Tuesday October 17, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth


October 17, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. (John 15:8)

  U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 7, Paragraph 2A (first half) Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it becomes a Law, be presented to the President of the United States; If he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections in that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it.  If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law.

1. Rep Mike Rogers, strong critic of Jim Jordan, drops opposition to being speaker

2. Gem State Patriot They have many good articles and you might want to get on their mailing list, especially if you live in Idaho.

3. Biden Press Secretary Admits Trump Was Right About Border Wall

4. War in Gaza

5. Hospitals in Gaza overflowing; lack water, electricity

6. Here is a letter I wrote to Congress.  You may want to do something similar.

October 16, 2023

Sirs and Madams:

It is essential that the House unify behind a Constitutional candidate.  That person is Jim Jordan who has shown by his history that he will be both fair and firm.  Please vote to support Jim Jordan.


Jim Hollingsworth

7. Can Jim Jordan get the votes?

8. Trump Beats Biden in some Swing States

9. Falun Gong Parade in New York celebrates 450 million leaving the Chinese Communist Party

10. Iran Warns Israel: Don’t Enter Gaza, Earthquake: What does that mean?  Who knows?

11. American Congressman Rescues Americans in Israel: Takes them to Jordan

12. New Project to produce hydrogen From a climate perspective hydrogen is a great fuel source, as burning hydrogen produces only water.  But how is hydrogen produced?  It takes fossil fuel to produced it so you have not gained anything.

  Hydrogen production – Wikipedia

This all seems so silly, since carbon dioxide is the gas of life, needed by all plants for growth.  These programs are just designed for more tyranny and control of each of us.

13. Bury trees to reduce carbon dioxide production Maybe I am missing something, but it seems to me that when you bury a tree, eventually it will rot, and when it does it will produce carbon dioxide and methane. You don’t gain anything, but a lot of work.

14. Decaying forest wood releases a whopping 10.9 billion tonnes of carbon each year. This will increase under climate change (theconversation.com)

15. Gaza: Where Can They Go?

16. Families of Abducted Israelis Hold Press Conference in Tel Aviv | NTD Hostages need medical care.  It does not seem likely they will ever be released, judging by how the terrorists treated others in Israel.

17. Rep. Gaetz on House Speakership, Criticism About His Leaving House Without Speaker | NTD House keeps working, even without a speaker

Monday October 16, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth


October 16, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. (John 15:7)

U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 7, Paragraph 1 All Bills for raising Revenue shal originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

1. Israel preparing to attack Gaza urges residents to move south

2. Bill to freeze 6 billion funds for Iran: Not yet spent.

3. Louisiana has new Republican governor: Was Democrat

4. Fani Willis rejects request of Jim Jordan

5. Biden Trips on Stairs

6.Era of Unquestioned and Unchallenged Climate Change Claims is Over Alex Newman

7. Judge approves NM Gun Ban

8. Few choose Vaccine Boosters  Americans are waking up to the dangers of vaccines.

9. Illegal Aliens getting wealthy off American Taxpayers As with most things that sound too good (or bad) to be true, this is probably an exaggeration.

10. Attack on Matt Gaetz

11. Is Biden Really Concerned about what is happening in Gaza?

12. Jack Smith: More Lies about Trump

13. Sean Hannity Reveals Kennedy Past: Because of his stand on some current issues Kennedy seems like a breath of fresh air.  But two things work against him: 1) He is and always will be a Kennedy, and 2) Even though he has changed party, he is still really a Democrat and has all the baggage that comes with that.

14. Fair Trial for Trump?  Judge Rules Against Trump before trial begins Appeal put this decision on hold, but trial may continue.

15. John Brennan says Hamas will not survive Israel’s retaliation

16. No Jury Trial for Trump The Sixth Amendment guarantees a jury, so it will be interesting to see how they are getting around this.  This applies to criminal prosecutions, and they say this is a civil trial.

17. Newsom Pick to replace Senator resident of Maryland: Not Illegal?  See Article I, Section 3, Paragraph 3: She has to be a resident of California

18. Tim Scott Critical of LBJ and the Great Society

19. Biden and Hydrogen: Hydrogen is green as it produces only water when it burns.  But, producing hydrogen is not so green.

