Thursday September 14, 2023 Attachment

Fear is the Mind Killer

Author Frank Herbert understood that fear can paralyze the body and prevent rational thought. Unlike the basic drives like reproduction, eating, and status, fear is induced, a product of external circumstances. Fear is therefore a powerful tool for mind control and persuasion.  Fear is the preferred tool in politics when facts or policy are not in your favor. The last CDA School Bond election demonstrated the power of fear.

Fear is the preferred weapon of those infected with the Woke Mind Virus. If you transgress the self-appointed arbiters of hate speech or thought you will be canceled and subjected to ridicule, harassment, label lynching, banishment, loss of job or position, etc… It is fear of these consequences, meted out without trial or due process that stifles free speech and collapses thought to an approved narrow, but ever shifting, corridor.

As we enter the campaign season for the November election, those that deal in fear will crank the volume to eleven. These fear merchants know that their candidates and positions are unpopular so they have nothing to promote. Instead they ridicule and demonized the opposition. Terms like racist, white nationalist, bigot, hater, groyper, KKK, and extremist flow from their mouths and keyboards with familiar ease, oblivious to the hypocrisy of the “Love Lives Here” slogan printed on their T-shirt.  Their actions have the singular intent of instilling fear in others while distracting from their own shortcomings and malfeasance. But to what effect?

The least valued, most disposable members of our society are young men. Whether they succumb to military engagement or gang violence, the deaths of young men are rarely noted by society in general. Of course they are deeply mourned and missed by family and friends, but mostly ignored by society at large.

The Woke Mind Virus causes young men to be denied their biological imperatives. The liberal media portrays men as being stupid or incompetent or inferior in virtually all commercial advertising. They are labeled toxic for being men. They are deemed non-essential. The super spreader of the Woke Mind Virus, China’s TikTok, shows them that to get the attention and status they desire they should castrate themselves, inject female hormones and dress and behave as some grotesque caricature of womanhood.

There is no place for manly men among those infected with the Woke Mind Virus.  For a time, video games offered refuge where young men could accumulate money, fast cars and hot women, but even that has fallen. Young men feel canceled. 

“Young men are puttin’ themselves six feet in the ground ‘cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin’ them down.” Oliver Anthony: Rich Men North of Richmond.

You cannot cheat biology writ large, no matter how hard you try, which is why young men are so susceptible to a charismatic leader offering fellowship, power, authority and status as men. Be they Antifa, neo-Nazis, or street gangs, the common attractant is the offering of tribal membership and the potential for status.  

It seems inevitable that young men do and say stupid things. This is true a priori, and there may be a biological basis. The human brain does not fully develop until the late twenties and the last part to develop is the area which evaluates the future consequences of actions. Young men say and do stupid things because their brains have not yet developed the ability to recognize stupid.

When presented with a young man who has done stupid things, what should be done? If someone you know has expressed an interest in a gang or a cult or an extremist group what would be the smart and wise thing to do? What would be the Christian thing to do?

Would it be a good idea to ostracize or banish them? How about getting them fired from their job or publically humiliated. Should they be “label lynched?” Would it be wise to drive them away and into the arms of the extremists? No, of course not. Yet this is exactly what the fear dealers demand to satisfy their woke agenda. These Woke Mind Virus fear dealers want you to abandon due process, embrace the assumption of guilt and purge those they have labeled as undesirable. They want you to be more fascist, like them.

The righteous act would be to explain to the young man the folly of their stupidity and then to provide an opportunity to act in a correct and productive fashion. Offering an alternate tribe and giving positive reinforcement for good deeds. This is the way. It is more effort and has some peril, but the rewards are well worth the risk.

This isn’t just some hypothetical theory. It is playing out right now in real time. The fear dealers are raising the ridiculous specter of a small handful of “Groypers” who have “taken control” of the Republican Party. The fear dealers demand we denounce and excommunicate them or suffer the fear dealer’s wrath.

The Republican Party has no need to again denounce extremists because we already have in multiple ways. The Republican National and State Party platforms and our party rules all have guarantees for equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age or disability and nobody is excommunicated without due process. It is woven into the fabric of who we are as a party. Demanding that we reiterate that which we have already codified is a motion that is out of order. Pandering to irrational demands only encourages more of the same. If you give a mouse a cookie, he’ll want a glass of milk.

Freedom of speech, particularly political speech is under assault. Those infected with the Woke Mind Virus assault free speech with the intent of controlling thought and those in government have established the precedent that they can suspend our fundamental constitutionally enumerated rights on a whim if they claim it is an “emergency.”

We must not comply with the irrational demands of the Woke Mind Virus fear merchants because compliance only breeds further infection.

As Elon Musk observed “The Woke Mind Virus is either defeated or nothing else matters.”

It’s just common sense. (Brent Regan)

Thursday September 14, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

September 14, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Books Available: I would just like to remind everyone of the books that have been published.

  1. Climate Change: A Convenient Truth This book tells you all you need to know about climate change.  Updated and revised.  Good to give to anyone who has a question on the subject.
  2. Cortez: A Biography The story of the conquest of Mexico
  3. The Ancient Culture of the Aztec Empire The Conquest of Mexico from the natives viewpoint.
  4. Abortion Compassion A pro-life work to give to any woman who may be thinking of an abortion. Includes lots of testimonies and pictures of developing babies in the womb.
  5. Romans, A commentary This is a great guide for anyone who is serious about Bible study.

