Sunday November 26, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

November 26, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

THEREFORE being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: (Romans 5:1)

U.S. Constitution Article IV, Section 3, Paragraph 1

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.

Second group of Hamas-held hostages released after delay; cease-fire holds (

Hamas hostages: Stories of the hostages taken by Hamas from Israel (

  1. Please see the attached: Common Sense, by Brent Regan, Chairman Kootenai County Republican Central Committee, and Chairman Idaho Freedom Foundation.
  1. False: Fact Check: No Babies Decapitated
  1. Israel-Hamas war live updates: Second group of hostages set to be released (

            Hamas delays hostage release, alleging Israel violated cease-fire terms : NPR

            Bing Videos Hostage Exchange Held up because of violations.

            Israel-Gaza war live updates: More hostages set to be freed on second day of       pause; Aid to Gaza scales up (

            Bing Videos 150 Trucks to Enter South Gaza

            Gaza Cease Fire Began On Friday: Quiet: Hope for Release of Hostages, Aid for Gaza

  1. Trump Ahead in Polls
  1. Georgia: Fani Willis does not want you to see tape that helps Trump Defense
  1. Trump: No Plans to Attend Fourth Debate: Call off the Debates, is his suggestion
  1. Trump Gives Message of Hope on Thanksgiving: Where is Biden’s Message of Hope?
  1. Trump Speaks Out on Thanksgiving
  1. Chicago: A Dangerous Place
  1. Trump Gag Orders Fought
  1. One Pro-choice Person Convicted of Firebombing Pro-life Clinic
  1. Claim: 4 Shooters in Kennedy Assassination: Hunter Biden Case
  1. Why Some Democrats Condemn other Democrats on Gaza
  1. Why No Americans Released from Gaza?
  1. Liberal Bill Maher to Joe Biden: Get Out or Get Going
  1. Pedophile Shares Plans to Rape, Infect Girls: In Custody
  1. Why the FBI Does Not Act
  1. Iceland Volcano Could Erupt at any Minute: Huge Cracks in Highway 19
  1. Hostages Released

            24 hostages are released as Israel-Hamas deal pauses Gaza fighting (

  1. Role of Jan 6 Police: All those in Jail need to be released
  1. U.S. Warship Attacked in Red Sea: Responds: Shoots Down Drone
  1. Putin Says He Wants Peace In Ukraine
  1. Update on Niagara Falls Crash Also watch new president of Holland: Encouraging.
  1. Nagara Car Explosion: No Terrorism Evident’ Watch this car approach the border at a high rate of speed, then crash, go airborne, over an 8 ft fence, land about 100 feet away and burst into flames.  Wow!
  1. Remote Alaska Landside: 3 dead, 3 missing, at least one rescued
  1. McCarthy Challenger Calls for Censure and Removal
  1. Biden Impeachment Vote Probably Next Spring
  1. Biden has no clear path to victory: Democrats are very worried
  1. Ex Professor: Stop College Indoctrination 25 Minutes Every educator must listen to this man.  He shows how to fight college indoctrination.
  1. Antisemitism and Terrorism at MIT 5 Minutes, Plus
  1. Biden Administration Sues Idaho over Restrictive Anti-Abortion law
  1. Biden Approval in Free Fall
  1. Proposal: Foster Care must follow LGBTQ for LGBTQ children
  1. Argentina Has a New President Who promises to end the inflationary policies that have destroyed the country.   Remember to pray for the new president, Javier Milei.  The Peronistas who have controlled the country for 50 years will not give up easy.  Many of them are simply Marxist/Communists in disguise.  His life could be in grave danger.  He promises to take a chain saw to the bloated government.  Pray for his success as this will be a big job.  Many support him, but when they begin to lose their welfare benefits will they turn against him?

            Trump Plans to Travel to Argentina to Meet New President

            BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — Former President Donald Trump has told Argentina’s President-elect Javier Milei that he plans to travel to the South American country so the two can meet, Milei’s office said Thursday.

            The office did not give a date for when Trump intends to be in Buenos Aires. The inauguration of Milei, a right-wing populist who has expressed admiration for Trump, is scheduled for Dec. 10.

