Friday December 29, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

December 29, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which Gods hath prepared for them that love him. (1 Corinthians 2:9)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XVI Paragraph 1

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years, and each Senator shall have one vote.  The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.

  1. Fani Willis, Trump Case, rubs salt in the wound
  1. Threats Against Colorado Justices
  1. Israel Under Attack by Lebanese Terror Group Hezbollah
  1. Some Democrats Nervous About Biden: Could affect their own campaigns
  1. Plenty of sick people out there: Swatting
  1. RINO Nikki Haley for VP?  Not likely, Donald Trump, Jr.
  1. Jack Smith would Deny Trump evidence in trial
  1. Ramaswamy: It won’t be Biden or Trump The establishment is supporting candidates who want perpetual war.
  1. American Center for Law and Justice asks Supreme Court to consider Colorado Ballot Case
  1. Thousands of illegal immigrants  U.S. Officials met with president of Mexico: a Caravann of 6,000 (7,000?) (8,000?) is somewhere in southern Mexico, headed to U.S
  1. Black, former BLM Leader, Supports Trump Trump is the only one who has helped the black people.
  1. Colorado GOP ask Secretary of State to overturn Ballot Ruling
  1. Why doesn’t Michelle Obama speak up for Hostages?
  1. Activists Attack Trump Star This star in the sidewalk goes way back to before Trump was president.
  1. Can Joe Biden Handle Campaigning?
  1. Trump Interview 33 minutes
  1. Greg Hunter with Alex Newman 38 Minutes
  1. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  Elites will pick our leaders, not voting.
  1. Caravan of 8,000 headed to border: Is there no way to stop them?  We simply cannot take in every poor person in the world, and a few terrorists.  Why can’t Texas and Arizona just stop them, and let the fed sort it out afterward.  Do you think President Biden would send the army to shoot the governor?  Not going to happen.  A people have the right to defend themselves, when the fed will not.

Thursday December 28, 2023 Attachment

Uniform Fairness

Brent Regan

Imagine your child plays on their school’s Little League baseball team. You bought them their uniform and glove. You take them to practice. You attend all their games and encourage and support them in every way a parent should. You set a fine example for other parents who are also dedicated and put in the effort to support the team. As a result of all this hard work your school’s team is the state champion. You are justifiably proud of your child, your team and your school.

At the other school in town there is also a Little League team but most of the parents don’t put in the time and effort. They will drop their child off at practice and pick them up later but they will rarely attend a game or show any real interest. These parents look at your team with envy. They are jealous of your team’s success and believe they have been “cheated” out of being the champions.

Instead of putting in the time and effort to make their team competitive they decide it is unfair that their kids don’t win. They believe all kids should win all the time and if some kids don’t win it’s only because the other kids have an unfair advantage. The losers put a plan in motion.

At the next game the losers show up with their kids in your team’s uniforms and they try to have their kids play on your team. You are justifiably upset and complain to the umpire who tells the losers to go put on their own uniforms if they want to play.

This enrages the losers who scream at the umpire and call your team a bunch of extremists who don’t want to play fair. You are confused and perplexed. Why don’t they spend their effort and time practicing to be better players? Why are they intent on dragging your kids down rather than raising their kids up?

At the next city council meeting the losers show up demanding the council take action against inequality. They say uniforms are unfair to students, especially students who don’t want to play on a team. They demand uniforms and teams be banned and that all games must be “open.” They insist that any student can claim to be a member of any team even if they don’t go to that school. The protesters chant “Stop Hitler! Open Games! Stop Hitler! Open Games!”

The city council reluctantly passes an ordinance that outlaws uniforms, allows any student to play on any team and scoring will be determined by a computer program which ranks each player based on equity, inclusion and environmental awareness.

The next baseball season was an unmitigated disaster. Fights broke out at every practice. Not only did the town not have a state champion, they forfeited the first game of the playoffs because not enough players showed up. The No Uniform ordinance was quietly repealed but the town never fully recovered.

It is no secret that if you are running for elected office in Idaho you have a much better chance of winning if you are a Republican rather than a Democrat. Losers will claim that Republicans have some kind of unfair advantage because Republicans won’t allow people who are not affiliated Republican to vote in the Republican primary.