20. New York Refuses more money for off shore wind

21. Biden, Not Trump, in Trouble

22. Fani Willis in Trouble With Georgia Legislature

23. Fani Willis Insults Jim Jordan

24. One Liberal Predicts Trump Win

25. Documentary: Leaving California 1:10 Hours Video

26. California Homelessness Caused by Drugs and Soft on Crimes, lack of law enforcement

27. Watch the Show – America First with Sebastian Gorka (sebgorka.com) With Mike Doran on Gaza and Attack.

28. Why I’m running again. President Donald J. Trump with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA First – America First with Sebastian Gorka (sebgorka.com)

29. MY TURN: Stand with Israel | Coeur d’Alene Press (cdapress.com)

30. Here is a letter I wrote to the Congress on Friday


Thank you for nominating Jim Jordan for Speaker.  Now you need to elect him.  You cannot go on without a speaker, and Jordan is the best candidate you have; he has shown that by the work he has been doing in committee.  You may disagree with him in some matter, but come together as a group, and you can complain about those things later.

Thanks so much.

Jim Hollingsworth

31. Here is a letter I sent to the U.S. House yesterday.


Is there nothing that can be done to stop these trials against Donald J. Trump?  Could the Supreme Court pause them until after the election?  This looks a lot like election interference.


Jim Hollingsworth

Jack Smith: More Lies about Trump

Sunday October 15, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth


October 15, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

I am the vine, ye are the branches.  He that abideth in me, and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. (John 15:5)

U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 6, Paragraph 2 No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been encreased during such time; and no Person holding any Office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in Office.

1. Why Jim Jordan for Speaker

2. Iran Warns Israel Not to continue attack on Gaza

3. Cruelty of the Left   

4. McCarthy Backs Jim Jordan for Speaker

5. Homeless Well Cared For  in San Francisco

6. Jordan Peterson Advice for Generation Z 3:43 Minutes

7. Beardless ‘Duck Dynasty’ brother reveals wild past (usatoday.com)

8. Phil Robertson: Another Successful Christian Movie

9. Jordan Clinches GOP Nomination, Setting Up Floor Vote Next Week | NTD Tuesday Next Speaker Vote

10. Matt Gaetz Has His Say

11. Many Abandon Plans for Net Zero to eliminate Fossil Fuels Without fossil fuels we will not be a modern civilization; it is that simple.  Thankfully some are waking up to the fact that they will soon be in the dark without fossil fuels.

12. One Reporter on the Ground in Israel-Gaza

13. Babylon Bee sues NY AG over Free Speech Law

14. No arms or legs Nick Vujicic will open pro-life bank next spring

15. Planned Parenthood Clinic is Closed In Iowa

16. Gorka: What is Hamas?

17. Here is some serious data for the serious student of climate change.

Hi  Brandy,
Just a comment to congratulate you for improving the credibility of Epoch Times by FALSELY accusing it of it of  “right wing slant” when it tells the truth about Al Gore’s climate scam.

As you know the IPCC has great credibility among the mainstream media, but have you ever read these actual quotes from their recent report, which show that you are falling for lies from the climate-industrial cartel:

(You may have read other claims from the IPCC, usually from the Summary For Policy Makers without knowing that the summary is actually a political document written, line by line, by politicians from many countries including those looking for cash handouts. The below is from the science part of the report.)

1. Earth only warmed  0.78 degree C up to 2012. (1850 to 2012=0.48 C/century)
“Using Had-CRUT4 and its uncertainty estimates, the warming from 1850–1900 to 1986–2005 (reference period for the modelling chapters and Annex I) is 0.61 [0.55 to 0.67]  C (90% confidence interval), and the warming from 1850–1900 to 2003–2012 (the most recent decade) is 0.78 [0.72 to 0.85]  C (Supplementary Material 2.SM.4.3.3).”
Pg. 209 of  https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/02/WG1AR5_all_final.pdf

2. We do not have enough data to say that hurricanes have increased.
“Confidence remains low for long-term (centennial) changes in tropical cyclone activity, after accounting for past changes in observing capabilities.”
pg 178 of  https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/02/WG1AR5_all_final.pdf

3.  We do not have enough data to say that storms have increased.
“Confidence in large-scale trends in storminess or storminess proxies over the last century is low owing to inconsistencies between studies or lack of long-term data in some parts of the world (particularly in the SH). {2.6.4}”
pg 178 of  https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/02/WG1AR5_all_final.pdf

4.  No evidence that normal sea level increase has accelerated.
(Note that sea levels have been rising since the end of the last ice age – the issue is whether it is rising faster.)

