Friday September 22, 2023 Attachment

Jim Hollingsworth

September 19, 2023


Several years ago my father, my brother and I were camped along a small stream in the middle of Utah, near to the town of Moab.  Not far from us another family was camped.  The family was a mother, a father and a pre-teen boy.

One evening about dusk the boy must have done something dreadful and all of a sudden the mother broke out in a tirade of swearing the likes of which I had never heard from a woman before (and have not heard since).  I wondered at the time how this boy was going to grow up having a healthy respect for his parents when they treated him so badly.

Most people truly love their kids.  Mothers, especially, like a panther “you touch my cub and I will claw your eyes out”.  Most are very protective of their children.

And yet, for some reason I am unable to explain, parents continue to place their children in circumstances that are tailor made to turn them against what is good and wholesome.

There are many public-school teachers who love America and American traditions and who fight for the good that is in America.  However, most colleges, and especially most teacher’s colleges are staffed by professors who are often Marxist in viewpoint.  It was even that way when I attended college many years ago.

Because of that, many teachers graduate with a Marxist, socialist idea that the government is the answer to every problem, and they pass that viewpoint along to the children they teach.  They may not even be aware they are doing so.

Parents who truly love their kids leave them in these government schools year after year and then are puzzled when at graduation those wonderful kids turn against them.  It is the tragedy of our present age, and is pretty general throughout the country.  This philosophy is aided by the Marxist teacher’s unions and the textbook publishers.

Some parents have seen the problem, but appear helpless to do anything about it.  They know they ought to remove their kids from these schools but are helpless to do so.  It is simple: In order to make ends meet both mother and father have to work just to balance the home budget.  Neither of them can quit to home-teach their own children.

The question, then, comes down to this: What is more important to you?  Is it your job, your fancy home, your new furniture, and wonderful car, or is it your children?  Parents who understand the nature of the present battle, and who truly love their kids have moved into an older home, drive an older car, own used furniture and spend their days loving and teaching their kids.  It is interesting how all their important arguments fade away after just a few months of teaching their own children.  They are amazed at how much quieter and kinder their kids are and how rewarding it is to teach them.

For years I have followed the writings of others, and especially articles about the attacks on our children.  I have seen very little about how children are groomed, and then molested.  This can cause harm that will affect them for a life time.

When I was 19, I dated a girl who was a very wonderful girl.  We went to a movie, and in the process of time I learned that she was only 15.  I was   terrified.  I said something to her father about it.  I am sure they had confidence in me, but I felt that confidence was misplaced, as anyone can be tempted.

The data indicates that children are rarely molested by strangers.  Often it is a parent, a brother or sister, aunt or uncle, or someone close to the family.  I have known of men in a church who groomed children; the parents had confidence in the man and let their children spend time with him.

The only way to really protect your children is to insure they are never alone with another person.  No one is beyond the possibility of being tempted to molest a child.  Children who are a little rebellious are the most likely to fall and sometimes parents will let their kids spend time with an older person who they think can become a friend of the child and help him.  That can happen, but it is not always the case.  It is impossible to know what will happen as child molesters come in all kinds of packages.

This is why the Boy Scouts has gotten into so much trouble.  Boys are paired with other boys in the buddy system and they sleep together in a tent.  If one of them happens to be a predator you can easily see what can happen.

Frankly there is no way to know what could happen.  Having your children involved with others can pay real benefits.  However, activities must be chosen carefully.  Church groups with a trustworthy adult and the children sleeping in larger groups helps preserve the integrity.

Ultimately parents must pay careful attention to what is happening with their children to protect them from evil.  Thus, it is important to keep the channels of communication open with your children so they can always feel free to express their hopes and even their problems.  Children with problems are easily groomed for trouble.

Be watchful, teach your children the Bible, as well as how predators work.  Young girls, especially, need to know how easily a man is stirred up.  Boys also.

This problem is especially important when considering transgender issues.  One book just out by a woman psychiatrist makes this claim:

My wish is for your child to reject the falsehoods from the get-go.  If he or she is already on a “gender journey,” the goal is therapy that will facilitate him or her to love themselves as they are, without harming their bodies.  I want to preserve your child’s health, sexual pleasure, and fertility.  No child is born in the wrong body, their bodies are just fine; it’s their emotional life that needs attention and healing.  In this book you’ll find the ammunition to protect your children while raising them in Trans Nation: information, parenting strategies, and hope. (P. xxxi)

You really need to read the whole book.  There are many startling things revealed about how puberty blockers and other trans solutions are destroying the health and futures of these young people.  You can obtain a copy of the book Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness here.

