Sunday November 12, 2023 Attachment Schools

Bob Shillingstad

November 8, 2023

School Choice?

Balkanization of Education

Some interesting information was released over the last month that shed light on school board races and the new landscape facing education.  The so-called Covid pandemic that closed the majority of schools beginning in 2020 was the catalyst for revolt and change but the reasons were much deeper than that. Parents showed up en-masse at Coeur d’Alene and Post Falls school districts locally and were rewarded with a rejection of their pleas and a rejection of the science. The Lakeland District did listen and planned a relatively normal school year with no issues.

What is interesting is what happened that fall of 2020.  The CDA school district lost 10% of their students as parents walked away to home schooling, charters or private education. The districts continued to lose students after that and the numbers this fall continue that story. The CDA district lost nearly 5% more of their students and the Post Falls district lost 2.67% according to Education News.  The West Bonner School District that had a school board recall lost over 13% of their student body. Idaho’s population grew by 1.8% and likely more in Kootenai County but there are about 1,500 fewer students in Idaho government schools this year. Parents looked at results and made an informed decision.

This report came on the heels of the release of test scores in Idaho. Not only were standardized tests not improved or down in nearly all government schools there was a unanimous response that “the tests are bad” or “we don’t really need to look at test results”.  More money is the “cure”!  There seemed to be a lack of curiosity linking the two stories together- fewer students and sinking scores.  The logical answer is this; parents that want their students to achieve are putting them into charter or private schools where the academic achievement is outstanding or homeschooling and that has a dramatic effect on the government school.  Now we are seeing school districts across the nation ignoring testing, ranking of schools and more concerned with teaching a “Critical Race Theory” or “Diversity Equity Inclusion”  curriculum.

The Washington Post last week found that the number of homeschooled children in the US has jumped from 1.5 million in 2019 to as many as 2.7 million this year — some estimates say 3.7 million — suggesting that many children did not return to schools when they reopened during the pandemic. The analysis — from a liberal paper- which looked at 60% of the school-aged population in 7,000 school districts across 32 states and Washington, D.C. — found that homeschooling defies political, geographical and economic borders. For example, while Republican Florida has the largest homeschool population with 154,000 homeschooled children, Democratic New York is showing the fastest growth with nearly 52,000 children homeschooled, more than double since 2017. New York City boroughs Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Bronx saw the highest growth rates with the homeschool population in some districts surging over 300% in the last six years.Florida’s Hillsborough County has become the nation’s homeschool “capital” with 10,680 homeschoolers in the district. “Today, Hillsborough home-schoolers inhabit a scholastic and extracurricular ecosystem that is in many ways indistinguishable from that of a public or private school,” reports the Washington Post. “Home-schooled kids play competitive sports. They put on full-scale productions of ‘Mary Poppins’ and ‘Les Miserables.’ They have high school graduation ceremonies, as well as a prom and homecoming dance.”But studies show that homeschoolers outperform their state-educated counterparts in nearly all areas. Standardized tests reveal that homeschoolers on average score over 30 percentage points higher than public schoolers in core studies such as reading, language and math. SAT test results show that homeschooled children score higher than state-educated children by as many as 70 points in critical reading and 48 points in writing. They are also more likely to achieve higher GPAs.

      Minority children who attend homeschool also show higher results than their counterparts. Black homeschooled students, for example, have been shown to outscore Black public schooled students by 23–42 percentage points. According to government figures, 41% of homeschoolers are Black Asian, Hispanic, and others (i.e. not White/non-Hispanic. The Post estimates that there are nowbetween 1.9 million and 2.7 million home-schooled children in the United States,depending on the rate of increase in areas without reliable data.

            In Idaho there are countless home schooling “co-ops” where teachers share instruction and plan field trips or extra-curricular activities. Many states have followed Arizona in allowing the money to follow the student.  The parent can decide where to spend $7,000 (As in Arizona) a year at a private school, charter school or home schooling.  This is coming to Idaho. 

            Will the flight from government schools continue? It will as school districts, libraries shut out parent involvement and push sex education into elementary books.  Parents want the basics to be taught- a love of country and American History and Government that emphasizes freedom and why America is a great country.   Statistics show that as many as one out of three students is now home schooled or enrolled in a charter or private school. This will affect funding of government schools and have a profound effect on bond issues going forward.  As of now the employees of a school district and their families can have a large impact on locsl voting. The results of this last election showed that but the times are changing!!

Sunday November 12, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

November 12 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.