The reality is simple. The existing Republican Primary produces Republican nominees for the general election that most voters find more attractive than the Democrat nominee. If the Democrats would nominate candidates that people want to vote for, then the Democrats would likely do better in elections. This isn’t rocket surgery. Put up a candidate the voters like more than the opposition and your candidate will likely get more votes.

“Open Primaries” is the lie hiding the Uniparty Initiative.

The progressive Democrats behind the “open primary” Uniparty Initiative want to eliminate political parties and institute Ranked Choice Voting. They make an “open primary” emotional appeal that ignores the fact that “open primaries” are illegal in Idaho. Instead they point to the unaffiliated voters saying that unaffiliated voters are “denied a vote” for the Republican nominee. News Flash: Unaffiliated voters don’t want to vote in the Republican primary. If they did, all they have to do is affiliate with the Republican Party. Democrats and their supporters are trying to deceive you and are hoping you are gullible enough to swallow the lie they are selling.

Democrats see nothing wrong with temporarily affiliating as Republican so they can vote in the Republican primary. They even boast about it. Comically, during the last election cycle the Democrat Mayor of Sandpoint was disqualified from his run for governor because he forgot he was affiliated as a Republican. Oops.

However, when some Republicans decided to turn the tables and run as Democrat Precinct Committeemen you would have thought it was the end of the world. Democrats cried “infiltration” and “fraud” and stories ran statewide about how evil the Republicans were for pretending to be Democrats.

Everyone agrees that only Democrats should vote for Democrat Precinct Committeemen and that only Democrats should vote for Democrat Party officials and that only Democrats should vote for who represents the Idaho Democrat party at the National Democrat Convention.

But Democrats believe anybody should be able to vote for who represents the REPULICAN Party in the general election. Since they can’t legally make this happen they are trying to force the radically extreme approach of eliminating all political parties in the Primary and General elections and implement Ranked Choice Voting. Their scheme also includes a provision legalizing lying. Under the Unipary Initiative, any candidate can claim to be affiliated with any party even if they are not. Under the proposed law the chairman of the Democrat party could run for state office and legally put an “R” for Republican next to their name on the ballot to fool you.

The Uniparty “open primary” Initiative isn’t about fairness, it’s about winning, and there is one thing that we have ample evidence; Democrats, and their supporters, will use any means necessary to win.

It’s just common sense.

Thursday December 28, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

December 28, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. (1 Corinthians 2:2)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XVI

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

  1. Please see the attachment Uniform Fairness by: Brent Regan, Chairman Kootenai County Republican Central Committee.
  1. Man survives Trapped 6 Days after a crash under a bridge: Drank Rain Water. 
  1. Thousands Flee as Israel Expands War

On foot or riding donkey carts loaded with belongings, a stream of people flowed into Deir al-Balah — a town that normally has a population of around 75,000. It has been overwhelmed by several hundred thousand people driven from northern Gaza as the region was pounded to rubble.

