Wednesday February 14, 2024

Jim Hollingsworth

February 14, 2024

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XXV, Section 4, Paragraph 2, Section A

Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.

  1. Will Nikki Haley quit, or will she hold on to the bitter end?
  1. Harris: Ready to Serve: But is she qualified?
  1. The anti-CPAC Convention
  1. Prosecutor Jack Smith and the Supreme Court
  1. Dutch Court halts sale of F-35 Parts to Israel
  1. Babylon Bee: 10 signs that you may be a dangerous Christian Nationalist
  1. Sure, EVs are more expensive, but they are also much heavier, posing a safety hazard
  1. No cognitive test in Biden’s physical: WH Doctor says his daily activities prove his fitness: Not all would agree, however.
  1. Biden Ghostwriter facing felony charges over classified material
  1. Hawaii has strict gun laws
  1. More Biden Corruption Revealed
  1. New York special congressional election Tuesday
  1. New York special congressional election yesterday
  1. Senate aid and border bill may not be going anywhere
  1. Seven more Republican States to send National Guard to Texas Border
  1. Bill O’Reilly: It is over for Joe Biden 8 minutes
  1. Gorka: Guns: Fear, or Hope? Donald Trump also.
  1. He graduated from High School, couldn’t read: taught himself to read; now has business, and hires many; Trump changed his life 18 Minutes

Tuesday February 13, 2024

Jim Hollingsworth

February 13, 2024

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

U.S. Constitution Amendment XXV, Section 4, Paragraph 1

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

  1. Fetterman some surprising Votes
  1. Fani Willis could be disqualified; judge says. 
  1. Who will replace George Santos on Tuesday in New York?
  1. Bill would remove Statue of Liberty
  1. Some of Justice Jackson’s thinking on Colorado Ballot case, revealed
  1. Report leads to Discussion about president’s health
  1. Be Honest: Is Biden Still Qualified to continue as president?   If the election were held today, how would Biden come out?  Representative Dr. Ronny Jackson, who was White House doctor, says that Biden is in definite mental and physical decline.  Is Kamala Harris the best insurance he has against removal from office?
  1. Otzi the Ice Man lived over 5,300 years ago in an area that today is covered by ice.  It is obvious that the planet has warmed and cooled many times since this man lived.  He was found on the Austrian-Italian border from the receding Schnidejoch Glacier.

            Otzi the Ice Man

  1. Idaho Budget Reform (Idaho Freedom Foundation)

            In the last four years, government spending in Idaho has increased by 54%. The new budget process of considering base budgets separate from growth budgets             potentially eliminates the waste, fraud, and abuse we’ve seen recently (see our documentary, Rogue Bureaucracy). This budget reform procedure promises           lower spending and, with that, lower taxes. 

            A large part of the Idaho budget comes from the Federal government.  The Idaho legislature must find a way to live without this federal money.  Continuing to use           this money could mean the death of Idaho. (Ed)

  1. Idaho Budget Win

            A key focus of this legislative session has been the debate surrounding       government spending in Idaho. Over the past four years, spending in Idaho has increased by 54%. The legislature thoroughly reviewed only 19% of the total    spending for years before budgets were finalized. Things are about to change.

  1. Need to ensure election integrity for 2024 election: The task starts now.
  1. Trump Colorado Ballot Case: Justice Thomas Questions attorney about when Amendment XICV had been used against a president No examples are given because there are none.  This is a new and novel approach to law.
  1. Biden Staffers come clean after special counsel report on Biden
  1. New York Republican Lawmakers call on governor to remove Alvin Bragg

            In an unprecedented move, New York Republican lawmakers are calling on Governor Kathy Hochul to take action against Manhattan District Attorney           Alvin Bragg.

  1. Is Biden Really in Mental Decline?
  1. It appears that the money promised the world at COP28 must be approved by Congress.  Hopefully they will not approve the spending.

            Will COP28’s Climate Fund Promises Become a Reality? – The New York Times             ( Billions promised by U.S. at COP28, must still be approved by             Congress.  Pressure Congress not to appropriate the money.