Jim Hollingsworth

Neither is worshipped with men’s hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing  he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things: (Acts 17:25)

U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 2, Paragraph 2

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and  Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the  supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

  1. Please see Bob Shillingstad’s Column “The Balkanization of Education” attached.
  1. Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders Endorses Trump
  1. Small Town Ousts Entire Council over China land purchase
  1. Why would they try to stop Police State with D’Souza 19:46 Minutes
  1. Trump Immigration Policy Vastly different from present
  1. UN Measures Violate the U.S. Constitution
  1. Pro-Hamas Staff Desert Restaurant: Local Citizens jump in to help
  1. Israel-Hamas war: Latest news on Gaza invasion amid calls for cease-fire – The Washington Post
  1. Stolen Covid Money Used to Purchase Island
  1. From the River to the Sea: No More Israel? 
  1. Death Threat of Rep Greene: Office Closed: Arrest Made
  1. Trump Team Asks Judge for Immediate Ruling: Not Likely
  1. Speaker Johnson: No More Sanctuary Cities
  1. McConnell: Biden Funding Requests Need Border Solution

            We are told that a group of about 7,000 is nearing the border, but Biden is leaving it wide open.  The border needs to be closed, patrolled, and permit none     to cross.  Let them go back to where they came from.

  1. Representative Tlaib censured by House

            What does this mean?       

When the House censures someone, the member of Congress is required to give up any committee chairs they hold1However, a censure does not remove a member from their office so they retain their title, stature, and power to vote1There are also no legal consequences that come with a reprimand or censure1While censured members usually can hang onto their jobs through the remainder of their term, they typically are stripped of their committee assignments by the leadership and are shunned or scorned by their legislative colleagues2Some simply resign from Congress2. Wikipedia

  1. Surprising Wins in New York

Saturday November 11, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

November 11, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

These were more noble than those in Thessalonica in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. (Act 17:11)

U.S. Constitution; Article II, Section 2, Paragraph 1

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

  1. House Republican Files Ethics Complaint Against Judge in Trump Fraud Case | The Epoch Times
  1. NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct

            Looks like the Commission has authority over judges, so we will see if anything     comes of this.

  1. More Than 260 Canadians, Permanent Residents, and Families Cleared for Gaza Exit | The Epoch Times
  1. Raided Pro-Life Activist Sues DOJ for ‘Malicious Prosecution,’ Emotional Distress | The Epoch Times
  1. Marc Morano: No climate emergency: more tyranny?
  1. Record Snowfall in “hottest year on record”. Climate has always changed and always will.
  1. Spanish Politician Shot in Jaw: Recovering
  1. Political Policies: Democrat vs. Republican: Which are Better?
  1. Suffering in Gaza
  1. Bing Videos John Huddy on the ground in Gaza 6 minutes
  1. Video Report: Newsmax Embedded With IDF Troops |
  1. Journalists in Gaza Wrestle with Issues of Survival in Addition to Getting Stories out |
  1. Trump Trial: Prosecutor Smith: Cameras in the Courtroom would only help Trump
  1. Bad News for the Second Amendment
  1. Democrats Waking up to Trump Agenda There are a number of conservative organizations that are working to recruit men and women who support an America First policy.  In the first Trump administration men like Dr. Scott Atlas were not successful with medical advice, and men like Dr. Will Happer was not permitted to implement science programs.  Dr. Happer says he is too old for the job now, but there are literally a hundred men and women who truly know the score and would be glad to help.  Pray for the agenda as this could be the end of the Republic if Biden wins another term.

            You need to look at the Trump Agenda.  Most of it looks really good.  How can we            stop this witch hunt?

            Agenda47 | Donald J. Trump (

  1. Loudoun County Georgia Prosecutor possibly voted out of office She is the one who jailed the dad who complained about his daughter being raped in school by transgender.
  1. Chris Christie not well received at Republican Event
  1. Biden Administration Believes the Economy is in great shape
  1. Liz Chaney Calls Mike Johnson “dangerous”.  If you want to destroy the Republic and turn us into a democracy then maybe Mike Johnson, who supports the Republic, could be dangerous.  It is really surprising that Liz Chaney is still getting press and even thinking of running for president.  Wow!
  1. Alaska Sues Fed over Oil Lease Cancelations
  1. Group of 7,000 headed to U.S. Border This is a great tragedy.  The border needs to be closed with no immigration, and begin to send them back who came her earlier.  To allow laws to be broken only encourages breaking more laws.  This will destroy us as a Republican Nation.
  1. Ukraine has banned 11 opposition parties: Ramaswamy
  1. Wind Power on Shaky Ground
  1. Senate Passes Bill to overturn Biden Directive on Charging Stations
  1. Gaza: 4 Hour Pause in Fighting: Not True, though Israel will pause from time to time to allow civilians to leave
  1. Minnesota Supreme Court: Trump to Remain on Ballot
  1. Biden to rebuild Strategic Petroleum Reserve at three times projected cost under Trump
  1. Democrats Regain Control of Virginia House
  1. GOP wins Mississippi Governor
  1. Ranked Choice Voting is Bad for America: Closed Primary Initiative: Not what it seems.

            November 10, 2023

            Dear Friends,

            Reclaim Idaho, funded by a lot of out of state money, got an initiative passed that expanded Medicaid to a point it almost breaks the Idaho budget.  Now they are trying to change our political system to make it easier for Democrats to be elected.  Please do not sign any petition without first reading it. Do share this information with your friends.  Ask Sarah Palin, former governor of Alaska, why ranked choice voting is not what it appears.

Please see the very important message by Brent Regan, chairman of the   Kootenai County Republican Central Committee. (Attached) Please share this information broadly as it is very important.