  1. With Record number of illegal immigrants crossing the border, House Speaker asks Biden to stop the flow Biden sends men to Mexico: This will look good, but accomplish nothing.
  1. Trump asks appeals court to throw out election case
  1. Colorado Boebert: This is sad: I believe she can do better
  1. Colorado Court Ballot Decision may backfire
  1. Lawsuit filed over Texas Immigration Law
  1. Arizona Governor Hobbs: Was for open  Border, now for closed border, she says.
  1. Border Security: Wyoming Senator John Barrasso: 8 Minutes: Chinese Nationals Cross Border
  1. JD Vance, Ohio Senator, Supports Trump
  1. Fani Willis Wants Trump to die in Prison
  1. Unlike Colorado, Trump to remain on ballot in Michigan
  1. Biden Officials Headed to Mexico: Large, 6,000, caravan headed to border The solution to the border is simple: let the border patrol do their job and close the border.  This requires no new money or laws passed.  They are all breaking the law.
  1. Fossil Fuels Save Live: Eliminate Fossil Fuels?  Liberals have no idea what they are doing
  1. Climate Scientist: Our Days are Numbered These people are not concerned about the climate; they are concerned with building fear, any way they can.
  1. Trump Changes Tune about Harris
  1. Egypt Peace Proposal
  1. Bastiat: Competition is Freedom
  1. Surprise for Porch Pirate
  1. Al Gore: one Billion Refugees will descend on the West unless we adopt his climate policies He has been using the same story for 30 years, but nothing has changed.
  1. Minnesota Secretary of State: Trump will either be on the ballot everywhere, or nowhere
  1. 15 Israeli soldiers have died: war in Gaza will continue
  1. Biden Concerned about the border problem He is concerned enough to send someone to look at it, but not concerned enough to ask the border patrol to enforce the law.  How much longer can we go on like this?
  1. Polish Born Matthew Wielicki refuses to stay silent about climate change Climate Change science does not support fear.  We are not facing a crisis.  Universities no longer expect free discussions.
  1. Karl Rove: Colorado Supreme Court ruling will backfire on them.
  1. Laura Ingraham exposes Democrat Plan to spark civil unrest
  1. Chicago Residents Beg Trump to come back and clean up the mess left by Democrats
  1. Even Governor Newsom thinks Trump should stay on the California ballot
  1. Trump Legal Challenges
  1. Biden Administration faces challenges on new natural gas rules  Why can’t the government just stay out of business.  The market can well decide what is best.
  1. Are our top institutions leading us astray?
  1. Manchin May Run for President
  1. Women only St Mary’s College reverses policy to accept trans applications
  1. Supreme Court Rejects Jack Smith’s Request
  1. Senator Graham: Colorado ballot case will be overturned and Trump will also win Colorado Colorado used to be very conservative.  It could be again.
  1. Based on the Past: Climate predictions of doom are not going anywhere
  1. Rep Greene: Colorado Ballot: Two can play that game
  1. Ranked Choice Voting: Sounds Good, but an instrument of the Left to Control Elections
  1. The Christmas Truce of 1914
  1. Steve Bannon: War Room
  1. Dr. Carol Swain: Christianity Has been a positive influence on the world
  1. The Year in Review

Wednesday December 27, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. (1 Corinthians 1:18)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XV, Section 2

The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

  1. Karl Rove: Colorado Supreme Court ruling will backfire on them.
  1. Polish Born Matthew Wielicki refuses to stay silent about climate change Climate Change science does not support fear.  We are not facing a crisis.  Universities no longer expect free discussions.
  1. Laura Ingraham exposes Democrat Plan to spark civil unrest
  1. Chicago Residents Beg Trump to come back and clean up the mess left by Democrats
  1. Even Governor Newsom thinks Trump should stay on the California ballot
  1. Trump Legal Challenges
  1. Biden Administration faces challenges on new natural gas rules  Why can’t the government just stay out of business.  The market can well decide what is best.
  1. Are our top institutions leading us astray?
  1. Manchin May Run for President
  1. Steve Bannon: War Room
  1. Dr. Carol Swain: Christianity Has been a positive influence on the world
  1. The Year in Review
  1. 15 Israeli soldiers have died: war in Gaza will continue
  1. Al Gore: one Billion Refugees will descend on the West unless we adopt his climate policies
  1. Minnesota Secretary of State: Trump will either be on the ballot everywhere, or nowhere

Tuesday December 26, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

December 26, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. (Romans 15:4)

U.S. Constitution Amenmdment XV, Section 1

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

  1. Tom Harris: Let Climate Change Scare Die
  1. Democrat Washington State Legislator wants to jail folk using gas-fired leaf blowers, lawn mowers and etc. This is pure madness.
  1. Matt Gaetz Questions Delta Airlines over shipping of Illegal Aliens around the country
  1. Tucker Carlson Destroyed the case against Donald Trump in a 3-minute video
  1. People want Rule of Law Applied Equally
  1. Young Voters want a president who does not have a retiree lifestyle
  1. Robert DeNiro would still support Biden if he were laying on a gurney and only able to blink, yes or no.
  1. Legal Experts Say Colorado Ballot Decision a bad decision: Unconstitutional?
  1. Former Supreme Court Law Clerk Believes Colorado Ballot Case will be overturned
  1. Colorado GOP Fights Court Trump Ballot Decision: Caucus?
  1. Tucker Carlson: They have tried everything else; will they now try assassination?
  1. Expert Witness Puts down judge in NY Trump Trial
  1. Half of Buick Dealers say “no” to Electric Vehicles
  1. Pay them enough and they will come 4 Minutes
  1. Gaza: Some are starving
  1. Smith Appointment may be invalid
  1. Court: Trump to Remain on Ballot in West Virginia
  1. Mike Johnson’s Attendance of Christian Meeting draws Liberal Media Criticism  
  1. Laura Ingraham Reminds Biden of the Truth
  1. RINO Chris Christie defends Trump: Sorta
  1. 9 States to watch for Senate 2024
  1. Man who spoke about former gay lifestyle vilified by LBGT people
  1. Electric Vehicles: Are they the Wave of the Future?

