Saturday July 22, 2023 Attachment No 1

Dr. Bret Shillingstad, MD

July 11, 2023

West Bonner School District

Supporting Change!

My family and I moved here a few years ago anxious to leave the liberal domination of Madison, Wisconsin and be back out west where I was raised.  We have loved our time in the mountains and meeting our neighbors who have become good friends.  The COVID  plandemic opened the public’s eyes about the control of medicine, government and education even at the local level.  We were impressed with the school board addressing these issues on the local level.

Let’s face facts, the local school district by most standards would be considered a “basket case” when compared to other districts in the state.  Even though the district spends $10,407 per pupil and Idaho average  is $9,363 the extra dollars are not producing results.  Test scores are below average and the “go-on” rate  in the district is 32% which is well below average. The “go-‘on” rate measures graduating seniors going to some type of further education. This is all on top of teachers dismissed for moral failure and events that show issues for students under stress and depression.

The education establishment in Idaho is similar to other states, they run the schools and state funding and spending.  All you have to do is read the labor agreement between the district and the teacher’s union, look at this one example:  “Article VI: Association Business: The Association President shall be released fifteen (15) days per year for Association business. Such release days shall be in addition to those days authorized by Idaho Code. The West Bonner County Education Association will pay for the cost of the substitutes as needed.” Remember, “Association” is the teacher’s union and not being in the classroom teaching is less important than union business and there are more examples in the contract.

What has caused the latest controversy? The fact that the Board of Trustees would dare appoint an outsider to be the new superintendent and not promote a teacher and union member from the faculty.  The Board dared to appoint Brandon Hurst as the new superintendent from outside the district and the local union and leftists in the state have lost their minds.  The Hagadone newspapers (Bonner Bee and Coeur d’Alene Press among others) have joined in on the attacks.  The Press invited a known leftist,  Jim Jones to tell us that this is the end of the world for education in Idaho.  This is the same Jim Jones from Boise who viciously attacked Dr. Ryan Cole for dissenting during COVID.  In September of 2021 he wanted Dr. Cole’s medical license to be stripped.  Why? Dr. Cole thought Ivermectin among other drugs could be effective.  Jones said it was for animals and was “horse paste”.  He somehow failed to mention Ivermectin was a Nobel Prize Winning Drug in 2015 and touted as a miracle drug for millions in tropical areas.  This year of course studies have shown the efficacy of Ivermectin in COVID patients was 72% effective.

What is the point of this aside on medicine?  It is this, don’t take advice from Jim or the media on medicine or education when they has no background on either.  The board of trustees of West Bonner S.D. know the community and and the schools.  But why the opposition to Brandon Durst?  Who is he?  Well he was a two term representative in the Idaho House and one term in the Idaho Senate and that certainly gave him experience in state funding and government.  Oh, by the way, he served as a Democrat.  In addition to his bachelor’s degree he has a Masters in Public Administration and amid other honors he earned an Education Specialist (EDS) degree in Executive Educational Leadership, all from Boise State.  He then decided to run for Supt. of Public Instruction in Idaho in 2022 as a Republican in a field of three in the primary.  He narrowly lost the race but dominated the field in North Idaho. In Bonner Country he beat the other two candidates who ran against him.  Brandon received 2550 votes or nearly 60% and swamped the other two candidates  . He was the clear favorite in our area, we liked him then why not now?

Here is the kicker. He then went to work for the Idaho Freedom Foundation and those three words drives the leftists bonkers.  He researched and wrote papers mainly on education reform.  He is married and he an his wife Cheri have four sons and a daughter and is respected among legislators and leaders in the state of Idaho.

I think our school board made a good choice but the test will be time.  Let’s evaluate him a year or two from now.  You can decide how you will vote on the recall but do your homework. We will vote NO!  Request your ballot early so you don’t forget. Call the Bonner County Clerk at 208-265-1432 for details on voting. These local elections are critical, issues regarding schools, libraries and local government is where we need the patriots to turn out.  Pray for strength and wisdom for our board.  It is a thankless job and when you take on the education establishment it is not pretty.