            “The president-elect received a call last night from the former president of the United States, Donald Trump, who congratulated him and pointed out his triumph by a wide margin in last Sunday’s election had a great impact on a global scale,”         a news release from Milei’s office said.

A local journalist who was first to report the news, Luis Majul, wrote on X early Thursday that the lawmaker son of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro,   Eduardo Bolsonaro, was the one who “facilitated” the contact between Milei and            the GOP front-runner. “That’s right,” Milei posted in response.

  1. 34 Arrested after Stabbing in Ireland

            LONDON (AP) — Ireland’s prime minister on Friday condemned anti-immigrant protesters who rampaged through central Dublin after three young children were stabbed, saying the rioters simply wanted to cause chaos, not protect the country’s way of life.

  1. New Dutch President a Donald Trump of Netherlands

            THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — He’s been called the Dutch Donald Trump. He’s been threatened with death countless times by Islamic extremists, convicted of insulting Moroccans, and Britain once banned him from entering the country.

  1. Nicaragua Miss Universe uncovers deep political divide in Nicaragua: Hope for Freedom Again
  1. Ohio Passed an Abortion Rights Constitutional Amendment: But Will the Courts Uphold It?  Seems Doubtful
  1. Several States, no new gas-powered cars by 2035: This is madness as EVs have no future

            Here is a letter I sent to a few members of Congress today.  You can write a better letter to your congressman.


            Jim Hollingsworth

            Jim Hollingsworth


            November 25, 2023

            Dear Congressman,

            Biden plans to eliminate all internal combustion vehicles by 2035.  This is a terrible idea and you must stop him.  Here is why:

  1. If this were a true climate emergency this might make some sense.
  2. But there is no climate emergency.
  3. Carbon Dioxide is needed by all plants, and animals to build their bodies, and the more carbon dioxide the better they grow.  Think dinosaurs.
  4. Electric Vehicles were tried at the beginning of the Twentieth Century, but were quickly abandoned as being impractical when the internal combustion engine was invented.
  5. Electric Vehicles have no future.  They are only purchased by the rich, are impractical for long trips, catch fire when wet, must be charged regularly.
  6. Electric Vehicles are now charged mainly with nuclear, hydro, coal and natural gas, with a little wind and solar.  They will sit dead when there is no more fossil fuels.
  7. The electrical grid cannot handle any more.  Some states have even asked owners of EVs not to charge during certain hours of the day.
  8. Wind and Solar are presently a very small portion of our power mix.  When they get to 100% (and they never will) the Earth will be completely covered with these devices.
  9. Fossil Fuels have made America the greatest nation in history and in the world.
  10. American companies developed oil production throughout the world.  Most of those installations have been taken over by their host countries.
  11. America has enough fossil fuel and to spare if the administration would allow them to go ahead with planned programs.
  12. Batteries and materials for batteries come mainly from countries not very friendly to the United States.
  13. Some materials used in batteries are very rare and there may not be enough to produce so many electric vehicles.
  14. The middle class and the poor will not be able to buy a new electric vehicle as they are too expensive.
  15. These rulings only apply to certain states and to new cars.  Used cars will continue to be repaired and driven, like they do in Cuba.  New cars will be bought in one state and driven into another, so nothing will change.
  16. This whole project is designed to exercise more control over Americans.

This project must be stopped.

  1. Sebatian Gorka with Victor Davis Hanson: Can The Nation Survive? 2 hours
  1. Biblical Leprosy: Shedding Light on the Disease that Shuns | Answers in Genesis Have you ever known a lepper? Their fingers and toes are often gone.  This means it is a nervous disease.  The Bible use of the word includes what appears to be mold on the walls, cloth and other things.  This is an interesting article.
  1. Government Subsidies lead to Bankruptcy and Disaster
  1. Governor Decides Not to Debate Climate Change

Friday November 24, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

November 24, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

He [Abraham] staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong  in faith, giving glory to God;

And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. (Romans 4:20-21)

U.S. Constitution Article IV, Section 2, Paragraph 2

A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime.