            Jim Hollingsworth

            Reclaim Idaho

            Where can I sign the petition? — Idahoans for Open Primaries          (

            How it works — Idahoans for Open Primaries (

            Idahoans for Open Primaries (

Friday November 10, 2023 Attachment: Primary

Brent Regan, Chairman Kootenai County Central Committee

Death of the Primary

The Democrats running Reclaim Idaho and their supporters are pushing a voter initiative which they are deceptively calling the “Open Primary Initiative” and falsely claiming that “Leaders are handpicked by political party committees” and that somehow Idahoans do not have the freedom to vote in all elections. These ridiculous claims are easily disproven with a tiny bit of rational thinking.

Initiatives allow the citizens to pass laws directly without going through the legislative process. It starts with submitting the proposed initiative language to the SOS for review. Then the proponents must gather signatures from 6% of the voters in at least 18 counties. To collect the 62,895 signatures needed in the time allowed professional signature gathers are employed. During the last Reclaim initiative drive for Medicaid Expansion, Soros funded out of state organization spent nearly half a million dollars collecting signatures. Once the signatures are gathered the initiative is put on the next election’s ballot.

The signature gatherers are paid for each signature they collect so there is a strong incentive for them to say whatever it takes to get you to sign. Before you sign you need to read what you are signing. If you do you will find that the measure makes two major changes to election law. Let’s examine the first change. Here are the words as they appear in the short title of the initiative:


So no more Republican or Democrat primary, just one big mess you get to sort out. But it gets better.


What??!! You read it right. Candidates can say they are with one party when they are actually philosophically with a different party. That is the law they want you to approve. Democrats could put an “R” for Republican next to their name on the ballot even though they are affiliated with the Democrat party. They want you to approve a law that would make it legal to lie about party affiliation. Not a joke.

The winners of this “Jungle Primary” will be the top four vote getters. Those four will move on to the Ranked Choice General Election and you, the voter, will need to rank the candidates from best to worst if you want your vote to count.

You know how easy it is for you to carefully consider the candidates in the general election and then select the one candidate you will support. With Ranked Choice Voting you will need to not only select the candidate you prefer but also your second choice…and your third choice. You will also need to vote for your last choice. Why? Because if you don’t, your ballot may be “exhausted” and your vote won’t count at all. AND you will need to do this FOR EACH of around 20 races.

On Election Day you will need to carefully mark each of the 4 candidates in the 20+ races. That is more than 80 candidates you will need to know and rank from first choice through last. Once the polls close the fun begins.

All the ballots are scanned into a big computer running very expensive software and the computer counts everybody’s first choice. If no candidate gets more than 50% of the vote then the candidate with the least amount of first choice votes gets eliminated and on those ballots where he was eliminated then the second place choice is elevated to first place. If the second choice isn’t marked then that ballot is “exhausted” and is no longer considered. The tally is done again. If the first choice still hasn’t received more than 50% then the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated and the next choice on those ballots that aren’t exhausted is elevated.

The winner is the one who FINALLY gets more than 50% of the votes that are left, not of those that voted because by the final round many of the ballots are “exhausted” so the voters who cast those ballots have no say in the final results. It is as if they never voted at all. Confused? Join the club.   

Another “benefit” of Ranked Choice Voting is that it is impossible to hand count and almost impossible to audit so if you suspect a problem in the vote tally, good luck proving it.

Finally, Idaho does not currently have a voting system that is able to accommodate Ranked Choice Voting, so we would need to buy tens of millions of dollars in new computers and training.

All this just so progressive Democrats can get into office and spend even more of your tax dollars on their woke agenda. Don’t turn Idaho into California. If approached with the “Open Primaries” initiative petition, DECLINE TO SIGN. Just say NO to Jungle Primaries and Rigged Choice Voting.

It’s just common sense.

Friday November 10, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

November 10, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

It seemed good unto us, being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men unto you with our beloved Barnabas and Paulo,

Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 15:25-26)

U.S. Constitution Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 9

Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:–“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United State.”

  1. Please see the attached article: Common Sense by: Brent Regan.
  1. Is Trump Getting a Fair Trial in New York
  1. NY Electric Snow Plows will not work
  1. Trump Ally Bannon to Ask Court to Overturn Contempt of Congress Conviction | 5 Minutes
  1. Manchin Says he Will Not Seek Re-election | 4 minutes: Debate about Biden
  1. Newsmax Journalists in Gaza Video: 9 Minutes
  1. Should Ronna McDaniel Resign over Recent Election?  Let’s face it.  There is plenty of blame to go around; plenty for everyone.  But we need to look a little deeper.  Why do people vote the way they do?  The answer is fairly complex, but a key component is the fact that our K-12 Public schools have been basically Marxist for a generation.  You cannot tell kids for 13 years that the government is the answer to every problem, and expect they will support freedom when they graduate.  Until we take control of our public education system, reform teacher colleges, and kick out the NEA, and do something about textbook companies this problem will only get worse.  It is time to give local school boards more authority to fire teachers who do not support freedom.
  1. EVs for Africa Much of dark Africa lives in literal poverty.  If you gave them an electric vehicle, they would have no place to plug it in.  Or the power they do have is not very reliable. Then, where would they go if they had the vehicle?  It reminds me of the program several years ago to send tractors to Mexico, when what they really needed was a few quality shovels.