All are available from Amazon. : Jim Hollingsworth books

But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: (John 1:12)

Please see attached Brent Regan’s Friday column on the results of fear. (Brent Regan is chairman of the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee.  The members of the committee are elected by the voters and are the local officials of the Republican Party.)

  1. New Mexico Gun Rule by Governor: Unconstitutional
  1. Will impeachment inquiry really go forward?  McCarthy will be in deep trouble if it doesn’t
  1. Gaetz to McCarthy: Impeach, or vacate the chair  
  1. Present Polls Continue to Favor Trump: There has to be a reason
  1. DeSantis: Open Border policy can lead to another 911 Event
  1. Dr. Robert Malone: Booster Shots make you more likely to get sick than no vaccine: Negative Results
  1. So-called Climate Emergency is a serious hoax wasting billions of dollars on false projects
  1. All Pro-life laws protect women with medical emergencies
  1. New Mexico Gun Ban: We will not comply
  1. California GOP October 1 Showdown: DeSantis and Trump
  1. Youngkin Pardons Dad falsely arrested over his charge of rape of his daughter in school bathroom (His daughter was raped in the bathroom by a transgender boy.  He complained, and was arrested; now pardoned by Governor.
  1. Attached is the flyer about our JBS Speakers Bureau event on Tuesday, October 3rd featuring Alex Newman speaking on the WEAPONIZATION OF RELIGION.  Please invite all clergymen and ask them to pass on this information to their followers.

            Thank you.

            Rich Loudenback

            Speakers Bureau Chair

            208 755-7717

  1. Texas holds summit to oppose Biden 30 X 30 Climate Plan
  1. DeSantis  Superpac switches to support Trump This is so sad.  Trump needed DeSantis to remain honest.  I think DeSantis could have a great future.  There is just no way he will ever beat Trump.  At this point he should withdraw and throw his support to Trump.  His pride will not let him do that.  But I still think he would make a great vice president.
  1. Jordan Peterson on Justin Trudeau: Canada’s woke nightmare is a vision of Britain’s future (
  1. Jordan Peterson on Justin Trudeau: Canada’s woke nightmare is a vision of Britain’s future (
  1. Canada Documentary: Peterson: 38 Min
  1. Jordan Peterson Attacked Professionally 6 minutes
  1. (452) Jordan Peterson: Narcissist Justin Trudeau has never said a true word – YouTube
  1. (452) Canada’s woke nightmare: A warning to the West | Documentary – YouTube
  1. One Maui Resident Comments on Fire and Aftermath 4 Minutes
  1. Trump: Impeach the Bum, or let GOP fade in Oblivion
  1. Trump: We Will Not Comply: No Mask Mandates, No Lockdowns, No Vaccine Mandates: Period.
  1. Listing Lizard in Texas could cripple oil and gas Having lived among lizards for many years I know from experience that they are pretty adaptable.  Not only that this is a vast area under consideration, and oil drilling only takes up a couple of acres.  The lizards are not really affected by any of this effort, and some studies show the lizard numbers are increasing.  This is just another federal government land grab and produces nothing worthy of American freedom.

“The Biden Administration is proposing the destruction of our domestic energy engine based on a mishmash of inconsistent statements, disregarded facts, and    admitted unknowns,” said Buckingham. “As the steward of over 13 million acres     of energy-rich state land, I won’t allow this administration to use so-called ‘conservation’ as a political token aimed at crippling Texas’ economy and stealing        from school children.”

  1. For years I have followed the writings of others, and especially articles about the attacks on our children.  I have seen very little about how children are groomed, and then molested.  This can cause harm that will affect them for a life time.

            When I was about 19 I dated a girl who was a very wonderful girl.  We went to a   movie, and in the process of time I learned that she was only 15.  I was   terrified.  I said something to her father about it.  I am sure they had confidence in          me, but I felt that confidence was misplaced, as anyone can be tempted.

            The data indicates that children are rarely molested by strangers.  Often it is a       parent, a brother or sister, aunt or uncle, or someone close to the family.  I have        seen men in the church groom children; the parents had confidence in the man           and let their children spend time with him.

            The only way to really protect your children is to insure they are never alone with another person.  No one is beyond the possibility of being tempted to molest a         child.  Children who are a little rebellious are the most likely to fall and sometimes       parents will let their kids spend time with an older person who they think can become a friend of the child and help him.  That can happen, but it is not always            the case.  It is impossible to know what will happen as child molesters come in all          kinds of packages.

            This is why the Boy Scouts has gotten into so much trouble.  Boys are paired        with other boys in the buddy system and they sleep together in a tent.  If one of           them happens to be a predator you can easily see what can happen.

            Frankly there is no way to know what could happen.  Having your children involved with others can pay real benefits.  However, activities must be chosen     carefully.  Church groups with a trustworthy adult and the children sleeping in     larger groups helps preserve the integrity.