  1. Hungary President resigns over pardoning of sex criminal
  1. Charges brought against Fani Wills, Trump Prosecutor
  1. Will Gavin Newsom Replace Joe Biden as Democrat Presidential Candidate?
  1. To Control people, you have to control CO2
  1. Gaza: Command Tunnel under UN building: Egypt warns against attacking Rafah
  1. Gaza: 2 Hostages Rescued: 67 Palestinians killed
  1. Huge Historic Solar Storm

            Recent Solar Storm

            Coronal mass ejection from colossal New Year’s Eve solar flare will strike Earth    Jan. 2 | Space

  1. Texas GOP votes to censure Texas House Speaker
  1. Biden not doing well in the polls
  1. Woman shoots up Texas mega church Man or woman: This is a confusing story.
  1. Joe Biden Secret Weapon for victory in 2024
  1. RF Kennedy Debate Biden: Prove Mental Ability 2 minutes
  1. Dr. Naomi Wolf: UN/US helping immigrants on their way 14 Min
  1. He graduated from High School, couldn’t read: taught himself to read; now has business, and hires many; Trump changed his life 18 Minutes
  1. Jordan Peterson learns something at the museum of the Bible  

Monday February 12, 2024

Jim Hollingsworth

February 12, 2024

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. (2 Corinthians 4:4)

U.S.  Constitution Amendment XXV, Section 3

Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as acting President.

  1. Jordan Peterson learns something at the Museum of the Bible 5 minutes
  1. Republicans Block so-called border bill
  1. Israel rejects Hamas demand
  1. Judge: Peter Navarro to jail while wait on appeal
  1. Biden incompetent to handle classified document, okay as president
  1. Trump comments on Biden Documents Case
  1. McDaniel says she is not going to resign
  1. Judge rules against Smith in procedure decision
  1. Supreme Court may keep Trump on the Ballot
  1. Fani Willis, Trump Prosecutor, in trouble
  1. Senator Lee Calls for New Leadership over Border Bill
  1. Fani Willis reveals bad news in court
  1. What is the truth of Fani Willis’ story?
  1. Detransitioner stories are finally coming out  These procedures are not reversable and mark a child for life.  They are a travesty and a tragedy and must be stopped.
  1. Trump Jan 6 Trial delayed while on appeal
  1. Inflation Reduction Act: Congressional Budget Office says original estimate low by 400 billion I am not sure how this bill got its name.  In terms of reality this bill represents pure inflation.  If the government quits spending money it does not have, prices will begin to come down.
  1. Senate Border Bill No new law is needed to close the border.  The law is clear.  Biden refuses to  enforce the law.  This bill would just make it easier for illegal aliens to enter the country.  Why would any Republicans cooperate in crafting the bill?
  1. Save Snake River Dams
  1. Israel orders Rafah to evacuate
  1. Trump Wins Nevada: Comments
  1. Dr. Jackson: Biden no longer fit to be president
  1. Mike Gallagher, Conservative Wisconsin Congressman, to retire.
  1. Georgia Lawmakers investigate Fani Willis
  1. Is Michael Mann a fraud? I sure hope they appeal this tragic decision by the DC Court.
  1. Small Arizona town fights governor on immigration
  1. DeSantis comments on failures of Republican leadership
  1. DeSantis comments on Biden Documents Case
  1. Drunk Driver kills two children in Amish Buggy Crash
  1. After Failed vote impeachment of Mayorkas still possible 
  1. Gorka with Epshteyn: Supreme Court Hearing on Ballot issue
  1. Either Biden is an elderly man with a poor memory, or he needs to be charged with a crime.
  1. Trump: Look for some changes at the RNC
  1. Calm Weather dooms British wind industry In North Idaho we have had nearly daily clouds for the past 3 months.  All green energy is pure folly.
  1. Dodge Hellcat Outruns Chopper in Houston Police Chase! Driver Almost Makes it (

Sunday February 11, 2024

Jim Hollingsworth

February 11, 2024

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: (2 Corinthians 4:3)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XXV, Section 2

Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

  1. Sent to the Idaho Legislature Yesterday.

Just a reminder that voting for an Article V Constitutional Convention or a convention of the states, would be a disaster for the country.  My short thoughts are below.


Jim Hollingsworth

Convention of the States: Background: Just to be clear, I do not support this convention. There is just too much danger: they could eliminate much of the Bill of Rights and change other provisions.  Better to handle one issue at a time as has been done in the past.  Plus, if the left does not follow the present Constitution, they will not follow a revised one.  With the Left in control of so much of our government at the present time, this is just not the right time for a Constitutional Convention.  This would be very dangerous.

