Thursday June 8, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Chris died for our sins according to the scriptures; (1 Corinthians 15:3)

  1. One solution to the border crisis
  1. Democrats Doctor Evidence From January 6
  1. Doctored Jan 6 Videos are Trouble for Nancy Pelosi
  1. Officials Lied about covid deaths
  1. House Conservatives With Long Memories
  1. Favorable Court could overturn law against demonstrations at abortion clinics
  1. Twitter: Tucker Carlson First Speech: Who Blew Up the Ukraine Dam?  UFOs?
  1. Ukraine Worried Trump would stop support: Also Robert F. Kennedy, Jr
  1. Hannity: Why Trump makes Raspy Comments  
  1. Trump’s Take on Biden’s Fall  
  1. Trump would use military to stop border crisis, save lives
  1. NY Trump Trial Takes a Turn
  1. Oregon Democrats putting Bipartisan issues on the Backburner over unlawful, extreme agenda
  1. Biden, a Catholic, withholds funds from pro-life states
  1. The Federalist: Washington Post Smears Home-schooling; but it won’t stop loss from Public School Indoctrination

“To the Post, helping subvert a Christian family is all in a day’s work. And herding Christian kids into public schools is a major part of that self-righteous effort. But it’s not going to work, because far too many parents view The Washington Post’s bankrupt moral outrage against their choices as a badge of honor.”

When things get bad enough families will find a way to home school their kids.  I remember one family where the dad took the kid to work every day.  Some women have jobs where their kids can be with them, or they can work at home.

Another alternative: say you have ten families; ten kids.  You hold school for six day.  Each mother works one day a week so all days are covered, then she works at a job for five days, making a total of six days.  That is one way to solve the problem if you are a single mom, or even a single day. JHH

  1. Southern Poverty Law Center Attacks Christian Conservatives Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is without a doubt one of the most anti-American organizations in the United States.  It would not be a problem, but the Federal Government often gets direction from the SPLC.  Something must be done to stop them.  They say they fight hate, but produce more hate in the process.

Name-calling parents who want to be a part of their child’s education as ‘hate groups’ or ‘bigoted’ just further exposes what this battle is all about: Who fundamentally gets to decide what is taught to our kids in school – parents or government employees? We believe that parental rights do not stop at the classroom door and no amount of hate from groups like this is going to stop that,” they concluded. J J

Wednesday June 7, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. (2 Timothy 2:2)

  1. Universities without free speech could lose funding in new legislation
  1. FBI Agrees to Hand Over FD 1023 which details Biden Crimes?
  1. Contempt of Congress for FBI: Confusing?
  1. Contempt of Congress Charges for the FBI
  1. Marjorie Taylor Greene lowers the boom on Hunter Biden over Gun Charge
  1. Tim Scott, Candidate for President, No Systemic Racism
  1. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The Reality of Drug Companies
  1. Recall of Oregon Trump Supporting Official fails
  1. Fox Bans mention of Tucker Carlson name
  1. Start a Business: Even For Minorities
  1. RF Kennedy Jr would end the war in Ukraine, if elected president
  1. Governor Newsom not happy with hand full of migrants dumped on his doorstep.
  1. Judge Rejects Tennessee Anti-drag Law: Unconstitutional: Too Vague
  1. Crashed Plane Found: No survivors Pilot of fighter believes plane was on autopilot and the pilot was not conscious.  
  1. Poll: Not Good for DeSantis: Why?
  1. Many Young Democrats Moving Right  
  1. Trump May Not Be Charged
  1. FBI Agrees to Hand Over FD 1023 which details Biden Crimes?
  1. Some Poll Numbers: With election 1.5 years away there seems to be a lot of attention, Now.
  1. Oregon Democrats putting Bipartisan issues on the Backburner over unlawful, extreme agenda
  1. The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told | Documentary ( 1:29 Hours

Tuesday June 6, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few messages for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me: (Psalm 66:18)

Chicago Walgreens New Look to discourage Shoplifting

Contempt of Congress Charges for the FBI

Migrants Flown to Sacramento: Reactions  

More Migrants to Sacramento: California complains about a handful, while thousands arrive at the Texas border.

Will America Survive Another Two Years of Biden?

Idaho Joins immigration suit against Biden Administration

John Droz: Media Balance Newsletter

Saudi Arabia Cuts Oil Supply: May Raise Gas Price Now would be an excellent time for the Biden Administration to remove all restrictions on pipelines and drilling for oil.  This would do a lot to fight inflation in America, which is going to get worse before it gets better based on new debt bill passed recently.

Senator Diane Feinstein Confused about role of VP Harris in Senate

Fox News Still Struggling After Firing Tucker Carlson

We have been hearing about this for months.  Can any of this be true?  What is Congress doing about it?

Digital Money in July 2023

Small Jet Crashes Near DC: Fighter Jets Scrambled Pilot of fighter says pilot of plane looked slumped over; plane spiraled to ground to crash.  No survivors.

The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told | Documentary ( One Hour.