Today children who appear trans inclined are given puberty blockers, which halts their physical development at that point.  Young boys will grow into adults with childhood organs.  Same with girls. 

Sex is determined at conception and we ought not overlook that fact. 

Our children are precious. Unfortunately, many counsellors, including school counsellors, want parents to understand their only choices are a trans child or a dead child.  The best choice, however, is gently showing the child how God has given him a wonderful body and he just needs to learn to accept that.

Jim Hollingsworth is a graduate of Pensacola Christian College with a master’s degree in Biblical studies.  He has written several books:

Climate Change: A Convenient Truth: Second Edition, Improved and Updated

Cortez: A Biography

The Ancient Culture of the Aztec Empire

Abortion Compassion: a Prolife Book on unborn life

Romans: A Commentary

Galatians: A Commentary (pre-publication)

All available where books are sold. Jim Hollingsworth receives mail at:

Friday September 22, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day. (John 6:40)

“Say…whether peace is best preserved by giving energy to the government, or information to the people.  This last is the most certain and the most legitimate engine of government.  Educate and inform the whole mass of the people.  Enable them to see that it is their interest to preserve peace and order, and they will preserve them.  And it requires no very high degree of education to convince them of this.  They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.” (Thomas Jefferson: National Center For Constitutional Studies)

  1. McCarthy losing control of the House: May cut spending?  
  1. Judge gives Trump big win in Georgia Trial
  1. A President DeSantis would nominate justices like Clarence Thomas
  1. Pastor Jack Hibbs, pastor Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, California, says church responsible for post-Christian America
  1. DeSantis to Congress: Cut Funding or else
  1. Support Only Constitutional Article I, Section 8 spending: Cut spending drastically
  1. Fake Climate Narrative easily debunked
  1. Melania Trump: A Calm Port in a Stormy Sea
  1. Carjacking in your own driveway
  1. Biden Admin Cutting Rasor Wire at S. Border: Will we enforce the laws?
  1. General Mark Milley’s Scathing Unreleased Resignation Letter to Trump (
  1. Protecting Children – American Thinker Jim Hollingsworth September 20, 2023 This article was shortened by American Thinker as it covered two subjects.  They suggest I write a new paper on the deleted material.  I am praying about it.  Please see the attachment for the original article.
  1. Gregory Wrightstone Penn Testimony about CO2 and Fossil Fuels
  1. Noble Lies Dr. William Happer (ICCC-14) – CO2 Coalition

Thursday September 21, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.

Jim Hollingsworth

All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. (John 6:37)

“I know of no safe depositor of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion [freedom of choice], the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education.  This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power”. (Thomas Jefferson: National Center for Constitutional Studies)

  1. Please see announcement of Meeting With Alex Newman on Weaponization of Religion: Attached (October 3, 7:00 pm, CDA Resort)
  1. Climate protesters around the world are calling for an end to fossil fuels as Earth heats up | AP News These protesters don’t know anything about fossil fuels.  It is not so much a movement to save the Earth, but a movement to destroy civilization.  Modern civilization and progress is based on wise use of fossil fuels.  Without them we will live in cold dark homes.  Solar and Wind will never be viable solutions because the sun does not shine at night, and there are times when the wind does not blow.  It is not possible to build batteries large enough to handle the lull in energy production, and here in Idaho there are often weeks when the sun does not shine or the wind blow.
  1. Trump Supports Auto Workers
  1. FBI Lost Track of Operatives in Jan 6 Crowd
  1. As many leave California for better states, loss of representation, also
  1. Joe Biden’s 2024 Re-election Campaign Hit With More Bad News…If Anyone Cares ( Poverty rate rises under Biden: He takes no blame for inflation, when he is the only one who could cause it by printing money.
  1. Coeur d’Alene Library
  1. Twins born at 22 weeks, weighing 16 oz, now thriving
  1. Michigan Abortionist Died; clinic closed
  1. Questions about Trump’s Pro-life positions
  1. Grandmothers arrested, convicted for protesting at abortion clinics
  1. Congressman Chip Roy Files Bill to Repeal Face Act which puts pro-life workers in prison for free speech actions
  1. Biden Seeks to Ban Mining, Oil and Gas in Northern New Mexico They say they want to protect the area.  This is truly phony, as these operations have very little impact on the environment.
  1. Vivek Ramaswamy will not be VP
  1. Some Texas Parents want changes in education policies
  1. Some Texas Republicans Demand Censure of Speaker
  1. Lost Alaska Hiker Calls for Help Using Bear Camera; camera for monitoring bears