If someone really wanted to help Africa they could take a well drilling rig and hire a couple of helpers and go from place to place and drill wells.  Many are sick in Africa because they do not have good water.

  1. Bearded “woman” rabbi calls for cease fire in Gaza
  1. Buy a roof in Florida; get a turkey and an AR-15
  1. Single Shot with an AR 15 would destroy a deer carcass?  These rifles are little different than any other hunting rifle, maybe even smaller.  They could not blow up a deer.
  1. Jan 6 Police Officer Testimony not trustworthy, or accurate
  1. Black Lives Matter Leader Supports Trump: Strange.
  1. Are Idaho Elections Rigged?
  1. Trump Trial Judge Loses Demeanor
  1. James Comer Subpoenas Hunter and James Biden
  1. Fraud Judge Not Unbiased
  1. Here is a letter I sent for publication yesterday.

            Dear Friends,

The election on November 7 of this year left conservatives in the dark.   There were very few success stories.  Many blame the chairwoman of the Republican party, who is related to Mitt Romney.  I am sure there is plenty of blame to spread around.  But in some cases, it was difficult to work hard to win, and still lose. That   was hard to take.

I believe the primary reason conservatives lost the last election had little to do with strategy.  It had a lot more to do with the attitude of those who voted.

Many young people voted for the first time.  Others voted who had been out of school for a few years.  A very large percentage of these voters supported liberal candidates.

            Children who attended K-12 school for 13 years naturally graduated with a Marxist, the government has all the answers, philosophy.  Teachers who are part            of the problem do not even recognize that their philosophy of teaching is mainly Marxist.  Is it any wonder that our children grow up believing that government is the answer for every problem?  As a result, they tend to vote for the candidate who will give them the larger, more intrusive government

Until we take control of our K-12 education this problem will only get worse.  It is   the Teacher colleges, the National Education Association and the textbook publishers, along with the liberal teachers, who are indoctrinating our young people.  It is past time for us to elect conservative, pro-America people to our school boards, and give those same boards power to fire teachers who do not reflect traditional American values.

            Unless we take action, the problem will only get worse.

            Jim Hollingsworth

  1. A Wealth of Information Here is a wealth of current information for anyone who wants to dig deeper.

Thursday November 9, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

November 9, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way:  for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: (Acts 9:15)

U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 7 (See the Twenty-Fifth Amendment)

U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 8

The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them.

  1. Adam Kinzinger, “Republican” on Jan 6 Committee, now a Democrat Along with Liz Chaney Kinzinger supported Democrat programs.  Now he wants to run against Senator Ted Cruz.
  1. Eric Seeley Post in Support of Resolution Protecting unborn
  2. Ben Shapiro Attacked over gun rights Shapiro said he would never give up his AR-15.
  1. Biden Press Secretary cannot answer the press; even the liberal press
  1. Are Electric Vehicles the Wave of the Future?
  1. Fox News, previously very conservative, no longer supports the truth
  1. Hunter Biden Tells Truth: Implicates Joe Biden We have been hearing these kinds of stories for months, yet nothing is done about it, and the  Democrats are really not worried as they know they control the courts.  They also control the schools, and have done so for a generation.  Thus, we have many young voters who are Marxists and do not vote for Pro-America candidates, who will stop illegal immigration, and balance the budget and end inflation.  These are serious times and we need to be sure our own families at least know the truth.
  1. Republican Say, No Ukraine Money without border security Do you trust the Democrats to keep their word?  What happened to the small piece of border wall they were going to build?  Looks like the money they want for border security would only help illegal aliens once they are here.  The only reasonable border policy would cost nothing: Just stop them all at the border; use the army if necessary.
  1. Hospital program on aborted babies draws pro-life criticism
  1. Senator Tommy Tuberville Stands Against Illegal Military Abortions: Hold Up Military Appointments
  1. Speaker Johnson lists no bank accounts, no checking, no savings Johnson seems like a very organized man.  No savings for family emergencies?  Maybe he buys gold and silver for his security.  Or maybe he follows the Biblical admonition and gives it all away.  So far no one in Congress has told me what his plan is.  But it is certainly no sin not to have a bank account.
  1. Democrats Win some Key Races Republicans need to wake up and recognize that Marxism will overtake the country unless we take drastic action, and work hard for good, solid, American supporting candidates.  It all starts with taking control of our education institutions which have seen Marxist graduates for a generation who think government is the answer to every problem.
  1. Ohio Votes Constitutional Protection of Abortion
  1. Supreme Court to Consider Transgender Issues Several states have passed laws against puberty blockers and physical mutilations.  Pray the Court will uphold these common-sense laws. 16t.
  1. I, Pencil by Leonard E. Read – Foundation for Economic Education ( Leonard Reed takes a simple pencil to show how the things we take for granted are very complex, meaning capitalism is far better than any other economic or social system.