Children Cross Border: Are Processed: Then Disappear What happens to them?  Some fear they are being used as sex slaves.

$ 125 ,000 settlement over comments about boy in girl’s locker room

He won’t remove transgender scene from old play: Can a man have a baby?  Is it his right?

Here are a few thoughts about President Biden.

While the Press has made a big thing of Biden’s Fall, they are missing a lot. The president’s fall has allowed the press to be distracted from the real issues of the Biden Administration.  These include the following:

  1. Elimination of fossil fuels
  2. Disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan
  3. Energy policy; no pipelines; no drilling
  4. Terrible foreign policy
  5. Rejoining Paris Protocol
  6. Special support for electric vehicles
  7. Disaster of wind and solar
  8. Problems connected with Hunter Biden and finances
  9. Support for Transgender issues
  10. Work against parents sharing at school board meetings; called “domestic terrorists”.
  11. Spending lots of money we do not have, causing serious rise in prices.
  12. And more.

Some Democrats have expressed concern about Biden, but if he were gone Harris would be president, and she would be a real disaster.  Jim Hollingsworth









telegram: stopsmartcitiesidaho

instagram: stopsmartcitiesidaho

Here is something I realized about climate that does not require any science to understand:

5000 years ago, there was the Egyptian 1st Unified Kingdom warm period   
4400 years ago, there was the Egyptian old kingdom warm period.
3000 years ago, there was the Minoan Warm period. It was warmer than now WITHOUT fossil fuels.
Then 1000 years later, there was the Roman warm period.  It was warmer than now WITHOUT fossil fuels.
Then 1000 years later, there was the Medieval warm period.  It was warmer than now WITHOUT fossil fuels.
1000 years later, came our current warm period. 
Climate alarmists are claiming that whatever caused those earlier warm periods suddenly quit causing warm periods, only to be replaced by man’s CO2, perfectly in time for the cycle of warmth every 1000 years to stay on schedule.  Not very believable.
The entire climate scam crumbles on this one observation because it shows that there is nothing unusual about today’s temperature and thus CO2 is not causing warming or any unusual climate effects that are frequently blamed on warming.

Evidence that those warm periods actually occurred:
Evidence that the Roman & Medieval warm periods were global: 

I have more information posted on my website:

Feel free to use any of my stuff there with or without credit. (much is links to other’s works) 

Thank You

Jim karlock

Trump Comments on Biden Fall at Airforce Academy? Just about every news source has made a big deal of Biden falling after handing out diplomas at the Airforce Academy.  The press would use this to distract Americans from the really important things Biden is doing.  After all, people fall at 35, and it really does not mean anything.  

But how about his stand on fossil fuels, his support of transgender issues, his support of abortion, his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan,  his stand on climate change, his raising the debt ceiling and uncontrolled spending, his stand on the Jan 6 defendants, his disaster at the Southern border, his failing health.  There are many other issues which are important to Americans.  The Democrats would like to get rid of Biden, but know that Harris would be an even worse disaster.  Both are guilty of violating the Constitution.

Americans need to wake up to what is really happening in the country.  


Jim Hollingsworth

Monday June 5, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

O GOD, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; (Psalm 63:1)

  1. Capitol riot defendant “viciously and savagely” beaten by guard in Washington, D.C. jail, lawyer says – CBS News
  1. Under Biden Even Peaceful Protests Have Consequences: Jan 6
  1. Dozens of Children Missing in Cleveland
  1. Aggressive Action by Chinese Ship in Taiwan Strait
  1. Vivek Ramaswamy shut out of social media
  1. Joe Biden and Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence can do a lot of things, but I doubt it will ever be smarter than the man who invented them.  Just remove their batteries, or take an ax to the item.  Man has always complained about any new machine, but in the end the new machine proved to be a real benefit.
  1. DOJ Attempts to Steal Jan 6 Defendants Court Funds
  1. End Deep State Surveillance
  1. The Kootenai Journal • High-Schooler Booted from Ceremony for Affirming Traditional Genders
  2. No Freedom of Speech in Kellogg, Idaho
  1. Song Writer Supports Children, Trump  
  1. Democrats With Common Sense: For many years I worked with Democrats with a lot of common sense. Today that is gone, as evidenced by Democrat State, California.  There criminals are free to act out their conduct with impunity.  It reminds me of the town that defunded the police and then when the council called for police complained because no one came.
  1. First Presidential Debate: Pledge to support winner draws ire
  1. Republicans schedule 1st presidential debate for Aug. 23, but there’s no guarantee Trump will attend – ABC News ( party is requiring that anyone in the debate must support the winner.  I don’t think Trump will agree, nor will some others who don’t like Trump.  The Republican Party has been the party of freedom, but this policy is totally contrary to freedom.  Will it stand?  It seems kind of early to start having debates.
  1. DC Gayest City in the World: When Evil is Good, then good becomes evil Although God loves everyone and Jesus died for all sinners, no right person, who has ever read the Bible at least once would ever declare the gay lifestyle as “right”.  We send missionaries to foreign fields, and we should.  But one of the greatest mission fields has to be Washington D.C.  Unfortunately few Democrats have any use for God or the Bible, and DC is 90% Democrat, so it is a great mission field.
  1. United Nations Supports Abortion: So what else is new?
  1. Charges Lowered For Criminals who Attack Churches and Clinics
  1. DeSantis: I will be a prolife president
  1. FBI Will Provide Document With Damning Evidence Against Biden
  1. He Fell: But People Fall All The Time
  1. Here is a press release concerning my most recent publication, A Commentary on the Book of Romans.