“When a 60-year oscillation is modeled along with an acceleration term, the estimated acceleration in GMSL since 1900 ranges from:  0.000 [–0.002 to 0.002] mm yr–2 in the Ray and Douglas (2011) record, 0.013 [0.007 to 0.019] mm yr–2 in the Jevrejeva et al. (2008) record, and 0.012 [0.009 to 0.015] mm yr–2 in the Church and White (2011) record. Thus, while there is more disagreement on the value of a 20th century acceleration in GMSL when accounting for multi-decadal fluctuations, two out of three records still indicate a significant positive value. The trend in GMSL observed since 1993, however, is not significantly larger than the estimate of 18-year trends in previous decades (e.g., 1920–1950). “
Page 306 of  https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/02/WG1AR5_all_final.pdf  

5. No evidence that floods have increased (per IPCC)
“AR4 WGI Chapter 3 (Trenberth et al., 2007) did not assess changes in floods but AR4 WGII concluded that there was not a general global trend in the incidence of floods (Kundzewicz et al., 2007). SREX went further to suggest that there was low agreement and thus low confidence at the global scale regarding changes in the magnitude or frequency of floods or even the sign of changes.”
pg 230 of https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/02/WG1AR5_all_final.pdf

6. No evidence that droughts have increased
“Confidence is low for a global-scale observed trend in drought or dryness (lack of rainfall) since the middle of the 20th century, owing to lack of direct observations, methodological uncertainties and geographical inconsistencies in the trends.”
pg 178 of  https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/02/WG1AR5_all_final.pdf

7. Prediction of future climate is not possible.
“The climate system is a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible. “ https://www.ipcc.ch/ipccreports/tar/wg1/501.htm (IPCC third Assessment Report (2001) Section, page 774) and Page 771,  https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/03/TAR-14.pdf

This shows that THERE IS NO CLIMATE EMERGENCY.  And that, most likely, our climate is unaffected by man’s CO2.
If you think there is a climate emergency, please show us actual evidence that man’s CO2 is causing serious global warming.

Also see:  http://icecap.us/index.php/go/political-climate/alarmist_claim_rebuttals_updated/
AND the main page of DebunkingClimate.com

Thank You
Jim Karlock

Saturday October 14, 2023 Attachment

Jim Hollingsworth


October 11, 2023


Several years ago my father, my brother and I were camped along a small stream in the middle of Utah, near to the town of Moab.  Not far from us another family was camped.  The family was a mother, a father and a pre-teen boy.

One evening about dusk the boy must have done something dreadful and all of a sudden the mother broke out in a tirade of swearing the likes of which I had never heard from a woman before (and have not heard since).  I wondered at the time how this boy was going to grow up having a healthy respect for his parents when they treated him so badly.

Most people truly love their kids.  Mothers, especially, like a panther “you touch my cub and I will claw your eyes out”.  Most are very protective of their children.

And yet, for some reason I am unable to explain, parents continue to place their children in circumstances that are tailor made to turn them against what is good and wholesome.

There are many public-school teachers who love America and American traditions and who fight for the good that is in America.  However, most colleges, and especially most teacher’s colleges are staffed by professors who are often Marxist in viewpoint.  It was even that way when I attended college many years ago.

Because of that, many teachers graduate with a Marxist, collectivist idea that the government is the answer to every problem, and they pass that viewpoint along to the children they teach.  They may not even be aware they are doing so.

Parents who truly love their kids leave them in these government schools year after year and are then puzzled when at graduation those wonderful kids turn against them.  It is the tragedy of our present age, and is pretty general throughout the country.  This philosophy is aided by the Marxist teacher’s unions and the textbook publishers.

Some parents have seen the problem, but appear helpless to do anything about it.  They know they ought to remove their kids from these schools but are helpless to do so.  It is simple: In order to make ends meet both mother and father have to work just to balance the home budget.  Neither of them can quit to home-teach their own children.