            Ultimately parents must pay careful attention to what is happening with their          children to protect them from evil.  Thus, it is important to keep the channels of             communication open with your children so they can always feel free to express       their hopes and even their problems.  Children with problems are easily groomed             for trouble.

            Be watchful, teach your children the Bible, as well as how predators             work.  Young girls, especially, need to know how easily a man is stirred up.  Boys           also.


            Jim Hollingsworth

Wednesday September 13, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

September 13, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

About a week ago my outlook account had a problem.  I worked with Microsoft with the problem, and when they were done with me, I had to rebuild my email lists from scratch.  I was working with an old list, so if you had previously asked to be removed, just return the email to me, with the word “unsubscribe” on the subject line and I will remove you.

And the Lord turned , and looked upon Peter.  And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He had said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice.

And Peter went out, and wept bitterly. (Luke 22:61-62)

  1. Senator Mike Lee calls for Mitch McConnell to step down
  1. Trump Stands on Free Speech
  1. House Committee Charged to Open Impeachment Investigation
  1. New Movie: Police State
  1. Responses to Judge’s Order to Remove Texas Barriers in Rio Grande The answer I like the best is: remove the barriers and then station the national guard along the border and not let anyone enter.  It is madness to leave the border open, and even New York can see that.
  1. RF Kennedy, Jr. Ignored by the press As I have said before, Kennedy is a breath of fresh air among the Democrats.  But he is defeated by two things: 1) He will always be a Kennedy with their legacy, and 2) He will always be a Democrat.  He may be square on some important issues, but deep down he is still a Marxist at heart.
  1. Bernie Kerik: 911 Memorial: Rudy Giuliani Beloved Mayor: Trump – We will never forget
  1. 911- Ted Cruz: Next Terrorist Attack From Open Border with Mexico
  1. Electric Vehicles catch Fire when under sea water
  1. Pregnant Mom: Shuns Treatment to save Her baby: She is surviving: Pray for a cure
  1. Trump: Stop EV Production: Protect Michigan Auto Manufacture: Only China Benefits from EV Production
  1. New New Mexico Gun Law: We Will Not Comply: Lawsuit
  1. MY TURN: Maybe the ‘bad guys’ are really the ‘good guys’ | Coeur d’Alene Press ( Ann Patterson on NIC

            MY TURN: Saving NIC from its “friends” | Coeur d’Alene Press (     Art Macomber November 1, 2022

  1. Rudy Giuliani: Tragedy in the White House
  1. Insanity: Defund the Police? You could be a victim: Hard lesson to learn
  1. Fani Willis Stands Against Jim Jordan Probe
  1. Casey Whalen: Folks with rosary Walk Are they domestic terrorists?
  1. Dr. Jordan Peterson starts new international freedom organization
  1. Jordan Peterson with Steven Edington 1:26:01 Hours
  1. Brent Regan: Democrat Chaos
  1. Proud Boys Leader, Tarrio, gets 22 years in prison; What was his crime?
  1. Former Law Clerks Defend Justice Clarence Thomas
  1. Kootenai Journal: Fool Me Twice? Ralph Ginorio Every American patriot must determine that he/she will never put on a mask, accept a “vaccine”, or lockdown unless forced to do so.  We all became sheep because of government mandates.  Never again.  Don’t let them close our businesses or our schools. America is better than this.  These so-called science claims are simply political actions.
  1. Letter to the Editor by a friend:

Thanks to the Twin Falls County Commissioners who recently passed a Moratorium on all large wind and solar energy projects over 10 Megawatts. This is greatly appreciated. The proposed unsustainable wind farm projects in the Magic Valley are almost unanimously opposed. Research reveals that the mining, manufacture, transportation and installation of wind and solar creates more Carbon Dioxide that just using coal and natural gas in the first place. Of course, it is a HOAX that fossil fuels are destroying the planet. Climate Change is being used to control all human activity, destroy our economy and redistribute our wealth.

Inflation is an increase in the money supply. More money is chasing the same      amount of goods, thus, the cost of everything goes up. Raising the interest rates         will NOT reduce inflation. It adds pain to inflation by making the cost of cars,   housing, farm and business loans, etc. more expensive.

The Chinese controlled United Nation’s World Health Organization wants a            Global Pandemic Treaty which is a direct threat to America’s sovereignty. The       Biden Administration is negotiating with WHO bureaucrats to give them: More of your money; More control over future pandemics and More power to control our             individual health care including vaccine mandates, lockdowns and government        surveillance! It gives WHO the power to declare and manage future global        pandemic “emergencies.” Congress must pass 1546 to stop this dangerous             WHO Pandemic Treaty.

            We do NOT want to go back to an open primary. Until 2012, the Democrats          would cross over and vote for the most liberal Republican candidates. Democrats            and Republicans should each select their candidates.

            Rank Choice Voting is the way liberals get their candidates elected. RINO Republican US Senator from Alaska was elected that way. Do NOT sign the Reclaim Idaho Petition to allow this fraudulent voting method. See          and for patriotic information.

            A concerned citizen, Adrian Arp, Ph.D.

Wednesday September 6, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

September 6, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:

For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people;

A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel. (Luke 2:29-32)

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” (John Adams: National Center For Constitutional Studies.)