Author Jim Hollingsworth’s new book “Book of Romans: Commentary” is a profound discussion that reveals how Romans is the most foundational book of the New Testament. 

Summary of the release 

Recent release “Book of Romans: Commentary” from Covenant Books author Jim Hollingsworth is an enlightening look at the book of Romans and argues how it is the most important entry in the New Testament. Through his writings, Hollingsworth explores how Romans is the ultimate look at how salvation is the work of God alone and how one can have a saving faith in Christ. 

Full release text

Jim Hollingsworth, who holds a BA in social science with an emphasis on history as well as an MA in biblical studies from Pensacola Christian College, has completed his new book, “Book of Romans: Commentary”: a powerful examination of the book of Romans and why it is the most fundamental text from the New Testament in helping one truly understand the lasting impact that Christ’s sacrifice had for others. 

Author Jim Hollingsworth has worked for over ten years as a pastor, administrator, and Christian school teacher. He is married to Mary Ann Hollingsworth and has seven grown children, as well as fifteen grandchildren. He worked nine years at the Bunker Hill Mine as a planner, four years as a missionary in Mexico with New Tribes Mission, and over twenty years as a building contractor in Kootenai County, Idaho. 

“Without a doubt, the book of Romans is the most important New Testament book for those who seek to understand simple biblical principles as well as something to use in leading others to Christ,” writes Hollingsworth. “The book displays in dynamic relief the work of Christ who died on the cross of Calvary for sinners. 

“Not only is the salvation of the sinner clearly presented, but a limited history of Israel is also in view. There is also plenty of practical information on the Christian’s daily walk with Christ. 

“No Christian can say he is well taught unless he has made a careful study of the book of Romans. This book is written for those who want to know the truth about Christ as well as those Christians who want their faith increased. There is also plenty of original language material for the serious Bible scholar.” 

Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Jim Hollingsworth’s new book explores how the book of Romans is a powerful tool for those both saved and unsaved alike who wish to know more about Christ’s teachings, increase their faith, and strengthen their relationship with the Lord. 

Readers can purchase “Book of Romans: Commentary” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon or Barnes and Noble. 

Covenant Books is an international Christian owned and operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work which appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.

  1. Here is a post with a lot of good links.      

Daily Surge 

Steve Pauwels/Managing Editor


— Anti-Parent! Family Planning Providers Equip Children to Go Behind Mom’s, Dad’s Back

“Families need to know that this is what the Sexual Revolution, aided and abetted by the Biden administration, is doing to their children: turning them into cogs in a well-oiled machine that includes indoctrinating them at an early age, getting them on contraceptives, and, when that fails, providing them with abortions – all without your knowledge or consent.”

            — Heroes Training to Save Our Children, Respond Effectively to Mass-Shooting Threats

— Enemies of Decency Prove: Changing Hearts, Minds Still Most Effective Means of Changing Society

            — More Parents Are Saying ‘Enough!’ to Creepy ‘Trans’ Tyranny in Schools

— Nope! Turns Out You Can’t Separate the T (or Q) from the LGB …

— Left’s M.O.? Too Much of a Good Thing…

— False ‘Rainbow’ Religion Must Be Opposed by Real Thing

— Memorial Day Reflections: When Nation and Military Go ‘Woke’, Security Is Imperiled

— One Man’s Strategy to Counteract Poisonous Alinsky Agenda of Fear, Division

Click on over and check us out!

