthood Clinic

Tucker Says This Is the Moment the DC Establishment Wanted to Lock Up Trump (

Trump: Tucker Carlson is Exactly Right

Would You Call her a Cat, or a Woman  Dressed as a Cat?

Trump Mar-A-Lago Trial August 14  

Trump Campaign Ad

Priest Criticizes Dodgers for support of Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence  

Wednesday June 21, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

June 21, 2023          

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

  1. Trump Trial August 14   Mar-A-Lago Papers
  1. Senator Fetterman Faces Backlash of Juneteeth Comment Backlash
  1. How We Have Fallen: Can’t Quote First Line Of Lord’s Prayer
  1. California Losing Residents in Large Numbers If large numbers are leaving California, then why are there not lots of empty homes, with the price of houses coming down?
  1. Enough Pride Propaganda is enough
  1. Senator Tuberville Holds up Confirmations over Military Abortion Policy
  1. Titanic Viewing Sub is Missing/Overdue
  1. Biden Deteriorating
  1. Is Joe Biden a Wannabe Dictator?  Fox said so for 30 seconds
  1. Vegan Almost Died Until started eating steak
  1. Several Fox Carlson Staffers Join Him in New Venture

Nine Leaving Fox to Work for Tucker Carlson

  1. Severe Gun Control Laws Do Not Stop Gun Attacks
  1. Hunter Biden Bank Account closed because of Money Laundering  Hunter Biden Found Guilty of Tax Evasion, but no jail time.
  1. One Democrat Announced Run For President
  1. “Green Energy über alles,” Say Oregon’s Lunatic Democrats – RedState
  1. EV Range Dips Nearly 25 Percent While Carrying Load: AAA (

Tuesday June 20, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

June 20, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few messages for you consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. (Proverbs 28:13)

  1. One Democrat Announced Run For President
  1. Victor Davis Hanson Fox: 9 Minute Interview
  1. Victor Davis Hanson
  1. Republicans Blamed for Perception of Biden Mental Decline
  1. Key Biden Witness to Testify
  1. Several Fox Carlson Staffers Join Him on New Venture
  1. House Moves against Radical 1984 Supreme  Court Ruling?
  1. FBI Director in Serious Trouble With Congress?
  1. Christians Assassinated in India?
  1. Judge the Left by their Heroes: Transgenders
  1. Boat That Sank Off Greece Refused Help, Fearing Detainment
  1. After indictment Trump Upbeat: Buys Lunch for All in Restaurant
  1. DeSantis: The Truth Will Destroy Biden
  1. DeSantis Puts Down Pete Buttigieg over Penn Bridge Collapse Repairs
  1. If Elected DeSantis Would Move Against Biden
  1. Judge Blocks Florida Law Protecting Children from Trans Surgeries etc.
  1. “Green Energy über alles,” Say Oregon’s Lunatic Democrats – RedState
  1. EV Range Dips Nearly 25 Percent While Carrying Load: AAA (
  1. One of the most serious problems in America today is that men are not being the men and husbands that God has called them to be.  As a result, many marriages end in divorce and many young people are in serious trouble even before they become adults.  Our message today at Grace Bible Church in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, makes it clear that God blesses families when men are men.

(303) God’s Call to Men – YouTube 1.5 Hours: Message after 30 minutes

Monday June 19, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

June 19, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

No man that wareth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. (2Timothy 2:3-4)

  1. One of the most serious problems in America today is that men are not being the men and husbands that God has called them to be.  As a result, many marriages end in divorce and many young people are in serious trouble even before they become adults.  Our message today makes it clear that God blesses families when men are men.

(303) God’s Call to Men – YouTube

  1. Judge the Left by their Heroes: Transgenders
  1. IRS Closes Montana Gun Store in Soviet Style Raid
  1. President Biden: God Save The Queen
  1. Marco Rubio: Biden Attack on Trump may Bite Him Later
  1. Republican California Lawmaker Advises Parents with Children to Leave State
  1. Empty Stadium Result of Pride Emphasis
  1. Polls: Strong Trump Support, even if guilty
  1. Court Rules Against Anti-Trans Student: Only Two Genders
  1. Suarez, Miami Mayor, For President: Balance the Budget Amendment
  1. Newsom, Standing in the Wing, For President?
  1. “Green Energy über alles,” Say Oregon’s Lunatic Democrats – RedState
  1. EV Range Dips Nearly 25 Percent While Carrying Load: AAA (

Sunday June 18, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

June 18, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.  (Proverbs 14:12)