Saturday July 22, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 22, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. (John 6:37)

  1. Please see Bob Shillingstad’s attached comments about West Bonner Recall Election.
  1. Also see my attached American Thinker Article “Wake Me”.

Will Someone Please Wake Me From This Nightmare? – American Thinker

  1. Do Electric Vehicles have any Long Term Future?
  1. Possible indictment of Hunter Biden If you are like me, you are probably getting tired of hearing about Hunter Biden.  It is very likely that nothing will ever be done about his foibles.
  1. Trump Trial Delayed, but still before Election in 2024
  1. Judge Rules Against Trump Prosecutors in Minor Issue
  1. Desperate Democrats: Jail Trump and Throw Away the Key
  1. Impeach the President?  Not Likely: Remember the Senate Has to Try him.  Lots of press, but no action likely.
  1. Newsmax Interview With Donald Trump
  1. LA Police Union Chief: Go Where You are Appreciated While I do not think I would ever support any union in any action, I do have to admit that she has a point.  You do not defund the police then expect a great police force.
  1. Why Soldier Defected to North Korea He may find that he is not welcomed with open arms.  He may not like North Korea any better than U.S.
  1. Some RINO Senators Threaten to Leave Republican Party over Conservative Policies
  1. Reconciliation Monument to be Removed: Shameful!
  1. Jill Biden Guiding and Protecting Her Husband
  1. Watch Live: Tucker Carlson Grills 2024 Candidates At First GOP Presidential Forum In Iowa | Video | RealClearPolitics 8 hours

Friday July 21, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 21, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)

  1. Jill Biden Guiding and Protecting Her Husband
  1. Huge North Caroline Pfizer Rocky Mountain facility damaged by tornado
  1. Trump Defense in Mar-A-Lago Raid
  1. Success of Sound of Freedom  May gross over 100 million.
  1. Trump’s Regrets and Hope for the Future
  1. FBI: Don’t Interview Hunter Biden
  1. Cut Ties With Marxist American Library Association
  1. Marjorie Taylor Greene and IRS Agents: Hunter Biden Illegal Payments for “Favors”.
  1. Kelly: DeSantis made best showing at Iowa Forum.  Some candidates made it clear they are going nowhere.  When you answer questions by talking in circles you have doomed your campaign as people want real answers, not political double talk.
  1. Military Plan to pay for Abortions, violates the law
  1. Biden Continues Mental Decline: Shouts at Aides Using vulgar language
  1. Biden Continues Mental Decline: Shouts at Aides Using vulgar language
  1. Retired Secret Service Agent: Secret Service Knows who brought drugs into White House
  1. Retired Navy Vet, Vietnam Refugee, Hung Cao, Running against Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia

Earlier this month, Cao stated, “My family and I came to this country for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The U.S. gave us a home, a flag to stand under, and countless opportunities. We have been committed to returning the favor ever since

  1. CNBC: Texas worst state to live in: Still they come
  1. Man, drifting with damaged boat, rescued after two months at sea
  1. Waiting 4 hours in Las Vegas Heat many passengers become ill
  1. Biden Administration Continues Student Loan Forgiveness This clearly violates the law, but who cares?
  1. Florida Crackdown on Employment of Illegal Aliens Is Working – Mainstream Media Horrified (
  1. Kash Pate; Devin Nunes: FBI surveillance of congressional staff
  1. Judge Condemns Secret Service over Investigation of Cocaine in White House
  1. Conviction of Trump before the election could endanger the republic
  1. Tucker Carlson: Three Things Not Allowed to Talk About
  1. Democrats believe abortion okay up to delivery Both the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments protect the life, liberty and property of every “person” in the United States.  If a person is a person at birth, then he is also a person before birth.  And that goes back to conception.  From conception on there is no change until delivery, and that is just a change of location.  Before that it is just a matter of development and growth.  It makes sense that anyone who cannot get the issues of life right ought not to be trusted in any other matter; abortion is that important to the national discourse.
  1. Open Primaries

Primary elections are the program where each party chooses who they want to represent them in the general election in November.  As such the primary is usually only open to those who belong to the particular party.  Allowing others to vote in your primary would be like allowing your neighbor to help you set your family budget; it would just make no sense.