Monday December 25, 2023 Attachment Driessen

Dictatorial control, from Covid to climate

Democrats accuse Trump of proclivities that they blatantly engage in, especially in Washington

Paul Driessen

I choked on my coffee when I read the headline: “Democrats raise specter of Trump dictatorship to boost Biden.” What a textbook example of “projection,” I laughed, referring to the psychology term for deflecting attention away from one’s own blatant behavior by claiming someone else is doing it.

Partisan media and politicos parroted the accusation, and the Biden campaign doubled down.

In the interest of fairness and accuracy, it’s appropriate then to revisit ways the Biden Administration, Democrats and their allies have battled wannabe dictators and defended freedom, democracy and viewpoint diversity in recent years. (Or not.) For example:

* Incessant Antifa rage, riots, rampaging and legal warfare against “Russia-colluding” President Trump, from his election and inauguration throughout and after his term in office.

* School, park and restaurant lockdowns, “social distancing” and mask “advisories,” mandates for “safe and effective” inoculations with vaccines approved with minimal study under “emergency use authorizations,” and endless misrepresentation and censorship by Biden officials, Democrat governors and “journalists” – in the name of preventing Covid.

* Opening our southern border to untold millions of “undocumented noncitizens” – mostly Latin Americans but also Chinese agents, drug smugglers, sex traffickers, terrorists and disease carriers.

* Billions in “student debt forgiveness,” forcing taxpayers to pay off huge loans to graduates who struggle to get six-figure jobs despite prestigious degrees in gender studies or community organizing.

* Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and Environment Social Governance (ESG) programs, from K-12, college to law school, and into government and corporate arenas – to ensure that every component of society reflects racial, ethnic and gender proportionality, but never viewpoint or political diversity.

These and many other authoritarian actions impacted American society, freedoms, health and prosperity in countless negative ways. Far worse, many progressives and leftists hope they will pave the way for obeisance to even more dictatorial mandates promulgated in the name of saving our planet from supposed cataclysms inflicted by fossil-fuel-driven climate change.

Few will quibble that President Biden directed federal employees to take public transportation, ride bikes or rent electric vehicles for work travel, and hold virtual meetings instead of in-person gatherings.

These rules certainly won’t apply to private-jet globe-trotters like Climate Czar John Kerry, and EV’s mostly transfer emissions from tailpipes to distant countries where toxic pollution and child labor accompany the mining and processing of raw materials to make EV batteries. But at least some federal workers will now suffer the inconveniences they’re imposing on us commoners.

However, Team Biden’s endless torrent of dictatorial executive orders, regulatory mandates and twisted legal reinterpretations for electricity generation, vehicles, appliances, agriculture, housing and other matters are already impacting our industries, livelihoods, living standards and basic rights and freedoms.

These diktats are designed to force us to convert everything we now operate with coal, gasoline, diesel or natural gas to electric models. The United States will soon need 3-4 times more electricity than today – and still more to power the AI revolution.

But the same bureaucrats are shutting down coal, gas, nuclear and hydroelectric generators – ensuring that electricity will be in short supply, generated primarily by weather-dependent wind turbines and solar panels, backed up by massive grid-scale battery systems, and thus unavailable or unaffordable during the coldest and hottest days, when electric heat or air conditioning becomes a matter of life or death.

In fact, just the batteries to back up nationwide electricity would cost up to $290 trillion (13 times US 2021 GDP)! Add that to wind, solar and transmission costs, and the juice to run your all-electric home, business, hospital, school or transportation will likely cost 30-40 cents per kilowatt-hour, instead of the 12-15 cents the average American is paying now.