Wednesday November 8, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

November 8, 2023

Dear Friends

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Therefore they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word. (Acts 8:4)

U.S. Constitution: Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 6

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

            Please see the attached video: Dennis Plager on the Middle East.

Election Results Kootenai County: Some wins, some losses.  Larger cities carried more liberal candidates.

Kootenai County Elections Live Results

  1. Hamas Using Children as Human Shields
  1. Very Biased Judge in Trump Trial
  1. Israel Military Inside Gaza City
  1. Trial: Trump Lawyer Takes a Stand 4:22 Minutes
  1. Signs of Hope For America
  1. Germany: Anne Frank Day Care Center changes name to satisfy Muslim Parents: This is a Terrible Tragedy
  1. Very Unusual Arrest
  1. DeSantis: Working Hard to be Nominated, but if Trump, he would support him DeSantis said he gave his word and he would have no choice.  This is just further evidence that DeSantis would be a great Vice President, though neither he nor Trump would agree at this point.
  1. Israel Support to come from IRS Budget: Biden Upset
  1. This Woman says she will be  Trump’s Pick for VP: Nonsense Although there have been  some great women in politics in history I do not think America is ready for a woman president, and that is what you would have if anything happened to Trump.  Plus, there are other women more qualified to be the VP.
  1. Hunter Biden believes comments against him are unjustified
  1. Israel Surrounds Gaza City: 2:25 Minutes: Assault on City imminent
  1. We Work, once valued at 47 billion, files for bankruptcy
  1. California: Surgeries for Transgender Prisoners: Pathetic Any farm boy can tell you there are only two sexes.  God created us man and woman.  There are no other options.  Do all the surgeries you want and the person is still a man or a woman, though badly mutilated.  States need to take a stand against this madness.
  1. Kamala Harris’ Own Family Raising Funds for Hamas
  1. Why Did Newsom Go to China?
  1. Here is a letter I recently sent to Congress.

            Dear Legislator,

            You tell me there is no truth to the conversion to digital money, yet I continue to     get these emails.  You must take action to insure this does not happen, as some        people do not have bank accounts and only pay cash.


            Jim Hollingsworth

            Conversion to Digital Money Coming Soon

  1. One Trump Trial Could be Delayed
  1. Bashing Trump Only Gains Him More Support
  1. Biden: $40,000 Loan Repayment?
  1. Does Trump Testimony help or hurt him? 8 Minutes Video
  1. Bring The Children Home
  1. Some Governor Races: How will they end? 2:31 Minutes We should know the result in a couple of days.
  1. Does the New Speaker Have No Assets?  Maybe he gave it all away. This story has some interesting possibilities and we will have to wait until a close friend can tell us the truth.  But judging by his background it is possible that our Speaker gave away any money on which he didn’t need to live.  I don’t have enough faith to live that way, but I know it can happen, and there is a strong Biblical admonition to do so. 
  1. Did Police Officers Lie under Oath: Oath Keepers Trial? 3:45 Minutes
  1. Arnold Schwarzenegger choose life, not hate.    12:08 Minutes “You have the power to change your own life.”  Odd message from such a speaker, but he makes a lot of sense.
  1. A Conversation With Law Professor Alan Dershowitz 9 Minutes
  1. Sebastian Gorka: Xi Van Fleet: Mao’s China  37:22 Minutes – Her book Mao’s America.  Where are we headed?
  1. Here is a letter I wrote to a “friend” who said he did not like Trump and would be voting for Biden.

I was thinking about something you said earlier.  I know you mentioned that Trump lied 20,000 times (or was it 30,000 times?).  I think that takes a lot of time and energy to document that many lies.  I have not taken the time to look them all up; so far I have not found a web site that listed all of them.  But so far many things that were called lies were just a matter of personal opinion.  One is his belief that the 2020 election was stolen.  Well, I listened to hundreds of hours of sworn testimony, and then none of the courts would take the cases, so I concluded that he might be right.

But I do not see how anyone can vote for Biden.  He is in declining health, but no one wants to admit it as Harris would be even worse.  Still look at the things that Trump did that he has worked hard to reverse.