  1. Brent Regan: Democrat Chaos: Gem State Patriot
  2. Senator Dennis Linthicum: Oregon Battles
  3. Trump on Georgia
  4. Ramaswamy questions on lgbtq issues increase his popularity
  5. Jen Psaki claims Trump Mug Shot won’t impress moderate voters: Is she right?
  6. Mark Meadows Makes a possible fatal legal move
  7. Thousands of Dallas Independent School District emails contain information on transgender issues
  8. Listing Lizard in Texas could cripple oil and gas Having lived among lizards for many years I know from experience that they are pretty adaptable.  Not only that, this is a vast area under consideration, and oil drilling only takes up a couple of acres.  The lizards are not really affected by any of this effort, and some studies show the lizard numbers are increasing.  This is just another federal government land grab and produces nothing worthy of American freedom.

            “The Biden Administration is proposing the destruction of our domestic energy       engine based on a mishmash of inconsistent statements, disregarded facts, and    admitted unknowns,” said Buckingham. “As the steward of over 13 million acres     of energy-rich state land, I won’t allow this administration to use so-called           ‘conservation’ as a political token aimed at crippling Texas’ economy and stealing         from school children.”

  1. Texas AJ Ken Paxton Impeachment Trial was to begin September 5  This is so sad.  Paxton has been pretty conservative, yet he has had some personal problems.  This will be an interesting trial.  I trust it will be honest.
  2. Texas holds summit to oppose Biden 30 X 30 Climate Plan
  3. DeSantis  Superpac switches to support Trump This is so sad.  Trump needed DeSantis to remain; honest.  I think DeSantis could have a great future.  There is just no way he will ever beat Trump.  At this point he should withdraw and throw his support to Trump.  His pride will not let him do that.  But I still think he would make a great vice president.
  4. Interview with Jordan Peterson 1.5 Hours
  5. Interview with Eric Kaufman: 55 min  
  6. Canada Documentary: Jordan Peterson: 38 Minutes
  7. Jordan Peterson Attacked Professionally 6 minutes
  8. Canada: Interview with Jordan Peterson: 26 Min
  9. One Maui Resident Comments on Fire and Aftermath 4 Minutes
  10. Trump: Impeach the Bum, or let GOP fade in Oblivion
  11. Dr. Jordan Peterson starts new international freedom organization
  12. What do Your Kids Mean to You?

            For years I have followed the writings of others, and especially articles about the attacks on our children.  I have seen very little about how children are groomed,           and then molested.  This can cause harm that will affect them for a life time.

            When I was about 19 I dated a girl who was a very wonderful girl.  We went to a   movie, and in the process of time I learned that she was only 15.  I was   terrified.  I said something to her father about it.  I am sure they had confidence in          me, but I felt that confidence was misplaced, as anyone can be tempted.

            The data indicates that children are rarely molested by strangers.  Often it is a       parent, a brother or sister, aunt or uncle, or someone close to the family.  I have         seen men in the church groom children; the parents had confidence in the man           and let their children spend time with him.

            The only way to really protect your children is to insure they are never alone with another person.  No one is beyond the possibility of being tempted to molest a         child.  Children who are a little rebellious are the most likely to fall and sometimes       parents will let their kids spend time with an older person who they think can become a friend of the child and help him.  That can happen, but it is not always            the case.  It is impossible to know what will happen as child molesters come in all          kinds of packages.

            This is why the Boy Scouts has gotten into so much trouble.  Boys are paired        with other boys in the buddy system and they sleep together in a tent.  If one of           them happens to be a predator you can easily see what can happen.

            Frankly there is no way to know what could happen.  Having your children involved with others can pay real benefits.  However, activities must be chosen     carefully.  Church groups with a trustworthy adult and the children sleeping in     larger groups helps preserve the integrity.

            Ultimately parents must pay careful attention to what is happening with their          children to protect them from evil.  Thus, it is important to keep the channels of             communication open with your children so they can always feel free to express       their hopes and even their problems.  Children with problems are easily groomed             for trouble.

            Be watchful, teach your children the Bible, as well as how predators work.  Young             girls, especially, need to know how easily a man is stirred up.  Boys also.


            Jim Hollingsworth

Tuesday September 5, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

September 5, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

For unto you is born his day n the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2:10-11)

“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.  As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” (Benjamin Franklin, National Center For Constitutional Studies.)