The question, then, comes down to this: What is more important to you?  Is it your job, your fancy home, your new furniture, and wonderful car, or is it your children?  Parents who understand the nature of the present battle, and who truly love their kids have moved into an older home, drive an older car, own used furniture and spend their days loving and teaching their kids.  It is interesting how all their important arguments fade away after just a few months of teaching their own children.  They are amazed at how much quieter and kinder their kids are and how rewarding it is to teach them.

It is difficult to find anything good that came out of being locked down for a couple of years during the pandemic.  Many businesses went bankrupt, and some closed their doors forever, especially restaurants.

However, one benefit which was the result of closed schools is that parents had to teach their kids or have them go uneducated.  Once they saw what they were actually being taught in the various public schools many parents determined never to send their precious kids there again.  Not only that, but after they had basically taught their kids for two years it helped overcome their fear of teaching.  They realized that if they could teach their kids how to tie their shoes, they could teach them other subjects as well.  Going online they found there is a rich literature of helps for anyone who needs help getting started at home schooling.  You can also write to me if you have a particular question about schooling.  If I do not know the answer, I will find one.

Our children are precious to us and it is criminal that we leave them in public schools to be indoctrinated in left-wing philosophy year after year.  The end result of public education is that our great children graduate with an unhealthy reliance on government, little respect for our founding and our history, and often have no appreciation of our free enterprise system of economics. 

It is an amazing system.  We never think about it, but go into your local grocery store and look at the various items packaged there and then realize that someone had to invent all the packaging and even the products themselves.  This rarely happens under a socialist system.

Our children need to learn how America became the greatest nation on the earth.  They need to realize that being free and having the ability to do productive work is a winner at all times.  We may fail, but we also succeed.  Thomas Edison said that he conducted various experiments a thousand times before he found one that was successful.

Our schools have become proving grounds for any new philosophy that may come along.  The current issue is transgender.  Children are conditioned to believe that they may be living in the wrong body and that the great body that God created for them is not sufficient and needs to be changed.  Unfortunately, we have learned that all these great changes for our teenage children have life-long negative effects.  Once these impressionable children reach adulthood, they realize that they are neither man nor woman and that they will probably never be able to bear children, or nurse them if they are successful in bearing them.

It is possible that some teachers actually believe that what they are attempting to teach is true, but the truth is that most of this teaching about changing your body to something other than what God created is just plain evil.  Children who are given puberty blockers grow into adults with the organs of a small child.  This is a terrible travesty, and one has to wonder why any practicing doctor could ever prescribe such dangerous drugs, or perform such mutilating surgeries.

Some states have realized the importance of parents protecting their children and have taken strong stands against these unwholesome measures.  However, some schools have worked to ensure that parents never find out what is happening with their children at school.

Our own children are precious to us.  We need to take steps to protect them.  That may include removing them from the public school system.  When you do you may be surprised at what a blessing teaching your own kids can be.

Jim Hollingsworth is a graduate of Pensacola Christian College with a master’s degree in Biblical studies.  He has written several books:

Climate Change: A Convenient Truth: Second Edition, Improved and Updated

Cortez: A Biography

The Ancient Culture of the Aztec Empire

Abortion Compassion: a Prolife Book on unborn life

Romans: A Commentary

Galatians: A Commentary (pre-publication)

All available where books are sold. Jim Hollingsworth receives mail at: jimhollingsworth@frontier.com

Saturday Octobe r 14, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth


October 14, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. (Isaiah 26:3)

U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 6, Paragraph 1 The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States.  They shall in all Cases except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other   Place.

1. Protect Your Kids – American Thinker Also see the attached.

2. LIVE UPDATES: Jordan Wins GOP Nomination for Speaker | NTD He still needs 217 votes, and some still oppose him.  Will they hang on til the bitter end?

3. Trump no longer willing to serve as temporary Speaker of House

4. Democrat Speaker??

5. Administration policy on border wall is confusing

6. Hamas Threatens to Kill Hostages

7. Israel to Gaza: No Electricity, water or diesel until hostages released

8. Israel Mercy Flights

9. Israel Warns: Evacuate 1 million from North Gaza before ground offensive

10 .America First – Sebastian Gorka Hour 3: October 17, 2023 (salemnewschannel.com) Mike Doran on Gaza War 33:26 Minutes  (Probably about October 10, 2023)

11. CBS News Sacramento: Local News, Weather & More -CBS Sacramento In Israel 7,000 volunteers respond to emergencies in less than 3 minutes.