Jim Jones was Chief Justice of the Idaho Supreme Court.  He has been involved in Idaho politics for many years.  He understands the political process.  What he and many others are wanting is a primary where they can vote for the most liberal Republican candidate, or a Republican in Name Only (RINO).  This was a problem in the past; Democrats voted in the Republican primary, so the primary was closed.

Ranked Choice voting is similar.  You vote for your first choice, then your second etc.  As we saw in Alaska this has worked against the Republican Party.

There is just no reason to support open primaries, unless you are a Democrat living in a major Republican state.  This allows you to enter the election process through the back door.  It is just a very bad proposal.


Jim Hollingsworth

Jim Jones, Former Idaho Chief Justice, Editorial

OPINION: Why file a lawsuit over deceptive initiative titles? | Coeur d’Alene Press (

  1. Steve Bannon and The War Room
Steve Bannon hosted a special live WarRoom from Bedminster, NJ for the screening of the Sound of Freedom movie.   WATCH THE CLIPS FROM TODAY’S SHOWS: Tim And Kathrine Ballard Describe The Reality Of “Sound Of Freedom” Matthew Faraci: “Angel’s projecting that we’re gonna hit 100 Million Dollars today” Kari Lake: ” I get a lump in my throat when I think of what’s happening at our border” Jack Posobiec On Sound Of Freedom: “I haven’t stopped posting it, or talking about it” Katherine And Tim Ballard Share Mission To Get Orphans In “High Traffic Areas” Homes With OurRescue.Org Sound Of Freedom Movie Has Awakened “The Army Of Freedom” – Eduardo Verástegui  Sound Of Freedom Movie Is The Ultimate Hollywood Disruptor @JackPosobiec  I feel a lump in my throat when I think about the horrors these innocent children face everyday. 

Thursday July 20, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 20, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. (2 Corinthians 1:40

  1. Tucker Carlson: Three Things Not Allowed to Talk About
  1. Trump Targeted by Jack Smith
  1. LA Police Union Official To Policemen: Go where you are appreciated
  1. Fox News Did Not Cover Presidential Interviews With Carlson
  1. Tucker Carlson: Capitol Police Chief: There were Government Agents in the Crowd on Jan 6
  1. Megyn Kelly and Trump Good Meeting They buried the hatchet.
  1. Trump Lawyers Seek to Delay Trial til after Election
  1. Some Returned To Mexico at Border in Texas
  1. Megyn Kelly: Out For Blood: Jack Smith: Take Out Trump
  1. Steve Bannon Predicts Trump Winning Only Begins the Battle Again
  1. Idaho Hitman Finds Christ
 Idaho Hitman Finds Christ
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9, ESV). 
Detective James McParland was a living legend. His adventures as a Pinkerton operative had already earned the admiration of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who used McParland as a prototype for a leading character in one of his Sherlock Holmes novels. But McParland would soon play another leading part—this time in annals of early Idaho history. On a snowy December night in 1905, former Idaho Gov. Frank Steunenberg inadvertently detonated a bomb that someone had rigged to the front gatepost of his Caldwell residence. Stuenenberg succumbed to his injuries later that day, etching his name into history as the first and only Idaho governor ever assassinated.  Attempting to stem rising public outrage, Idaho officials quickly requested the services of the Pinkerton agency, which dispatched Detective McParland. When the famous detective finally arrived in Boise, he quickly set his sights on a key suspect in the investigation named Harry Orchard, the henchman of a revolutionary Marxist labor union with a large presence in the Silver Valley of Idaho. Visiting Harry Orchard, Detective McParland appealed to his guilty conscience. As Orchard later recounted, McParland “spoke of what an awful thing it was to live and die a sinful life, and that every man ought to repent of his sins, and that there was no sin that God would not forgive,” even citing King David and the Apostle Paul as examples of murderers who were reconciled to God through Christ. Coming under the conviction of his sin, Harry Orchard confessed to the assassination of Gov. Stuenenberg as well as the murder of at least sixteen other people under direct orders from union officials. While awaiting his trial, Orchard received a Bible from a missionary society in Chicago. He began searching its pages daily, seeking God in prayer, and attending Sunday services at the penitentiary—eventually requesting a visit from the Rev. Dean Hicks of St. Michael’s Episcopal Cathedral, who assured him that God’s “pardon is full and free,” even for murderers. “This peace crept in a little at a time, and I can hardly tell when or how, but I at last began to realize the change,” Harry Orchard wrote in his autobiography. “Thank God today that I know I am a sinner saved by grace, through no good merits of mine, but all through the blood of Jesus Christ, our blessed Savior and Redeemer.” The confession secured by Detective McParland was used to convict Harry Orchard of his crimes. But just as importantly, God had used this detective evangelist to take the good news to a weary sinner in need of salvation.