  1. Government action on President’s classified documents 4 minutes
  1. Senate Republicans who voted for disastrous border bill: Some surprises
  1. Willis in trouble
  1. My perspective.

Jim Hollingsworth

Can we ever end our use of fossil fuels?  Not on the short term.  The question is not so much can we, but why should we?  There is no climate emergency, and true science makes it clear that carbon dioxide and fossil fuels are beneficial so why stop using them?   Having fossil fuels and not using them is like having a car with a full gas tank, but still insisting on pushing the car to avoid pollution.  Wind and solar will never fill the need.  Here in North Idaho we have months of cloudy weather, and the wind often does not blow when it gets real cold.  You cannot build a battery that large, and batteries have a fairly short life.  The solution is to recognize that this is not a climate emergency, but a matter of control.  They want to control how we live and this seems the easiest way at it; control the climate.

  1. Law and Order in Florida keeps crime down
  1. Is Michael Mann a Fraud?  I have followed this man for many years and cannot see how a court could side with him.  He is a science disaster.
  1. Island Volcano Erupts for third time launching lava into air near emptied towns
  1. Trump wins large victory in Nevada
  1. Evacuate Rafah in Gaza ahead of expected invasion
  1. Governor DeSantis: No flags but U.S. and Florida flag on public buildings
  1. Dr Jackson: Biden Doctor not to be trusted
  1. Biden Climate Requirements going the wrong direction
  1. Gorka/Epshteyn: Supreme Court Hearing on Ballot issue
  1. Biden will not face charges over classified papers, says ‘memory is fine’ | Reuters Too old and feeble to be charged, yet he is fine to run the country.  Either it was a crime or it wasn’t.
  1. Biden won’t be charged in classified docs case; special counsel cites instances of ‘poor memory’ (

Saturday February 10, 2024

Jim Hollingsworth

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. (2 Corinthians 1:4)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XXV, Section 1

In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.

  1. Trump Victory in Nevada Caucus
  1. Biden Plan for Fossil Fuels would destroy industry
  1. Tucker Carlson Beats out Fake News  
  1. Mail-in Ballot fraud: Trump would have won in 2020
  1. Is Rafah next? In Gaza.
  1. Biden Climate Requirements going the wrong direction
  1. Michael Mann wins 1 million lawsuit This man is wrong on the basics of science and he has misled many important international officials.  There is no climate emergency.
  1. Michael Mann wins million dollar lawsuit against Steyn For a couple of decades Michael Mann has been preaching a false gospel about climate change.  This would not be so bad except he has also convinced thousands of people in office of his false narrative.  I hope they will appeal the judgment.  No honest person can get a fair trial in Washington DC.  Michael Mann drove Dr. Timothy Ball to an early grave with his lawsuit against him.
  1. Even some Democrats are now rejecting Biden
  1. Possible Replacement for McDaniels  She says she is not resigning.
  1. Tucker Carlson interviews Putin: 2 hours
  1. Tucker Carlson interview with Vladimir Putin: Comments: 2 Hours
  1. Trump wins Nevada Caucus with 99% of the vote cast
  1. In Trump co-defendant trial: Judge seeking answers
  1. Congressional Resolution in support Trump in Ballot case: Introduced
  1. Some on left critical of Colorado Ballot Case
  1. Liberal Supreme Court Justice appears to favor Trump in Colorado Ballot Case
  1. Calls for McConnell to resign his Senate position: Senators feel betrayed
  1. Can Senator McConnell explain his support for terrible border bill This bill would not only, not control the border, it would make it even easier to get into the U.S.  Why did McConnell support this very bad bill?
  1. Constant Calm Days bad news for wind  Here in North Idaho it has been raining, snowing, or cloudy for almost three months, with few sunny days.  Solar would never work here.
  1. Gregory Wrightstone Defends CO2 42 Minutes
  1. Biden insists that he is in fine shape; good memory etc.
  1. Secret Illegal Alien compound discovered
  1. Illegal Aliens soon to become new Democrat Voters
  1. Alvin Bragg in trouble with Manhattan police over police attacker let go free
  1. Trump charged but Biden gets a free pass
  1. Helicopter found; marines missing The press on this is pretty scanty.  Was the found helicopter all in one piece, and if so were the men inside?  Or was it blown to pieces and the men with it? Has anyone actually reached the aircraft?