  1. Build the wall.  Biden not only stopped building  the wall, but began to sell off the materials on 10 cents on the dollar, so Trump will have to start all over if he wants to finish the wall.  He stopped the work, even  though there were existing contracts to finish it.  Then he said they would build a few miles of wall, but so far I have seen no evidence that they had started the work.  Would a wall stop all illegal migration?  No, as I have seen pictures of men sitting on top of the wall.  But it would be a start.  Now we see  them coming here in groups of thousands.  Trump had a Remain in Mexico policy, which Biden reversed.
  2. Withdraw from Paris Climate Accord.  This would cost us a lot of money, with little benefit.  Biden has signed up again.
  3. Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline.  Trump had given them the go ahead.  This was a great project, but now thousands put out of work, and many towns affected.  The company withdrew, but maybe they could be persuaded to go ahead if Trump were in office again.
  4. Support wind and Solar.  I am not sure what position Trump took on wind and solar, but Biden has really pushed it.  In California every new home must have roof-top solar.  This is madness, but it has been a strong thing in California as I remember the last time I flew into Oakland, many years ago.
  5. Stop all oil pipelines.  These were approved under Trump.  One was recently approved, but not all of them.
  6. Stop the use of all fossil fuels, coal, oil, natural gas.  Trump pushed these things, and the Biden Administration has no idea what this would do.  They seem totally unaware of the at least 6,000 things made from fossil fuel, things we use daily.
  7. No war.  There were no new wars under Trump.  Now we have a war in Ukraine, and Israel-Gaza.
  8. Electric Vehicles.  Trump was not against electric vehicles, but he would not force anyone to buy them.   Biden is making it harder and harder to purchase a gasoline vehicle.
  9. Covid shots.  Trump worked to see a vaccine developed.  He had no understanding of the science involved.  He did not realize that it takes years to prove any vaccine.  He did indicate that taking the shots should be voluntary.  Biden has worked hard to insure everyone has been vaccinated, even after clear evidence that some have died from complications of taking them.

I am not sure about Trump’s personal life.  It is not important to me.  The important thing to me and thousands of others is that he has at least tried to keep his promises.  He did not keep all of them, and some were pretty unrealistic.  But at least he tried.  It appears to me that Biden has looked at the things Trump did and has tried to reverse all of them.  Some of those things are going to have devastating consequences, but Biden does not seem to care.

Some have said that Trump did not believe in the Constitution and was ignoring it.  I have not tracked that one down, but I tend to doubt it.  If true he needs to rethink what he is doing.

There have been many lawsuits against Trump.  Was he guilty of anything?  An unbiased court would have to determine.  It has to be obvious he would never get a fair trial in DC since it is at least 70 percent Democrat; some have said 95%.  If you think that by voting for Biden you are making a statement against anything Trump may be doing, has done, or is thinking, then you might want to think about where we are heading.  Another four years of Biden would end the Republic.

Thanks so much for your comments.

Jim Hollingsworth

Tuesday November 7, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

November 6, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.

Jim Hollingsworth

Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business. (Acts 6:3)

U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 2

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

Tomorrow is election Day in most states.  If you live in Kootenai County, Idaho, here are some suggestions for voting.  Print this out and have it available when you vote tomorrow.

Sample+Ballot+Download+Nov-2023.pdf (

In North Idaho, most offices are held by Republicans.  The only Democrats that have been elected have run for non-partisan offices, like school boards, and libraries.  Take time to find out where they stand.

One suggestion is to ask them where they stand on the issues detailed in the Idaho Republican Party Platform.

2022-24 Idaho Republican Party Platform (

No matter, be sure to vote.

  1. Trump: Gag Order Will Not Stand
  1. Appeals Court Temporarily Lifts Gag Order Against Trump
  1. Appeals Court Freezes Gag Order of Trump
  1. Ex Trump Employee given 6 years for shoving a police officer on January 6
  1. Hamas surrounds military with civilians
  1. Speaker Mike Johnson: People have the right to know Biden Finances
  1. Inside the Transgender Empire – Imprimis ( The transgender movement is contrary to nature and is mutilating many children for life.  It is billed as letting the inner self come out, but it is a medical experiment similar to Frankenstein, and needs to be stopped at all levels.  Our children are too precious to let this go on.  Every state needs to pass laws against puberty blockers, and trans surgeries, and put some of these so-called doctors in jail.  Some of the things they claim they can do to change a person’s sex are simply baffling.  God created perfectly good bodies; bodies male and female.  No Christian in their right mind could ever participate in transgender therapy.  Most kids who somehow feel they were born in the wrong body grow out of it if left alone.
  1. Calls for Gaza Ceasefire go Unheeded
  1. Governor Youngkin: Virginia a Roadmap for Conservatives 
  1. $40,000 payment to Joe Biden left Unexplained
  1. “Adopted” son of Speaker has legal problems

            “In conclusion, while James continues to face legal challenges, he remains a part of the Johnson family. His story is a testament to the transformative power of love, support, and second chances.”

            We need to pray for James to get his life in order once again.  I know God can do it, and his relationship with Mike Johnson and his wife will certainly help.  Unless         you have had a close friend or son turn from the Lord you cannot imagine how this feels.

  1. Muslim Americans Call on Biden to secure Gaza ceasefire or forfeit votes
  1. Dr. James Hansen Hansen has been making dramatic end of the world statements since about 1988.  None of his predictions have come true.  But he is still spouting these things because he is a NASA scientist.

            Dr. James Hansen: Global Warming is Accelerating

            Here is what I wrote about Hansen in 2010.

            (Book Review) James Hansen’s “Storms of My Grandchildren: The Truth About     the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity” (alarmism on steroids) – Master Resource

            The elimination of fossil fuels would be the end of civilization as we know it.  One has to wonder what Hansen hopes to gain.  You almost get the feeling that he actually believes what he says. Ed.