12. Biden Deportation Policies: Deport Christian Family; leave border open to all This family came here from Germany, because it is illegal to home-school in Germany.  They came in 2008, have two American Born children, and two who have American spouses.

13. Trump Condemns Fox News

14. Wind Projects in Trouble

15. Time to take action against border crisis

16. DeSantis: Finish Wall, Mexico Pay for it

17. My Strategic Advice For President Trump – Victor Davis Hanson (salemnewschannel.com) 43 minutes

18. My lawyer lied and exploited me. Jacob Chansley, the January 6th “Shaman,” with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA First – America First with Sebastian Gorka (sebgorka.com)

19. Victor Davis Hanson, the great historian, has said “we have to stick together or we will die separately”.  What was he trying to say?  The left is our enemy; the Marxists are our enemy; the Democrats have bought their programs and we have to stand against it.  Let us agree on this and then we can disagree on the other matters. Ed.

20. It cost millions of dollars to build dams, and now California is removing some of them.

California’s Klamath River: Why Are the Dams Being Removed? (msn.com)

21. NTD News Today Full Broadcast (Oct. 13) | NTD 45 minutes video

Friday October 13, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth


October 11, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

I am the vine, ye are the branches.  He that abideth in me, and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. (John 15:5)

U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 5, Paragraph 4 Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting.

1. Broken Windows Theory | Psychology Today United Kingdom

2. Why Shoplifting Is Now De Facto Legal In California | Hoover Institution Why Shoplifting Is Now De Facto Legal In California

Broken Windows is a theory/policy that says if you fix the small violations then you have less trouble with the bigger one.  California has gone the other way and says they will not enforce any crime less than $950.00.  Thus we are seeing cases where stores are being robbed blind with impunity.

3. Israel–Hamas War Live Updates: Blinken Vows US Support for Israel Will Never Falter as He Likens Hamas’ Crimes to ISIS | NTD

4. MTG Won’t Support the GOP’s Speaker Nominee Because He Has Cancer (businessinsider.com)

5. ‘A Critical Time’ for House to Get Back to Work: Jordan Says He Supports Scalise for House Speaker | NTD

6. Even with the support of Jim Jordan Scalise cannot get the 217 votes needed

7. Biden  Administration leaves border wide open, but deports Christian Family A home-school family came here in 2008 because in Germany it is illegal to home-school.  Now they are ordered to return to Germany, even though they have two children who are born here, and two more who are married to Americans.  This makes no sense to anyone.

8. Trump Lawsuit Makes No Sense to Anyone

9. Root: Attack on Israel shows what could happen to America

10. What’s Next for House Speaker? A number have said they cannot vote for Scalise, so what would happen if he should endorse Jim Jordan for speaker?  Remember that Jordan said he would support Scalise and asked his supporters to also support him, but this does not seem to be working as 11 say they will not vote for him.

11. Offshore Wind has serious problems: Even a child can do the math and see that wind and solar make no sense at all.

12. Texas finds that wind turbines have a short life, cannot be recycled

13. American Thinker: 7 Dirty Secrets of Solar Energy

14. One Democrat governor demands Biden fix border crisis

15. Very Many Live Updates on Gaza War

16. Sole Gaza Power Plant Runs out of fuel: shuts down Israel cut off electricity to Gaza and with this power plant down they have very little electricity.  How will they survive?

17. Trump Talks to large crowd in Florida

18. Horrible: How Could She Support Hamas?

19. Bing Videos The Rubin Report: California Freest state in union?

20. We now have a new web site.  If you missed a daily issue, you can look back for it.  Thanks to those who made this possible.

Patriots Reporter – All Politics Are Local

Thursday October 12, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth


October 12, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (John 14:26)

U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 5, Paragraph 3 Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal.