  1. Discharged Soldiers Sue over Mask, Vaccination Mandates
  1. Argentina Plans to Adopt American Dollar as official Currency
  1. Democrat California Congresswoman not planning to run again
  1. Ford Scales Back Plans for New EV Plant: Affects Biden Green Energy Plans
  1. Secret Service Sweeps Location in Alabama, even though Trump does not plan to attend the Debate
  1. Will Trump Participate in Fourth Debate?  Megyn Kelly thinks he might.
  1. Trump Gag Order Narrowed
  1. Willis Sets Trial Date Of August 2024 for Trump Trial
  1. Judge Protects Corrupt DA Fani Willis
  1. Trump Supporter Wins House Seat in Utah: Former Congressman was also a Republican
  1. Decisions made in Biden Investigations benefited Hunter Biden
  1. Counting Ballots Not Dated This would be fine with one provision: The ballots must be delivered to the election’s office by election day.  Any ballots received after the date should not be counted.
  1. Texas Governor Abbott supports Trump: Control the Border
  1. Some Moslem Supporting Democrats Pressing for Cease Fire in Gaza
  1. Ford: EV Not Selling as Expected: Construction Plans Scaled Back
  1. The FBI to build new Headquarters, large as Pentagon: Madness
  1. North Korean Spy Satellite Sees U.S. Military Bases
  1. Supreme Court to Consider Gun Control Laws
  1. Senator, VP Biden, Stole Classified Documents: Will Not be Charged 20
  1. Mentor of Pete Buttigieg sentenced to 30 years for Child Pornography
  1. New Developments in Arizona Election Court Case
  1. Terrorist Explosion at Niagara Rainbow Bridge: Bridges Closed
  1. Secret Audio Tape Exonerates Trump: Smith has no case
  1. Biden: Defund the Police
  1. Was Harris Picked for Vice President because she is a Black Woman?  She is the reason Biden is safe, as she would be far worse as President
  1. These Democrat Actors may vote for Trump because of stand on Gaza War
  1. These Democrat Actors may vote for Trump because of stand on Gaza War
  1. Newly Released Jan 6 Tapes Paints the Truth: Will the Convicted be released?
  1. New Argentina President Gives Trump Advice
  1. Trump Lawyer: Trump Trial is Extortion
  1. Manchin Leaving May Affect Control of Senate

Thursday November 23, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

Thursday November 23, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.  (Romans 4:4-5)

U.S. Constitution Article IV, Section 2, Paragraph 1

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

  1. Thanksgiving is probably one of the most popular holidays in America.  We look forward to time with family and friends, and then eating until we can’t walk.

But, do we thank the Lord for all this?  Are we truly thankful.  One of the characteristics of the present age is a lack of thankfulness. (See Romans 1:21)

People risk their lives to get here, then as soon as they get here, they start complaining.  They are not thankful.  They do not really want to be Americans; they want it to be like where they left, so why did they leave?

May we be truly thankful for what God has given us and done for us.  We are still the freest nation on the Earth, though that freedom is presentlyin grave danger.

            Jesus has said: And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.  (John 8:32) Unfortunately we give up our freedom for a little security.  Paul said:STAND fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. (Galatians 5:1) We are rapidly giving away our heritage because we don’t identify with those who sacrificed to found this great nation.

            Enjoy the day, but take a moment to thank God you are an American.

            Jim Hollingsworth

  1. Proud Boys Robert Garcia facing 25 years for Jan 6 “riot”.\  I guess I have a little different picture of a riot than what happened on Jan 6.  Now that the tapes are evident, they paint a different kind of picture.
  1. Marjorie Taylor Greene Critical of Johnson Continuing Resolution with no spending cuts
  1. Hostages to be Released: Pause in War
  1. Cease Fire and Hostage Deal Reached
  1. Some Hostages to be released
  1. Talks continue: No Hostage Release Expected Before Friday
  1. Dozens from same family killed in Gaza as Israel continues bombardment | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
  1. current situation in Gaza – Search Images ( Many Pictures.
  1. Dozens of Officials sign Memo critical of Biden Hamas War Response  
  1. What a beautiful world, and all from carbon dioxide The left would have you believe that carbon dioxide is evil.  But it is actually the source of all life on Earth.  Without it we would all be dead.
  1. Buried Alive for a week: How did he breathe?
  1. Everything Made of Oil
  1. Rooftop Solar Not Saving As Much as Expected
  1. Supreme Court Against Florida Common Sense
  1. DeSantis – Haley Debate?  Not Likely.
  1. China Agreed to cut coal, but is that realistic? China can make promises, but they do not have to keep them.  They get us to make changes.  It seems to work in their favor.
  1. Richard Lindzen on Epoch Times: Climate 1:07 Hours
  1. It is hardly a surprise that Wyoming Governor Gordon backed down on debating his Carbon Sequestration plans.  He would surely have lost the argument, not because we are superior debaters, but because all the facts are on our side.