  1. Say No to Smart Cities.
Say NO to Smart Cities!
“URBAN OFFICIALS DREAM OF A FUTURE OF SMART CITIES THAT USE TECHNOLOGY TO GATHER COMPREHENSIVE DATA AND ALGORITHMS TO ACHIEVE INCREASED EFFICIENCY, SUSTAINABILITY, AND SAFETY.”Kootenai’s “Metropolitan Planning Organization”KMPO is a Federally funded and controlled Planning agency that oversees all federal money sent to Kootenai County for highway construction. MPOs impose Federal priorities on regional transportation agencies as a condition of receiving funds. Federal mandates for ALL metropolitan areas in the United States include densification and “Smart Growth”, prioritizing “non-motorized transportation” and public transit over private vehicle usage, universal surveillance and data collection, and laying the groundwork for a fully automated ITS (Intelligent Transport System).KMPO Votes on a TMC This SummerKMPO is now planning to develop a Federally Funded Traffic Management Center (TMC) that would process data from hundreds of traffic cameras installed all over North Idaho. KMPO claims that a TMC would “help traffic flow”, but traffic analysis, driver notification, and suggestions of alternative routes is already provided by Google Maps. A TMC and more traffic cameras would provide no meaningful benefits to North Idaho residents.The real purpose of KMPO’s TMC is to facilitate the future implementation of fully automated 24/7 surveillance, facial recognition, self-driving cars, enforcement of traffic violations, and ultimately, the imposition of “15 minute cities” and restricted travel.There many things that can be done to help stop the implementation of 24/7 surveillance, and intrusive, controlling “Intelligent Transportation Systems” in Kootenai County.The bad news is, much of the technology is already in place, and every single federally funded road that is built in Kootenai county will be built with embedded “Smart” surveillance technology. The good news is, that community leaders who are committed to protecting Kootenai citizens can stand up to Globalists and refuse further encroachments. But STOPPING SMART CITIES means REFUSING FEDERAL MONEY. That can be difficult, especially without active public support. Here is what you can do to oppose intrusive Surveillance Technology and Smart Cities:The KMPO VOTE on TMC is expected to be in Late Summer or Early Fall. The KMPO Policy Board meets the second Thursday of each month at the Post Falls City Council Chambers, 408 N. Spokane Street, at 1:30 p.m. Meetings are open to the public.Kootenai MPO Board of Directors—2023CONTACT YOUR KMPO REPRESENTATIVESTELL THEM TO VOTE NO ON A TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CENTERDan Gookin, City of Coeur d’Alene 
(208) 769-2300 –

Sandra White, City of Hayden
(208) 772-4411 –

Lynn Borders, City of Post Falls
(208) 773-3511-

Vic Holmes, City of Rathdrum
 (208) 687-0261 –

Graham Christensen, East Side HW District
(208)-765-4714 –

Rod Twete, Lakes Highway District
(208)-772-7527 –

Jeff Tyler, Post Falls Highway District
(208) 765-3717 –

Corinne Johnson, Worley Highway District
(208) 664-0483 –

Jim Kackman, Coeur d’Alene Tribe
 (208) 686-2066 –

Damon Allen, ITD – District One
 (208) 772-1200 –
Bruce Mattare, KC Commissioner
(208) 446-1600 –
 LEARN ABOUT SMART CITIES AND INFORM OTHERSKMPO and the Federal Government can only impose their GLOBALIST agenda on North Idaho if people remain unaware. These resources can help educate people about “Smart Cities”.The Stop Smart Cities Website ( was created by local residents. Other social media outlets, including Telegram, Instagram, and Facebook are being established.Aman Jabbi is an electrical engineer (now living in Montana) who is an expert on surveillance cameras and A.I. technology. His videos can be found on both YouTube and Rumble. N.I. Slow Growth Research blog covers topics related to Smart Cities and Agenda 21. NISGR’s most recent post on KMPO & TMCS is at: and-smart-cities-coming-to-kootenai

Sunday June 4, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering.

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. (Psalm 51:16-17)