  1. Kari Lake Running For Senate, supports Israel, fights terrorism and open border
  1. Appeals Court Protects Trump Properties  I am not a lawyer, but logic should indicate that no one would lose their property over such minor charges.
  1. 22 Americans Dead in Gaza War
  1. One American Citizen Thanks Trump for being able to safely leave Israel war zone  
  1. Liz Chaney does not favor Jim Jordan: Says he will lose.
  1. What is the truth about building the wall?  This is really confusing.  Will we ever know the truth.  If walls don’t work, as they say, then what do they believe does work?
  1. Biden Administration Authorizes Construction of 20 Miles of Border Wall . One message says they are building 20 miles of border wall, another says they are not.  Which is correct?  Are you a little confused?
  1. Biden Administration Not building any more border wall The press that they were to build 20 miles of border wall is evidently not correct.
  1. Terrorist Murder of Babies is Unconfirmed
  1. Trump Supports Jim Jordan for Speaker
  1. Judge Delays one Trump Trial 
  1. Pro-life Democrat Supports Life
  1. Israel Retaliates
  1. John Stossel and Climatologist Judith Curry 43:12 Minutes
  1. Rep Kevin Kern Drops out of race for Speaker: Preaches Unity
  1. Kootenai County November Election (Save this information to vote.)

Sample+Ballot+Download+Nov-2023.pdf (squarespace.com)

Republican Voter Guide for Kootenai County — Kootenai County GOP (kootenaigop.org)

There is also a vote for $50,000,000 bonds to purchase “recreational Lands”.  This is a very bad idea.  The citizens will vote for this, so there is a cost.  Then these lands will be taken off the tax rolls, so more cost for the citizens of our county.  There is no reason for the  County to own any of this land.

  1. Tucker Carlson 1:07 Hours
  1. We now have a new web site.  If you missed a daily issue, you can look back for it.  Thanks to those who made this possible.

Patriots Reporter – All Politics Are Local

Wednesday October 11, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth


October 11, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)

U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 5, Paragraph 2 Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Trump Trial Postponed
  1. DeSantis Explains why the border is not closed
  1. Tim Scott critical of War on Poverty
  1. Tucker Carlson on Trump Trial 33 Min
  1. Oregon Senate Leaders Stand with Israel, Condemn Hamas
  1. Wyoming Electric Buses Fail: Back to diesel powered buses
  1. Festival to defend the planet caused extensive damage to park in NY
  1. Notice to Illegal Immigrants: Go to San Francisco: They would love to have you. This was on a billboard set up near the border.
  1. Newsom Pick for Senate Resident of Maryland What the Constitution Says: The governor is to call for an election and the candidate shall be 35 and a resident of the state.  This appointment is not constitutional.  Article I, Section 3, paragraph 3; Amendment XII also.
  1. The Biden Administration promotes climate change over fighting world poverty
  1. Murdered Parents had hid their babies who survived terrorist attack
  1. 14 Americans Murdered, others Held Hostage in Gaza
  1. Israel Vows to Crush Gaza: War Never Has Any Victors  
  1. Israel Fights Against Gaza
  1. Complete Siege of Gaza Ordered

Tuesday October 10, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth


October 10, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Jesus cried and said, He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me. (John 12:44)

U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 5, Paragraph 1 Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business, but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide.

1. What is Mar-A-Lago Really Worth?  Since it is not for sale it is obviously worth what the owner and the bank say it is worth.  This does not depend on a tax assessment.

2. Israel Seals Off Border With Gaza

3. Rep. Jim Jordan Says Support for Israel Would Be First Priority If Selected as Next House Speaker | NTD

4. Israel Crisis Underscores Challenge Posed by Speaker Vacancy | NTD

5. Brutalities Against Israeli Hostages | NTD

6. Gaza Terrorists Say 130 Israelis Being Held Hostage, Seek Exchange for Israeli Prisoners | NTD

7. Israel–Hamas War Live Updates: European Union Suspends Payments to Palestinians | NTD

8. Hamas Attack Leaves Hundreds Dead

9. In Israel-Gaza War: Accept nothing less than unconditional surrender of Hamas

10. Gaza War Requires fully functioning U.S. House

11. Americans killed in Gaza War

12. Gaza War: Progress

13. Gaza electricity crisis – Wikipedia

14. AP The War in Gaza

15. Judge Hands Trump a Win in DC Election Case | NTD Trump given more time to prepare for trial.

16. Germany to Bring Back Coal-Fired Power Plants | NTD

17. Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Makes Important Announcement in Philadelphia | NTD Return politics to the people

18. Kevin McCarthy made one phone call that lost him the support of one Representative

19. President Biden says he plans to build 20 Miles of Border Wall Twenty miles of wall is just a drop in the bucket, and the President of Mexico says the whole thing is just press.  I am inclined to agree with him.