  1. McConnell is running down
  2. Florida Surgeon General, Dr. Ladapo, Do not cooperate with Mask Mandates
  3. Dr. Jordan Peterson Founds new international Freedom organization 7:14 Min
  4. Actor Jon Voight: Stand For Truth Support Trump.
  5. Americans Fight Covid Nonsense
  6. Justice  Department Sues Musk for Not Hiring Illegal Aliens If you did not hire illegal aliens they would quit coming.
  7. 70,000 Stuck in the Mud on Nevada Playa They will have to wait days for the playa to dry out before they can leave.  Some of these desert playas will not be dry enough to drive on until next summer.  Much foolishness.  To get out of there now the will have to build a gravel road.
  1. Why is Biden Hiding the Truth?
  2. Man in Wyoming Sorority
  3. Small Coffee Company Supports Life
  4. Trump Mug Shot: Results
  5. Texas Sues Planned Parenthood over Illegal Medicaid Payments
  6. Blowback Against DA Fani Willis who indicted Trump and 18 Other Americans
  7. Fetterman’s Wife Working Against Him
  8. If Elected Ramaswamy would shut down Most of the Deep State
  9. Impeachment Inquiry would require 218 Votes: McCarthy
  10. Democrats Claim Late Term Abortions Rare, but Actually support Abortions Until Birth, and beyond
  11. Corporate Media says Climate Emergency: Scientists say Not True
  12. 1,609 Scientists Say There is No Climate Emergency
  13. Many Thought Trump Posting His Mug Shot would hurt him, but it did not.  Raises 9 million.
  14. Tucker Carlson Talks About Fox News
  15. Judge Dismisses 14th Amendment Lawsuit Against Trump
  16. Florida: Looters: Million Dollar Bail if Caught As Florida is a strong Second Amendment State, you could get shot while looting. “You loot, we shoot”. (DeSantis)
  17. Biden Inflation Causing People to use 401 money to survive’
  18. Supreme Court Rules Gas Pipeline must go ahead What about other pipelines?
  19. DeSantis Superpac Halts Canvassing in 4 States
  20. Chinese Party Line for World Health Agenda
  21. Court Sides with Doctors concerning Ivermectin

Trump Interview With Larr Kudlow 19:50 Min

Monday September 4 ,2023

Jim Hollingsworth

September 4, 2023

And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him:

For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. (Hebrews 12:5-6)

“I, however, place economy among the first and most important republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers to be feared.  To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt… I am for a government rigorously frugal and simple.” (Thomas Jefferson, National Center For Constitutional Studies.)

  1. What is Free Speech?
  2. Trangenders get special privileges in military
  3. Teen Fell Overboard From Large Cruise Ship
  4. Utah Child: Held, runs for safety
  5. Officer Saves Baby in Routine Traffic Stop
  6. Migrants Housed in Police Stations in Chicago
  7. Actor Warns of Insidious Loss of Freedom
  8. Trump May Reverse Course, Join Next Debate
  9. Future of controversial West Bonner superintendent uncertain after recall of two far-right trustees | The Spokesman-Review
  10. North Idaho voters oust West Bonner school leaders by a convincing margin in recall ( Although it is not clear from the articles, but it appears that there were some problems in the school district and the citizens elected two trustees who were really concerned about the condition of the kids and the district.  They in turn hired Brandon Durst, dedicated to solving the problem.  A left-wing program worked to recall the two.  Now they can run again and we will see what the voters in that district really want.  Unions and left-wing admin do not want accountability.  Anyone who knows more is welcome to share.
  11. I just viewed and listened to Brian Hyde (24:17 minutes) dissect the bitter fight going on at West Bonner School District and more broadly the fierce struggle by parents against those progressive administrators/trustees/teachers who desperately want to indoctrinate our children, groom them actually, into neo-Marxist ideology knowing it’s the best way to continue the destruction of our constitutional republic.

This was very instructive. It also piggybacks on news I’ve recently heard that one of Elon Musk’s boys has been turned to neo-Marxist thinking including transophil considerations. If Musk can’t protect his own children, what about those without such means.


Mike Satren

School Board Fight

  1. 5,400 emails could get Biden impeached
  2. 1,600 and second Nobel Prize Winner declares Climate Emergency a Myth
  3. Impeachment of Texas AG Ken Paxton
  4. CPAC Supports Trump
  5. Charges Against Trump are Very Weak
  6. Unborn Baby Saves Life of Mother With Cancer
  7. Biden May Institute New Mask, Vaccine Mandates Several have already said they will not comply.
  8. What is the Point of Impeachment: Cannot Suceed
  9. Jen Psaki’s False Claim about Democrat Position on Abortion
  10. Justice Thomas Flies By Private Jet For Security Concerns
  11. Biden Tired Early in Day: Cannot Complete Presidential Duties
  12. Vivek Ramaswamy for VP?
  13. Fani Willis Knows She is Wrong to indict certain Trump Associates
  14. Certain Emails Destroy Joe Biden Narrative
  15. A Nearly Senile Person Shouldn’t Try to Tell Jokes
  1. Trump Interview with Larry Kudlow
  1. Pennsylvania Democrat Party in Sad shape
  1. Some Calling on McConnell to Pass the Torch: Health Issues
  1. Fellow American,

            I’ve never seen anything like this.

            Fulton County, Georgia’s District Attorney isn’t just going after President Trump –             she’s going after his lawyers too.

            And I don’t believe for a second that they’ve committed any crimes.

            They did their job as attorneys—provided legal advice based on constitutional             interpretation—and now they could go to prison.

            Make no mistake – this is bigger than President Trump and it’s bigger than            Georgia. (Not sure who wrote this JH.)

            God is real.
            There are two genders.
            Human flourishing requires fossil fuels.
            Reverse racism is racism.
            An open border is no bord er.
            Parents determine the education of their children.
            The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.
            Capitalism lifts people up from poverty.
            There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four.
            The U.S. Constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history.