It’s a prescription for repeated blackouts, economic disaster – and unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats micromanaging every aspect of our lives: what size home we can have; how warm or cool we can keep it; what cars we can drive and how far, or whether we too will be forced to walk, bike or take a bus; how many trips we can take in jetliners, in our lifetime; what foods we can eat (hint: not beef); maybe even how many new clothing items we will be “allowed” to purchase each year!  

Earlier this month, every House Republican voted to block President Biden’s electric vehicle mandates. They were joined by just five Democrats. That means 197 Democrats say Team Biden should be able to dictate what kind of car or truck you can drive. And Donald Trump has dictatorial proclivities?

The US and global ecological impacts will be equally harmful and widespread. Here are just a few.

Wind and solar installations, transmission lines and enormous battery complexes would sprawl across millions of acres of now scenic, wildlife habitat and agricultural land. A single solar facility proposed in Virgnia would involve 3,000 acres of panels on 21,000 acres (over half the land area of Washington, DC). It’s just one of dozens of Virginia solar plans – on top of onshore and offshore wind turbine projects.

The installations “will power millions of homes,” supporters insist. Perhaps – but only when the wind is blowing and sun is shining at optimal intensities … maybe 15-30% of the year in northern latitudes, considering winter snow and sunlight, clouds, nighttime, zero wind and other factors.

Many local residents and other citizens don’t want these massive installations in their backyards; the habitat and scenic vista destruction, bird and bat killings, health problems, and electricity costs and disruptions that go with them; or being turned into energy colonies for progressive urban centers. They’ve already blocked more than 500 wind and solar projects, on environmental and other grounds.

That’s why Michigan, California, New York and Illinois have already enacted laws that give state bureaucrats authority over land use – the ability to exercise eminent domain and other powers over local governments that want to slow or stop the onrush of enormous, heavily subsidized industrial wind, solar, transmission line and other “green” projects. More are likely to follow – depriving rural communities of their rights, property values and autonomy – to serve corporate interests that bankroll Democrat pols.

The federal “deep state” is likely to seek similar legislative authority – or simply assert authority – to implement President Biden’s national net-zero “renewable” energy transformation agenda.

UN and Biden “30×30” plans to “conserve” (make off limits to development) 30% of US and global lands and waters by 2030 will massively increase all these impacts and usurpations of power. Any areas not made off limits by 30×30, wilderness, park, refuge and other actions will be developed and desecrated to the hilt by wind, solar, transmission line, mining, biofuel and other “green energy” projects.

Meanwhile, international climate alarmists and bureaucrats are telling African and other impoverished nations how much they will be “permitted” to develop and improve their health and living standards – using only “sustainable, renewable” wind and solar power. It’s dictatorial colonialism at its worst.

And amid all that, China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam and other rapidly developing countries are burning more coal, oil and gas – and emitting more greenhouse gases – than most developed nations combined. That means US and EU economic suicide on the climate altar won’t make an iota of difference.

What might a Trump dictator do? Roll back or cancel these dictatorial decrees. Stop fast-tracking wind and solar projects. End abusive environmental justice, DEI and ESG programs. Return America to energy independence and affordable energy. Build the wall and control immigration. Above all, follow the law and Constitution. How revolutionary, tyrannical … and refreshing … that would be!

Paul Driessen is senior policy advisor to the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow ( and author of books and articles on energy, climate, environmental and human rights issues.

Monday December 25, 2023 Attachment; Epstein

Jim Hollingsworth

December 24, 2023

Alex Epstein: 25 Energy Facts

(If you want the end notes, or the charts and graphs with each item send me an email and I will send them to you.)

(If you want to understand the basis for fossil fuels read Alex Epstein’s book: The Moral Case For Fossil Fuels.)

Fossil fuels make us far safer from climate.