Testimony of Capitol Police Chief Concerning January 6 Events: 1.5 hours

Wednesday September 20, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

September 20, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. (John 6:35)

“A primary object…should be the education of our youth in the science of government.  In a republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important?  And what duty more pressing …than communicating it to those who are to be the future guardians of the liberties of the country?” (George Washington: National Center for Constitutional Studies)

  1. Senator Ted Cruz: Shutdown Likely: Others disagree
  1. Tim Ballard, Sound of Freedom, may run for Senate in Utah
  1. Tim Ballard, The Man Behind “Sound of Freedom”, in trouble.  Can any of it be true?
  1. Opposition to Budget Proposal  
  1. Woman sent to jail for protesting at abortion clinic: This looks like a strong violation of Free Speech: Should Appeal
  1. Trump will skip second debate, visit striking auto workers
  1. Trump Victory in Georgia Trial
  1. 13 Lawsuits Filed To Remove Trump From Ballot | American Center for Law and Justice (
  1. Congressional Compromise: Business as Usual
  1. Biologically people are born one of two sexes, and it cannot be changed, no matter what. Prager University video 6 minutes
  1. Here is an interesting headline from Associated Press: High Gas Prices Push up Inflation

What the headline should have said is: Inflation Causing High Gas           Prices.  Any Economics 1A Student knows that only the government can inflate   the currency, and printing more dollars causes prices to rise.  It is a basic law of           economics.  Of course the Associated Press is in the pocket of the Democrats,          and they do not want you to believe that the government is causing inflation, thus   the reversed headline.

  1. Please do not support any budget that does not stop the border invasion.  Do not allow any spending to aid illegal aliens.  Insist on a border policy that stops them at the border and turns them back.  Do not approve any item in the budget that can be stopped until this border is closed, completely. (A Letter for Congress Ed.)
  1. Border Crisis only Tip of the Iceberg Don’t support budget with open border. This is shocking .  You have to see what Democrat policies are causing.  This has to stop, or we are lost as a nation.  There has to be an end to this.  Please do what you can.

            Here is an article on the Darian Gap, in case you need to know. Darién Gap –        Wikipedia

Tuesday September 19, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

September 19, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?

Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. (John 6:28-29)

“A well-instructed people alone can be permanently a free people.” (James Madison: National Center For Constitutional Studies)

  1. Biden Press Secretary runs from question about president’s integrity
  1. Fed Loses Free Speech Case
  1. New Mexico Governor Bans  Guns: Declared Unconstitutional by some police  
  1. Londoners Protest Climate policies: attack surveillance cameras
  1. Young Biden Supporter may vote for Trump
  1. Border Patrol to Migrants in U.S.: You are free to go. Illegal aliens in the US are free to go anywhere they may want to go.  If no one hired them they would quit coming.
  1. NY Rep Stefanik (R): Migrant Crisis Caused by Democrats
  1. RF Kennedy, Jr. Assassination Attempt in Los Angeles
  1. RF Kennedy, Jr. Has answer to immigration and election integrity
  1. Biden: More Evidence?
  1. Biden says raised in synagogues
  1. U.S. may place armed guards on commercial ships to stop Iran Seizures in Persian Gulf
  1. Family Research Council: Trump Not Afraid of Jail Tony Perkins: Trump did more to further family values than anyone in my lifetime.
  1. 80-year-old woman says Jill Biden ought to be ashamed for treating Joe Biden as she does
  1. U.S. Electrical Grid Cannot Handle More Electric Vehicles
  1. March to End Fossil Fuels: How Silly This appears to be another socialist project, as fossil fuels are what has made America great.
  1. Re-education of Jordan Peterson
  1. Texas AG Ken Paxton Impeachment Trial: Acquitted on all 16 articles of Impeachment
  1. Dershowitz: Trump being denied his constitutional right to due process.
  1. Comments on Biden Green Policies and Auto Union Strike

Well, as a curmudgeon in good standing, I opine that anything that derails Biden’s Green Energy Program must be a great benefit. I suspect that the Big         Three automakers are too savvy to have put all their eggs in the EV basket, and       if not, then an expensive lesson will be forthcoming, Biden’s Big Green notwithstanding.