            Vivek Ramaswamy

Sunday September 3, 2023

Bear With us as we are having serious computer problems. Thanks

Jim Hollingsworth

September 3, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

The Son of man indeed goeth, as it is written of him: but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! Good were it for that man if he had never been born. (Mark 14:21)

“I first saw the Constitution of the United States in a foreign country…I read it with great satisfaction, as the result of good heads prompted by good hearts… I have repeatedly laid myself under the most serious obligations to support the Constitution… What other form of government, indeed, can so well deserve our esteem and love?” (John Adams National Center for Constitutional Studies)

  1. Garland in Serious Trouble with McCarthy

Merrick Garland is now facing a strike out if he attempts to stop the Oversight Committee’s investigation.

  1. Democrats: Abortion up until birth It is hard for me to understand how a rational person can support abortion at any age of gestation.  It is like a law that allows you to murder your neighbor with impunity.  This has to be the greatest tragedy of the present era.  It is worse than the holocaust.  
  1. Phone Call: What Did Trump Actually Ask Raffensperger to do? Willis is on sandy ground: It is not a crime to ask someone to find something that had been missed in the first place; to double check.
  1. DOJ Targeted Jan 6 Protesters
  1. Trump Meets with Gold Star Families: Testimonies
  1. DC Climate Protest Watch the video.  They had the traffic blocked.  The drivers showed considerable restraint.  Were it I, I would have gradually moved forward and pushed them out of the way, as the lady pushed them aside.
  1. Michigan: Coincidence, or strong evidence of Voter Fraud?
  1. Some Interesting Facts About Polar Bears
  1. Update on Maui Fire
  1. Ramaswamy Stand on LGBTQ ??
  1. “unbiased” judge equates Jan 6 to 911: Wow!
  1. OPINION: Democrat chaos | Coeur d’Alene Press ( Brent Regan: Democrats need to face reality.  All their efforts to sink Trump are only making him more popular.
  1. Lost Painting She Bought for $4.00 at a thrift store: worth $250,000
  1. Trump may join later debates
  1. Jordan Peterson: The Alliance For Responsible Citizenship 7:14 Minutes               

Think positive

Don’t let imaginary enemies destroy you

There is a very small minority that is polarizing the world

Take a positive path, even though there is provocation

  1. Trump: Covid Mandates: We Will Not Comply
  1. Pedophile Drag Queen Hired as Principal in Oklahoma
  1. Trump plans to appeal March trial Date: Day before Super Tuesday
  1. No Gender Affirming Care in Most Southern States
  1. Ramaswamy for VP?  He said “NO”, but maybe he might change his mind
  1. Florida Hurricane: You Loot, we Shoot
  1. Indictment of Trump Only Increases His Popularity
  1. Yesterday, top leaders of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and Society of Family Planning penned an op-ed in The Washington Post and called for honesty in the abortion debate. They called for abortion on demand, any time for any reason. They state that abortions “must be available without restrictions, without limitations and without barriers.”

Abortion any time for any reason, doctors say

  1. 112 Former Law Clerks support Justice Thomas
  1. Democrats: Abortions up until birth
  1. Pro-life advocates headed to prison
  1. Hurricanes: EV Catch Fire from Sea Water
  1. The study below which tries to tie polar bear numbers to climate change is just another political effort to take away energy use.

Susan Crockford is the authority on polar bears.   Anyone who wants to be truly informed needs to read her most recent paper on the subject.  Also, read her novel “Eaten”.

The State of the Polar Bear Report 2021 (

Susan Crockford fired after finding polar bears thriving despite climate change – Washington Times

There is no such thing as academic freedom anywhere in the world.

Study connects greenhouse gas emissions to polar bear population declines

  1. Biden Impeachment Soon
  1. Tracking Polar Bears using DNA of Paw Prints
  1. Comments on Trump Georgia Indictments’
  1. Biden Administration Backs Down on Climate Change After Court ruling
  1. Supreme Court delivers blow to wetlands protections in win for Idaho landowners ( It has been a long battle for the Sacketts who want to build on their land, but the EPA said no, a “puddle” was considered a wetland and they could not build.
  1. After Biden Administration Blocked Drilling on Navajo Land, they say “go home” to secretary
  1. NY Gov Begs Biden for Work Permits for Illegals
  1. Trump Poll: Not Favorable
  1. Information sought on Biden pseudonyms and Boston Connection
  1. Reporter Peter Doocy ask Troubling Whitehouse question
  1. Oliver Anthony shares his new found faith with Joe Rogan

(450) “Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North Of Richmond (Official Music Video) | Contemporary Folk Song 2023” – YouTube This is the song that made him famous.

(450) Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North of Richmond (Lyrics) – YouTube The song with written message 3 minutes

(450) Gutfeld: ‘Grotesque’ that liberal sites fume over blue-collar anthem – YouTube The song with commentary 4 minutes

  1. McConnell medically cleared by Capitol physician after apparent freeze episode (

Mitch McConnell appears to freeze again while talking to reporters in Kentucky : NPR

It is surprising that none of the web sites consider that McConnell may have had a small seizure, a petit mal seizure.  These are fairly common.  The person having them will have no memory of what happened while they were “out”.  If this happens while driving, they usually run into something.