Wednesday July 19, 2023 Attachment

Jim Hollingsworth

July 13, 2023


When Biden became president America was on a solid footing, inflation was under control, we were energy independent, the price of gasoline was under $2.00, and things in America were great.  Now most of that has been undone, and nothing is being done about it.  This is like a nightmare in which you are terrified only to awake and be thankful it was only a dream.  But the present nightmare is no dream, and things are only getting worse in America.  Will someone please wake me from this nightmare?

While Trump was president nearly 500 miles of wall were built and immigration was controlled.  Biden has opened the border and invited all to come, and they are coming by the millions

When Biden became president America was energy independent and we were even selling energy abroad.  Biden stopped construction of oil pipelines, stopped drilling on public lands, and began a campaign against fossil fuels, the very product that has made America great.  Will someone please wake me from this nightmare?

Trump appointed constitutional judges around the country, and three great judges to the Supreme Court.  They have protected life by reversing Roe V.  Wade.  Biden, a Catholic, is the most pro-abortion president in recent history.  Protestors at abortion clinics have been assaulted and prolife clinics and churches have been attacked.

When Trump left office, everyone knew what was a woman and there was no question but that God had created only men and women.  Biden has continued to promote the idea that people who say they are transgender need our support, even to puberty blockers and radical surgeries that injure children for life.  Now men undress in women’s locker rooms, and compete in women’s sports, destroying the incentives of women who have trained all their lives for success. 

While Trump was in office you were pretty much permitted to say whatever you knew to be true and free speech was not hindered.  Now, under Biden, you can be fired for simply pointing out something destructive, but which you know to be true.  This includes issues about climate change, the value of masks and vaccinations, and other so-called health measures.  Will someone please wake me from this nightmare?

Biden has made it clear that he supports going to zero carbon emissions which would eliminate all use of coal, and fossil fuels.  Natural gas is used to make fertilizer, which is very important to agriculture.  And, over 6000 things that we use on a daily basis are made from oil.  Wind and solar will never take the place of coal-fired, or natural gas-fired energy generation.  Electric cars will soon be a national disaster because they are useless during a time of disaster with no electricity available.  It is not possible to build batteries large enough to carry a city during times when the sun does not shine nor the wind blow. 

Several have testified that the Bidens received 5 million, 10 million from foreign governments, which is illegal, but nothing has been done about it.  Hunter cheats on his taxes and lies on his application for a gun permit, yet he only gets a very light sentence.  There seems to be a two-tier justice system.  Will someone please wake me from this nightmare?

There is considerable evidence that the past two elections were rigged against Republicans, yet no measures are taken to insure this does not happen again.  If this is not corrected it could spell the end of our constitutional republic. 

Under Trump there was little inflation, prices were fairly stable.  Biden has spent billions by just printing the money.  This is classic inflation and is hurting everyone with higher prices for everything from food to hardware.  This is especially true for gasoline, the price of which is also affected by the Biden energy policies. 

Under Trump religious expression was protected.  Now under the Biden Administration we see FBI agents infiltrating Catholic churches and reporting on “un-American” activities. Freedom of religion is attacked on several fronts.  Our clear First Amendment Rights are not protected.  Will someone please wake me from this nightmare?