            5 men confirmed dead

  1. 62 House Republicans say Trump did not incite an insurrection
  1. Hamas requests 45-day ceasefire and release of hostages This may be the offer that Israel has already rejected.  

Friday February 9, 2024

Jim Hollingsworth

February 9, 2024

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. (1 Corinthians 16:13)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XXIV, Section 2

The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

  1. Enough talk: time for action to stop invasion at the border
  1. Supreme Court to consider Trump Ballot Case Remember that both Colorado and Maine have kicked Trump off the ballot, so this is an important case.
  1. Supreme Court could be on Trump’s side in ballot election case
  1. Haley and Trump
  1. Biden gets confused; says he met with French President Mitterrand who died 28 years ago
  1. Landmark Energy Decision by RNC
  1. Biden and Electric Vehicles
  1. Michael Mann sues over climate statements Mann drove Tim Ball broke before he died.  Mann and the hocky stick.  He never gives up, though very wrong.  Climate is just long-term weather.
  1. Trump: Current Border Bill bad legislation
  1. Judicial Watch sues Mississippi over counting late ballots
  1. True cost of net zero
  1. Hamas Proposal Rejected by Israel
  1. McDaniel say she is not resigning from RNC
  1. Response to death of three soldiers
  1. After going to Russia Carlson may not be very popular with Europe Carlson is rocking the boat, and that is always dangerous.
  1. A Second MAGA administration will be much wiser For one thing, Trump did have a few qualified people on staff, but they were not permitted to accomplish anything.  Will Trump listen to the truly scientific conservatives and dive deeper into the deep state for changes?
  1. Sebastian Gorka with Steve Cortes: I was wrong about Trump 14:38 Minutes
  1. Dam Removal make no sense; they are vital.
  1. Climate Agenda makes Vital CO2 a pollutant
  1. Trump Wants to Debate Biden: He has refused
  1. Helicopter found; marines missing The press on this is pretty scanty.  Was the found helicopter all in one piece, and if so were the men inside?  Or was it blown to pieces and the men with it? Has anyone actually reached the aircraft?
  1. 5 men confirmed dead
Inline image

Thursday February 8, 2024

Jim Hollingsworth

February 8, 2024

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries. (1 Corinthians 16:9)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XXIV, Section 1

The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax.

  1. McDaniel offers to step down: McCarthy Replacement?
  1. House Democrats suggest ousting Speaker Johnson so Senate Border Bill Could Pass
  1. California: 500 arrested in sex trafficking sting
  1. Some Texas Democrats oppose Abbott border plan, but most Republican governors support him.
  1. Speaker Johnson: Senate border bill dead on arrival How could any sane Republican have voted for this bill?  It only makes it easier to cross the border, and does not stop illegal immigration.
  1. Fireworks in Senate over latest border Bill We do not need more laws; we just need to enforce existing law, and close the border.
  1. Trump mentions two possible VP Choices Personally I do not think America is ready for a woman president.  We have had a few great women in politics, but are we ready for a woman for president?  How about JD Vance?  There are many MAGA who would make great presidents.
  1. Florida possible homeless solution: Homeless Camps with some public services
  1. Trump challenges Biden to a debate: No Answer (He said “no”.)
  1. Marine Helicopter down near San Diego
  1. Rain, Mud Slides in Los Angeles
  1. Haley loses to “none of these candidates” in Nevada Trump was not on the ballot.  Caucus coming.
  1. Bombings in Pakistan kill many
  1. Biden: Abbott blocking enforcement of border security
  1. Is it an invasion?
  1. Secretary Mayorkas survives narrow House impeachment vote
  1. Why Biden Threatens to Veto Aid to Israel
  1. America First – Sebastian Gorka Hour 3: February 05, 2024 ( Victor Davis Hanson: The Case for Trump 47 min
  1. Tucker Carlson in Moscow to interview Putin 4:28 Minutes
  1. Putin interview with Tucker Carlson shows Kremlin outreach to Trump’s GOP – The Washington Post

Wednesday February 7, 2024

Jim Hollingsworth

February 7, 2024

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, umoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. (1 Corinthians 15:58)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XXIII, Section 2