I hope that Wyoming legislators take his abrupt withdrawal as an admission that the Governor cannot defend his ideas in front of experts from the scientific community.

We have already spent trillions of dollars on various climate schemes and seen no improvement in our weather.  Perhaps we need to discuss this issue before wasting still more money?  That is what rational people would do.

            Thanks for your efforts to organize the debate.


            Gordon J. Fulks, PhD (Physics)

            Corbett, Oregon USA

P.S. Perhaps those Wyoming legislators who want this issue discussed will set up a meeting without the Governor in attendance?  I will be happy to come and explain why Governor Gordon is completely wrong about carbon dioxide.


Wednesday November 22, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

November 22, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For what saith the scripture?  Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. (Romans 4:3)

U.S. Constitution Article IV, Section 1, Paragraph 1

Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State; And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

  1. Does Biden Need to Reconsider Gun Legislation
  1. Evangelist Shot in Head While Steet Preaching: In Critical Condition
  1. Alabama Tries new method of Execution: Nitrogen’
  1. Newsom in Trouble in California: The California of Ronald Reagan is now far left People are leaving the state in droves because of California policies.  It is time for the Republicans to regain California before it becomes a complete “hell Hole”.
  1. Megyn Kelly: After he is elected Trump may treat the Democrats like they have treated him.
  1. Ron DeSantis is a great governor: He will work hard to win, but will still lose.  He needs to drop out, endorse Trump and wait for his time.
  1. Alex Newman on Kennedy Assassination, other comments
  1. Former Whitehouse Doctor and Present Congressman Ronny Jackson: Biden Not Competent
  1. President Turned 81 Monday: Affecting Presidential Race
  1. George Floyd: New Documentary: We Were Not Told The Truth
  1. Kevin McCarthy Seeks to Expel Matt Gaetz
  1. Batteries Replace Natural Gas Power Plants What kind of battery can provide power for two or three weeks at a time, when it is cloudy, like Idaho?
  1. President Biden Strange Comments to a 6-year-Old Girl
  1. Can they keep Trump off the Ballot?
  1. Jan 6 Tape Release may lead to new investigation of Jan 6
  1. Maybe Argentina has had enough of socialism and hyperinflation Tucker Carlson 32 Minutes in Spanish
  1. Idaho Dispatch Interviews Dinesh Dsouza
  1. Israel-Hamas war live updates: Heavy fighting erupts around Gaza’s Indonesian Hospital (

            Live Updates | Shell Hits Gaza Hospital, Killing 12, as Heavy Fighting Breaks out |

            November 20, 2023 Israel-Hamas war (

  1. Victor Davis Hanson: Gaza War and Woke Culture 1:21:58 Hours

Tuesday November 21, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

November 21, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. (Romans 3:28)

U.S. Constitution Article III, Section 3, Paragraph 2

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Bood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Please see the attached, a Thanksgiving message from a friend.  One of the  problems with the current age is that generally people are not thankful.  Especially Americans who have more than any other people in the world.  What the rest of the world just dreams about having some day, our poor have all those things.  But, still we are not thankful.

  1. Newsom dumps homeless to favor Chinese Communists
  1. Jan 6 Protestor, Matthew Perna, hung himself: DOJ Enhancement Sentence Promised
  1. Forced to make Retraction concerning Mike Johnson and Son over Pornography
  1. Rashida Tlaib Event Cancelled After She Called for Genocide of Israel, Report says.
  1. Ethics Complaint Against Trump Judge Engoron
  1. Hezbollah Withdraws Support for Hamas  
  1. Maybe Argentina has had enough of socialism and hyperinflation Tucker Carlson 32 Minutes in Spanish (With Subtitles)
  1. Israel-Gaza live updates: IDF says it exposed Hamas tunnel under Shifa Hospital (

            Israel says new images prove Gaza hospital used as Hamas command center             (

            CNN’s Oren Liebermann Explores Gaza Hospital Tunnel Claims by IDF: ‘The        Credibility of Israel Is at Stake Here’ ( Is it, or isn’t it?