  1. Song Writer Supports Children, Trump  
  1. FBI: Contempt of Congress: Latest, They will provide the document: With Redactions?
  1. Presidential Debate August 23: Loyalty Oath means Trump and others probably will not attend: This is shameful The candidates have to pledge to support the one chosen.  Several have said that it all depends.  This seems like a very poor policy, or is it just one way to get rid of Trump?
  1. Unborn Babies Smile: However, probably every mother knows that all newborns smile, but it takes several months before a smile is in response to anything.  
  1. Churches Win Prolife Case in California: Pastor Jack Hibbs of Chino Hills Calvary Chapel, survived an abortion: Church helps pregnant women Survive
  1. Trump Supreme Court Appointments Overturned Roe v. Wade Trump would make exceptions for rape, incest and to protect the life of the mother.  We all agree that these things are wrong, but why punish the child for the sins of the father?  Protecting the life of the mother is important, though one doctor said that he delivered over 4,000 babies and never had a clear case that threatened the mother’s life.  By the way, the article mentions Beil Gorusch, but the Justice is Neil Gorsuch.
  1. Justice for Others: Not for Trump
  1. Ramaswamy shut down for Telling the Truth on Linkedln
  1. Newsom: Confused Facts about Florida Gun Laws
  1. Canada Catholic Church Burned: List of Attacks  
  1. Democrats not even good at propaganda anymore
  1. They defaced a work of art as a climate protest: Nuts
  1. Cameras for traffic control, or for deeper reasons?
Say NO to Smart Cities!
“URBAN OFFICIALS DREAM OF A FUTURE OF SMART CITIES THAT USE TECHNOLOGY TO GATHER COMPREHENSIVE DATA AND ALGORITHMS TO ACHIEVE INCREASED EFFICIENCY, SUSTAINABILITY, AND SAFETY.”Kootenai’s “Metropolitan Planning Organization”KMPO is a Federally funded and controlled Planning agency that oversees all federal money sent to Kootenai County for highway construction. MPOs impose Federal priorities on regional transportation agencies as a condition of receiving funds. Federal mandates for ALL metropolitan areas in the United States include densification and “Smart Growth”, prioritizing “non-motorized transportation” and public transit over private vehicle usage, universal surveillance and data collection, and laying the groundwork for a fully automated ITS (Intelligent Transport System).KMPO Votes on a TMC This SummerKMPO is now planning to develop a Federally Funded Traffic Management Center (TMC) that would process data from hundreds of traffic cameras installed all over North Idaho. KMPO claims that a TMC would “help traffic flow”, but traffic analysis, driver notification, and suggestions of alternative routes is already provided by Google Maps. A TMC and more traffic cameras would provide no meaningful benefits to North Idaho residents.The real purpose of KMPO’s TMC is to facilitate the future implementation of fully automated 24/7 surveillance, facial recognition, self-driving cars, enforcement of traffic violations, and ultimately, the imposition of “15 minute cities” and restricted travel.There many things that can be done to help stop the implementation of 24/7 surveillance, and intrusive, controlling “Intelligent Transportation Systems” in Kootenai County.The bad news is, much of the technology is already in place, and every single federally funded road that is built in Kootenai county will be built with embedded “Smart” surveillance technology. The good news is, that community leaders who are committed to protecting Kootenai citizens can stand up to Globalists and refuse further encroachments. But STOPPING SMART CITIES means REFUSING FEDERAL MONEY. That can be difficult, especially without active public support. Here is what you can do to oppose intrusive Surveillance Technology and Smart Cities:The KMPO VOTE on TMC is expected to be in Late Summer or Early Fall. The KMPO Policy Board meets the second Thursday of each month at the Post Falls City Council Chambers, 408 N. Spokane Street, at 1:30 p.m. Meetings are open to the public.Kootenai MPO Board of Directors—2023CONTACT YOUR KMPO REPRESENTATIVESTELL THEM TO VOTE NO ON A TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CENTERDan Gookin, City of Coeur d’Alene 
(208) 769-2300 –

Sandra White, City of Hayden
(208) 772-4411 –

Lynn Borders, City of Post Falls
(208) 773-3511-

Vic Holmes, City of Rathdrum
 (208) 687-0261 –

Graham Christensen, East Side HW District
(208)-765-4714 –

Rod Twete, Lakes Highway District
(208)-772-7527 –

Jeff Tyler, Post Falls Highway District
(208) 765-3717 –

Corinne Johnson, Worley Highway District
(208) 664-0483 –

Jim Kackman, Coeur d’Alene Tribe
 (208) 686-2066 –

Damon Allen, ITD – District One
 (208) 772-1200 –
Bruce Mattare, KC Commissioner
(208) 446-1600 –
 LEARN ABOUT SMART CITIES AND INFORM OTHERSKMPO and the Federal Government can only impose their GLOBALIST agenda on North Idaho if people remain unaware. These resources can help educate people about “Smart Cities”.The Stop Smart Cities Website ( was created by local residents. Other social media outlets, including Telegram, Instagram, and Facebook are being established.Aman Jabbi is an electrical engineer (now living in Montana) who is an expert on surveillance cameras and A.I. technology. His videos can be found on both YouTube and Rumble. N.I. Slow Growth Research blog covers topics related to Smart Cities and Agenda 21. NISGR’s most recent post on KMPO & TMCS is at: and-smart-cities-coming-to-kootenai

Saturday June 3, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. 

The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.

O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. (Psalm 34:6-8)