            FWIW, our friends with EVs are not all enthusiasts, and those who have used rental car versions even less so.

            A four day work week is in the future, really?? Are we gonna go down the French rabbithole and all become employees of the Feds as well??


            NOT “Old News.”

            This is front and center news.  Will the Big Three US automakers capitulate on a huge wage increase and then lose big time to the Chinese on EV production?  They have much lower labor costs than we do and could wipe out          American automakers.  And what happens if consumers reject short range electric vehicles?  With all the investment from US automakers in a switch to EVs, what will they do if consumers reject their under-performing EVs?  I see disaster on the horizon.


(United Auto Workers are among the best paid in the nation.  Their jobs are fairly routine and do not require a lot of talent.  Most of them take very little long-term training.  Only the wealthier have time and energy to strike for more wages. Ed)

Monday September 18, 2023 Attachment

Ancient Climate Changes and Extinct Megafaunas

   Mammoths were not the only megafauna that went extinct at the end of the Great Ice Age (Pleistocene). Hundreds of large mammal species disappeared, including mastodons, woolly mammoths, woolly rhinoceros, Irish elk (giant deer), cave bears, cave lions, dire wolves (25% bigger than the gray wolf), saber-tooth tigers, giant short-faced bears, camels (12 feet at the shoulders), giant sloths (weighed up to 5 tons and were 12 feet standing), giant beavers (9-feet long), Teratorn birds (wingspan to 28 feet)…

   The Imperial mammoths reached 14 feet at the shoulders! Carthaginian General Hannibal (Punic Wars, 218 B.C.) would have really frightened the Romans, if he had had these largest of “elephants!”

   Perhaps 5-million mammoths were buried in Siberia and Alaska in wind-blown, silt-sized sediments called loess. Loess is a fascinating geological phenomenon. These were gigantic dust storms trapping and completely entombing animals and plants. Perhaps 10 percent of the Earth’s surface deposits are loess. These aeolian deposits are important terrestrial records of ancient climate change.

   These paleowind deposits—now “frozen muck”–became ice-rich permafrost (soils below 320F for at least 2 years). As temperatures dropped the permafrost layer would move upwards after the loess was deposited and freeze the animal remains. Some of these dust deposits are hundreds of feet thick, and dwarf America’s Dust Bowl deposits of the 1930s (Oard, 2000).

   Permafrost contains large amounts of dead biomass and releases carbon dioxide and methane now.

   Mammoths are found with dirty lungs filled with silt/dust. “Or who can pour out the bottles of heaven, when the dust hardens in clumps, and the clods cling together?” (Job 38: 37-38, 2,000 B.C.).

   Seven percent of China is a loess plateau up to 350 feet in thickness. For thousands of years some Chinese have carved their homes in these deposits. The Palouse of Idaho and Washington is loess and is a major agricultural area. Extensive deposits are found in the Great Plains of North America.

   At White Sands National Park, New Mexico there are fossilized footprints of humans alongside Columbian mammoth and giant sloth tracks on the Ice-Age lake deposits! There are also dire wolf and American Lion tracks.

   Since 1901 at Rancho La Brea, California about 4-million fossils, including one human, have been excavated out of the asphaltic (“tar”) sediments. There are over 100 fossil pits. Fossils include extinct Ice-Age megafaunas—mammoth, mastodon, 4,000 plus dire wolves and 2,000 saber-toothed tigers. There are also contemporary animals such as coyotes, mountain lions, black bears, raccoons, and over 158 species of plants.

   Wrangel Island, in the Arctic Ocean, Russia may have had mammoths as recently as a few thousand years ago. Arctic fox, polar bears and lemmings (small rodents) now roam the island.

   Mammoth bones are dredged up from the North Sea by trawler fishing nets. Once there was an ancient land bridge between Great Britain and Europe; just as there once was the Bering land bridge between Asia and North America. At that time the oceans were about 300-400 feet lower than today, because continental Ice-Age glaciers stored up large amounts of water.

   Canadian Native Americans have legends of mammoths or mastodons living as recently as 200-years ago in remote areas of Canada. They say, “the huge animal had a nose that acted like a hand!” 