            Premature babies evacuated from Gaza’s main hospital and taken to Egypt           ( There were 39, some of them died.  28 taken to Egypt.  That seems l           ike a lot of premature babies for one hospital.  What would a doctor say?

            Was Hamas Command Center Found Under Gaza Hospital? What New Video      Shows (

            Over 20 years ago I noted that Hamas was shooting off rockets from residential areas, so this is very believable.  However, there is just no way to prove that the above pictures are actually from a hospital.  We have known about tunnels for years, but I did not realize the purpose or the extent.  I have not seen a report from Newsmax John Huddy for over a week, who was embedded with the IDF, so that is suspicious, like they may not have liked what he was reporting.  So, we will have to keep an open mind about all this.  As noted, even for a large hospital           that seems like a lot of premature babies.

  1. Georgia DA wants to keep Trump from being able to campaign
  1. New Library Policy Needs More Work: Moms Speak out The issue seems to be keeping X-Rated material out of the hands of children.  Now, the library budget is limited and there are literally millions of excellent books on the market.  A choice has to be made as to which books to buy.  I would classify many of the books in question as just plain trash.  They should not be in the library at all, especially when we are paying for them.  Best to make good choices for the books carried and leave the trash out.  That is my opinion.  I wonder if anyone agrees with me.
  1. Talks Continue on Hostage Release They say they are getting close.  They would release in two stages, but Hamas does not want surveillance while they find all the hostages.  Could that allow them to move rockets etc?
  1. Drought and Wildfires; climate change: have reduced the value of west coast timber by 11 million Of course there is climate change, something that nature does and has done for thousands of years.  Then there is man-caused climate change, and that has never been proven.  It is usually just a way to increase the size of government, exercise more control of the citizens, and spend more money.

            Comments by Dr.  Bob Zybach, Oregon Forester

  1. Joe Rogan Advises DeSantis to Withdraw I like Ron DeSantis.  I think he is doing a great job in Florida.  I do not like the comments Trump continues to make about him.  I do believe, however, that he has no chance of winning.  He is going to put forth a lot of effort and still lose.  Ultimately he will offend a lot of Trump supporters, and he may need their support later on.  The best DeSantis can do is to withdraw, support Trump, work hard in Florida, and look to the future.  Otherwise, he is going to be very frustrated and even bitter in the end.
  1. States ask Congress for permission to enforce Immigration laws I am not quite sure what this means.  Surely each state has the power to stop an imminent invasion.  And, what about the 7,000 in a group headed to the border?
  1. Migrant Caravan Swells to ‘Over 7,000 People’ En Route to US Border (

            Thousands march in migrant caravan toward US southern border November 2

            Caravan 32 left S. Mexico Oct 30, walking, 15-20 Kilometers a day, may reach      the U.S. by end of year. The administration does not seem concerned about this            group.  They are moving slowly on foot, and even in wheelchairs.

  1. Governor Ron DeSantis Critical of Nikki Haley over Policies as Governor
  1. WATCH LIVE: Donald Trump to deliver speech near Texas border | Washington Examiner Border meeting with Trump and Abott and others 2:33:06 Hours.

            Trump at the Border Sunday Nov 19

  1. FBI Whistleblower Goes Public; Nord Stream Pipeline Explosions; ‘CHS Corruption Cover Up Network”|Kash’s Corner | EpochTV (
  1. Victor Davis Hanson on Gaza
  1. Supreme Court to Consider Jan 6 Convictions
  1. We are going to have a major election in about a year.  This election could be the death of our Republic, or the beginning of cleaning out all the trash in government.  On that basis we need to be doubly sure that we are protecting our elections to insure there are no problems.  That begins with paper ballots, then counting ballots in each precinct, before they are counted by the machines.  Those counts need to agree, or know why not.  It is not too late to begin to take action to protect our republic.