  1. Newsom: Confused Facts about Florida Gun Laws
  1. If Elected Ron DeSantis would pardon Jan 6 defendants  
  1. DeSantis Election would mean the end to many Democrat programs
  1. Ron DeSantis: Good Fund Raising After Announcement to Run
  1. DeSantis: Democrats Only Like Democracy When Their Candidates Win.
  1. Nevada Pro-life Governor signs Pro-Abortion bill
  1. McCarthy Speakership in Danger for Debt Agreement
  1. Prolife People Attacked  
  1. Two Pro-life protesters speak out about attack
  1. FBI: $15,000 Reward to Catch Activist who Threatened pro-life Christians
  1. Biden Administration Supports Attacks on pro-life Christians
  1. Biden Denies Oklahoma Health Care Funds because it Won’t Pay for Abortions
  1. Rand Paul to Administration: Produce Covid Records, or There will be No Support for Democrat Programs
  1. Victor Davis Hanson: The Dragon is Waking Up    Text
  1. Inland Northwest Report  
  1. Oregon State Republican Senators fight a tough battle
  1. Texas AJ Under Indictment
  1. Who supports smart cities?
Say NO to Smart Cities!
“URBAN OFFICIALS DREAM OF A FUTURE OF SMART CITIES THAT USE TECHNOLOGY TO GATHER COMPREHENSIVE DATA AND ALGORITHMS TO ACHIEVE INCREASED EFFICIENCY, SUSTAINABILITY, AND SAFETY.”Kootenai’s “Metropolitan Planning Organization”KMPO is a Federally funded and controlled Planning agency that oversees all federal money sent to Kootenai County for highway construction. MPOs impose Federal priorities on regional transportation agencies as a condition of receiving funds. Federal mandates for ALL metropolitan areas in the United States include densification and “Smart Growth”, prioritizing “non-motorized transportation” and public transit over private vehicle usage, universal surveillance and data collection, and laying the groundwork for a fully automated ITS (Intelligent Transport System).KMPO Votes on a TMC This SummerKMPO is now planning to develop a Federally Funded Traffic Management Center (TMC) that would process data from hundreds of traffic cameras installed all over North Idaho. KMPO claims that a TMC would “help traffic flow”, but traffic analysis, driver notification, and suggestions of alternative routes is already provided by Google Maps. A TMC and more traffic cameras would provide no meaningful benefits to North Idaho residents.The real purpose of KMPO’s TMC is to facilitate the future implementation of fully automated 24/7 surveillance, facial recognition, self-driving cars, enforcement of traffic violations, and ultimately, the imposition of “15 minute cities” and restricted travel.There many things that can be done to help stop the implementation of 24/7 surveillance, and intrusive, controlling “Intelligent Transportation Systems” in Kootenai County.The bad news is, much of the technology is already in place, and every single federally funded road that is built in Kootenai county will be built with embedded “Smart” surveillance technology. The good news is, that community leaders who are committed to protecting Kootenai citizens can stand up to Globalists and refuse further encroachments. But STOPPING SMART CITIES means REFUSING FEDERAL MONEY. That can be difficult, especially without active public support. Here is what you can do to oppose intrusive Surveillance Technology and Smart Cities:The KMPO VOTE on TMC is expected to be in Late Summer or Early Fall. The KMPO Policy Board meets the second Thursday of each month at the Post Falls City Council Chambers, 408 N. Spokane Street, at 1:30 p.m. Meetings are open to the public.Kootenai MPO Board of Directors—2023CONTACT YOUR KMPO REPRESENTATIVESTELL THEM TO VOTE NO ON A TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CENTERDan Gookin, City of Coeur d’Alene 
(208) 769-2300 –

Sandra White, City of Hayden
(208) 772-4411 –

Lynn Borders, City of Post Falls
(208) 773-3511-

Vic Holmes, City of Rathdrum
 (208) 687-0261 –

Graham Christensen, East Side HW District
(208)-765-4714 –

Rod Twete, Lakes Highway District
(208)-772-7527 –

Jeff Tyler, Post Falls Highway District
(208) 765-3717 –

Corinne Johnson, Worley Highway District
(208) 664-0483 –

Jim Kackman, Coeur d’Alene Tribe
 (208) 686-2066 –

Damon Allen, ITD – District One
 (208) 772-1200 –
Bruce Mattare, KC Commissioner
(208) 446-1600 –
 LEARN ABOUT SMART CITIES AND INFORM OTHERSKMPO and the Federal Government can only impose their GLOBALIST agenda on North Idaho if people remain unaware. These resources can help educate people about “Smart Cities”.The Stop Smart Cities Website ( was created by local residents. Other social media outlets, including Telegram, Instagram, and Facebook are being established.Aman Jabbi is an electrical engineer (now living in Montana) who is an expert on surveillance cameras and A.I. technology. His videos can be found on both YouTube and Rumble. N.I. Slow Growth Research blog covers topics related to Smart Cities and Agenda 21. NISGR’s most recent post on KMPO & TMCS is at: and-smart-cities-coming-to-kootenai

Friday June 2, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?  Thje L:ORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalm 27:1)

  1. Texas AJ Under Indictment
  1. Tim Scott For President: Vice President? Trump Cabinet?
  1. They defaced a work of art as a climate protest: Nuts
  1. States Take Action to Protect Border: Talk to your own governor about joining the list
  1. FBI, Bidens in trouble
  1. McCarthy: Some Upset over Debt Deal, Want McCarthy Gone: Not Likely McCarthy has done enough good things that this bad debt deal is not likely to sink him.  The bill, itself, was a tragedy.
  1. Trump: End Birthright Citizenship: The Constitution makes it clear that if you are here illegally you cannot become a citizen The key phrase: Amendment XIV, Section 1 “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof”.  If your loyalty is still with your birth country you cannot be a citizen of the US.  
  1. Disney Quietly Gives in to Florida
  1. Fairy Tales and Climate Change
  1. Form FD 1023 Shows Biden Crimes; to be turned over to Congress
  1. Pence to Run For President I have always had a lot of respect for Mike Pence and felt he was a great addition to the Trump Ticket.  But this campaign is going nowhere primarily because of what happened on Jan 6.
  1. Marjorie Taylor Greene: Impeach Biden Officials: But Why Not Harris? If you impeach Biden, Harris would be president, and she is mostly sane, but a worse president than Biden.  Impeach them both and you get a better alternative.
  1. Climate Activists who disrupt show, stopped
  1. DOJ Attacks GOP Senate Candidates  
  1. DeSantis: End IRS: Comments on Memorial Day
  1. California Teens Arrested and Charged over Attack on Marines
  1. Must See: Car Hits Tow Truck Ramp, Flies Through the Air   
  1. Wednesday Afternoon Debt Voting
  1. May 31, 2023 