  1. Jim Jordan: FBI and Election
  1. Guns and Ben Shapiro 48 Minutes
  1. Trump Derangement Syndrome
  1. Trump Ballot Trials
  1. Michael Reagan: If you care about your kids get them out of Public School
  1. 400 Americans Leave Gaza More yesterday, also.
  1. Asa Hutchinson Booed in Florida when he says Trump will be found guilty
  1. ‘Abrupt Change Is Coming’: Tucker Carlson Warns America Is On The ‘Brink Of Collapse’ | The Daily Caller Video 13:39 Minutes
  1. This is what Senator Marsha Blackburn has to say about Trump.  With so much negative news about Trump it is good to hear something positive.

            “President Trump is the right man for the job. Here’s why – he’ll:
            – Finish the Wall 
            – Drain the Swamp
            – Stand up for what we believe in
            – Be the voice for folks like us
            – Bring forth a GOP landslide in 2024
            – Reverse Biden’s radical agenda
            – Stand up to China
            – Take on the Deep State
            That says it all, doesn’t it? The future of our country is in question, and I look         forward to working alongside him to save America.”

            Please pray that Trump can somehow stop this witch hunt nonsense.  This is a     great distraction, and very expensive. Ed.

Monday November 6, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

November 6, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.

Jim Hollingsworth

Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business. (Acts 6:3)

U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 2

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

Tomorrow is election Day in most states.  If you live in Kootenai County, Idaho, here are some suggestions for voting.  Print this out and have it available when you vote tomorrow.

Sample+Ballot+Download+Nov-2023.pdf (

In North Idaho, most offices are held by Republicans.  The only Democrats that have been elected have run for non-partisan offices, like school boards, and libraries.  Take time to find out where they stand.

One suggestion is to ask them where they stand on the issues detailed in the Idaho Republican Party Platform.

2022-24 Idaho Republican Party Platform (

No matter, be sure to vote.

  1. Trump: Gag Order Will Not Stand
  1. Appeals Court Temporarily Lifts Gag Order Against Trump
  1. Appeals Court Freezes Gag Order of Trump
  1. Ex Trump Employee given 6 years for shoving a police officer on January 6
  1. Hamas surrounds military with civilians
  1. Speaker Mike Johnson: People have the right to know Biden Finances
  1. Inside the Transgender Empire – Imprimis ( The transgender movement is contrary to nature and is mutilating many children for life.  It is billed as letting the inner self come out, but it is a medical experiment similar to Frankenstein, and needs to be stopped at all levels.  Our children are too precious to let this go on.  Every state needs to pass laws against puberty blockers, and trans surgeries, and put some of these so-called doctors in jail.  Some of the things they claim they can do to change a person’s sex are simply baffling.  God created perfectly good bodies; bodies male and female.  No Christian in their right mind could ever participate in transgender therapy.  Most kids who somehow feel they were born in the wrong body grow out of it if left alone.
  1. Calls for Gaza Ceasefire go Unheeded
  1. Governor Youngkin: Virginia a Roadmap for Conservatives 
  1. $40,000 payment to Joe Biden left Unexplained
  1. “Adopted” son of Speaker has legal problems

            “In conclusion, while James continues to face legal challenges, he remains a part of the Johnson family. His story is a testament to the transformative power of love, support, and second chances.”

            We need to pray for James to get his life in order once again.  I know God can do it, and his relationship with Mike Johnson and his wife will certainly help.  Unless         you have had a close friend or son turn from the Lord you cannot imagine how this feels.

  1. Muslim Americans Call on Biden to secure Gaza ceasefire or forfeit votes
  1. Dr. James Hansen Hansen has been making dramatic end of the world statements since about 1988.  None of his predictions have come true.  But he is still spouting these things because he is a NASA scientist.

            Dr. James Hansen: Global Warming is Accelerating

            Here is what I wrote about Hansen in 2010.

            (Book Review) James Hansen’s “Storms of My Grandchildren: The Truth About     the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity” (alarmism on steroids) – Master Resource

            The elimination of fossil fuels would be the end of civilization as we know it.  One has to wonder what Hansen hopes to gain.  You almost get the feeling that he actually believes what he says. Ed.

  1. Jim Jordan: FBI and Election
  1. Guns and Ben Shapiro 48 Minutes
  1. Trump Derangement Syndrome
  1. Trump Ballot Trials
  1. Michael Reagan: If you care about your kids get them out of Public School
  1. 400 Americans Leave Gaza More yesterday, also.
  1. Asa Hutchinson Booed in Florida when he says Trump will be found guilty
  1. ‘Abrupt Change Is Coming’: Tucker Carlson Warns America Is On The ‘Brink Of Collapse’ | The Daily Caller Video 13:39 Minutes
  1. This is what Senator Marsha Blackburn has to say about Trump.  With so much negative news about Trump it is good to hear something positive.

            “President Trump is the right man for the job. Here’s why – he’ll:
            – Finish the Wall 
            – Drain the Swamp
            – Stand up for what we believe in
            – Be the voice for folks like us
            – Bring forth a GOP landslide in 2024
            – Reverse Biden’s radical agenda
            – Stand up to China
            – Take on the Deep State
            That says it all, doesn’t it? The future of our country is in question, and I look         forward to working alongside him to save America.”