20. Rand Paul’s New Book Documents fraud of Dr. Anthony Fauci There is no secret there, but will Dr. Fauci ever be held to account?  Will he go to jail?  Not very likely.

21. Plan to Limit Air Travel to fight Climate Change The left does not want you to think about the fact that all their great plans to fight climate change are founded on a simple fallacy: Carbon dioxide causes warming which will destroy the Earth.  That simply cannot happen.  First, carbon dioxide is needed by all plants for growth.  No carbon dioxide, no plants.  Second, all these programs to “save the earth” have very little to do with the environment, but a lot to do with control.  Unless we wake up to that fact there will be no more modern civilization.  America became the greatest nation on Earth due to our great Constitution, and the use of fossil fuels.  This fact must be preached constantly.

22. Presidential Immunity should protect Trump from Political Trials

23. Accountant Talks about Trump Trial 33 minutes

24. Tucker Carlson on Trump Trial

25. Sean Hannity: Jim Jordan best for Speaker No matter who is elected Speaker we need to hold their feet to the fire if we ever expect a reduction in the national debt, or a reduction in the size of government.

26. Safe Haven Boxes are saving babies one baby at a time

27. Switzerland Would Ban Electric Vehicles During Times of Tight  Energy

28. FEE The Never Ending Story

Monday October 9, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth


October 9, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Verily, verily I say unto you. Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.

He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto live eternal. (John 12:24-25)

U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 4, Paragraph 2 The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be [on the first Monday in December,]* unless they shall by Law appoint a different Day.

*[Changed by section 2 of the Twentieth Amendment.] Amendment XX Section 2. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall begin at noon on the 3rd day of January, unless they shall by law appoint a different day.

  1. Sample+Ballot+Download+Nov-2023.pdf (squarespace.com) Kootenai County KRCC Voter  If you live in Kootenai County, copy this and keep it handy for when you vote.
  1. Republican Voter Guide for Kootenai County — Kootenai County GOP (kootenaigop.org) More information on candidates in Kootenai County.
  1. Time for change in Coeur d’Alene City Council
  1. Local Politics – Patriots Reporter Jim Hollingsworth Article
  1. Trump: Biden error in sending 6 billion to Iran: Cause of Present War
  1. Zooming In on DeSantis vs. Newsom Debate | NTD
  1. RNC Members Admit Debates Without Trump Likely Pointless | NTD
  1. Israel–Hamas War Live Updates: Hamas Says Over 100 Israelis Held Captive in Gaza | NTD
  1. Israeli Cabinet Officially Declares War Against Hamas for First Time in 50 Years | NTD
  1. Pentagon Chief Says US Military Will Send Ships Closer to Israel | NTD
  1. Fetterman: Senator Menendez needs to resign to save the Democrat Party
  1. Picture of lot with unsold electric vehicles – Bing images People are not buying them.  I cannot imagine so many vehicles.
  1. Picture of lot with unsold electric vehicles – Bing images
  1. Plan to go all electric vehicles poorly thought out: Not enough electricity available
  1. Trump’s Big Border Wall Is Now a Pile of Rusting Steel – The Atlantic
  1. Joe Biden Sold Off Border Wall Materials Weeks Before Approving New Wall (newsweek.com)
  1. Trump Reacts to Border Wall Construction Nothing has been said about what happened to the fence material Biden has sold.
  1. Another GOP Contender for President drops out of race
  1. One California Father Fights for His Son
  1. Epoch Times: Trump NY Real Estate Trial
  1. First Class Mail to 68 cents January 21: Now is the time to buy forever stamps  
  1. Here are some Kootenai County articles from Todd Banducci, NIC Board, Kootenai County Republican Central Committee Committeeman

Some articles for your consideration.  The 2nd one is a repeat that I sent out previously.  I strongly support it.  I will continue to vocally fight against the lies – the fabrications, falsehoods, & fiction — going forward, trying to set the record straight.  I’m tired of others controlling the false narratives.  Fortunately, the evidence (videos, etc.) shows the truth.  Enjoy the remainder of your weekend.  Cheers, todd (Banducci)