  1. Tucker Carlson’s Fourth Monologue: Is Biden a Wannabe Dictator?
  1. New Texas Law Makes Voting Fraud a Felony
  1. New Election Integrity Group Formed
  1. “Green Energy über alles,” Say Oregon’s Lunatic Democrats – RedState
  1. EV Range Dips Nearly 25 Percent While Carrying Load: AAA (
  1. Biden Changed View on Gays, Transgender Issues
  1. Mark Levin Shares the Truth About Biden
  1. 6 Reasons DOJ Case Against Trump is Flawed
  1. Professor Dershowitz: Why Trump may have difficulty finding a defense lawyer
  1. Trump will run even if convicted
  1. Trump Responds to indictment
  1. Tucker Carlson Supports Trump’s Assessment of indictment
  1. Vivek Ramaswamy: Two Different Justice Programs: Defends Trump
  1. Now 18 Years Old, Former Trans  Girl sues over 13 year old radical surgery
  1. Conservatives Winning Battle Against ESG: Biden Supports it, Vetoes Bill
  1. Daniel Penny, NY Subway Hero, indicted for Manslaughter
  1. The Importance of Committed Dads, Husbands
  1. Bjorn Lormborg: Thinking Smart About Climate Change
  1. Charter Schools  Beat Regular Public Schools: Methods and Discipline

By contrast, students at charter schools enjoy orderly classrooms where expectations are explicit, teachers regularly give meaningful feedback, and failure is possible if students don’t reach the prescribed standards. This may come off as unbearably strict for students and teachers at traditional public schools, but it actually allows for a calmer, less stressful learning experience in which everyone knows what to do.

Saturday June 17, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

June 17, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

A SOFT answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. (Proverbs 15:1)

  1. Mark Levin Shares the Truth About Biden
  1. Here are some of my articles that have been posted.

Jim Hollingsworth – American Free News Network (

  1. Senator Josh Hawley: No One Responsible for Minors Sold into Slavery?
  1. For 3 Years Government Hid Truth About Origination Of Covid 19
  1. Newsmax: Huckabee, Noem: Trump will be vindicated
  1. Trump Responds to indictment
  1. More on FD 1023 Form; implicates Bidens in Crimes
  1. Fox News Continues to Try and Silence Tucker Carlson: So Far Without Success.
  1. Did Trump Suggest Peaceful Protest on Jan 6?
  1. If Trump is Convicted Biden Could Pardon Him.  But would he? Not likely.
  1. Top Senator Reveals Word about Tapes concerning Biden
  1. DeSantis Trip to AZ Border Upsets Biden
  1. Here are my latest comments on the Biden Administration.

There has been a lot of talk in the past few months about holding the Biden Administration accountable.  The withdrawal from Afghanistan, the crisis at the border, the inflation with printing of trillions of dollars from thin air, the war on energy, with no more pipelines, no drilling on public lands, and the ending of fossil fuels.  These are crimes against America. 

Just ending the use of fossil fuels would be a terrible tragedy.  First off, natural gas (methane) is used in making fertilizer.  Without this fertilizer millions of people will starve to death.  Then there is the fact that over 6,000 items are made from petroleum. Just the talk of eliminating fossil fuels indicates that there is not a true scientist in the present administration.  Most of the things that we use every day come from fossil fuels. 

The stand taken on transgender issues has come home to roost.  The White House held a pride celebration and some of the folks appeared topless.  The administration was embarrassed; they should not have been, as it is the logical conclusion of what they believe.  Every sane person, especially every sane parent knows that actions to change a person’s sex are simply destructive to quality child care.  One young lady said that she transitioned starting at age 11 or 12.  At 15 she had her breasts removed.  About the time she reached 18 and thought about marriage she realized she would never be able to nurse a child, and probably could not even be able to get pregnant.  Plus, the medicines she took permanently lowered her voice.  Now she is suing the doctor who did this radical surgery.  How can they support the Hippocratic Oath and still do radical surgery on children?

The Biden Administration is determined to destroy America.  There is considerable evidence that they took bribes from foreigners.  There is much evident corruption in the White House.  Most of what they seem to support or are letting happen is simply un-American, or illogical.

So, hearings are being held in Congress and there is a move to hold certain persons accountable.  There is even talk of a Contempt of Congress charge if certain information is not released.

All this is true, but it has to be evident that as long as the Democrats control the Senate, nothing will happen.  The best we can hope for is that the coming election will be strongly controlled by the election integrity folk and we will see a number of patriotic Americans elected in 2024.  As much as we would like to see action now it is probable that nothing will happen until the next election.  We are six months into this Congress without any concrete results, and it appears likely that none will be forthcoming.

The attacks on President Trump will continue; if not one thing, then another.  Ultimately the courts will have to decide that he is innocent, but much time and effort will be lost in the interim.

The best we can hope for right now is that every patriotic American becomes informed and be prepared to insure a secure election in 2024.  We have stood back and watched this great country go down the drain.  Now it is time to take a stand and not budge.

Jim Hollingsworth has written several articles published by American Thinker, and several books available at  His latest is a Commentary on the Book of Romans.  A Commentary on Galatians is with the publisher.