  1. Annual deaths from climate-related causes (extreme temperature, drought, flood, storms, wildfires) have declined 98% over the last 100 years, even as CO2 levels have risen.¹
  2. Even though Earth has gotten 1°C warmer in the last century, deaths from cold outnumber deaths from heat by 5-15x. Cold is more dangerous than heat on every continent. Even in especially hot countries such as India, cold-related deaths significantly exceed heat-related deaths.²
  3. Near-term global warming is expected to decrease temperature-related mortality, avoiding more cold-related deaths than it will cause heat-related deaths—as it has over the past two decades.³
  4. Despite many incentives for global climate-related damages to go up—preferences for riskier areas, government bailouts—GDP-adjusted climate-related damages are flat.⁴
  5. Fossil fuel use is 80% of the world’s energy and still growing despite 100+ years of aggressive competition and 20+ years of political hostility and massive solar and wind favoritism.⁵
  6. There is a desperate need for far more of the global-scale cost-effective energy that only fossil fuels can provide near-term: ⅓ of the world uses wood and animal dung for heating and cooking, and 3 billion use less electricity than a typical American refrigerator.⁶
  7. Since 1980, India’s fossil fuel use has increased by >700% and China’s by >600%. In the same time frame, India’s life expectancy increased by 17 years and China’s by 14. ⁷
  8. China, which uses mostly coal to produce “green” tech, has over 300 planned new coal plants designed to last over 40 years.⁸
  9. Even nations with little or no fossil fuel resources have used fossil fuels to develop and prosper. E.g., South Korea (83% fossil fuels), Japan (85% fossil fuels), Singapore (99% fossil fuels).⁹
  10. Climate warming is concentrated in colder areas of the world (such as the Arctic), during colder times of day, and during colder seasons. (This means that future warming will occur more in cold situations where it saves lives than in hot situations where it causes problems.)¹⁰
  11. The most extreme UN sea level rise projections are just 3 feet in 100 years. (This is a completely masterable level.) There are already 100 million people on Earth living below high-tide sea level.¹¹
  12. Mainstream estimates say hurricanes will be less frequent and between 1-10% more intense at 2° C warming. (This is not at all catastrophic if we continue our fossil-fueled climate mastery.)¹²
  13. The latest data on global hurricane frequency and intensity (Klotzbach et al 2022) shows no significant alarming upward trend.¹³
  14. It is common for leading media outlets to deliberately misrepresent the flat long-term hurricane trend. E.g., the New York Times cherry-picked a starting point—the low point of 1980—to make a flat trend seem upward.¹⁴
  15. The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have made the point that any increases in hurricane frequency in records are likely due to increasing reporting, not actual frequency.¹⁵
  16. The US Annual Heat Wave Index from the EPA has said, “Longer-term records show that heat waves in the 1930s remain the most severe in recorded U.S. history.” (Today’s “reporting” would give you no indication that this is the case.)¹⁶
  17. Mainstream science is unanimous that the warming impact of CO2 diminishes (“logarithmically”) as it increases in concentration. Every new molecule of CO2 we add to the atmosphere has less of a warming effect than the previous one.¹⁷
  18. Battery backup for solar and wind is so expensive that just 3 days of global backup using Elon Musk’s Megapacks would cost $570 trillion, about 6X global GDP.¹⁸
  19. Solar and wind never provide the exact amount of electricity that is needed. Electricity requires exactly matching supply and demand, and solar and wind on their own exactly match supply with demand 0% of the time.¹⁹
  20. Even mild increases in demand for critical minerals involving solar and wind have led to scaling issues and cost increases. (What will the unprecedented demand increases of “net zero” plans lead to?)²⁰
  21. “Net zero” plans to scale solar and wind involve more than doubling the supply of half a dozen major mined materials per decade—even though they can’t point to any examples of  any major mined mineral doubling that fast, even with pro-development governments.²¹
  22. 6 days after pledging to go all-EVs, California Governor Gavin Newsom told residents there wasn’t enough power to charge their EVs.²²
  23. 80% of the world’s energy is not electricity. For non-electricity energy, solar and wind either can’t do what fossil fuel can—e.g., airplanes or cargo ships—or are far more expensive.²³
  24. Our dependence on China for key components of solar, wind, and batteries is far greater than our dependence on Russia for fossil fuels.²⁴
  25. Far from out-competing fossil fuels, solar and wind are growing fast only when given massive government preferences—mandates, subsidies, and no penalty for unreliability—along with crippling government punishments of fossil fuels.²⁵

Monday December 25, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

December 25, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Merry Christmas

And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2:8-10)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XIV, Section 5