In one town people rode bikes through town totally naked.  With prayer and Bible reading no longer permitted in our schools, our schools no longer have a moral compass.  What has historically been considered a disgrace is now just another person’s freedom of expression.  This is madness.

Not long ago most Americans were very patriotic.  Now statues of Americans are being torn down for very light reasons.  The American flag is defaced and no longer respected.  A pride flag is displayed above the American flag at the white house.  Children no longer pledge to the flag in our schools.  None of this can be considered constructive action.

Patriotic Americans have protested over various policies, spoken up at school board meetings and taken stands for righteousness, and these have been called domestic terrorists by our government.  Others, such as those in Black Lives Matter, have destroyed businesses and burned down whole sections of town, and these are called peaceful protestors.  Some have even been arrested and their bail paid by some Democrats.  This is insane.

Most of our schools were shut down during the recent pandemic, and children lost time that will never be made up.  Academic achievement has stalled and the only answer educators seem to know is to just spend more money on education.  They do not seem to consider that quality education is taking place at a much-reduced price.  Our schools have lost any clear moral direction.  Even worse, our children are taught to hate our national heroes.

Trump had plans to leave Afghanistan in an orderly fashion.  Biden abandoned our military airport, left Afghanistan without telling our allies, was responsible for the death of 13 of our soldiers, and left behind billions in state-of-the-art military equipment.  Even some Americans were left behind.  This was a serious crime.

President Trump strongly supported the Second Amendment, but Biden has worked hard to undermine our Second Amendment Rights.

I worked with many Democrats for several years and considered them to be both logical and sane.  Yet, what is happening in America right now in mostly Democrat led states and cities is neither logical nor sane.  It has to be obvious to any thinking person that if America continues down our present path, we will be easy game for a foreign power, and our great republic will be destroyed.  This has to stop, and it begins with some patriotic American Democrats re-taking control of their party and stop this madness. 

This is not just a nightmare that will go away when we awake.  This is a terrible national condition that must be remedied before it is too late.  Things are moving so rapidly toward destruction that we may not survive until the next election.  We have to wake up from this madness.

Jim Hollingsworth is a graduate of Pensacola Christian College with a master’s degree in Biblical Studies.  He has written five books:

Climate Change: A Convenient Truth

Cortez: A Biography

The Ancient Culture of the Aztec Empire

Abortion Compassion

A Commentary on the Book of Romans

A Commentary on the Book of Galatians is with the publisher.

Available where books are sold.

Wednesday July 19, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 19, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)

  1. Here is my most recent article published by American Thinker.  It is also attached as a Word document.

Will Someone Please Wake Me From This Nightmare? – American Thinker

  1. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr to Testify on Censorship: Democrats Opposed to it.
  1. My Father’s Role in the Fall of Fascism
  1. OPINION: Trump redux | Coeur d’Alene Press ( Brent Regan Column Friday, July 14, 2023
  1. Electric Vehicles built over 100 years ago never caught on, and will not last today for many reasons
  1. Old Kennedy Stories Never Die
  1. Trump Potential Running Mates Personally I would not expect Trump to pick a running mate until after the convention; but this will be a very hard election to second guess at any point.  Anything can happen.
  1. In-n-out Burger takes stand on Masks
  1. DeSantis says NO to suggested VP Role  At this point it appears that the chances of a DeSantis win are slim to none.  History demonstrates that choosing to support someone else helps the other and sets yourself up for a later win.  I still believe a Trump-DeSantis team would be unbeatable.  Then, again, DeSantis is doing a great job in Florida and needs to stay there until 2028.
  1. Coming Virginia Elections could affect later national elections
  1. Another Train Crash in Pennsylvania
  1. More testimony, but no action
  1. Story of Armed Woman
  1. Saudi Arabia Taking Arizona Water
  1. Rep Lauren Boebert sounded the alarm on White House Scandal
  1. Secret Service Destroys bag evidence After nearly seven months Congress has heard much testimony of wrong doing by the present administration, and no one has been held to account.  It is likely that no one will ever be brought to account.
  1. DeSantis letting go some campaign staff
  1. Plant a trillion trees to deal with climate change Every thinking scientist knows there is no climate change crisis.  So, who will pay for the trees?  Where will the water come from for these new trees?  Who will plant them?  This reminds me of the WPA, and the CCC under President Roosevelt, just more work projects.  Carbon Dioxide is needed by every plant for growth.  It is not creating any serious warming.
  1. Floods: Historical, Not Climate Change I remember that in the fifties I worked at a camp in the Sierras.  We built a dam and with a small creek had a lake for aquatic activity.  Later in the summer a flash flood washed out the dam.  It was rebuilt and this time with a drain, so it could be drained at the end of the summer.  Again the drain plugged up and the dam washed out.  Flash floods were very common in the high desert.  Not sure if there is even a dam there today.