  1. More Biden Corruption
  1. Gadsden Don’t Tread on Me Flag part of America’s Founding: Some teachers did not know that.
  1. Several attempts have been made over the years to make Indians full American citizens.  They will never be truly American until the reservations are ended and the land divided up among the members of the tribe.  As it is now, they are just wards of the federal government, which is an all-time loser.  Give them their land and treat them the same as any other American.   
  1. Trans-ing kids isn’t constitutional—more good news for our Vulnerable Child Protection Act!

We made history this legislative session when the Vulnerable Child Protection Act – which was drafted by Idaho Family Policy Center and championed by Rep. Bruce Skaug (R-Nampa) and Sen. Lori Den Hartog (R-Meridian) – became law, making Idaho the tenth state to protect gender-confused children from sex change drugs and surgeries.

Since then, ten more states have enacted similar protections—and the LGBT lobby is furiously challenging every one of these laws in court.

Saturday September 2, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

September 2, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto , but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. (Mark 10:45)

“In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mis mischief by the chains of the Constitution. “ (Thomas Jefferson National Center For Constitutional Studies.)

Pedophile Drag Queen Hired as Principal in Oklahoma

Trump plans to appeal March trial Date: Day before Super Tuesday

No Gender Affirming Care in Most Southern States

Indictment of Trump Only Increases His Popularity

Ramaswamy for VP?  He said “NO”, but maybe he might change his mind

Florida Hurricane: You Loot, we Shoot

112 Former Law Clerks support Justice Thomas

Democrats: Abortions up until birth

Pro-life advocates headed to prison

Hurricanes: EV Catch Fire from Sea Water

Biden Impeachment Soon

Comments on Trump Georgia Indictments’

Biden Administration Backs Down on Climate Change After Court ruling

Supreme Court delivers blow to wetlands protections in win for Idaho landowners ( It has been a long battle for the Sacketts who want to build on their land, but the EPA said no, a “puddle” was considered a wetland and they could not build.

After Biden Administration Blocked Drilling on Navajo Land, they say “go home” to secretary

Several attempts have been made over the years to make Indians full American citizens.  They will never be truly American until the reservations are ended and the land divided up among the members of the tribe.  As it is now, they are just wards of the federal government, which is an all-time loser.  Give them their land and treat them the same as any other American.   

NY Gov Begs Biden for Work Permits for Illegals

Trump Poll: Not Favorable

Information sought on Biden pseudonyms and Boston Connection

Yesterday, top leaders of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and Society of Family Planning penned an op-ed in The Washington Post and called for honesty in the abortion debate. They called for abortion on demand, any time for any reason. They state that abortions “must be available without restrictions, without limitations and without barriers.”

Abortion any time for any reason, doctors say

The study below which tries to tie polar bear numbers to climate change is just another political effort to take away energy use.

Susan Crockford is the authority on polar bears.   Anyone who wants to be truly informed needs to read her most recent paper on the subject.  Also, read her novel “Eaten”.

The State of the Polar Bear Report 2021 (

Susan Crockford fired after finding polar bears thriving despite climate change – Washington Times

There is no such thing as academic freedom anywhere in the world.


Jim Hollingsworth

Study connects greenhouse gas emissions to polar bear population declines

Tracking Polar Bears using DNA of Paw Prints

Friday September 1, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

September 1, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. (Isaiah 26:3)

“It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions…  There are men, in all ages…who mean to govern well; but they mean to govern.  They promise to be kind masters; but they mean to be masters… They think there need be but little restraint upon themselves… The love of power may sink too deep in their own hearts…” (Daniel Webster; National Center for Constitutional Studies)

  1. Gadsden Don’t Tread on Me Flag part of America’s Founding: Some teachers did not know that.
  1. Proud Boys Leader Sentenced to 17 years for Jan 6 “riot”  The press is calling Jan 6 a riot, but it doesn’t look like one from the pictures.  I trust Trump to pardon them all after he is elected.
  1. Biden Selling Border Wall Material Before Congress Can Move to Finish the Wall Are they buying this material to sell for scrap, or do they hope to sell it back to Trump when he continues the wall?  Maybe at half the original cost.  Or maybe some of the border states can buy it and defy the Fed to stop them from building the wall.
  1. Popular Political Musician Oliver Anthony shares truth with Joe Rogan Pray for Joe Rogan.  He generally has his head on straight, he just needs to come to Christ for salvation.
  1. Some School Officials Dislike Display of American Flags
  1. Wamaswamy for VP?  The best thing going for Ramaswamy is that the Press doesn’t like him His position on Climate seems close. I wonder if he is a Christian.  Maybe in time he will understand why Israel is so important to the United States.
  1. Trump Offers Advice to Ramaswamy
  1. Hayden Doctor Arlie Esau: Value of Masks and Lockdowns Since the President is talking about masks again, and some universities are already requiring masks, I thought it was a good time to review this article by our friend Dr. Esau.  We have made the decision that we will never wear a mask again, or lock down unless forced to do so.  The Marxists who push these foolish programs know that you will just do as you are told.  Maybe we cannot stop them, but neither should we make it easy for them.
  1. Fox News Continues to Oppose Trump Campaign  
  1. Democrats Don’t Trust Voters: Thus, they are against democracy, against America as a Republic’
  1. Who Will Win the Battle Between Merrick Garland and Kevin McCarthy?
  1. Gadsden Flag Symbol of Slavery?  It is actually a strong symbol of American Patriotism
  1. Who Wants to Live in San Francisco?
  1. Radical (pervert?) Running for Senate in Florida
  1. Sebastian Gorka: No One Wants to Take the Responsibility for Afghanistan  Withdrawal
  1. Five Pro-Life members found guilty
  1. 5 Pro-life advocates found guilty; face 11 years in prison
  1. Newsom/DeSantis Debate causes Democrat Civil War
  1. Texas County passes law banning abortions
  1. The “first do no harm” that is “quoted” from the Hippocratic Oath, is actually not part of the oath, but a conclusion from several of its provisions.