The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

  1. Please see the attached on energy facts.
  1. Please see the attached on climate by: Paul Driessen
  2. January 6 Events Shown Unfortunately some vital information was cut out of the tapes.  The statement of Trump to go “peacefully” to the Capitol, was cut out.
  1. Lessons From the Great Covid Cover-Up – Imprimis ( Rand Paul December 2023; Fauci and the virus coverup.
  1. Carlson Calls out Democrats for Attacks on Trump
  1. Ivanka Trump-Kushner and husband visit Israel; Hear tragic stories
  1. NY Remington Plant to close: Village devastated New York has become very anti-gun, making it hard to do business there.
  1. A Pro-life Democrat: A Startling Revelation
  1. Some Students Reject Harvard: Antisemitism, some employers will not hire Harvard Graduates
  1. Joe Biden thinks he is the only one who can beat Trump, and Harris would be worse
  1. Joe Biden wants to eliminate fossil fuels, force everyone to buy an electric vehicle
  1. Outgoing Louisiana Governor Pardons 56, 40 convicted of Murder
  1. Harvard President guilty of serious plagiarism: Not a problem?
  1. Melania Trump Shares her story, her dream to become an American
  1. Raid on Mar-A-Lago changed Tucker Carlson’s support of Trump
  1. More Bad News for Jack Smith
  1. Appointment of Jack Smith as Special Counsel may be unconstitutional
  1. Electric Vehicles: The solution to everything?
  1. Trump Wants Appeals Court to Weigh in on Presidential Immunity Issue
  1. Biden Sending Delegation to Mexico to talk about immigration Talk is nice, but the solution is simple: Re-institute Remain in Mexico policy, and stop them all at the border.
  1. Kari Lake election lawsuit will go to trial after judge dismisses most claims – ABC News
  1. Judge ruled defamation case against Kari Lake will move forward (
  1. AmericaFest 2023 Live Turing Point USA
  1. O Holy Night in the Alps: Piano in the snow
  1. Secret Service Agent Says Trump’s life is in danger
  1. Breaching Snake River Dams The Biden Administration and Congressman Mike Simpson want to breach the Snake River dams to restore the salmon.  What if it does not work?  We spent millions to build these dams and we ought not give them up without a battle.  You will notice that Idaho was not part of these discussions.

These dams are very important.

  1. They produce electricity and no carbon dioxide, as if that should matter
  2. They are important for flood control
  3. They provide opportunities for recreation
  4. The provide irrigation for valuable farm land

Green energy will never take the place of these dams.  They produce no electricity at night and have a very short life.

I believe we can find other ways to save the salmon.  Indian tribes should have no more to say than any other American.

Please do what you can to stop this terrible crime.

Thanks. (Sent to Congress and Idaho Legislature.)

  1. Ex-Capitol Officer To Expose The Truth Behind January 6 (
  1. Ex-Capitol Police Officer Reveals How He Decided Jan. 6 Was a ‘Set-Up’ (
  1. These Are the People Who Died in Connection With the Capitol Riot – The New York Times (

No policemen died at the capitol on January 6.  Two women died, one shot, another of the trauma; others died of natural causes; stroke, heart attacks.

The above press report was very biased, and recent release of video reveals a far different story.  Those convicted need to be released.

Sunday December 24, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. (Romans 13:14)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XIV, Section 4

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.  But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