Statement on the Fiscal Responsibility Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman Fulcher released the following statement on the Fiscal Responsibility Act: 

“Today, I voted no on the bill dealing with America’s debt ceiling issue – the Fiscal Responsibility Act. In a negotiation where the Senate and White House were controlled by Democrats, Speaker McCarthy did an admirable job in gaining some Republican victories. However ultimately, I cannot justify the debt implications that the legislation poses to Idahoans and fellow Americans. 

We should never have been in this situation. For over 100 days, President Biden refused to negotiate with House Republicans to find a solution to this crisis. So last month, House Republicans led and passed the Limit, Save, Grow Act – with more than thirty days before the debt limit deadline. The bill would have mitigated the debt ceiling crisis while enacting historic spending reductions. Democrats controlling the Senate have refused to put it up for a vote.

When I came to Washington, I condemned Congress’ habit of legislating by crisis – where serious work is delayed leading to eleventh-hour bills packed with unrelated policies – and vowed to fight that culture. A culture all too familiar, particularly under the current administration.”

Thursday June 1, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?  Thje L:ORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalm 27:1)

  1. Texas AJ Under Indictment
  1. Tim Scott For President: Vice President? Trump Cabinet?
  1. They defaced a work of art as a climate protest: Nuts
  1. States Take Action to Protect Border: Talk to your own governor about joining the list
  1. FBI, Bidens in trouble
  1. McCarthy: Some Upset over Debt Deal, Want McCarthy Gone: Not Likely McCarthy has done enough good things that this bad debt deal is not likely to sink him.  The bill, itself, was a tragedy.
  1. Trump: End Birthright Citizenship: The Constitution makes it clear that if you are here illegally you cannot become a citizen The key phrase: Amendment XIV, Section 1 “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof”.  If your loyalty is still with your birth country you cannot be a citizen of the US.  
  1. Disney Quietly Gives in to Florida
  1. Fairy Tales and Climate Change
  1. Form FD 1023 Shows Biden Crimes; to be turned over to Congress
  1. Pence to Run For President I have always had a lot of respect for Mike Pence and felt he was a great addition to the Trump Ticket.  But this campaign is going nowhere primarily because of what happened on Jan 6.
  1. Marjorie Taylor Greene: Impeach Biden Officials: But Why Not Harris? If you impeach Biden, Harris would be president, and she is mostly sane, but a worse president than Biden.  Impeach them both and you get a better alternative.
  1. Climate Activists who disrupt show, stopped
  1. DOJ Attacks GOP Senate Candidates  
  1. DeSantis: End IRS: Comments on Memorial Day
  1. California Teens Arrested and Charged over Attack on Marines
  1. Must See: Car Hits Tow Truck Ramp, Flies Through the Air   
  1. Wednesday Afternoon Debt Voting
  1. May 31, 2023 

Statement on the Fiscal Responsibility Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman Fulcher released the following statement on the Fiscal Responsibility Act: 

“Today, I voted no on the bill dealing with America’s debt ceiling issue – the Fiscal Responsibility Act. In a negotiation where the Senate and White House were controlled by Democrats, Speaker McCarthy did an admirable job in gaining some Republican victories. However ultimately, I cannot justify the debt implications that the legislation poses to Idahoans and fellow Americans. 

We should never have been in this situation. For over 100 days, President Biden refused to negotiate with House Republicans to find a solution to this crisis. So last month, House Republicans led and passed the Limit, Save, Grow Act – with more than thirty days before the debt limit deadline. The bill would have mitigated the debt ceiling crisis while enacting historic spending reductions. Democrats controlling the Senate have refused to put it up for a vote.

When I came to Washington, I condemned Congress’ habit of legislating by crisis – where serious work is delayed leading to eleventh-hour bills packed with unrelated policies – and vowed to fight that culture. A culture all too familiar, particularly under the current administration.”