The Hippocratic Oath is a pledge taken by all physicians. The “Do No Harm” clause of the Hippocratic Oath states that physicians should use their power to help the sick to the best of their ability and judgment, and abstain from harming or wrongdoing any man by it1However, the expression “first do no harm” is not part of the original or modern versions of the Hippocratic oath, which was originally written in Greek2Rather, classical doctors reciting the pledge promised to “abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous,” to “give no deadly medicine to any one if asked,” and to “abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption”3.

First, do no harm – Harvard Health

  1. Gold Star families who lost sons and daughters in the horrific bombing at the Kabul airport during Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan were in Washington this week. 
    They came to meet with lawmakers and to once again demand answers and transparency.  They have not minced words about how poorly they have been treated by the Biden White House and Pentagon.
    President Joe Biden refused to meet with them this week.  But last night, former President Donald Trump spent four hours with them!  According to Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL), Trump listened to their stories, heard their frustration, and vowed to release everything he could about the Abbey Gate bombing in his second term.
    For years, the media were all in when it came to one Gold Star family that didn’t like Trump.  But they continue to ignore these Gold Star families.  The double standard is disgusting.
    Gary Bauer

Thursday August 31, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

August 30, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)

“I have so much faith in the general government of the world by Providence, that I can hardly conceive a transaction of such momentous importance to the welfare of millions…should be suffered to pass without being in some degree influenc’d, guided and governed by that omnipotent, omnipresent and beneficent Ruler.” (Benjamin Franklin)

  1. Medicaid is a huge disaster; I trust we will not vote for this, and find a way to reduce it.
  1. OPINION: Affordable Idaho | Coeur d’Alene Press ( Medicaid: Brent Regan, August 25, 2023
  1. Why a teacher who loves teaching quit
  1. Vivek Ramaswamy does not Trust the GOP
  1. Lost Parking Pass because he refused to remove flag from his truck Nothing says America more than the American flag.  So why have to remove it?  This school is way off base.
  1. Liberal Oklahoma School Supt Resigns; sets school on road to health
  1. Reality: Republican or Democrat?
  1. 2024 Democrats Vulnerable on Border Policies
  1. Tucker Carlson: Trump: Life in Danger 46 Min
  1. Trump Mug Shot “Never Surrender”
  1. Soldier Parents Demand Biden Resign Over Loss of 13 Soldiers on Withdrawal
  1. Kevin McCarthy could be in big trouble if he cooperates with Democrats on Spending Plan
  1. Man Jailed Who Threatened Marjori Taylor Greene
  1. Democrat Witch Hunt Against Trump
  1. Democrats, Caught in the Act, Abortion until Birth, or beyond
  1. Possible Fraud in Michigan
  1. Angel Moms Consider Trump and DeSantis on Border Policies
  1. Sebastian Gorka on Trump Mug Shot
  1. Trump Trials: Possible Dates
  1. John Kennedy Talks about Biden
  1. Senator John Kennedy Lectures on privilege
  1. Democrats Concerned about Impeachment possibility
  1. Fires Caused by Government Policies, not Climate Change
  1. There has been some discussion about the Maui Fire and the blocked highway.  One person said that a police car went past him, and then blocked the only exit away from the fire.  Why?  Not sure.  Nothing makes sense.  The man who made the comments went around the barricade and got away, who later came back and rescued several.  Not sure how.  The question has to be asked as to why the people did not remove the barricades.  Were the police protecting them at gun point?  Cars could not go anywhere and were all lined up and burned up in place.  A few ran for the ocean and survived, but not many.
  1. Hi friends,

After viewing the Oppenheimer documentary “To End All War: Oppenheimer & the Atomic Bomb” (Peacock) and after the release of the movie “Oppenheimer” (2023), this interview with “Enola Gay” pilot Paul Tibbets seems fitting.

Thanks to pilot friend Rich Sugden, MD (and former Navy flight surgeon) for sending this two-part interview with Paul Tibbets conducted by Kermit Weeks in 2000. Paul Tibbets, Brigadier General USAF (Ret), (Colonel at the time of the flight) was the pilot of the B-29 Superfortress “Enola Gay”, which carried the first uranium atomic bomb “Little Boy” that was dropped and detonated over the city of Hiroshima, Japan on August 6, 1945.

Part One (20:54 minutes):

B-29 Pilot Enola Gay Part One

Part Two (21:16 minutes):

B-29 Pilot Enola Gay Part Two


Mike Satren