  1. Speaker Johnson Asks Biden to Stop Border Crisis through Executive Order Remain in Mexico; finish the wall. 
  1. Effort to Remove Biden From Ballots in some swing states: Reaction to Colorado Decision 
  1. Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein
  1. Repentant Gay Man: Life in the Crosshairs  
  1. British Pilot: Chem Trails Plot against humanity That is all well and good, but the only problem I have always had with this theory is that the people doing this must also live under the same conditions, which make no sense.  A lot has been written on the subject, however.
  1. Trump Colorado Ballot Decision only boosts his support among voters
  1. Root For America: Action of Colorado Judges only increases Trump Popularity
  1. Colorado: No Trump on Ballot, then no Ramaswamy either Until Colorado gets right Ramaswamy does not want to be on the ballot.
  1. Democrats, Biden Staff, Worry about his Health
  1. Appeals Court Strikes Down Oregon Climate Rules This case was decided on a technicality, however, no discussion about the value of carbon dioxide.  Even the energy companies appear to have bought into the green energy policies, though a different time line.
  1. Trump Pick VP: Haley Would Be A Very Bad choice
  1. No Christmas Decorations on School Buses: Parents complain: Policy Reversed
  1. Judge Rules to Keep Trump on the Ballot in West Virginia
  1. Will eminent Domain be used to force acceptance of green programs?  Wind and solar projects, carbon Dioxide pipelines: The people don’t want them on their land.  Will they be forced to accept them?  Solar makes no sense.  Here in Idaho, it has been cloudy for a month with not more than 10 days sunshine.  The green industry must wake up to the realities of nature.  Use of fossil fuels has made this nation great.
  1. Democrat Blames Republicans for Border Crisis: A group of over 7,000 Migrants somewhere in Mexico, headed to U.S. Why can’t we stop them?
  1. Puerto Rico a state?  DeSantis says “No”.  Two More Democrats  In the past the people of Puerto Rico felt they got more government money as they are and would get far less as a state.  Puerto Rico is not American culture.
  1. Tucker Carlson Scared by 2020 Election, and UFOs
  1. Temperature not evidenced by tree rings: Precipitation More Important than temperature
  1. AmFest Turning Point: Charlie Kirk: 13,000 tickets without Fox: December 16, 2023 Phoenix AZ

            Amfest Turning Point: Speakers: Videos – Search (

  1. UN Approves Resolution with aid for Gaza
  1. Jack Smith: Appeals to Supreme Court to speed up trial: Is only slowing it down
  1. Carlson Endorsed Trump, but would oppose him if he picked Haley for VP Although neither Trump nor DeSantis say they are interested, the most qualified person for VP is Ron DeSantis.

Saturday December 23, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

December 23, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil.  Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power?  Do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: (Romans 13:3)

U.S. Constitution Amendment XIV, Section 3

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and  Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.  But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

  1. RF Kennedy Jr. Colorado Decision is crazy
  1. Calls Grow for Biden to denounce Colorado Ballot Decision
  1. Even some Democrats not happy with Colorado Ballot Court case: this only helps Trump
  1. A little different take on the Colorado Ballot Case 4 minutes
  1. Was the appointment of Jack Smith legal?
  1. Some insist that appointment of Jack Smith as Special Counsel was unconstitutional
  1. Smith not legally appointed: No standing before Supreme Court
  1. Jack Smith is not going anywhere with appeal to Supreme Court
  1. Smith Trump Case could be in trouble before Supreme Court
  1. Ivanka Trump, Jarod Kushner, a Jew, Husband and wife, visit Israel
  1. International Trains stopped at Mexico border: Administration could solve the problem, if they just had “more money”.  It evidently does not occur to anyone to just leave them all on the other side of the border.  Then we would not have to book them, count them, or care for them.  Does that make any kind of sense?
  1. Supreme Court will not move quickly to resolve the presidential immunity question
  1. Tucker Carlson endorses Trump for President
  1. Biden Defies Supreme Court on Student Loan Forgiveness
  1. Possible Increased Aid for Gaza  
  1. Jan 6 charged with “crime” under law that does not cover it
  1. Biden Trapped by change in language: Business with Hunter?
  1. Rush to Green Policy based on false foundation We must continue to use fossil fuels, and carbon dioxide is plant food, needed for all life.  Eliminating it is a false foundation.
  1. New Trend: Black Voters for Trump
  1. Debate: DeSantis-Haley
  1. More Calls for Harvard President Gay to resign
  1. Rudy Giuliani: Destroyed by 148 million judgment
  1. Border Policy: Talk, no Action.  All it takes is a word to close the border; no more money.
  1. Tucker Carlson Defends Jan 6 prisoners – 2020 Election Stolen
  1. Texas Governor Endorses Donald Trump
  1. Canada Oil and Gas Producers waiting to see if Trudeau or his policies survive, before investing in reductions

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith and Environment and Protected Areas Minister Rebecca Schulz jointly criticized Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Minister of the Environment and Climate Change Steven Guilbeault, accusing them of risking significant investments, devaluing retirement investments, and jeopardizing jobs in the oil and gas sector.

            Canada has lots of oil and gas and it is crazy to think of cutting production or doing anything to hinder the industry. Ed.