   Authors like Albert Einstein’s friend Immanuel Velikovsky argue that the Earth had a catastrophic pole shift (“Earth in Upheaval,” 1955) and astronomical disruptions with asteroid impacts (“Worlds in Collision,” 1950). Charles Darwin’s friend lawyer Sir Charles Lyell argued that Earth’s processes are slow, steady, and constant (Uniformitarianism, “Principles of Geology,” 1830).

    A Uniformitarian model (versus a Catastrophism model) has serious flaws. For example, two beautifully preserved extinct cave lion cub siblings, found together in Siberia, have radiocarbon ages differing by over 15,000 years! Paleoclimatologist Dr. Larry Vardiman and other scientists address Carbon-14 problems in “Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth” (2 Volumes, 2000 and 2005).

   Humans did hunt these now extinct megafaunas–Spear points are found in some remains—but ancient climate change, with more seasonal extremes, is a much greater factor at the end of the Ice-Age.

   “From whose womb comes the ice? And the frost of heaven, who gives it birth? The waters harden like stone, and the surface of the deep is frozen.” (Job 38:29-30, 2,000 B.C.).

Jim Pearl


Sunday September 18, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

September 18, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

O our God, wilt thou not judge them?  For we have no might against this great company that cometh against us; neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon thee. (2 Chronicles 20:12)

“We in America do not have government by the majority—we have government by the majority who participate…All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” (Thomas Jefferson: National Center for Constitutional  Studies)

  1. Please see the attached on ancient climate fauna and flora by Jim Pearl
  1. Georgia DA Fani Willis, loses to court
  1. Bing Videos Jordan Peterson: 6 Minutes
  1. Polls: Voters turning to Trump in  Swing States
  1. Florida Surgeon General, Dr Ladapo,  Advises: Don’t Take Booster Shots
  1. Professor Fired Over False Data on Racism
  1. Chino Valley (California) School District Protects Parents and Students against California Trans Laws
  1. Low-Cost Wind Energy is a Myth
  1. DeSantis, as President, would shoot Cartel Members crossing border
  1. Trump Moves to Quash Georgia Charges
  1. McCarthy: Unclear What Freedom Caucus Wants: It appears they want to use the power of the purse to cut spending, not continuing Resolution
  1. The Procedures for Adding States to the Union — Legislative Procedure It appears that both the House and Senate must agree to add DC as a state.  Since Republicans hold the House, this is not likely to happen.
  1. New Hampshire Secretary of State: Trump Cannot Be Removed from Ballot
  1. Texas AG, Ken Paxton, Found Innocent in Impeachment Trial
  1. Reactions to Paxton impeachment acquittal
  1. Biden Chief of Staff Benefits from Environmental Policies
  1. Richard Minter: Why 911 Sebastian Gorka: America First 33 Minutes
  1. Terissa Bukovinac, a Pro-life atheist Democrat: Left Leaning: Running for President as a Democrat
  1. WATCH: Larry Sinclair Says He Hooked Up With Barack Obama in Limo; Obama Showed Up For More the Next Day – RedState
  1. Obama Prime Suspect in Gay Serial Killings

Sunday September 17, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

September 17, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is. When the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live. (John 5:25)

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.  In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labour to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens.  The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them… Let it simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of moral and religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice3?” (George Washinton, Farewell Address: National Center for Constitutional Studies)

  1. Trump: Biden Not Too Old: Just Incompetent
  2. Governor DeSantis: Use the Power of the Purse to Discipline Federal Agencies
  3. Biden Caused Ukraine Prosecutor to be Fired
  4. Many Republicans Think McConnell should step down
  5. Pelosi: Is VP Harris Qualified?
  6. Court and Free Speech
  7. Trump on Abortion
  8. Rep Mat Gaetz Suggests speaker changes or vacate the chair
  9. Hundreds Baptized at Auburn Campus
  10. She is suing the doctor over trans treatments
  11. Trump Supports Impeaching Biden 
  12. Mitt Romney plans to retire in  2025
  13. Poverty Rate increasing under Biden Economic Policies
  14. Will Hunter Biden Ever Be Brought to Trial?
  15. Pope Francis supports Left-wing causes
  16. NM Governor Subject to Impeachment because of Second Amendment Violation