The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

  1. Appeals Court: Trump no immunity in Jan 6 case
  1. Trump not on Nevada Ballot, but Caucus
  1. DeSantis: No Monument Removal in Florida
  1. DeSantis: Don’t let Florida become a California
  1. Some Democrats Reject Biden Policies
  1. Biden L ost on Border Policy
  1. Haley Accuses Trump Over Senate Border Bill    

     8.  Biden Making all the Wrong Choices

9. Fox News Discusses the Senate Border Bill 26 Minutes

10. Oregon Republicans Support Texas Governor Greg Abbott at Border

11. Trump Condemns Senate Border Bill This bill would only make it easier to enter the country.  We do not need any more laws, we just need to enforce the present laws and stop them at the border.  We need to pick up the Welcome Mat.

12. J.D. Vance cut off in interview about Trump

13. Willis, Wade to testify at February 15 Hearing

14. Black Chicago Residents upset by Mayor’s Immigration policies

15. E. Jean Carroll giddy about Trump judgment, but will have to wait for appeals to start spending

16. Media Balance Newsletter published by a friend, John Droz

Tuesday February 6, 2024

Jim Hollingsworth

February 5, 2024

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. (1 Corinthians 15:22)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XXIII Section 1

The District constituting the seat of government of the United States shall appoint in such manner as the Congress may direct:

  1. Trump could lose ballot issue in supreme Court
  1. Trump and battle with prosecutor Jack Smith
  1. Trump Follows a Rocky Legal Path
  1. Some say Trump Considering Robert F. Kennedy as Vice President Choosing Kennedy may gain a few more liberal votes, but it would destroy partisan politics.  Kennedy is a breath of fresh air among Democrats, but he has a couple of things working against him: 1) He is and always will be a Kennedy, with all that goes with the name, and 2) He is still a Democrat at heart and supports most of their Marxist programs.  Having him as vice president would be a national disaster.
  1. Will 83.3 million verdict stand in E. Jean Carroll case against Trump?
  1. Judge will announce decision in Trump Fraud trial shortly.  No matter what, Trump will appeal.  Does not seem constitutional to take away a person’s living for a light cause.
  1. Could Fani Willis be in trouble?  Does not seem very likely.
  1. Trump Trial Delayed
  1. Significance of delaying Trump Trial
  1. Who is controlling the agenda of the Republican Party?
  1. Migrants get $9,000 in Chicago This is a great incentive to come to Chicago.
  1. Election Day Voting by Midnight The intent was that all counting would be completed by midnight, though that may not always be possible.  No counting ballots days after the election.  The law calls for a day of voting, not several days.
  1. Democrat Plan to let non-Citizens vote in Presidential Elections
  1. Air Strikes against Iranian Targets

Monday February 5, 2024

Jim Hollingsworth

February 5, 2024

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. (1 Corinthians 15:22)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XXIII Section 1

The District constituting the seat of government of the United States shall appoint in such manner as the Congress may direct:

  1. Trump could lose ballot issue in supreme Court
  1. Trump and battle with prosecutor Jack Smith
  1. Trump Follows a Rocky Legal Path
  1. Some say Trump Considering Robert F. Kennedy as Vice President Choosing Kennedy may gain a few more liberal votes, but it would destroy partisan politics.  Kennedy is a breath of fresh air among Democrats, but he has a couple of things working against him: 1) He is and always will be a Kennedy, with all that goes with the name, and 2) He is still a Democrat at heart and supports most of their Marxist programs.  Having him as vice president would be a national disaster.
  1. Will 83.3 million verdict stand in E. Jean Carroll case against Trump?
  1. Judge will announce decision in Trump Fraud trial shortly.  No matter what, Trump will appeal.  Does not seem constitutional to take away a person’s living for a light cause.
  1. Could Fani Willis be in trouble?  Does not seem very likely.
  1. Trump Trial Delayed
  1. Significance of delaying Trump Trial
  1. Who is controlling the agenda of the Republican Party?
  1. Migrants get $9,000 in Chicago This is a great incentive to come to Chicago.
  1. Election Day Voting by Midnight The intent was that all counting would be completed by midnight, though that may not always be possible.  No counting ballots days after the election.  The law calls for a day of voting, not several days.
  1. Democrat Plan to let non-Citizens vote in Presidential Elections
  1. Air Strikes against Iranian Targets