Just a further thought on flooding.  As civilization develops there are more houses, more streets and roads, and more blacktop etc.  Thus, there is more runoff.  Over time this will only get worse and cause more flooding.  Flood control dams will help, but not building in areas where floods occur each year may be another solution.

Tuesday July 18, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 18, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. (Jeremiah 33:3)

  1. DeSantis letting go some campaign staff
  1. Watch Live: Day One of Turning Point Action’s Conference ( 2:54 Hours
  1. Turning Point USA Jack Posobiec 5 Minutes
  1. Charlie Kirk on Twitter: “RT @TuckerCarlson: We grilled the GOP candidates at the Iowa summit and then traveled to Florida for a big speech at Turning Point USA. Wa…” / Twitter 43 Minutes
  1. Tucker Carlson Turning Point USA 2023 57 Min      
  1. Pushing election lies, TPUSA audience member asks Charlie Kirk when they can “use the guns” and “kill these people” | Media Matters for America Kirk: They win if we use violence to regain our freedom.  Use muscle peacefully.  Governor could do more.
  1. Full Video: Trump Speaks at the Turning Point Action Conference (July 15) – Election Central ( 1:43 Hours
  1. Trump Wins Turning Point Straw Poll
  1. Texas Creates Buoy Barrier in Rio Grande to Deter Illegal Crossings – TPUSA LIVE
  1. Climate Activists Glue Themselves to Tarmac at German Airport, Disrupt Flights These activists know nothing about climate.  They only “know” what they are told by a liberal press which keeps feeding the narrative that the world is about to end because of natural changes in climate.  This is universal madness.  I would gladly share my book with them if I thought they would read it. But this is a pretty dangerous protest.
  1. Job-Seekers with ‘They/Them’ Pronouns on Resume are Less Likely to Get the Job, Study Finds – TPUSA LIVE
  1. Trump news today: Trump considers Republican 2024 rivals Tim Scott and Vivek Ramaswamy for running mate | The Independent
  1. Machin could run as third-party candidate for President
  1. Trump: Newsmax over Fox
  1. Lawnmower Kills woman hidden in grass: Justice requested
  1. Outrage over release of drunk driver who killed boy
  1. Tucker Carlson and Chris Christie trade barbs on Ukraine: Also Presidential Summit, 8 hours
  1. John Kerry Testifies
  1. Biden Doesn’t Follow the Rules
  1. Jordan Peterson interview with Patrick Bret-David 1.05 Hours
  1. Jordan Peterson: The Importance of having support of a dad: 3 Min
  1. What Happened to the Idaho Presidential March Primary?
  1. Trump Talks to Mel Gibson about Sound of Freedom Film
  1. 85,000 alien children missing: child trafficking ring?
  1. FBI Director Lied Under Oath
  1. Georgia Suspect in 4 Killings Fatally Shot, Gunfire Exchanged and 2 Officers Hurt, Authorities Say |

Monday July 17, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 17, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few messages for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

WHEREFORE seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:1-2)

  1. 85,000 alien children missing: child trafficking ring?
  1. Electric Cars are a Scam
  1. Blinken Should Resign .
  1. Trans men in Women’s competition is insanity
  1. Byron Donalds for Vice President Candidate???
  1. FBI Director Lied Under Oath
  1. Georgia Suspect in 4 Killings Fatally Shot, Gunfire Exchanged and 2 Officers Hurt, Authorities Say |