Saturday September 16, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

September 16, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. (John 3:5)

“The sum of all is, if we would most truly enjoy the gift of heaven, let us become a virtuous people; then shall we both deserve and enjoy it.  While, on the other hand, if we are universally vicious and debauched in our manners, though the form of our Constitution carries the face of the most exalted freedom, we shall in reality be the most abject slaves”. (Samuel Adams: National  Center For Constitutional Studies)

  1. National Guard Aiding in Migrant Crisis
  1. Romney Supports Impeachment of Biden: Decides not to run again
  1. Larry Elder complains about GOP Rules
  1. Biden Criticized by Strong Ally
  1. House to charge Biden in Impeachment proceedings
  1. Call to impeach AG Merrick  Garland
  1. Energy Secretary’s Road Trip Causes call to police: EVs are not the answer to anything
  1. United Auto Workers on Strike: Current Pay only $78,000 per year What would happen if there was no auto union?  They are among the highest paid in the nation, and still want more.
  1. In Texas Impeachment Trial of Ken Paxton Trump Supports him
  1. What is really happening at North Idaho College. We worked hard to see some folk on the NIC board who would work to improve the educational environment.  Now the local press cannot say anything good about what they are doing .

            PATTERSON: Misrepresents facts | Coeur d’Alene Press (   Deborah Rose

            PATTERSON: False information | Coeur d’Alene Press ( Suzanne Metzger

            MY TURN: Maybe the ‘bad guys’ are really the ‘good guys’ | Coeur d’Alene Press             (        Ann Patterson

            MY TURN: Maybe the ‘bad guys’ are really the ‘good guys’ | Coeur d’Alene Press             (        Art Macomber, ESQ

  1. Alaska National Wildlife Refuge: News and considerations.
    Biden administration cancels remaining oil and gas leases in Alaska’s Arctic Refuge | AP News Whenever talking about oil leases in Alaska they always show pictures of the most beautiful part of the Refuge.  Oil is found on the north slope, which is basically a mud flat.  Drilling does not affect any of the indigenous animals, in fact they often congregate around oil pipelines because it is warmer there.  These press releases are totally dishonest, and designed to keep us poorer as a nation.  There will be no other result.  This is truly the difference between a Biden Administration and what was a Trump Administration.

            Alaska Pipeline At Prudhoe Bay High-Res Stock Photo – Getty Images This is a    typical path for the oil pipeline across the plain where oil is found.

            Drilling Rig For Oil Well Drilling Equipment For Drilling Oil A Stock Photo – Download Image Now – iStock ( Here is a typical drilling platform in Alaska.  You can see  how little space it takes up.

            Dalton Highway Descends South Toward Galbraith Lake Stock Photo – Download             Image Now – iStock ( Here is a typical picture you usually see in  the press to talk about oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; which is far from the plain where drilling takes place.

            Here is how the drilling has affected the native animals.  They love to congregate around the pipelines in the winter because it is warmer there.

Caribou and oil rig

Friday September 15, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

September 15, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. (John 1:14)

  1. Please see the attached Brent Regan Column on Fear.
  1. Please see the attached picture of life long ago.
  1. Hunter Biden Charged With Gun Crime: Will He ever be Tried?
  1. Walmart to re-open with Police Station Inside
  2. Trump Fights Back: No Insurrection
  3. Watch This Out-Of-Touch Democrat Praise New Mexico’s Unconstitutional Gun Carry Ban (
  4. Senator Tuberville Blocking Military Nominations over Pentagon Abortion Policy
  5. New Mexico Governor Gun Ban in Trouble
  6. Ramaswamy: Protect the Border
  7. States using Fourteenth Amendment Insurrection Clause to try and keep Trump off the Ballot.  But Trump not guilty of insurrection, period.
  8. Fox: Judge: DACA still illegal
  1. Defund the Police and Pay the Consequences: Democrat attacked outside her home
  2. Biden Accused of Plagiarism at Harvard Law School Journal
  1. NY Bloomberg Critical of Biden Open Border Policy
  1. Trump asks biased judge to recuse herself
  1. United Auto Workers Union Offer For many years UAW workers have been among the highest paid in the country.  They know that people have to have cars, so it gives them a great bargaining lever.  Just another reason forced unions are wrong.
  2. Texas Odessa Bans Mandates
  1. False Testimony Given in Texas AG Paxton Impeachment Trial