Wednesday November 22, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

November 22, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For what saith the scripture?  Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. (Romans 4:3)

U.S. Constitution Article IV, Section 1, Paragraph 1

Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State; And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

  1. Does Biden Need to Reconsider Gun Legislation
  1. Evangelist Shot in Head While Steet Preaching: In Critical Condition
  1. Alabama Tries new method of Execution: Nitrogen’
  1. Newsom in Trouble in California: The California of Ronald Reagan is now far left People are leaving the state in droves because of California policies.  It is time for the Republicans to regain California before it becomes a complete “hell Hole”.
  1. Megyn Kelly: After he is elected Trump may treat the Democrats like they have treated him.
  1. Ron DeSantis is a great governor: He will work hard to win, but will still lose.  He needs to drop out, endorse Trump and wait for his time.
  1. Alex Newman on Kennedy Assassination, other comments
  1. Former Whitehouse Doctor and Present Congressman Ronny Jackson: Biden Not Competent
  1. President Turned 81 Monday: Affecting Presidential Race
  1. George Floyd: New Documentary: We Were Not Told The Truth
  1. Kevin McCarthy Seeks to Expel Matt Gaetz
  1. Batteries Replace Natural Gas Power Plants What kind of battery can provide power for two or three weeks at a time, when it is cloudy, like Idaho?
  1. President Biden Strange Comments to a 6-year-Old Girl
  1. Can they keep Trump off the Ballot?
  1. Jan 6 Tape Release may lead to new investigation of Jan 6
  1. Maybe Argentina has had enough of socialism and hyperinflation Tucker Carlson 32 Minutes in Spanish
  1. Idaho Dispatch Interviews Dinesh Dsouza
  1. Israel-Hamas war live updates: Heavy fighting erupts around Gaza’s Indonesian Hospital (

            Live Updates | Shell Hits Gaza Hospital, Killing 12, as Heavy Fighting Breaks out |

            November 20, 2023 Israel-Hamas war (

  1. Victor Davis Hanson: Gaza War and Woke Culture 1:21:58 Hours

Tuesday November 21, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

November 22, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For what saith the scripture?  Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. (Romans 4:3)

U.S. Constitution Article IV, Section 1, Paragraph 1

Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State; And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

  1. Does Biden Need to Reconsider Gun Legislation
  1. Evangelist Shot in Head While Steet Preaching: In Critical Condition
  1. Alabama Tries new method of Execution: Nitrogen’
  1. Newsom in Trouble in California: The California of Ronald Reagan is now far left People are leaving the state in droves because of California policies.  It is time for the Republicans to regain California before it becomes a complete “hell Hole”.
  1. Megyn Kelly: After he is elected Trump may treat the Democrats like they have treated him.
  1. Ron DeSantis is a great governor: He will work hard to win, but will still lose.  He needs to drop out, endorse Trump and wait for his time.
  1. Alex Newman on Kennedy Assassination, other comments
  1. Former Whitehouse Doctor and Present Congressman Ronny Jackson: Biden Not Competent
  1. President Turned 81 Monday: Affecting Presidential Race
  1. George Floyd: New Documentary: We Were Not Told The Truth
  1. Kevin McCarthy Seeks to Expel Matt Gaetz
  1. Batteries Replace Natural Gas Power Plants What kind of battery can provide power for two or three weeks at a time, when it is cloudy, like Idaho?
  1. President Biden Strange Comments to a 6-year-Old Girl
  1. Can they keep Trump off the Ballot?
  1. Jan 6 Tape Release may lead to new investigation of Jan 6
  1. Maybe Argentina has had enough of socialism and hyperinflation Tucker Carlson 32 Minutes in Spanish
  1. Idaho Dispatch Interviews Dinesh Dsouza
  1. Israel-Hamas war live updates: Heavy fighting erupts around Gaza’s Indonesian Hospital (

            Live Updates | Shell Hits Gaza Hospital, Killing 12, as Heavy Fighting Breaks out |

            November 20, 2023 Israel-Hamas war (

  1. Victor Davis Hanson: Gaza War and Woke Culture 1:21:58 Hours