            Please pray that Trump can somehow stop this witch hunt nonsense.  This is a     great distraction, and very expensive. Ed.

Sunday November 5, 2023

Jim Hollingsworth

November 5, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here are a few articles for your consideration.


Jim Hollingsworth

Neither is there salvation in any other:  for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (Acts 4:12)

U.S. Constitution Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 1

The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.  He shall hold his office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected as follows

  1. As you make plans to vote on Tuesday, ask yourself if the candidate appears to support the party platform. This is the platform for Idaho Republicans, but other states are no doubt similar.

            2022-24 Idaho Republican Party Platform (

  1. Most states are holding off-year elections next Tuesday, November 7.  Be sure to vote.  If you do not vote you have no complaints.  You are usually safest when you vote for those who support the Republican Platform.  I have said it before, but it bears repeating: I do not think anyone can be a Democrat and a Christian at the same time.  Unfortunately, at this point the Democrats are supporting many programs that are destined to destroy us as a nation.  This could be our last opportunity, especially on the local level.  Many Democrats run for local office because the state may be mainly republican and they can run in local elections which are non-partisan.  Take time to know the candidates.  If you do not know them, ask someone in whom you have confidence.  But don’t vote for a Democrat, if you can help it.
  2.   November 4, 2023
  1. Senator Ted Cruz offers Biden Ukraine money if he will control the border The border needs to be totally closed.  Looking at the pictures of crowds coming, 2,000 to 3,000 at a time it is pretty scary.  Plus, I do not trust Biden to keep his word.  He has a border czar who insists that the border is secure, and has done nothing to control illegal immigration.  If they thought all these new people were somehow going to vote Republican, they would close the border in an instant.
  1. Policies meant to address Climate Change can worsen Human Suffering
  1. Is Climate Change A Public Health Crisis?
  1. Although Threatened this Woman Stands Strong to Save the Unborn
  1. James Comer to Biden: Was the $200,000.00 a Loan?
  1. (581) Annual Dinner Gala 2018 with Tucker Carlson – YouTube 45 Minutes Full Talk
  1. Update on Gaza War
  1. Hamas Commander Killed
  1. California Utility Rates Rising Rapidly: Where Does it End?
  1. Trump Appeals Gag Order
  1. Why Ben Carson Endorsed Trump
  1. DeSantis Won’t Drop Out of Race I have said that DeSantis would be the best candidate for Vice President.  But neither DeSantis Nor Trump appears to be open to that.  They spend more time picking at each other than they do Biden.
  1. Nikki Haley Not Popular, even in her Home State
  1. Left Wing Accuses Fani Willis of Shunning Democratic Process for Fame
  1. Khaled Kabub sworn in as Israeli Supreme Court’s first Muslim justice | The Times of Israel

Several have said it would be great if the Jews and Moslems could learn to live in             peace.  The truth of the matter is that there are Moslems in Israel and they are      full citizens.  The appointment of this Moslem Jurist is just further proof of         that.  Hamas is a radical group dedicated to destruction, not peace.

  1. Threats Against U.S. Military
  1. Attack on Nuclear Facility
  1. Democrat Squad face backlash for pushing lies about Gaza hospital bombing

            “The Baptist Hospital was bombed, resulting in the tragic loss of 500 lives, including doctors, children, and patients.”

            Although it is difficult to be sure I can find no evidence that the hospital, itself,        was damaged or that anyone in the hospital was injured. Ed.

  1. Someone to Oppose Canada PM Justin Trudeau
  1. Who Is Brianna Suggs? FBI Raids NYC Mayor Consultant’s Home (
  1. Members of Congress have introduced H.Con.Res. 24, to call an Article V Constitutional Convention, or Con-Con, which would decimate the Constitution and the God-given freedoms it protects. Deceptively, the resolution aggregates old, unrelated Con-Con resolutions.

            To learn more and take action go below;

            Take Action

            In Liberty, 

            Rick Martin, BMET III
            Cell 208-409-7363
            Phone/ Fax 208-543-6299

            25. Trump Colorado Trial: Why was there No National Guard January 6?

  1. Charges Filed Against DA Fani Willis
  1. Democrats Take Strong Stand Against Speaker Johnson, because he believes the Bible
  1. Trump would not accept a plea deal: Why would he if he is innocent?
  1. Who do you believe about climate change?
  1. Whitehouse Says they will Veto stand-alone bill for Israel  I hope they will stand their ground.  The pressure may be too great, but it is our only hope to ever balance the budget and fight inflation of prices.
  1. Oakland Businesses Closing Because of Street Crime
  1. Senator Rick Scott Endorses Donald J. Trump for President  
  1. Judge Overturns Election Results in Mayor Race in Connecticut
  1. Auto Companies are losing money on every Electric Vehicle Sold: Du
  1. Electric Vehicles will never be the answer.  Internal combustion engines are going to be best for many years to come.  They were used at the turn of the 20th Century.

Woman Charging Her Electric Car.

That was 111 years ago.  It did not last long after internal combustion motors were invented.