Sunday July 16, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 16, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Looking for that blessed hope, and glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;

Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. (Titus 2:13-14)

  1. Mexican Paramilitary stands against drug cartels
  1. Pence and Tucker Carlson have heated discussion on Ukraine
  1. Secret Service probes how a small bag of cocaine got into the White House : NPR It was a dime-sized bag.  Anyone could have brought it in.  But why was it left?
  1. Student Debt Cancellation: Biden Administration finds a way to get around court opinion
  1. Finger prints found on bag.  Whose?
  1. Whose Bag Was it? They say finger prints on a porous object ought to be easy to see.  Did he really mean a non-porous bag?  I am told, also, that this was a dime sized bag, so easy to overlook.  I was thinking of something about sandwich size.  There are cameras all over the White House, and lots of inspections of those who enter, so many feel it had to be Hunter.  We will probably never know.
  1. Iowa Law against abortion now in effect Senator Graham says outlaw after 15 weeks.  Why 15 Weeks?  Why draw the line there?  Conception is the natural line, not 15 weeks.
  1. DeSantis Pledges to Support Trump if he wins: Does not want to be VP?

Saturday July 15, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

July 15, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few messages for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony: and they loved not their lives unto the death.  (Revelation 12:11)

  1. DeSantis Pledges to Support Tr ump if he wins: Does not want to be VP?
  1. Mothers protest books: Remove books or defund the library
  1. Tucker Carlson: Ukraine Not a Democracy No elections until after they win the war with Russia.
  1. Even NBC believes Biden Corruption Whistleblower
  1. Biden would move first primary to South Carolina Because there are More Black Democrats There
  1. Maine Democrats Would Kill Babies up to Birth
  1. Comments on Possible Trump Pick for VP.  Lake says, No Thanks
  1. Pelosi stood against student loan canceling
  1. Dime Sized Bag of Cocaine All Week I have pictured a larger bag of cocaine.  A bag that small could have been in anyone’s pocket and just dropped, and someone picked it up and put it on the shelf.  Or was it in a locker?
  1. The Present Constitutional Supreme Court a Trump Legacy
  1. VP Harris Has Language Problems
  1. Gal Luft Charges Administration With Fraud  They have ordered his arrest.  House wants him to testify.
  1. One Illegal Vote Can Change an Election
  1. DeSantis Talks of Border Policy
  1. Mexican Government Opposes DeSantis Border Policy
  1. Secret Service Agent: Only Biden Family could have brought cocaine into the White House
  1. Noted Scientist: There is No Climate Crisis
  1. Trump Would End War in Ukraine
  1. Montana Library Association leaves national group over Marxist Lesbian President
  1. Biden Would Block Out the Sun to fight Climate Change God created the Earth with a very complex climate system.  After years of study there is still a lot we do not understand about our earth and climate.  One thing is clear: God made the earth this way for very good reasons and any plan to change it would be a serious disaster.  What other hair-brained ideas does this administration have?  They fail because they really know very little about the God who created everything.
  1. Some comments from my climate friends.

Hi Paul:

Climate change has made a handful of individuals, such as Al Gore, a lot richer, all right — but made millions more a lot poorer through more expensive light bulbs, fuels, automobiles, and building codes. This is a central government scam, just as the Endangered Species Act has turned into, in which elites gain greater control over the masses through costly regulations and distributing the wealth in small increments to select politicians, academics, and media.

At least that’s the way it looks to me. Other thoughts?

Bob Zybach

On Jul 13, 2023, at 5:55 PM, Paul DeWitt  wrote:

A quick Google search reveals a number of heat waves over the last three centuries that resulted in numerous fatalities, including one in China in 1743 (long before the Industrial Revolution) with temps reaching 112 degrees. I seem to remember one that killed thousands of elderly in France about 30 years ago during their vacation season (August), when many of the French took off for the beaches, leaving their aging parents at home to succumb to the heat. 

I think some of the Canadian fires were human caused, as is true in this country, e.g., homeless encampments.

Throwing trillions at climate change won’t change the climate, but it will make people like Al Gore a lot richer.