Wednesday May 31, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?  Why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring? (Psalm 22:1)

  1. Please see the attached message by Bob Shillingstad on the condition of America.
  1. OPINION: Too clever by halfwit | Coeur d’Alene Press ( Brent Regan Column Friday, May 26, 2023.
  1. The Debt Limit Bill is a Very Bad Bill: Kicks the Can down the road past 2024 election, does not cut spending.  It is purely a gift for Democrats.
  1. Biden Happy With New Debt Limit Bill: Some Republicans, not so Happy Republicans have often been unhappy, but they voted anyway.  Time will tell.  Will they stand?
  1. Cruz: McCarthy’s Right; Not 1 Thing for Dems, but $4T Things |
  1. Democrats Complaining, but they got much in debt limit increase; Will Republicans vote this down?
  1. Debt Ceiling: McCarthy Gave away 4 trillion: What did he get in return?  Little.
  1. Rep. Good to Newsmax: Speaker, House GOP Must ‘Hold the Line’ on Debt |
  1. Chroming is a Deadly Pastime: Do You Know What It Is? Girl Dies in Australia
  1. America, Once Called a Christian Nation, now Only 4% have a Biblical World View
  1. DeSantis: Abortion a state, not a federal issue
  1. One Small Step For Freedom in Arizona
  1. More Vote Fraud in Arizona
  1. Franklin Graham: Christian Ministries Face Big Trouble in Future
  1. DeSantis Struggling Against Trump
  1. Feinstein Confused
  1. Some Hollywood Against Musk
  1. Russia Says: Nuclear if F-16 Sent to Ukraine 1.5 Hours
  1. While Seas Slowly Rise, NY is slowly sinking
  1. Texas House Impeaches AJ Paxton: Goes to Senate
  1. First Offshore Wind Project
  1. Russia Issues Warrant for Arrest of Lindsay Graham
  1. Epoch Times Documentary on Vaccines Over one hour: Video
  1. Medical Doctor: First Amendment Rights under Attack  
  1. Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers sentenced to 18 years by DC Liberal Jury Rhodes was sentenced based on some thoughts.  This has very heavy free speech ramifications.  They plan to appeal.
  1. Bob Shillingstad: Recap of Election: Wayne Hoffman of Idaho Freedom Foundation
  1. Supreme Court: The EPA cannot use the Clean Water Act to prevent Idaho Sacketts from  Building The message of the Court was clear: The Clean Water Act applies only to navigable waters and waters connected to them.
  1. Idaho Republican Party Chairman, Dorothy Moon, Comments on the Supreme Court Case.

Gem State Patriot: Dorothy Moon on EPA Ruling by Court

  1. DeSantis Makes His Case
  1. Fla. Lt. Gov. Núñez to Newsmax: DeSantis ‘Broke the Internet’ |
  1. J.D. Vance: Target Waging War on Customers |
  1. CPAC Accuses Target of Partnering With ‘Satanist’ |
  1. Nunes to Newsmax: Focus on What Wasn’t in Durham Report |
  1. Dick Morris to Newsmax: Trump Has ‘Gigantic’ Lead Post-DeSantis Announcement |
  1. Rep. Cline to Newsmax: Committee Will Hear From Durham on FBI |
  1. Rep. Cline to Newsmax: Committee Will Hear From Durham on FBI |
  1. Townhall : Conservative News, Cartoons, Top Stories & Commentary
  1. The Hill – covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill Lots of good information on the Hill, a DC News Source.
  1. The Inflation Reduction Act Will Prolong and Make Worse Biden’s Inflation Crisis (
  1. Climate protesters face federal charges for smearing paint on Degas sculpture case | The Hill
  1. Noem calls for South Dakota college board to ban drag shows, remove preferred pronouns | The Hill
  1. Congressional Black Caucus Launches ‘Summer of Action’ |

Tuesday May 30, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few messages for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts. (Zechariah 4:6)

  1. Please see the attachment.  Notice those cameras at intersections?  They are not just for traffic control, but to keep track of where you go?  Worth considering this article.
  1. Cruz: McCarthy’s Right; Not 1 Thing for Dems, but $4T Things |
  1. Sen. Graham: Debt Deal a ‘Disaster’ for National Defense |
  1. Tentative Agreement on Debt Limit: President got 4 trillion; House got nothing. Remember that the House had earlier agreed to 1.4 trillion, and some were even against that inflationary measure.
  1. New 4 trillion debt deal not friendly to America First Agenda Freedom loving congressmen not happy with the proposal.  Will they still vote for it?  We shall see. (Note: Republicans have a habit of going along to get along.  I pray there are a few in the House who feel liberty and fiscal responsibility are important.)
  1. Rep. Good to Newsmax: House GOP Should Reject Debt Deal |
  1. With Republican House, Not Smooth Sailing For Biden
  1. FBI and Bank of America
  1. Johnson and Grassley to Durham: Why Did Former FBI Officials Not Cooperate With… (
  1. John  Fetterman Shows no Respect For Senate in his Casual Dress Mode
  1. Ramifications of possible Senator Feinstein Resignation
  1. Recent Presidential Polls?  I think this was taken before DeSantis announced his candidacy. 
  1. Landmark Case: Supreme Court Supports Property Rights This has been a long case. The Sacketts, a North Idaho family, wanted to build a house on their lot, but were told by the Bureau of Land Management that it violated the clean water act.  The Supreme Court said otherwise.
  1. DeSantis comments on Biden Disastrous Military recruitment policies  
  1. John Droz: Media Balance Newsletter
  1. Two Pro-life demonstrators attacked at Planned Parenthood facility, sent to hospital.  Bad!